The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread
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Complaint: It's slushing. Slush from the sky. Not snow, not rain, not even oobleck. It's slush.
Glad I got my toddling around town done yesterday.
'Nother complaint: My homemade cookies are gone. (*sigh*)
One of my housemates and the staff are arguing about something. I am trying to figure out when I can figure out lunch.
i has no idea who my godmoter was, not sure i understand the concept
was baptized twice, cuz i was born with the hemorajic disease of the new born, i'm A negative
different from my biological mom,
during the blizzard of 1964, Manhattan
story i was told, only 1 older dr there recognized the symptoms
so technically, my life from the beginning was a miracle,
nothing to feel sad about, not like a fairy gomother, bippity boppity
[EDITED TO NOTE- I wrote this the other day, but the site got all wonky and I gave up trying to post it]
Once you get deer nesting in your pot plants they never leave... regardless of how many floors they have to climb...
I love quoting stuff out of context... also it was fun to picture a groovy deer in a tie dyed T-shirt, chillaxing in a large flower pot on a twelfth floor fire escape smoking and listening to Bob Marley...
We have deer a few blocks away, but they don't come around here much... probably because the road in front of us is fairly active. Also, I mark my territory all over the neighborhood, so that might be a factor too... I eat a lot of roast garlic asparagus to make it last longer.
I started a while back because one day I noticed that at the house down the block, the lady who lives there had a garden gnome infestation...
At first all she had was a few bird baths... (her birds are really clean, like sparkling clean), then she got those colorful flags and one day like a dozen gnomes showed up...
If you know anything about these little buggers, once one or two come around, it's all down hill from there... they hate garlic and really hate asparagus pee... so just keep that in mind if you ever get a gnome infestation.
Also keep in mind that some people don't like you peeing on their garden gnomes for some reason... maybe they don't realize that it keeps them from overpopulating and taking over the neighborhood... and let me tell you it's a horrible sight, seeing them in the act of overpopulating.
i was disspointed when harry potter movie didnt show the garden de-gnoming
Major complaint: Grrrr... I hate Microsoft networking.
I've spent the last 4 hours trying to get three of my four machines (the 4th was turned off) to discover each other on my local network. They're all running Win10 or Win10-Pro. Sometimes when I boot up the machines, one machine will recognize the other two. But the other machines don't discover the other computers. They'll find the printer and the TV and my Android and my Firesticks but not the other two computers. Then the next time I boot up all three machines a different one will be successful in discovering the computers but the other two won't. I'm ready to scream. Argggggghhhhhh....
I've disabled Norton firewall, I've disabled router firewall, I've made sure all three machines are connected through the same LAN switch. I've checked sharing settings, I've checked account names on all computers. I've researched the Internet and taken all very wise advice that actually found some "Services" that weren't running automatically and resolved that. I've performed a "Network Reset" on all three computers. Still squat. Ghaaaaaaa.
I think I'll just go eat worms.
The fourth machine was kept off to reduce the complexity of my testing.
Have you ever wondered why "4" is spelled "four", and "4th" is spelled "fourth", but "40" is spelled forty. English... ya gotta love it.
They Sirred Billy Connelly. always liked his comedy, cant explain it
He Sir William C B E
You may be better off just getting a NAS and networking everything to that with replication or sharing.
I'm sure it used to be "Fourty". We dropped the "u" just like we dropped the "y" and "o" from "you".
It's four tens. u get it?
..Sambal Oolek would be very disconcerting falling from the sky.
...tomorrow's Brekkie (but including bacon).
...interesting, I was born during a blizzard in Milwaukee in 1953.
why pick on forty fifty is similar, no spelled fivety and both are different from text speak, like u instead of you.
Forty was handy. Fifty was out of mind.
Although, the naming of numbers in English is actually quite regular. Yes, we have "eleven" and "twelve" and the "...teens" but we use "twenty one", thirty one", fifty one", "one hundred", "two hundred", ... "one thousand", "two thousand", etc. Russian isn't so friendly. The names for the "...tens" have an out of the blue glitch around forty that I can't get into my head and I fail at my counting practice.
Somewhere in the last couple of weeks I saw an article about the complexities of number naming in various languages and we, in English have it easy.
And for the record and to whom it may concern I have not dropped the "y" and "o" in "you". U may have but I haven't.
But I've been considering spelling "I" as "Aie". just to make it the same length as "you".
And as a backlash against the lazy slobification of English by the texters.
Heh I is mi or myfi in Welsh, basically I and ME are the same.
