How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    To my knowledge, they're shortening open hours on stores so they can recover and restock and clean. Or would you rather they do that when they're being overrun by chicken littles grabbing everything in sight? I saw pictures from my local grocery today and there is literally no food to be had. Nothing. No fresh. No produce. No meat. Nothing. I guess I have what I have...hopefully there isn't anybody out there who is hungry because they aren't getting jack squat at the grocery store. It's ridiculous and this whole thing shows just how much we only care about ourselves and screw everybody else. 

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    Sevrin said:

    I just tried to contact Amazon support regarding some tech issues and it's set up in a way that they call you back after inputting your phone number. The wait was extra long and got disconnected twice and gave up. The calls were coming from Seattle, Washington. They must be on a skeleton crew or working remotely is not working...

    I think now is a good time to lower our expectations.  Nothing is going to be the same for a while.

    I have some shipments coming in from Amazon Prime on completely rando tank supplies actually...and I got a late shipping notification. I didn't freak out and I think it's common courtesy not to expect immediate response on stuff. But I'm sure you and I will be in the minority there and that's really sad. 

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    This is the worst time in history since WWII. I never thought something like this would happen in my lifetime.

    Most people didn't. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    I couldn't eat that tinned crap if I wanted to indecision

    I actually do have 2 canisters of rice, again something I don't eat a lot of.

    If I have pasta I buy fresh pasta

    so yeah I guess I am going on a Covid19 pandemic diet angry

    ...same here.

    Made a quick run to the market down the street and actually bought several tins of a local made chili as they were on sale and there were still some left on the shelf.  Got a big pack of corn tortillas to have with it.  Fortunately a lot of items happened to be on sale, so I managed to pick up several packs of cheese, a big carton of rolled oats (still have some left tom the previous one), a loaf of decent bread (not that white spongy rubbish that even wihth my arthritic hands I can squish into a 3" by 3" cube) and a jar of natural PB, so brekkies, lunches, and dinners are pretty much covered.for most of the month (and real cheesy mac, not that orange powder stuff) Yeah, nothing fancy (well save for a couple  nights of homemade curry I cooked up last night which I put up in the freezer - those will be my Sunday dinners) but it will least and keep me well fed.

    Fortunately I loaded up on TP on my last market trip (I always buy a large pack) and have enough paper towels for a while.

    Can you make bread yourself, or tea buns.... if so that is a nice alternative to shop bread.

    ..nah don't have the pans for it. Also unable to knead dough well with my arthritic hands so I would have to go out and buy an expensive appliance (eg. bread maker) for that and then find some place to put them when not in use as I have so little kitchen storage space where I live.  I even had to give up making my own pasta as the counters aren't big enough to roll the dough out on. Think of a motel room with a tiny kitchenette added on.

    Try to get a copy of the Good Eats episode Use Your Noodle 2.  Alton brown used a fold up ironing board with a hand operated pasta machine mounted on it to make home made pasta for Ravioli and Tortellini.  When you are done, you can stick the ironing board in a closet.

    ...used to have a hand operated pasta maker..  The kitchen here is incredibly small almost seeming an afterthought with just enough space between the stove and sink to walk through from the front door to the main room.  I actually gave away my pasta maker (which was hand operated) a nice old mixmaster with several tools, several large stainless steel stockpots, a wad of flatware, a nice set of stoneware plates, cups, and bowls (place is too small to entertain guests), as well as other assorted kitchen items as I just don't have the room to store it all.  Not about to do food prep in the carpeted area ad that's just an accident and expense (to have the carpet steam cleaned) waiting to happen. I don't even have a dining table, let alone much room for one, and have to eat at one of my desks.

    Before I moved in here, I was on a wait lists for a low income flat, at the time "squatting" in a house which the owners defaulted on where I rented a room.  When I got the call that this flat was available and a reasonable price, I immediately jumped on it.  Given that low income housing where I am is at a critical shortage, It was a "beggars shouldn't be choosers" situation.  I'm just glad I have a place to call home instead of a tent under a bridge or a bedroll in a doorway.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    McGyver said:
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    I couldn't eat that tinned crap if I wanted to indecision

    I actually do have 2 canisters of rice, again something I don't eat a lot of.

    If I have pasta I buy fresh pasta

    so yeah I guess I am going on a Covid19 pandemic diet angry

    ...same here.

