The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    tra la la la

    tis the season to be jolly 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    oh my gawd the cost of shipping ups ground.  wanna cry.\  for ground shipping

    5lb box to texas, 20"x15x13  came to 45 bux.  holey moley

    i shipped it to me from amzon, so i could wrap the toys.  coulda bought a nice whiskey warms. oh the pain.  the shipping from australia was less.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited December 2019
    Mystarra said:

    oh my gawd the cost of shipping ups ground.  wanna cry.\  for ground shipping

    5lb box to texas, 20"x15x13  came to 45 bux.  holey moley

    i shipped it to me from amzon, so i could wrap the toys.  coulda bought a nice whiskey warms. oh the pain.  the shipping from australia was less.

    Order from Amazon,  Tick the checkbox that says it's a gift and have it sent at Amazon shipping rates (free or reasonable depending on the item and on your relationship with Amazon) directly to the giftee. enlightened  Wrapping paper is overrated.  Non-identifying boxes do just fine.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mystarra said:

    oh my gawd the cost of shipping ups ground.  wanna cry.\  for ground shipping

    5lb box to texas, 20"x15x13  came to 45 bux.  holey moley

    i shipped it to me from amzon, so i could wrap the toys.  coulda bought a nice whiskey warms. oh the pain.  the shipping from australia was less.

    Order from Amazon,  Tick the checkbox that says it's a gift and have it sent at Amazon shipping rates (free or reasonable depending on the item and on your relationship with Amazon) directly to the giftee. enlightened  Wrapping paper is overrated.  Non-identifying boxes do just fine.

    yeah,  woulda been cheaper to reorder the toys from amazon.  too late tho ups man came aready.  feelin sick to my stomach.  coulda given the extra toys to donations  gah 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


    Huntington, NY Hourly Weather

    12:21 pm EST


    12:45 PM THU

    Sunny 25° 11°


    47% WNW 18 mph
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    22F here right now...Feels like: 10.  I'm inside now and I'm staying here!


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is like Spring in cardiff  

    Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom Hourly Weather

    6:44 pm GMT

    Expect occasional rain to begin at 7:45pm.


    7:00 PM  THU

    Few Showers 49° 44°


    86% S 16 mph
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Rommie kicks butt

    and she's a tad skitza frenic.

    what do they call these kind of character portraits?


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    What do you do with those little laminated cards you get from funeral homes?
    I don't know what they are called, but they are about the size of a baseball card and they are usually laminated and have pictures of saints or other religious icons on the front, and on the back they have have prayers or the saint's stats and hit points.

    I probably should know this... not only did I go to catholic school, but my biological father (as opposed to the mechanical one) was a priest... well, former priest... well, not when I was born... but that's a long complicated story... Anyway...

    Someone I sorta knew passed away recently and since the funeral was far away, several people sent me those cards... I guess I sorta collect them... I have them from lots of important funerals... but I sorta just stick them in a little wooden box in a drawer... 

    I suppose that's probably what you are supposed to do with them... you probably aren't supposed to trade them like Pokémon cards or something... Like "I'll trade you two lambs with a lion for a shining dove" or "do you have any Charmander of Loyola? I'll trade you a holy goat for it..."

    Clearly I should have paid more attention in Catholic school when they were teaching religious stuff... but I liked science a lot more...

    You probably aren't supposed to trade them or have card games with them... Actually, I think one of them may be a Pokémon card... there wasn't a "Saint Bulbasaur" was there? There are lots of saints I don't know but this guy flat out looks like a cartoon dinosaur... 

    Last year when my step dad died I had a lot of left over cards... people seemed to only take the popular saints and there are a bunch of duplicates of some guy I assume is an unpopular saint or maybe just a background character... I dunno...

    I guess I'll put the one I got today in the box with the others...

    At some point I'm definitely making my own cards up for when I croak... I guarantee they'll be collectible.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Shchedryk shchedryk, shchedrivochka
    Pryletila lastivochka
    Stala sobi shchebetaty
    Hospodarya vyklykaty
    "Vyydy, vyydy, hospodaryu
    Podyvysya na kosharu


    i cant tell if they skimping on the lyrics


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    McGyver said:

    What do you do with those little laminated cards you get from funeral homes?
    I don't know what they are called, but they are about the size of a baseball card and they are usually laminated and have pictures of saints or other religious icons on the front, and on the back they have have prayers or the saint's stats and hit points.

