The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread
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Sad. It shouldn't be a competition. It's family.
I got an idea. Just because he is the world's best Uncle does not mean you cannot be the world's best Aunt! He will never be the world's best aunt.
Also it is not a competition who is the best relative. Cash might be great, but it does not last long. Toys might not last long either after hard play. What lasts forever is memories, I think. Spending times with your nephews or nieces is more important than who gives the coolest gift ever.
I do not remember what my aunts and uncles gave me over the years. I remember Auntie Anne cooking cookies with me more than what she gave me. I remember Aunt Deanna giving me sewing lessons more than what she gave me.
That was two examples of what matters. Spending time with your relatives is more important than what you can or cannot give. I would love to give my mummy a new pair of shoes but that did not happen as I spent that money to get professional photo with Santa done instead. I got 4 photo shoots when I only paid for 3. I opted to do all digital instead of the ones with just a few physical photos.
The shoes would have worn out like the current pair of shoes my mum has, but the photo captures the spirit of the 2019 holiday. It might be cool that I got x y and z from Bath and Body Works for my mum for Christmas but I bet what she thinks would matter the most is spending time with me.
I do not know what else Mum is getting me for Christmas but she did give an early gift to help fix this phone. I need a phone but not a phone bill. I already had this phone and it works on the government number which means I pay only when I can afford to pay and that is only to get a month of unlimited talk and more data. to find one like he wore.. I feel old as I still remember working with teletypes, punched cards, punched tape, and magnetic tape on one of these:
"Any organization that would have me as a member, I want no part of."
"Don't leave in a huff. If you're tired, you can leave in a minute and a huff."
The story goes that when the producers decided they wanted Tom Baker's Dr. Who (still my fave) to wear a scarf, they handed some yarn to a costume maker. She misunderstood the instructions, and knitted all of the yarn they gave her into the scarf!,. we no longer have a Penny's here. Haven't for some time. I do remember the one over at Lloyd Centre
Cannons, lots of cannons. A "ship of the line of battle" was the sailing era predecessor to the battleship.
very wise words
I agree... its family...
There should be no competition for affections using monetary items... it should be decided by who is the best warrior in a battle to the death in the Arena of Sorrows (or Pit of Despair, if an Arena of Sorrows is not available)... the winner gets the love and respect of the children and the loser gets buried under a pile of last year's garlicky stuffing and fruitcake shavings.
The holidays were very different for me as a child.
wish i could think of a good reason to run out the cannons in a sci fi battle.
the adrenaline rush of a broadside
I was gonna say "harpoon"... but yeah... your idea is definitely better... my ideas always end with really sharp or really hot things.
with a tardis, she'd have plenty of time to knit
the new flutterby dress is cute
Rommie is a kick ass android. and looks good in assassin chic
I think Misty's idea would work better as I doubt I can carry a harpoon around with me.
...I liked her much better than Doyle. need a concealable pistol harpoon gun that fires mini harpoons which inject a sleep drug.
Non-complaint: Yay! I found a local(ish) pizza place that delivers to this town. They charge an extra $5 for delivery but at least they deliver. They have wonderful pizza. I had been getting my pizza from Dominoes, taking advantage of their Mon-Thurs $7.99 3-topping pizza deal when I was driving through the city. But without a car and them not delivering out this far, that mechanism is kaput. But this new pizza place has significantly bigger pizzas and are more generous with the toppings (I always get mushroom, sausage, and black olives), and the cheese is thicker too. Yay! Mmmm...
Complaint: They deliver. They have bigger pizza. They have better pizza. But with delivery & tip, the price is three times as expensive ($20 + $5 + $3 = $28)
But it's damn good pizza and I get more slices out of it to freeze for later.
So not a regular thing now, but as a special treat... Mmmmm...
(edited for size & price correction)
i can remember when 2 slices and a soda was 1 buck. then we went next door to the bakery, a jumbo black and white cookie was 25 cent.
i cant find the cent synbol on the keyboard. do kids today even know what it looks like?
wind advisory
high of 38F, that's not high, how can they call it high?
plugged in my lectric shawl at dayjob. holding hot coffee mug for warmth.
Non-complaint: It's snowing. 3 inches overnight on top of the 3 inches from yesterday, and still snowing. Why am I not complaining? I don't have to go outside today or even tomorrow.
Complaint: Arghhhh... I hate Microsoft networking debacle again. This morning everything was working OK. All four machines were happily talking to each other all directions. Then I turned on "Password Protection" in the Advanced Sharing dialog. Now the two machines that are on the wired LAN are OK, but the two machines on wireless are weirdly boogered again. No obvious rhyme nor reason as to why each will only connect to only one other machine and it's not even the same machine that they connect to. Arghhhh...
Moderate complaint: I've found that if I connect the wired LAN to the wireless units, then immediately it can see all four machines. Go figure.
Yet when Password Protection was turned off everything worked OK in wireless mode. (*sigh*).
I'm bugged about this because one of those wireless machines is going upstairs and needs to be wireless and I expect to be having to transfer data between my downstairs primary to my upstairs secondary through WiFi. Yeah, can go back to turning off password protection, but I shouldn't have to.
I currently suspect some sort of unidirectional firewall issue in the WiFi section of my phone company provided DSL/router box.
found a lovely square texture map of venus
to use on the new Mercury store product.
they don't have squares for the other planets. weep
how doo they map spheres to squares.
it's like round pizza in a square box
brrr glad i wore leg warmers today.
at work, i have to put on safety glasses whenever someone is soldering, doesn't matter if all the way across the shop
i put the glasses on top of my hat, bothers some peple but i can't read my screen with these thing over my eyes.
Kids today. My first computer lessons were on an AN/FSQ-32 computer. 48-bit 'words', eight six-bit bytes each. 128K words, oil and water cooled. 400KHz cycle time.
I have sometimes given a presentation at science fiction or fantasy conventions on "3D Rendering on the Cheap", basically about DAZ Studio. One of my slides compares the image above to something like a Raspberry Pi. It's pretty amazing, really.
That's a home computer... it's the size of an average home.
commodore 64
remember archie and kermit ?
My college (Florida Institute of Technology) bought their first computer in 1967. An IBM-1130 which was used for college business as well as student instruction (thank god for removable disks!). They later upgraded a couple years later to a Xerox-Sigma5. Again for business and students. Even as a student I was deeply involved with both of those machines from the very beginning. Then somewhere in that time period, the computer science department (yes, they finally actually established a real department for computer science about 1970) was given a rocket flight computer (I forget which rocket type) from the Kennedy Space Center for tinkering with by the CS department. I never got a chance to work on it but based on comments by other students it was really really primitive compared to the Sigma5 but they were allowed to pull circuit cards and poke at it with oscilloscopes and signal generators.
Complaint update: Progress, maybe? I now have a situation in my network where it seems to be stable with the Password Protection Sharing turned on and all four machines can see each other EXCEPT for the two machines on WiFi. They can see everything except they can't see each other. But the two machines on the wired LAN can see and communicate with all four machines. (*sigh*). I'm still thinking that it's a firewall problem with the WiFi section of the Router. Or possibly firewall problems in Norton Security.
Life grinds on.
First computer we had in our home!