    Made a quick run to the market down the street and actually bought several tins of a local made chili as they were on sale and there were still some left on the shelf.  Got a big pack of corn tortillas to have with it.  Fortunately a lot of items happened to be on sale, so I managed to pick up several packs of cheese, a big carton of rolled oats (still have some left tom the previous one), a loaf of decent bread (not that white spongy rubbish that even wihth my arthritic hands I can squish into a 3" by 3" cube) and a jar of natural PB, so brekkies, lunches, and dinners are pretty much covered.for most of the month (and real cheesy mac, not that orange powder stuff) Yeah, nothing fancy (well save for a couple  nights of homemade curry I cooked up last night which I put up in the freezer - those will be my Sunday dinners) but it will least and keep me well fed.

    Fortunately I loaded up on TP on my last market trip (I always buy a large pack) and have enough paper towels for a while.

    Can you make bread yourself, or tea buns.... if so that is a nice alternative to shop bread.

    ..nah don't have the pans for it. Also unable to knead dough well with my arthritic hands so I would have to go out and buy an expensive appliance (eg. bread maker) for that and then find some place to put them when not in use as I have so little kitchen storage space where I live.  I even had to give up making my own pasta as the counters aren't big enough to roll the dough out on. Think of a motel room with a tiny kitchenette added on.

    Remember, the hand sanitizer of last resort, Everclear!

    Fire is the sanitizer of last resort.

    Fire good.



    Yep, and Everclear burns with a pretty blue flame, 95% alcohol is VERY flamable.  Too bad we can't get Bacadri 151 Rum any more.  Made GREAT Rum & Cokes  I can't even find Navy Strength Gin (114 proof, 57% alcohol) anywhere any more.  You haven't had a Martini until you've had one with a good Navy Strenth Gin.  Especially if it is dirty (a little olive brine in it to dirty it up).  With 151 rum and Navy Strength Gin we could disinfect our insides as well as our outsides.  Just DON'T smoke smiley

    ....oh there are a few brands out there:some that would make you think you are a member of the admiralty.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,679
    edited March 2020

    PS,  WE'RE SAVED, WE'RE SAVED.  Wife found a 12 roll package of Scott 1000 sheet rolls in a box (we are still unpacking from our move 2 weeks ago), so with the 7 & a half rolls we already knew about, we're good for two people for a while.  No news print for me for awhile yet.  Have plenty of rubbing alcohol and will grab a pint of everclear for ememrgencies if the rubbing alcohol doesn't show up in stores soon.  Also bought our 90 day supply of needed vitamins the first of the month before the panic sset in so we are good there too.

    Ah, rubbing alcohol.yes  While poking around in the cabinet under my bathroom sink I discovered no less than three 16 ounce bottles of isopropyl alcohol (two 70% and one 90%).  And I discovered two very large bottles of Listerine (regular and mint), and four full spray cans of Lysol disinfectant.  I apparently remember that I need to have those things around the house but they get lost in the cabinet and I forget that I have them so they just keep accumulating year after year.  Also found a box of medicinal alcohol wipes, and about 5 packages of Band-Aids, twenty bars of soap, two giant refill bottles of foaming disinfectant soap, two dead roaches and a filthy toothbrush used for cleaning god knows what some time in the long forgotten past.  The list of other things in that black hole of supplies is too long to repeat here and of little significance to the current emergency.indecision  But I am in the habit of keeping a goodly supply of toilet paper and as this emergency unfolded I took stock and discovered that I have 7 rolls.  I live alone so that is enough to last a good many weeks, but our local tiny town grocery store is well stocked for now anyway.  Well, at least until the city folk discover us.frown  I also just a week or so ago, bought a big bottle of generic Purell type stuff (they were out of real Purell) and I have two or three little bottles scattered around the house.  All I need now is a space suit and air tanks.

    But despite all this panic, I was invited to Sunday lunch at the church and despite not being a church person I felt the need to accept the invitation.  Food was great and I didn't see anybody sneezing or dripping into the food.  I was careful to touch as few things as possible, not touch my face, and I scrubbed my hands as soon as I got home.  So, that's over with.  Now, the big risk is tomorrow when I have to go into the city to do my laundry at a public laundromat, go to the big grocery store near the laundromat, and ride an Uber back to home.  Thankfully, my brother has volunteered to drive me to the city in the morning so that I don't have to take the petri dish (er..., bus).  And if schedule works out he may be able to take me back home again too.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310


    The Man With 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer Just Donated Them

    Just in time

    A Tennessee man who became a subject of national scorn after stockpiling 17,700 bottles of hand sanitizer donated all of the supplies on Sunday just as the Tennessee attorney general’s office began investigating him for price gouging.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    and 4 spray full cans of Lysol. 

