How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited March 2020

    It might be comforting to be able to juggle numbers to keep occupied, but the public has very poor data on how many cases there are, which deaths are properly attributable to the virus, how many people tested are confirmed positive, and so on.  For many of those infected, the disease has not run its course, so the outcomes are unknowable.  In many countries, including the U.S., it's even hard to find out how many people have been tested.  A lot of the people who would normally be occupied with compiling statistics are currently busy making sure that the response is happening.

    In different countries, there are different criteria for defining what's what.  For example, that chart shows 20 out of active 1,101 cases in the U.K. being critical, while in the U.S., the number is 10 out of 2,730 cases.  At the same time, the U.S. has had nearly 3 times as many deaths as the U.K.

    The point is that the statistics the public is seeing right now are extremely unreliable.

    Post edited by Sevrin on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Cross legged?  Trying to figure out how to make toilet paper last until stores get more?

    you could use a wash cloth and rise it out after each use .. it will clean you much better and you will be using earth friendly a green method of personal hygiene, just remember wich one you use for your face and hich one you use for your bottom

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Ivy said:

    Cross legged?  Trying to figure out how to make toilet paper last until stores get more?

    you could use a wash cloth and rise it out after each use .. it will clean you much better and you will be using earth friendly a green method of personal hygiene, just remember wich one you use for your face and hich one you use for your bottom

    ...or at least in which order you use it, if it's the same one.

    I was so,uh, relieved to see this headline Canada won't be wiped out of toilet paper, says leading manufacturer.  And that's in addition to our Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited March 2020
    kyoto kid said:

    I will still risk the shops for my fresh food, just stay well away from other people, I do anyway, hate being touched

    but the smoke is really playing havoc with my breathing at the moment, I cough continuously anyone would think I have Covid19, I haven't but wheezing and generally miserable like I was during the bushfires.

    these arsonists pick the worst possible time to wreck destruction, its overcast with a temperature inversion.

    ...for myself, since we had such a mild winter, everything is beginning to go into bloom here already so my allergies have started to kick in early.  Crikey I saw daffodils and trees going into bloom in the first week of of February,

    Sounds like a nice early spring for you. Here we have had record snow falls to the point where my town, St. John's, Newfoundland, was completely shut down for over a week... it has been a very hard winter here.

    ...woke up this morning opened the blinds and guess what?  Only 5 days until the vernal equinox. So close to making it without frozen water form the sky this year.

    At least the allergies aren't bothering me as bad today.

    pi day snow 1.jpg
    2560 x 1440 - 2M
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    OMG Maple Sugar candy .. is the best.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,247
    Sevrin said:
    Ivy said:

    Cross legged?  Trying to figure out how to make toilet paper last until stores get more?

    you could use a wash cloth and rise it out after each use .. it will clean you much better and you will be using earth friendly a green method of personal hygiene, just remember wich one you use for your face and hich one you use for your bottom

    ...or at least in which order you use it, if it's the same one.

    I was so,uh, relieved to see this headline Canada won't be wiped out of toilet paper, says leading manufacturer.  And that's in addition to our Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve.

    they have plenty but they won't be able to keep up the delivery demands to the shops because of the panic buyers... 

    that's what happened here downunder... plenty of stock just can't get it out there to meet the panic demand. crying

  • McGyver said:

    I know you are all still touching your faces while you are reading this... 

    It wasn't me, honest!  I never touch my face except when I shave in the morning, and even then, it's only with the shaving cream brush and then a German or Swiss..or Israeli ..... or French..... or Austrian blade.  Wait, do the Spaniards make razor blades too?

    Nevermind that...The point is, since I'm working from home these days, I never even shave.  Much.  Hardly ever.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    kyoto kid said:

    I couldn't eat that tinned crap if I wanted to indecision

    I actually do have 2 canisters of rice, again something I don't eat a lot of.

    If I have pasta I buy fresh pasta

    so yeah I guess I am going on a Covid19 pandemic diet angry

    ...same here.

    Made a quick run to the market down the street and actually bought several tins of a local made chili as they were on sale and there were still some left on the shelf.  Got a big pack of corn tortillas to have with it.  Fortunately a lot of items happened to be on sale, so I managed to pick up several packs of cheese, a big carton of rolled oats (still have some left tom the previous one), a loaf of decent bread (not that white spongy rubbish that even wihth my arthritic hands I can squish into a 3" by 3" cube) and a jar of natural PB, so brekkies, lunches, and dinners are pretty much covered.for most of the month (and real cheesy mac, not that orange powder stuff) Yeah, nothing fancy (well save for a couple  nights of homemade curry I cooked up last night which I put up in the freezer - those will be my Sunday dinners) but it will least and keep me well fed.