    I probably should know this... not only did I go to catholic school, but my biological father (as opposed to the mechanical one) was a priest... well, former priest... well, not when I was born... but that's a long complicated story... Anyway...

    Someone I sorta knew passed away recently and since the funeral was far away, several people sent me those cards... I guess I sorta collect them... I have them from lots of important funerals... but I sorta just stick them in a little wooden box in a drawer... 

    I suppose that's probably what you are supposed to do with them... you probably aren't supposed to trade them like Pokémon cards or something... Like "I'll trade you two lambs with a lion for a shining dove" or "do you have any Charmander of Loyola? I'll trade you a holy goat for it..."

    Clearly I should have paid more attention in Catholic school when they were teaching religious stuff... but I liked science a lot more...

    You probably aren't supposed to trade them or have card games with them... Actually, I think one of them may be a Pokémon card... there wasn't a "Saint Bulbasaur" was there? There are lots of saints I don't know but this guy flat out looks like a cartoon dinosaur... 

    Last year when my step dad died I had a lot of left over cards... people seemed to only take the popular saints and there are a bunch of duplicates of some guy I assume is an unpopular saint or maybe just a background character... I dunno...

    I guess I'll put the one I got today in the box with the others...

    At some point I'm definitely making my own cards up for when I croak... I guarantee they'll be collectible.

    feels wrong to chuck em.

    got a couple under my keyboard, where written on things go when i don't have a place for it

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570

    Just got a call saying that my social security number has been flagged for fraud activity but I hung up.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,263

    Non-complaint:  Snow, snow, snow.  7 to 8 inches of the stuff out there.  Light fluffy stuff though.  However, my neighbor in the other half of the house couldn't get his car up the driveway all the way last night.  Even after shovelling much of it.  It's times like this that make me happy I don't have a car and have a significantdevil heart problem that provides a valid excuse for not helping the buff, twenty-something macho biker throw snow.  It's his world now.  I got winded sweeping the snow from my 6'x6' porch.  So, I went back inside and had another shot of peach brandy, snuggled up under my granny blanket and watched another new episode of "The Expanse".yes

    His car is still out there blocking the landlord's plow that came early this morning.indecision

    ...raising a snifter of cognac in salute. (need one of those "granny blankets don't want another spike in my electric bill)  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,263

    ...well, the pouring rains have begun Supposed to get into the mid 50s but already at the "warm" part of the day for this time of year and it's only 44°.  

    Meanwhile, in Melbourne AU the forecast for today is sunny with high of 108° (not even 09:00 and 81° already).

    Up in northern Wisconsin (Stevens Point) still a "winter wonderland "at 26° with more snow forecast for the holiday.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    aw, they have the iolaus actor on an andromeda episode, playing a ship' avatar.

    the eurela maru is a butt ugly ship

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    The forum software is haunted... the ghost of my last post wouldn't leave my text box... it was like there was a saved draft of it, but it wasn't showing up in my "Drafts", but it was still there... taunting me... if I erased it, it would show up again if I left the page and came back...


    Do posts have souls?… Can posts have ghosts?... Can ghosts have fleas?… 

    Just asking because I'm really very itchy now... it's probably the fiberglass insulation.

    Not from my failed invention "ThermoPillow"... the only 100% Natural fiberglass pillow that not only keeps you head unnaturally warm and damp but conforms to the shape of your head like a comfortable plastic bag blocking out harmful oxygen and sealing in healing carbon dioxide.

    That wasn't well thought out... also I shouldn't invent stuff when I've been drinking...

    I'm pretty sure I put on the wrong sweatshirt... that being the one that was supposed to go in the wash... yesterday I had to fix a steam pipe in the crawl space under the addition which they added to the house in the fifties when rolling in fiberglass was a popular pastime...  The itching was thought to be good for you like bathing in DDT or brushing your teeth with asbestos...

