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It does load if you load just the base cat. without the hair . But then your back to Mill cat.DUF version. it cost me $4 bucks worth the fur upgrade I was always happy with Mill cat its rigging works great for basic animation so not having to convert all my poses and aniblocks to a new versions suits me
Looks to me like they did a straight conversion to weight mapping with no fixing jcms or weight maps in order to make it bend better. And the hair, frankly, looks like steel wool. I already have the millennium cat. Pass.
Somehow the mouth just doesn't look right. It's too square or something. It doens't look like my cat's mouth. I also didn't get a banner and I know I bought the original Millennium Cat years ago. There are a lot of really old things in the store that I know I bought years ago, but they don't show in my purhase history and they show up in the store. I think I must have bought them before DAZ started compiling our purchase histories. Anyway, I'll pass on this cat for now. I put it in my wishlist, but the fur doesn't look right on the longhair cat. Not fluffy enough. The tail should look huge and fluffy, but it looks too thin. It's a cute cat, but not enough for me.
I know it's not a core character or anything, but would a kitten morph be possible?
For what it's worth, I think dFurs is hilarious.
Purple banner finally came through for me, too. Still debating the merit of the cat update.
You'd be dFurst to think so ...
I recall an old freebie kitten morph fot the MilCat. (Probably on ShareCg), but I don't know whether it would transfer to the updated cat.
Thanks, Will. This is really helpful information and makes the cat fur product seem more attractive to us people still on the fence about it.
The only reason I bought it was because I got 50% off with the purple banner but I'm not really impressed with the hair, the persian hair isn't long or full enough. I'll stick with the Hivewire cat with LAMH for now until we finally get Cat 8.
we will just defer on that ....
Diao's kitten morph seems to work fine on the updated cat
“Please clap.”
Well you still got Iray materials, which is at least something if you use Iray.
If it is the same freebie Kitten for Mil Cat that I picked up, then I am pretty sure it is a shaping preset rather than a morph. It just scales some of the body parts, and it might also use some of the base morphs.
I was really excited... now I'm not. It's Millenium cat... with hair I can't use, in a version of Daz I don't use, with mats I don't use. There aren't even new add-ons that relate to the cat. I've tried, but I just can't come up with a reason to buy it, not even for cheap. Now I feel bad for leaving the ugly kitty in the Daz-shelter... :-(
Why oh why is the "related add on" for the cat product showing human tongue products? It's rather off-putting, in my humble opinion. I mean, after lollipops, and ice cream....I'm inferring the possible association . What else is there? Is it some bizarre AI error ? Or a deliberate prank? Why no other animal products, instead? A customer interested in the animal Cat model might like to see other animal models offered if there were not new specific cat products available. It's strange, I've noticed that on some product pages, I will select say a Victorian dress, but the bottom of the page will say I might be interested in, a fantasy warrior or a skimp ware or a futuristic vehicle, but not any products with different mats for the one I am considering. I suspect the AI needs educating, and/or the wag that is tagging stuff so oddly.
I was excited this morning, and couldn't wait to purrchase... but some of the reviews made me realize it wasn't worth the buy. Especially after having made my own size, shaping and pose tweaks to the orginal MilCat and making wearable presets for LAMH furs combined with fur shaders to facilitate my resized cats. I'll pass on this for now, but thanks to everyone who worked on it. Anyone who doesn't own the original will benefit from the update. Really shows they are listening to those of us looking for more animal models and assets. Just hope this doesnt mean all hope is lost for a brand new cat to go with Dog 8... and AM's upcoming mouse morph for the Rodent Polymorph? Pretty Please? With catnip on top?
It would have made at least some sense to offer all the Millenium cat textures, poses, toys, etc... since they are still compatible. Tongues... I don't even want to know why someone thought that was a related item. No, really, my children traumatize me daily with YouTube - I really don't want to know!
sooo.. usually, when i try to use anything based on dForce, i get this err msg cuz my gcard doesn't do openCL. ok, this is dFur (dForce hair), not just any dForce, to boot.
what i expected to see was a bare cat (even loading the dForce version) - and i was very surprised, in the viewport preview "textured" (not iray), to see a cat... with hair, similar to a lamh version. so i try to render it, again expecting it to either miraculously work since i downloaded DS 4.12 beta this morning, or to give me the usual err msg.
well it didn't - instead, the render pretty much froze my whole laptop, i tried 2x to be sure, and there is this little panel searching desperately a "cat white square.jpg" and hanging itself searching so that all i can do is take out the accu of the laptop to stop everything..
this is just weird - not that i really expected dForce to suddenly work, but HOW it crashed/didn't work, is quite... err.. exotic? anyways, what is this white square thingy??? and why do i actually see hair when as i learned yesterday or so, dForce hair actually builds itself during render or something - when dForce is not even supposed to work on my system???
I (mainly) just wanted to say that I love the Ginger cat and butterfly promo. It made me think of my own prince that we lost many moons ago.
(Plus, yes I did buy Daz HouseCat and, the tongue product was on my wishlist, so I got that too. Thanks for the purple banner).
Pretty sure the thing with tongues is a play on the "Cat got your tongue" saying that's listed in the promo banner. I do think cat-related items would have made more sense, but I did get a chuckle out of it once I realized the connection.
Which makes me wonder about the Lynx morph freebie from .. um ... can't rememebr the name Lynn?
seems like old technology cat. Pass~
Yes, Lynn.
Looks like crap. I mean, it was okay way back when, but it doesn't cut it anymore.
No Lynne's morphs of the MilCat don't apply to the updated cat ,but you should be able to export it as an object then import it as a morph to the updated cat if there were no changes in the vert count at least I think that should work ....
and if you remember the DAZ Horse 2 wasn't a "new" figure it was the MilHorse ,sorta reworked with the mane tail and fetlocks removed , replaced and weight mapped.