    That's spray can gold.  It's hard to find both the spray and the disinfect wipes. 

  • ZateticZatetic Posts: 286
    edited March 2020

    Well, well. This seems to be one time that having a disability that almost precludes leaving home is an advantage - as long as I keep my wife and daughter virus free. Most days I don't even talk to anyone outside of my immediate family let alone get within 6 feet of them.

    Spring Wedding 2020 styles.png
    1200 x 751 - 2M
    Post edited by Zatetic on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053
    edited March 2020

    Welp, everything just closed in LA County. Movies, bars, restaurants (except for takeout), gyms, everything except grocery stores and drug stores...

    This is so surreal. Feels like a weird dream. 

    They didn't mention Cannabis stores. But many deliver and will be doing incredible business especially for edibles for those who don't want to risk smoking...

    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Disney+ released a bunch new movies this weekend . Frozen2, the black panther, animated clone wars the series,etc

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610

    you can always bleach with pool chlorine,

    just don't clean the dirt in container out with a discarded rag soaked in brake fluid like I did our pool dispenser once, blew the liid several houses away!

  • I had to take someone to the "red zone" of an emergency room about 2 weeks ago. I was there for 8 hours and lots of people coughing with masks on, at least 2 cases of corona there from what I could gather. One was a military guy that was in Japan recently, the other I'm not sure, but they were in bad shape. I heard all this while i was sitting right by the station where all the doctors and nurses were so I overheard all the small talk. One nurse kind of jokingly said something like, "none of this matters we'll all start dropping dead in April".... the general feel I got was that we're pretty Fd, especially if you get the virus later, becuase they have these special machines called Ectos or something like that, they bascially oxygenate the blood in the lungs, these aren't respirators, they are more advanced and most hospitals don't have very many of them, because they are so specialized. So you will be lucky to able to be transported to a hospital that has the equipment if you get sick when all the machines are already in use.  I've been following this since it began, so we've been prepped for a while, but now I have to wait and see if I picked it up while there.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842
    edited March 2020

    they have these special machines called Ectos or something like that, they bascially oxygenate the blood in the lungs

    Probably ECMO

    Post edited by Leana on
  • Kevlar31Kevlar31 Posts: 63
    Cybersox said:
    McGyver said:

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

    What's toilet paper? Is that something you read while on the toilet?

    Well, you can, but would really be more like a Rorschach Inkblot test.  Oh... this one is a cow walking up a muddy hill...

    My experience in Australia, no I am not raping supermarkets for paper products, in the past, was going into a thunderbox, a large hole covered by a very small wooden shack, with a wooden plank with a hole in it. The "toilet paper was the newspaper cut into squares hanging from a nail driven into an upright. It was always very aromatic and nicknamed the long drop toilet!

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Sevrin said:
    Novica said:

    There were Puffs and Kleenex left at the Walmart, but no toilet paper, so I saw folks grabbing those. I had already bought stuff Thursday, shopped at Walmart at 1am in the morning to avoid people. Had to go today at 6am though, to get kitty litter and more cat food, as Walmart is now 6am to 11pm. Seriously, did they not stop to think that by shortening the hours, they were forcing more people together? You're more than likely to get this from another PERSON than a store shelf. I mean, when was the last time you actually touched the metal shelf? It isn't that easy. You grab a can of soup, you don't touch the shelf, you grab the can midway up. ETC. But NO, let's shorten the hours so more people can get jammed packed into the aisles.

    And the Walmart didn't have any of the hand santizing wipes left at the front of the store, they did Thursday. I had my Purell with me in my purse though. 

    I don't work for Walmart, but my company is comparible and we plan to do the same thing. I can tell you first hand that every truck we have coming in is short on product, including products we need to run the business like the precious sanitizing wipes at the front (know how many custimers have been stealing those?) and that will only get worse as more people get sick. I have 347 employees, many at min wage having to deal with angry and self entitled customers all day long and basically putting their life on the line so someone can stock up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer. It's a fact that customers that are sick will only think of their own needs first and venture out into public and into the store and make others sick, it's human nature.

    God I love retail, can't wait till we finally get to close because of this.

    It's worth remembering that many retail employees of these retail employees have families and children who are out of school and need looking after.  The others are picking up the slack, and if they burn themselves out, there won't be anyone to keep stores open at all.  The only jobs worse than retail right now are in healthcare.