    Apparently the super itchy 1950s fiberglass insulation they haphazardly placed on the ceiling (or under the floor, depending on your perspective) got all over my back... also apparently I can't tell inside out from right side out and wore the sweatshirt to put out some recycling... in my defense the sweatshirt looks the same both ways... except one side has a tag on the collar and the other side is covered in rusty beige fiberglass fluff... also the sweatshirt looks exactly like the other three identical black sweatshirts which aren't covered in fiberglass...

    I really have to get rid of that stuff one day and replace it or maybe put rigid insulation over it... the spider webs and dead spider carcasses seem to be all that is keeping that stuff loosely up... I'm guessing when they installed it they just placed it up there without using nails or staples because they were not aware those existed yet and made a pact with the spiders that if they held the insulation up with their webs, they'd let the spiders have control of the basement and eat as many Maytag repair men as they could catch... I'm guessing they only caught one, because when we bought the house there was a single Maytag hat laying next to the furnace where the coal chute was... 

    Well, I only started writing this because I figured an entirely new post would exorcise the old one and I wouldn't have to worry about accidentally reposting it because my big stupid fingers alway touch stuff they shouldn't... also Santa said I should write more rambling nonsense to punish those if you who were naughty this year... or was it Satan? Which one has the pitchfork and the beard... it's very confusing... they both wear red and they both have one of those setups at the mall where you can sit your children in their laps and take pictures of them crying... sometimes just the kids crying, sometimes both the kids and Satan.

    Anyway... I went to J.C. Penney's at the mall and as I passed Satan's Holiday Village, I stopped to text my wife... I noticed one of those guys at a toy kiosk that sells those fake little drones... the ones that are like $29.99 and don't have any actual ability to fire real missiles... the guy was flying it around, doing stunts and I guess he lost control or something as he was trying to land it, because it hit one of those mechanical Santas on the shelf and it fell over... some poor little kid started crying because (it looked like) he thought the mechanical Santa got killed... and nobody knew why the kid was freaking out, so of course the parents went right on line to take the crying child to see Santa which appeared to just make the poor kid more upset... I could only hear a tiny bit of it, but his mom was terrible at consoling him... she would say something and he would just cry harder... it was actually kind of funny.

    Thats terrible and I don't know why I mentioned it... 

    Oh yeah... Santa asked me to punish you... well, it feels like the previous post was sufficiently exorcised and probably replaced by the ghost of this one...

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    Thank you for punishing me!  laugh  laugh  laugh  laugh  


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,263

    ...serious curmudgeon time.

    Just received a notice that my rent is increasing again for the second time in as many years (after it stayed the same for the first two years I was here). Last year's increase effectively wiped out the Social Security living cost adjustment I received. This year it is 10$ more than the LCA I will receive this year, making my rent nearly 53% of my monthly income (in what is classified as a "low income unit").  The increase will not go into effect until April 1st (really wish it was an early April fools joke).  It seems every year I am falling further and further behind instead of even keeping pace with (let let alone getting a leg up on) rising living costs. angry

    Really need those Megabucks numbers to come through the way this seems to be heading. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,263
    edited December 2019
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ZateticZatetic Posts: 286

    I'm kind of glad that I won't live to see the future. It looks like everyone will be required to wear spandex.


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Weren't we supposed to be wearing shiny silver bodysuits, with helmets that had a little antenna on top, like 20 years ago already? And get our food from teleporting dispensers embedded in the wall? But our cars still roll on the ground, and instead of food pills we've got the organic, locally grown, no-bad-ingredients section in the supermarket. I wonder how people in 1920 imagined the world would look like a century later, and if they'd be disappointed, relieved or right out horrified by what it became instead? Maybe a bit of each?


    Also, TigerAnne is dumb. TigerAnne unchecked the "Delete package once installed" in the Install Manager. TigerAnne now suspects there are lots of duplicate files on the hard-drive, and that getting rid of half of them would debloat stuff considerably. But TigerAnne has accidentally deleted important stuff before, and has hopefully learned a lesson. TigerAnne prefers speaking in third person when asking a stupid question. What would happen if TigerAnne were to delete all the files in the "Daz3DInstallManager > Downloads" folder?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    11:00 AM FRI

    Sunny 28° 18°


    44% NW 13 mph


    feels like somethin nipping at my nose.

    doh, missed the deadline for the rosty holiday challenge.  thought it ended today.  oh well 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    TigerAnne said:

    Weren't we supposed to be wearing shiny silver bodysuits, with helmets that had a little antenna on top, like 20 years ago already?

