How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037

    I got a flu shot in February or January or something like that.  Am I still at risk for Corona?


    Yes you are still at risk


  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037
    Asari said:
    maclean said:

    The police said they are arresting fewer people to stop over-crowding in jails which means while everyone is staying home and off the streets, the criminal homeless will be out and about...

    In Italy, the crime rate has dropped - less muggings, etc - but unfortunately, domestic abuse has risen. Probably due to being confined with close family members. Sad.....

    They are opening up empty motel rooms for homeless so lots of new drug dens...

    I bet right now everyone who is single and lives alone wishes they were married and all married people wish they were single lol! 


    No. Totally glad in times like this that I live alone and have all the space for myself.

    There's only so much texting, Tweeting, posting in forums you can do. Humans are meant to be social. I'm an only child so grew up good at being self-entertaining but since I haven't ventured out since last Tuesday because I have asthma, the solitude is beginning to hit me. I'm actually happy to hear the footsteps on my ceiling from my upstairs neighbor so I know civilization still exists. I can, of course walk outside, but it's been cold and raining out and without normal people on the streets, and the police saying they are cutting down on arrests so the jails don't get too crowded, I'm a bit afraid because I'm close to Hollywood which has started to get bad with drug addict/alcoholic criminal homeless. I'm probably being paranoid. If the weather gets better tomorrow I'll either walk over to Rite Aid or drive the few blocks to Trader Joe's because Los Angelenos already think it's a national disaster when it rains out lol.

     Well do you have anyone you can Skype or other video call ,sometimes just seeing faces respond to you helps with the feeling isolated thing .

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    I am blucollar construction dude, so I gotta go to work unless I croak lol

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    I got a flu shot in February or January or something like that.  Am I still at risk for Corona?

    Coronavirus and flu are different things, so yes.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    There's only so much texting, Tweeting, posting in forums you can do. Humans are meant to be social. I'm an only child so grew up good at being self-entertaining but since I haven't ventured out since last Tuesday because I have asthma, the solitude is beginning to hit me. I'm actually happy to hear the footsteps on my ceiling from my upstairs neighbor so I know civilization still exists. I can, of course walk outside, but it's been cold and raining out and without normal people on the streets, and the police saying they are cutting down on arrests so the jails don't get too crowded, I'm a bit afraid because I'm close to Hollywood which has started to get bad with drug addict/alcoholic criminal homeless. I'm probably being paranoid. If the weather gets better tomorrow I'll either walk over to Rite Aid or drive the few blocks to Trader Joe's because Los Angelenos already think it's a national disaster when it rains out lol.

    I am just the opposite now. in my 20s and 30s I was a rock musician and i was never home, always had to be out and about, being larger than life and the center of attention. Now that the lifestyle is gone and I am older and that I work in retail, I am perfectly happy to stay at home and away from people. My GF is much younger than me and I thought that would be an issue for her, but she's not big on going out, so it works out even though she manages to gets me out of the house more than I'd like, LOL

    Be safe!

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    I got a flu shot in February or January or something like that.  Am I still at risk for Corona?

    Yes.  There is no vaccine for this virus and won't be for many, many months.

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373

    Economic news here in Canada is that the Canadian dollar is now worth $0.72 US. So A DAZ item that costs $1us now costs $1.40 Canadian. 

    My DAZ buying days are over for some time..... Now I guess I will just have to focus on rendering...... 

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Economic news here in Canada is that the Canadian dollar is now worth $0.72 US. So A DAZ item that costs $1us now costs $1.40 Canadian. 

    My DAZ buying days are over for some time..... Now I guess I will just have to focus on rendering...... 

    With those wonderful animations you make there will be plenty of render to do. I look forward to see what you come up with laugh

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    edited March 2020
    Sevrin said:
    Ivy said:

    Cross legged?  Trying to figure out how to make toilet paper last until stores get more?

    you could use a wash cloth and rise it out after each use .. it will clean you much better and you will be using earth friendly a green method of personal hygiene, just remember wich one you use for your face and hich one you use for your bottom

    ...or at least in which order you use it, if it's the same one.