    Fortunately I loaded up on TP on my last market trip (I always buy a large pack) and have enough paper towels for a while.

    Can you make bread yourself, or tea buns.... if so that is a nice alternative to shop bread.

    ..nah don't have the pans for it. Also unable to knead dough well with my arthritic hands so I would have to go out and buy an expensive appliance (eg. bread maker) for that and then find some place to put them when not in use as I have so little kitchen storage space where I live.  I even had to give up making my own pasta as the counters aren't big enough to roll the dough out on. Think of a motel room with a tiny kitchenette added on.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    xyer0 said:
    Granville said:

    I'm a teacher-leader in Washington State. We have 1 week to prepare the teachers, then we a going to 100% remote teaching and training until April 27. However, we are still providing childcare for the whole town at one school. We are also offering breakfast and lunch boxes to families to pick up. We are all in shock. Schools are fundamentally about human relations. We are worried that students will feel isolated. Some of our older students will have to watch their younger siblings, how will they do remote learning? Many of our teachers will have toddlers running around; how will they teach? It is uncharted territory. All I know is we have to put the well-being of our families first and support our students after that.

    There were tears on Thursday, the last day with kids. After the teachers are up and running all the other schools will be sanitized and chained shut for the duration. What we are discovering though, is that the remote learning model will eliminate many jobs. Don't need custodians, bus drivers, paraeducators. All of them are hourly workers who don't get paid if they don't work. This is going to create havoc for our staff. So we are scrambling to find other work for them, so we can continue to pay them. These are trying times.

    Thanks for sharing. Once this is implemented, it will be difficult to roll back. with the previous Recession.  Many full time jobs were split into two part time positions and more responsibilities were dumped on the remaining workers without additional compensation.  A lot of that continues today years after the recovery. 

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Stezza said:
    Sevrin said:
    Ivy said:

    Cross legged?  Trying to figure out how to make toilet paper last until stores get more?

    you could use a wash cloth and rise it out after each use .. it will clean you much better and you will be using earth friendly a green method of personal hygiene, just remember wich one you use for your face and hich one you use for your bottom

    ...or at least in which order you use it, if it's the same one.

    I was so,uh, relieved to see this headline Canada won't be wiped out of toilet paper, says leading manufacturer.  And that's in addition to our Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve.

    they have plenty but they won't be able to keep up the delivery demands to the shops because of the panic buyers... 

    that's what happened here downunder... plenty of stock just can't get it out there to meet the panic demand. crying

    Canada is heavily into the pulp and paper business.  The shortages will be temporary.  As paper manufacturer's see demand for toilet paper increasing, they are seeing a decrease in demand for other products, including commercial-use toilet paper due to school and office closures, etc, so they'll be able to reallocate their transportation assets and get the stuff into stores without too much trouble.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:

    Not worried about it at all. . I live far away from anyone high up in the Tennessee mountains and have been a dooms day prepper for all scenarios'   for like 25 years with food and water, weapons  and indepent energy sources .. we're good to go bring on the end of the world  :)

    Wow, respect!

    Yup we're crazy dooms day preppers Stocked, Locked in and loaded up.  bring on the Zombies wink

    East bunker storage area

    I'm probably not nearly as stocked or locked as you, but I could take out a few zombies if they decided to change their dietary habits and come after my pork and beans or the contents of my refrigerator.  The independent energy source thing is a challenge for me.

    People ask me aren't you afriad to tell people  about our location... I say not at all.  Our power sources in the mountains was a challenge for us for a while Because for a long time all we had was the Generac 8000 watt Propane generator with a 1000lb under ground propane tank it can run the house about 30 days on it we have gar stoves and water heaters.  It was part of the build for the house design because of our remote location. and loosing the power in the winter so much.  We have a artesian well for water and we have a fairly good size wood lot we were get our firewood for our stone fireplace and a whole -house heating wood stove. . it was one of the reason we bought this land.     We have since installed 2- 72 " x 48" solar panels on the roof that charge a main battery storage unit  that can pretty much run the freezers and a few other things as long as the sun shines during the day to charges the system . we did that so we won't have to depend the propane generator for long time energy demands. in case of EMP everything is shielded.   we have a small creek runs through our property and had started putting in a water wheel on it.  but we had some issues when hubby tried to get permits to make a pond for the backed water.  Some issue of flooding up stream was the reason we were denied the permits . we also have a 5000 watt portable Home-lite Gas power generator that runs off a 20 gall gasoline tank. and a few extra 5 gal cans of gas stored.  But we only use it a few times a year to make sure it runs and put seaform through it to keep it ready its for bug out scenarios or as a back up.   we use the stored gas all year in our john deere tractor and 4 wheeler, so the gas always is rotated and fresh.   a few years back we got a great deal on a small patch of land and put a 4 room cabin  on it , Its a few miles away &  we can drive the 4x4  off the main road to it in case we need to leave here for any reason. and its pretty stocked up as well.   Not to mention that everyone that lives on this mountain we are on are all part of our preppers group of 9 families, some of us are police , EMT. carpenters, farmers and just regular folks like me. we take care of each other kids and watch over each other and are all friends.  My hubby is a ER doctor (retired) that is our contribution to our party.  Our group has occasional meetings & once in a great while practice drill of blocking off the access roads, testing communications and other drills to get the families working together. we hunt and fish and pretty much can live off the land we been doing it for years.  We prepped for a Nuclear event but pretty much can cover most other catastrophic events as well.