    Wait... nobody else is?…
    Excuse me a moment while I look into this...


    Boy, do I feel silly... this explains a lot of weird looks I get... well, partly explains... the rest didn't actually need elaborating... Here I was thinking I was a fashion trendsetter for like twenty two years and all I ended up being was a guy wrapped in aluminum foil with an old TV set-top antenna glued to my pith helmet... what a waste of silver spray paint.

    Well, I'm glad someone finally said something... all my wife ever says is "That's what you're wearing?"

    Geez... all the weddings and funerals and that bar mitzvah... Oy vey.

    Oh well, I'm glad I can stop wearing this stuff... aluminum foil is very scratchy.

    Ok, before I make another fashion mistake... how big are Kangaroo costumes and "Baby New Year" outfits?… like a little fashionable or like totally overdone and yesterday's news?
    The good thing about kangaroo costumes is you don't need to carry bags with you for the grocery store and the tail really does help you keep balanced when you are hopping.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    McGyver said:
    TigerAnne said:

    Weren't we supposed to be wearing shiny silver bodysuits, with helmets that had a little antenna on top, like 20 years ago already?

    Wait... nobody else is?…
    Excuse me a moment while I look into this...


    Boy, do I feel silly... this explains a lot of weird looks I get... well, partly explains... the rest didn't actually need elaborating... Here I was thinking I was a fashion trendsetter for like twenty two years and all I ended up being was a guy wrapped in aluminum foil with an old TV set-top antenna glued to my pith helmet... what a waste of silver spray paint.

    Well, I'm glad someone finally said something... all my wife ever says is "That's what you're wearing?"

    Geez... all the weddings and funerals and that bar mitzvah... Oy vey.

    Oh well, I'm glad I can stop wearing this stuff... aluminum foil is very scratchy.

    Ok, before I make another fashion mistake... how big are Kangaroo costumes and "Baby New Year" outfits?… like a little fashionable or like totally overdone and yesterday's news?
    The good thing about kangaroo costumes is you don't need to carry bags with you for the grocery store and the tail really does help you keep balanced when you are hopping.

    thought i saw silvery shiny figure on johnson ave.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


    Some Starbucks drinks are sugar-free, but many of them are loaded with sugar. For example, a 16-ounce Cinnamon Dolce Latte contains 40 grams of sugar. That's 2.84 tablespoons (not teaspoons, but tablespoons), which is on par with eating two Twinkies.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    Zatetic said:

    I'm kind of glad that I won't live to see the future. It looks like everyone will be required to wear spandex.


    But the future was a moment ago... granted, it's the past now, but it was actually briefly the present... so unless you died the moment you wrote that, you've lived to see the future and nobody but some mimes in the park were wearing spandex.

    Incidentally, I hope you are still alive because then my statement will seem really mean or insensitive... also we should generally hope whoever we are replying to is still alive because that good manners and talking to corpses probably requires some sort of license or something.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    TigerAnne said:

    Weren't we supposed to be wearing shiny silver bodysuits, with helmets that had a little antenna on top, like 20 years ago already? And get our food from teleporting dispensers embedded in the wall? But our cars still roll on the ground, and instead of food pills we've got the organic, locally grown, no-bad-ingredients section in the supermarket. I wonder how people in 1920 imagined the world would look like a century later, and if they'd be disappointed, relieved or right out horrified by what it became instead? Maybe a bit of each?


    Also, TigerAnne is dumb. TigerAnne unchecked the "Delete package once installed" in the Install Manager. TigerAnne now suspects there are lots of duplicate files on the hard-drive, and that getting rid of half of them would debloat stuff considerably. But TigerAnne has accidentally deleted important stuff before, and has hopefully learned a lesson. TigerAnne prefers speaking in third person when asking a stupid question. What would happen if TigerAnne were to delete all the files in the "Daz3DInstallManager > Downloads" folder?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    In memory of Momo,  had a tumour in her belly area.  
    she passed away few months ago, hurts worse with the holiday near, no buppy hugs this year.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited December 2019
    DanaTA said:

    Thank you for punishing me!  laugh  laugh  laugh  laugh  


    Any time... Satan or Santa (I really should look at the checks) pays me 10¢ per punishment.