    I was so,uh, relieved to see this headline Canada won't be wiped out of toilet paper, says leading manufacturer.  And that's in addition to our Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve.

    I knew it would come in handy!

    Supply Chain Concerns Spark Rush Orders on Canadian Maple Syrup

    The good news for pancake lovers is that there’s no shortage of syrup. The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers has a strategic reserve filled with 100 million pounds of syrup in case of a shortfall.

    Post edited by Sevrin on
  • Whelp, my mom just made a trip to the grocery store and took a "wish list" with her for me...and she did better than expected. She says they're working like bees to restock shelves and she was able to get staples like bread and ground hamburger, etc. The funny thing was that the stuff she found easily was the stuff nobody wants that we whole wheat pasta and organic free-range eggs. 

    Yeah, the wife and I lucked out too on some chili.  The wife liks Wolf Brand Mild Chili without Beans (this is Texas and there is just something wrong with putting beans in chili).  The regular Wolf Brand Chili is too spicy for her acid reflux.  The ONLY chili left on the shelf were 8 cans of Wolf Brand Mild Chili.  We normally by 2 cans a week.  We wearn't greedy, only bought 6 (2 for this week, two for next week, and two just because).  But the other problem is THEY WERE OUT OF SALTINES (we're down to 1 tube) AND FRITOS!.  Oh the Agony, THE AGONY.  No Chili with crackers, and woe is me, NO FRITO PIE!  Goiong on a quest for Saltines and Fritos tomorrow.

    A couple people offered a list of the movies they're watching. I want a list of Zombie / End of the World movies! (not to make light of the situation but I still enjoy a good horror movie; especially if they don't get carried away with the gore. Special effects have gotten too good.)

    I think I'll break these out for this evening.

     The Last Man On Earth (1974) with Vincent Price.  Amazon Prime has it for free for Prime members. Haven't seen this one in a while.


     The Omega Man (1971) with Charlton Heston.  Not free, unfortunately, but on my shelf.  This movie is loaded with behavior and dialog that reeks of the '70s so be prepared to cringe a lot.  Also, lots of violence in this one.  I vaguely remember some nudity but it's been a long time since I've seen it.


     The Andromeda Strain (1971) based on Michael Crichton's novel. Also, not free on Prime and also on my shelf. The commentary mentioned Crichton could be seen playing a doctor in the background of a shot when Doctor Mark Hall is being told to leave the operating room because he's needed elsewhere.  (OK, so this one isn't a zombie movie but it's a good suspense, horror-ish movie).

    If you want comedy you could try:

    Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone (1983) with Molly Ringwald.  Also not free on Amazon and also on my shelf. Rescue mission to a world ravaged by a plague.

    Well, time to scrub up and try another trip to the store.  Friday's attempt to do the weeks shopping didn't work out so well.

    Enjoy. And Wash Your Hands!

    You can always add the second remake "I Am Legend" with Will Smith to the list.  Or just break out the Kindle app and read I Am Legend by Richard Matheson and Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton.  The books are much better than the movies (and the book I Am Legend is different from all three movies although the protagonist dies in the end same as the book but is.. nope not gonna spoil the book).

    Another suggestion is Night of the Comet with a young Catherine Mary Stewart and Robert Beltran.  Pretty good 80's post apocalypse dark comedy.  No gore to speak of, no nudity, and lots of things implied (PG-13 movie that is pretty tame by todays standards).  There are also a lot of bad B post holocost splatterflick, bo... uh, chest fest movies if you don't mind bad 80's R rated movies.

  • XpiderManXpiderMan Posts: 426
    edited March 2020

    I'm praying for people. The number of confirmed cases have increased to thousands in just a week and many countries are having the doctors with the sadly choice of  letting the elderly die so that they can attend the younger due to lack of resources and personnel.

    And I don't understand the shortage of toilet paper and water. It was so sad today when I went to my local Wal-Mart store. Isles fully empty, no milk, eggs, can foods, just sad. I wish people wouldn't have overreacted and over expended. :(

    Let's take care of ourselves and others. Be safe.