    I am now retired  but  my last job for the 15 years before I retired was in the UK Contract Services Industry.  The biggest section of Contract Services Is Contract Cleaning.   I somehow think they have a place on the worst job list. 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I am watching classic comedies on Amazon Prime.

    So far, The Court Jester, The Inspector General, and Support Your Local Sheriff.


  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562

    India is really doing well? Even media is surprised by the numbers for headlines. Time will tell.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,610

    ...well it's a great time for intermittent fasting cheeky

  • billyben_0077a25354billyben_0077a25354 Posts: 771
    edited March 2020
    kyoto kid said:
    McGyver said:
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    I couldn't eat that tinned crap if I wanted to indecision

    I actually do have 2 canisters of rice, again something I don't eat a lot of.

    If I have pasta I buy fresh pasta

    so yeah I guess I am going on a Covid19 pandemic diet angry

    ...same here.

    Made a quick run to the market down the street and actually bought several tins of a local made chili as they were on sale and there were still some left on the shelf.  Got a big pack of corn tortillas to have with it.  Fortunately a lot of items happened to be on sale, so I managed to pick up several packs of cheese, a big carton of rolled oats (still have some left tom the previous one), a loaf of decent bread (not that white spongy rubbish that even wihth my arthritic hands I can squish into a 3" by 3" cube) and a jar of natural PB, so brekkies, lunches, and dinners are pretty much covered.for most of the month (and real cheesy mac, not that orange powder stuff) Yeah, nothing fancy (well save for a couple  nights of homemade curry I cooked up last night which I put up in the freezer - those will be my Sunday dinners) but it will least and keep me well fed.

    Fortunately I loaded up on TP on my last market trip (I always buy a large pack) and have enough paper towels for a while.

    Can you make bread yourself, or tea buns.... if so that is a nice alternative to shop bread.

    ..nah don't have the pans for it. Also unable to knead dough well with my arthritic hands so I would have to go out and buy an expensive appliance (eg. bread maker) for that and then find some place to put them when not in use as I have so little kitchen storage space where I live.  I even had to give up making my own pasta as the counters aren't big enough to roll the dough out on. Think of a motel room with a tiny kitchenette added on.

    Remember, the hand sanitizer of last resort, Everclear!

    Fire is the sanitizer of last resort.

    Fire good.



    Yep, and Everclear burns with a pretty blue flame, 95% alcohol is VERY flamable.  Too bad we can't get Bacadri 151 Rum any more.  Made GREAT Rum & Cokes  I can't even find Navy Strength Gin (114 proof, 57% alcohol) anywhere any more.  You haven't had a Martini until you've had one with a good Navy Strenth Gin.  Especially if it is dirty (a little olive brine in it to dirty it up).  With 151 rum and Navy Strength Gin we could disinfect our insides as well as our outsides.  Just DON'T smoke smiley

    ....oh there are a few brands out there:some that would make you think you are a member of the admiralty.

    I will have to check to see if Specs carries the Blackwoods Gin as at 60% it will double as hand sanitizer if I run out of rubbing alcohor and Everclear is not to be found.


    you can always bleach with pool chlorine,

    just don't clean the dirt in container out with a discarded rag soaked in brake fluid like I did our pool dispenser once, blew the liid several houses away!

    I see you discovered inprovised munitions.  Makes the wife really really mad when I pop off about the "improvised munitions" isle (detergent and cleaning products isle) wjhen we are grocery shopping.  The military taught me all kinds of neat things before I blew a knee in basic that made me 4F.  DO NOT TRY IT AT HOME.  If you want to learn about improvised munitions, join the military.

    Kevlar31 said:
    Cybersox said:
    McGyver said:

    Don't forget the toilet paper, if you can find any.

    What's toilet paper? Is that something you read while on the toilet?

    Well, you can, but would really be more like a Rorschach Inkblot test.  Oh... this one is a cow walking up a muddy hill...

    My experience in Australia, no I am not raping supermarkets for paper products, in the past, was going into a thunderbox, a large hole covered by a very small wooden shack, with a wooden plank with a hole in it. The "toilet paper was the newspaper cut into squares hanging from a nail driven into an upright. It was always very aromatic and nicknamed the long drop toilet!

    Been there, dnone that.  The Holley place, (neighbors of my grand parrents) still had an outhouse and I used it many times when we were visiting when I was young and even with sprinkling lime of the "refuse", it still had a unique smell conpared to the normal barnyard, milk barn, and stable smells.  Human fertilizer smells much worse than animal fertilizer.  Also done the hand dug latrine when camping and most of the parks around our local lakes are just very large outhouses (using a large cistern to catch the byproducts), 

    Diomede said:

    I am watching classic comedies on Amazon Prime.