    I know it was confusing because in the previous post I said both Santa and Satan told me to do it... but when I forget stuff,  sometimes I'll quite both versions or write it as both versions of whatever it is I'm rambling about... mostly I do that with words that are similar and I forget which one is the right one... Like if I wanted to write that someone was trying to create the impression of something, and I didn't remember if it was "allusion" or "illusion", I'd write "He was very adept at creating the hamburger of experience and honesty..."

    The average person who was reading that would say to themselves "wait... what's the “hamburger of honesty”... that sounds really juicy... I could really go for a big juicy hamburger with bacon and Swiss cheese, all slathered in onions and mushrooms..."

    They'd get so hungry, they'd run out to the diner to get a hamburger deluxe with bacon and Swiss cheese, with fries and onion rings on the side, but the waitress would forget the little cup of coleslaw on the side and then insist it didn't come with the deluxe burger because she was new and they'd explain to her that they were going to that diner for ten years and they always got a little cup of coleslaw on the side with the burger deluxe, and then the manager would come out and get involved and start being a jerk and the person would insist on the fact they alway got coleslaw with their burger deluxe and they'd put their hand on the burger and say "I swear on this burger of honesty, that I have always gotten coleslaw with my burger deluxe"... at that point the manager would ask "what the hell is a burger of honesty?", But as he was saying that his fake mustache would fall off and the two guys who were sitting two booths down, would get up and announce they were actually undercover detectives and the manager who was actually the owner's cousin who was pretending to be "Benny the manager", who was actually on vacation in Aruba, was in fact a wanted jewel thief who they had been tracking for several days but the fake mustache was throwing them off and now they finally figured out that wasn't Benny, but the guy who was impersonating him (Frankie "Five fingers" Bimbolini) and he was now under arrest for jewel thievery and use of an unlicensed mustache... at which point the waitress would take off her fake mustache and pull out a gun announcing she was actually Franky's girlfriend and that the cops better put down their guns because her and Frankie were going to escape to Franky's cousins house in Manitoba, and the cops would ask "why did you tell us where you are escaping to" and she'd get all frustrated and confused and suddenly she'd scream and drop her gun because she totally forgot she took off her fake mustache and mistook it for a mouse trying to crawl up her leg... at which point the person who had just gone to that diner to get a nice juicy hamburger would grab the gun and demand their damned cup of coleslaw, but Frankie would explain there never was any coleslaw, they ran out of coleslaw days ago and he didn't know how to order it from the coleslaw factory and that's why he was being a jerk earlier... then realizing the whole thing was a colossal waste of time the person would drop the gun and run out the door only to be struck by a speeding garbage truck... days later as they laying the hospital recovering from butt replacement surgery, they'd wonder what the hell drove them to go to that diner in the first place, the one they always go to was actually three blocks further down on Main Street next to the coleslaw factory...

    See, that would work on like 89% of the people, well except for vegetablarians and people with short attention spans... it's very effective, because by the time most people are released from the hospital or prison, they forget about the hamburger of honesty or never even notice I kept switching the spelling of Frankie to Franky because I'm not sure which one is a proper name and which is a cartoon possum... it's a writing trick I learned years ago while searching for the legendary Hamburger of Honesty... which actually turned out to be more of a Jamaican Beef Patty of Disappointment... 

    The wise old hermit living in the cave of destiny (who actually turned out to just be some crazy guy living in an abandoned van under the expressway) taught me that subterfuge in writing is often a great way of keep a story confusing and moving along, well after it's lost any reason for continuing... actually maybe he taught me how to make a sandwich out of rats... the story stuff might have been the nun with the flamethrower or the talking pony I ran over and nursed back to health.

    Megh... Anyway... Just remember... it's not whether the Hamburger of Honesty exists or is really a Rat on Rye sandwich with a cup of dandruff on the side... it's really what the reader thinks they got from what you wrote... that's all that matters in the end.

    That and the damned coleslaw...

    Post edited by McGyver on
This discussion has been closed.