Complaint: Aie've been spoiled by doing most of my on-line ordering through Amazon where, if handled directly by Amazon, one's purchase is shipped within hours. Last tuesday Aie ordered some ancient DDR2 RAM memory through NewEgg and it is supplied by a third party. Aie have yet to receive notice of it leaving the source.
Oh, aie've gotten notice that it has a label and is awaiting pickup. Big whoop!
Yet for things like afforable, rare, outdated and often previously owned RAM, the sources are few and far between, one has to cool one's heels and hope that one will actually receive one's product and that it still functions properly. Nevermind that the source probably turns out to be one guy sitting in a dingy, poorly lighted, little room on the other side of the Earth surrounded by floor to ceiling bins of scavanged RAM sticks that may or may not have been tested properly, stored properly, and may or may not have been treated with proper anti-static handling procedures, and he may or may not decide to send your product before he goes on a holiday trip to the relatives for two weeks. And the shipping truck only gets to that part of the mountains once a week.
Sometimes Aie think life was more certain when we had to chase the bear out of the cave.
And everyone new hau 2 spel aie.
Complaint: I still hate MS networking but I'm making progress.
After watching several more YouTube "fix-it" tutorials (most of which were primitive point/click things I'd already tried) I finally found some someone who knew command line wizard spells and I now have all four of my Win10 machines recognizing each other but only some of them can actually transfer files both directions from all the others. Well at least that's better than what I had, but still no cigar.
Was there any new freebies in the store yesterday or Today? I am not seeing any and the last "purchase" I did of freebies was on Friday? Not having a computer is really making it harder to stay in the loop of these things.
Good news is that the lady who has my electronics will be giving me my phone back later this afternoon. Not sure about my other electronics, but at least the phone is being returned so I can have a real phone until I can get my Fruity Phone fixed with Christmas money. I do not know why I rather use my Fruity phone instead of that Motorola. I just think the Fruity Phone can handle Daz forums better than the Motorola phone. I also have a fruity tablet and a tablet I think made by Samsung or LG. I wonder when I can get those back. At least I can get a working phone that I have not had since around Thanksgiving. I do not know when she is coming by but soon as in sometime today aka later this afternoon.
OMG it is past time for me to take my afternoon pill. It is about 2:28pm or 14:28 and I was supposed to take it at two or fourteen hundred. Better go find the pill and some water.
I think if you got all the freebies up until Friday, this weekend is an opportunity to get whatever you missed... so if if you have them all, you don't see any... I'm imagining you have your preferences set to "hide what I own"...
or something like that...
Someone has your gadgetry?... I'm not going to ask, but it seems like every now and then when I miss a few days here something happens to somebody and days or weeks later I have no idea what happened...
Like Misty was in the hospital, Tigeranne bought a defective time machine and got stuck in 1986, chaynawolfsmoon joined a cargo cult in the South Pacific... psborg disappeared entirely... people get health issues, various trials and tribulations and for some reason I seem to miss that specific post where I understand what happened...
Well... I hope you get your stuff back... Good luck.
...going to be 103° in Melbourne on the first day of "winter" here.
Stevens Point Wis a balmy 7° today with about a foot of snow on the ground. Milwaukee. Sunny and 27° with no snow at all.
I will know by the top of the hour what items I get back today. The rest I get back after the holidays.
The clock says 3:14 right now. It is Pi time. Too bad I have no pie for Pi time. now Pi Time is over.
It's okay, actually.
As it turns out, Pi is not = Pie after all.
So the Earth will continue to turn tomorrow. Kind of like in one of those rotating pie displays you see in the old '50s diners!
Still Complaining: More progress but no cigar yet.
I now have all four computers seeing each other and able to transfer files to each other both directions. But now I'm all spagettied up with excess shared folders and some permissions issues, and one computer that won't let me change the "Shared Folders" list through the "Computer Manage" dialog. (*sigh*)
Time for a Sunday afternoon, shot of peach brandy, some soft sleepy classical music and a nap.
..thinking of doing the same.
Green Bay defence is folding fourth quarter again. They were up 21 - 3 but Chicago has been moving almost at will downfield with no resistance all quarter and could tie the game up just before time expires forcing overtime.
Also freezing today. Reluctant to turn on the heat because when I did so during that week long cold snap in November, my power bill went up more than I expected. At least under the blankets it's nice and warm
Born during a raging thunderstorm in Norway in 1980.
The Tempest
Andromeda series didnt have tractor beams, they used bucky cables.
did they feel tractor beams were over done?
I was born in 1953 in a crossfire hurricane.
Did your mother howl at the pouring rain?
My big brother was born in London in 1941 in one of the quieter interludes during the Blitz.