    Post edited by XpiderMan on
  • billyben_0077a25354billyben_0077a25354 Posts: 771
    edited March 2020
    Sevrin said:

    The good news for pancake lovers is that there’s no shortage of syrup. The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers has a strategic reserve filled with 100 million pounds of syrup in case of a shortfall.

    Time to go to Costco.  Kirkland Maple Syrup good.

    Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on
  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited March 2020
    XpiderMan said:

    Whelp, my mom just made a trip to the grocery store and took a "wish list" with her for me...and she did better than expected. She says they're working like bees to restock shelves and she was able to get staples like bread and ground hamburger, etc. The funny thing was that the stuff she found easily was the stuff nobody wants that we whole wheat pasta and organic free-range eggs. 

    Yeah, the wife and I lucked out too on some chili.  The wife liks Wolf Brand Mild Chili without Beans (this is Texas and there is just something wrong with putting beans in chili).  The regular Wolf Brand Chili is too spicy for her acid reflux.  The ONLY chili left on the shelf were 8 cans of Wolf Brand Mild Chili.  We normally by 2 cans a week.  We wearn't greedy, only bought 6 (2 for this week, two for next week, and two just because).  But the other problem is THEY WERE OUT OF SALTINES (we're down to 1 tube) AND FRITOS!.  Oh the Agony, THE AGONY.  No Chili with crackers, and woe is me, NO FRITO PIE!  Goiong on a quest for Saltines and Fritos tomorrow.

    *puts beans in chili*

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121

    The stores near my house are completely out of national name-brand sliced bread and buns, but have plenty of excellent, fresh, store-made (but unsliced) products, and the wonderful Reising's French Bread loaves and buns (unsliced) from New Orleans.  Apparently I am so old that I am one of the last surviving local humans to be skilled in Pan-kiri No Hōhō, the Way of the Bread Knife....


  • NathNath Posts: 2,856
    maclean said:

    The police said they are arresting fewer people to stop over-crowding in jails which means while everyone is staying home and off the streets, the criminal homeless will be out and about...

    In Italy, the crime rate has dropped - less muggings, etc - but unfortunately, domestic abuse has risen. Probably due to being confined with close family members. Sad.....

    They are opening up empty motel rooms for homeless so lots of new drug dens...

    I bet right now everyone who is single and lives alone wishes they were married and all married people wish they were single lol! 

    Hmmm... just me, the cats, books, games, dvds - why would I want another human in here?

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    "100 million pounds of syrup"

    Shouldn't that be in litres or kilograms, Sevrin? smiley

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797
    edited March 2020

    Don't wear a mask unless you are ill is fake news.

    My husband has lung/ breathing/respitory issues since he suffered a PE during an operation due to a lengthly procedure and recyled (thicker) blood. My son works in the health industry. He called last Thursday and said my monitoring system is lighting up like a christmas tree, stay inside. It hits because it hits anyone with compromised health systems the hardest. He also said they are trying to diffuse panic but nake sure Dad wears a mask and gloves because it is airborne and spreads thru the eyes nose and mouth. The virus is Sars 2 and the disease it causes is the Corona 19. Sars 1 came from China also. This ne was derived from a bat. How the bat got into chinese food is anyones guess, but it spread via an animal product. This makes it touch for vegans because the lifespan of perishables is 3-5 days. This is where freezers and meats can be a saviour. Anyhow there is no vacine known to work but they concuted a serum from a rabbit and two other ingredients to come up wih something that might do the job. This is a flu type virus meaning you will get a sore throat, a cough/sneezes, fatigue headache and a fever. The common cold does not cause a fever. Sars started in the 1800's and wiped out a third of the population. We have had Ebola and the Flu and survived. The point is the virus lives 24-48 hrs on plastic cardboard and metal surfaces but will survive double that time if it is cacooned in  mucus (sneeze or cough). The virus can show no symtoms meaning someone who looks and feels well can be a host and spread the virus. People with symptoms can take 5 days to feel symptoms and spread the virus unknowingly. The highest and pandemic contamination risk points are at the peak points of syntoms. Despite the propaganda wearing a mask, eyewear and gloves can protect you as the virus is airborne and thrives on eyes nose and mouth. Wearing a mask makes it impossible for you to touch a cart, store item, or door handle and touch your face later. The mask will keep you safer because those with no symptoms for 5 days are not wearing one. Also there is a shortage of masks and not all people infected have them. The appropriate mask must be N95. If you are out and about you must discard masks and gloves or store them in quarentine or isolated sealed tubs for over 72 hours. Money, coins receipts, and clothing must adhere to the 72 hour rule if unsanitized. The temp to kill the virus is 170 degrees or washing with soap for 20 seconds or more. The virus lives in the throat and nose. You need to gargle a alcohol product ( vodka or mouth wash) and wash your hands and nose. You can find the N95 at Home Depot etc. If everyone stayed home for 14 days the virus would die.