      I know this all sounds obsessive to outsiders. but as small close nit mountain farm community its just a part of life for us like going to church.   Many people have moved to the mountains here in the last few here  for the same reason we did 25 years ago to get away from the chaos of the city.  But never in my days would i really have thought we needed all this stuff and even commented on it many time how much money we spent  that we could have bought a summer home on the beach.  that all this stuff prepped was over kill . I am rethinking that now.  The AR-15 was my Valentines present this year.

    ...not being able to drive (both for medical and economic reasons) living out in the boonies is not an option.  Not even a small rural town as If I need to get somewhere I'd be out of luck without personal transportation as years ago Running Dog gutted service throughout the system much of it the only connection many small town and cities had.  Also no longer physically capable of doing involved or heavy maintenance work aside from general housecleaning duties (and even that is difficult at times).

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    McGyver said:

    Well, not to interupt, but I'm going out now...

    Solves the full mask issue... is not taking away from medical supplies and helps people come to terms with their Planet Of The Apes" apocalypse fears.


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Found toilet paper on Amazon.  Checked out right away.  Now I can wipe my can without worry!  cheeky


    TMI?  cheeky

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    kyoto kid said:
    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:

    Not worried about it at all. . I live far away from anyone high up in the Tennessee mountains and have been a dooms day prepper for all scenarios'   for like 25 years with food and water, weapons  and indepent energy sources .. we're good to go bring on the end of the world  :)

    Wow, respect!

    Yup we're crazy dooms day preppers Stocked, Locked in and loaded up.  bring on the Zombies wink

    East bunker storage area

    I'm probably not nearly as stocked or locked as you, but I could take out a few zombies if they decided to change their dietary habits and come after my pork and beans or the contents of my refrigerator.  The independent energy source thing is a challenge for me.

    People ask me aren't you afriad to tell people  about our location... I say not at all.  Our power sources in the mountains was a challenge for us for a while Because for a long time all we had was the Generac 8000 watt Propane generator with a 1000lb under ground propane tank it can run the house about 30 days on it we have gar stoves and water heaters.  It was part of the build for the house design because of our remote location. and loosing the power in the winter so much.  We have a artesian well for water and we have a fairly good size wood lot we were get our firewood for our stone fireplace and a whole -house heating wood stove. . it was one of the reason we bought this land.     We have since installed 2- 72 " x 48" solar panels on the roof that charge a main battery storage unit  that can pretty much run the freezers and a few other things as long as the sun shines during the day to charges the system . we did that so we won't have to depend the propane generator for long time energy demands. in case of EMP everything is shielded.   we have a small creek runs through our property and had started putting in a water wheel on it.  but we had some issues when hubby tried to get permits to make a pond for the backed water.  Some issue of flooding up stream was the reason we were denied the permits . we also have a 5000 watt portable Home-lite Gas power generator that runs off a 20 gall gasoline tank. and a few extra 5 gal cans of gas stored.  But we only use it a few times a year to make sure it runs and put seaform through it to keep it ready its for bug out scenarios or as a back up.   we use the stored gas all year in our john deere tractor and 4 wheeler, so the gas always is rotated and fresh.   a few years back we got a great deal on a small patch of land and put a 4 room cabin  on it , Its a few miles away &  we can drive the 4x4  off the main road to it in case we need to leave here for any reason. and its pretty stocked up as well.   Not to mention that everyone that lives on this mountain we are on are all part of our preppers group of 9 families, some of us are police , EMT. carpenters, farmers and just regular folks like me. we take care of each other kids and watch over each other and are all friends.  My hubby is a ER doctor (retired) that is our contribution to our party.  Our group has occasional meetings & once in a great while practice drill of blocking off the access roads, testing communications and other drills to get the families working together. we hunt and fish and pretty much can live off the land we been doing it for years.  We prepped for a Nuclear event but pretty much can cover most other catastrophic events as well.