    So far, The Court Jester, The Inspector General, and Support Your Local Sheriff.


    Check out "Support Your Local Gunfighter" also woth James Garner and Jack Elam.  I'm getting eready to binge watch the 4th season of The Expanse, between news reports.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191
    Diomede said:

    I am watching classic comedies on Amazon Prime.

    So far, The Court Jester, The Inspector General, and Support Your Local Sheriff.


    A trio of John Wayne movies - in this order; Rio Lobo, Rio Bravo, and El Dorado.Three versions of the same story, from drama to two levels of comedy. Also, check out the westerns with Terrence Hill - They Call Me Trinity, Trinity Is Still My Name, and A Man Called Nobody - spaghetti western comedies.A Man Called Nobody is a two-hour lead up to the most atrocious pun I've seen in a movie.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited March 2020

    People were hoarding big time here (Denmark) the first day when they shut the country down, but then the government said on TV that there was no need for that, there were supplies enough in stock for everyone for a long time. So people calmed down and everything seems normal in the stores now. Was shopping saturday in the local supermarket, and they actually seemed to have more on the shelves than they use to.  Still, if you are going into isolation, which is probably always a good thing in this situation whatever your reasons are, you need to stock up so you have the things you need.  So you don't always know why people are doing it, they may have a good reason for it. 

    I just ordered 100 kg organic grains for bread from a farmer, but that was just a coincidence, was going to anyway - use to buy stuff that will keep in large quantities, and have done so for many years.  It's often things that still are hard to find in supermarkets here like whole grain wheat and spelt for home grinding and things like that, or they do have it but in tiny packages which are way overpriced.  You save a good deal by buying directly from farmers or wholesalers even though farmers here these days are raising the prices considerably when selling directly to the public, but I'm fine with that for they are working hard and don't get paid much by the resellers (sometimes as little as 1/10 of the prices their products are being sold for in the supermarkets) plus it's a risky business being dependent on how the weather behaves, especially these days where it's going totally crazy.

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    Taoz said:

    People were hoarding big time here (Denmark) the first day when they shut the country down, but then the government said on TV that there was no need for that, there were supplies enough in stock for everyone for a long time. So people calmed down and everything seems normal in the stores now. Was shopping saturday in the local supermarket, and they actually seemed to have more on the shelves than they use to.  Still, if you are going into isolation, which is probably always a good thing in this situation whatever your reasons are, you need to stock up so you have the things you need.  So you don't always know why people are doing it, they may have a good reason for it. 

    I just ordered 100 kg organic grains for bread from a farmer, but that was just a coincidence, was going to anyway - use to buy stuff that can keep in large quantities, and have done so for many years.  It's often things that still are hard to find in supermarkets here like whole grain wheat and spelt for home grinding and things like that, or they do have it but in tiny packages which are way overpriced.  You save a good deal by buying directly from farmers or wholesalers even though farmers here these days are raising the prices considerably when selling directly to the public, but I'm fine with that for they are working hard and don't get paid much by the resellers (sometimes as little as 1/10 of the prices their products are being sold for in the supermarkets) plus it's a risky business being dependent on how the weather behaves, especially these days where it's going totally crazy.

    It is really important at the current environment. 100kg is looks like little bit less than required? However panic buy is not recommended it will not good for other people.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,562

    ...well it's a great time for intermittent fasting cheeky

    I thought of eating all the time, but I think that me fat. Probably intermittent fasting is a good idea.  Anyway it is not good to sleep eat in the first place.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited March 2020
    Annotation 2020-03-16 101350.gif
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    Post edited by Sevrin on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,562

    Probably should not be using iPad and eating an early lunch at same time.  Also I need to keep my pb&j covered hands from my face.  Another reason not to use the iPad while eating a pb&j sandwich.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Something to think about, nearly everyone uses cell phones and the virus can live on surfaces for several days, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,562

    Something to think about, nearly everyone uses cell phones and the virus can live on surfaces for several days, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



    I have a American Girl doll who needs to visit the doll hospital but I am waiting a month to do so for two reasons, one the virus can get the doll "sick" (aka virus gets on her and gets into me) and also if this is what I really want.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Something to think about, nearly everyone uses cell phones and the virus can live on surfaces for several days, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


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