      I know this all sounds obsessive to outsiders. but as small close nit mountain farm community its just a part of life for us like going to church.   Many people have moved to the mountains here in the last few here  for the same reason we did 25 years ago to get away from the chaos of the city.  But never in my days would i really have thought we needed all this stuff and even commented on it many time how much money we spent  that we could have bought a summer home on the beach.  that all this stuff prepped was over kill . I am rethinking that now.  The AR-15 was my Valentines present this year.

    ...not being able to drive (both for medical and economic reasons) living out in the boonies is not an option.  Not even a small rural town as If I need to get somewhere I'd be out of luck without personal transportation as years ago Running Dog gutted service throughout the system much of it the only connection many small town and cities had.  Also no longer physically capable of doing involved or heavy maintenance work aside from general housecleaning duties (and even that is difficult at times).

    I feel for you KK . stay safe.

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    RAMWolff said:

    Found toilet paper on Amazon.  Checked out right away.  Now I can wipe my can without worry!  cheeky


    TMI?  cheeky

    ah well, as long as there aren't pics included XDDD

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Please apply a silencer to the gun talk.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020

    Looks like we have a repeat visitor tonight took this from my security camera

    1242 x 700 - 52K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020

    we were sitting here watching that bear eat the bird seed off the ground getting ready to chase him off & bam he took off like a shot all of a sudden out of the corner of the camera this black and white thing walked up and took the bears place. I guess we all know now who is king of the forest. accept it appears the bear took the bottle bird feeder wth

    Back Proch Cam-21.37.47.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 134K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,850

    Self sufficient self reliance certainly helps keep the stress of a  SHTF situation to a minimum.

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    Ivy said:

    we were sitting here watching that bear eat the bird seed off the ground getting ready to chase him off & bam he took off like a shot all of a sudden out of the corner of the camera this black and white thing walked up and took the bears place. I guess we all know now who is king of the forest. accept it appears the bear took the bottle bird feeder wth

    srsly? a bear took off seeing a skunk?? well, maybe he "saw" it... with his nose XD

  • GrazeGraze Posts: 418
    edited March 2020

    Cross legged?  Trying to figure out how to make toilet paper last until stores get more?


    Relax your bung hole.  Let it flow out by gravity.  The end will break off higher up in the intestine.  Don't let your sphincter close until your done, not even involuntarily.  If you squeeze it off, you'll make a mess.  (Watched Eddie Murphy - Raw last week.)

    Post edited by Graze on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,406
    edited March 2020


    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    edited March 2020

    and .... I look at you all sitting there holed up in your houses with your toilet paper collected in crowded supermarkets with your urban tractors eating packaged carbohydrates 

    staying safe and  healthy 

    while I put my health at risk with my solitary walks in the fresh air every other day to buy my fresh fruit and vegetables cheeky

    how many of you have a cigarette in your hand

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    and .... I look at you all sitting there holed up in your houses with your toilet paper collected in crowded supermarkets with your urban tractors eating packaged carbohydrates 

    staying safe and  healthy 

    while I put my health at risk with my solitary walks in the fresh air every other day to buy my fresh fruit and vegetables cheeky

    how many of you have a cigarette in your hand

    They haven't let us drive tractors in supermarkets for a while sad

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    Sevrin said:

    and .... I look at you all sitting there holed up in your houses with your toilet paper collected in crowded supermarkets with your urban tractors eating packaged carbohydrates 

    staying safe and  healthy 

    while I put my health at risk with my solitary walks in the fresh air every other day to buy my fresh fruit and vegetables cheeky

    how many of you have a cigarette in your hand

    They haven't let us drive tractors in supermarkets for a while sad

    what a lot of people downunder call SUVs

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020

    bought our supplies long ago.  We have a farm tractor. that count?  I don't smoke those nasty cigarettes just the smelling someone else second hand smoke is enough to make me sick 

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    For the charts and the numbers, keep in mind that testing practice varies per country. For instance, the Netherlands don't test family members of known cases when/if they get sick, so there could be several more cases hiding behind the one that shows up in the statistics.

  • GrazeGraze Posts: 418

    What no one has questioned is whether Daz offices will remain open? Can the employees work remotely? What will we do without our daily sales if Daz closes down???


    What is Daz3D Tafi ?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,603
    Graze said:

    What no one has questioned is whether Daz offices will remain open? Can the employees work remotely? What will we do without our daily sales if Daz closes down???


    What is Daz3D Tafi ?

    that VR app thing

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    Graze said:

    What no one has questioned is whether Daz offices will remain open? Can the employees work remotely? What will we do without our daily sales if Daz closes down???


    What is Daz3D Tafi ?

    Just another part of DAZ. It used to be Morph3D and specialized in assets for games, but now they are focused on avatars.

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