    845 x 1269 - 125K
    Post edited by ArtAngel on
  • ArtAngel said:

    Also there is a shortage of masks and not all people infected have them. 

    This is exactly why not everyone is advised to wear a mask and to stay home and socially distance. If everyone went out and wore masks to prevent getting sick, then the ones who ARE sick, and the vulnerable, elderly, health care workers, etc, don't have the masks they need. 

    I'm using reusable filtered masks, which we are washing every time we have to go out. 1 back up mask each, to wash and sanitize and fully dry between wearing.  Leaving the disposable masks for those who need it more. Checking on those near me (and those abroad) to see if they have the essentials. Going to have to help those around us. Sometimes that means a bit of self isolation to prevent the spread of germs. Share the toilet paper and soap, not the flu. 

    The world will weather this. I hope we come out of it as stronger, kinder, better people. For the first time, we have a pandemic, with teh tools of internet and social media. We can check on each other, communicate, talk, buy things online. Be thankful for the ones on the 'front lines' serving in our hospitals, ambulances, health cares, administration for all the things, testing. The other front lines- the stores, the farmers, the delivery folk, distribution, and so on. 

    Everyone stay safe as you can. Make art. Write stories. Email family. Skype friends. :)

  • Another suggestion is Night of the Comet with a young Catherine Mary Stewart and Robert Beltran.  Pretty good 80's post apocalypse dark comedy.  No gore to speak of, no nudity, and lots of things implied (PG-13 movie that is pretty tame by todays standards).  There are also a lot of bad B post holocost splatterflick, bo... uh, chest fest movies if you don't mind bad 80's R rated movies.


    +1 for Night of the Comet, classic 80's movie...

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    There's only so much texting, Tweeting, posting in forums you can do. Humans are meant to be social. I'm an only child so grew up good at being self-entertaining but since I haven't ventured out since last Tuesday because I have asthma, the solitude is beginning to hit me. I'm actually happy to hear the footsteps on my ceiling from my upstairs neighbor so I know civilization still exists. I can, of course walk outside, but it's been cold and raining out and without normal people on the streets, and the police saying they are cutting down on arrests so the jails don't get too crowded, I'm a bit afraid because I'm close to Hollywood which has started to get bad with drug addict/alcoholic criminal homeless. I'm probably being paranoid. If the weather gets better tomorrow I'll either walk over to Rite Aid or drive the few blocks to Trader Joe's because Los Angelenos already think it's a national disaster when it rains out lol.

    I am just the opposite now. in my 20s and 30s I was a rock musician and i was never home, always had to be out and about, being larger than life and the center of attention. Now that the lifestyle is gone and I am older and that I work in retail, I am perfectly happy to stay at home and away from people. My GF is much younger than me and I thought that would be an issue for her, but she's not big on going out, so it works out even though she manages to gets me out of the house more than I'd like, LOL

    Be safe!

    In my 20's I hung out and partied with rock musicians lol. Then moved on to entertainment industry events, then art events in addition to that, and I never stopped. Half my food I get from going to events. I work from home so I like to be social in the evenings. None of my friends use a phone to actually talk so now there's just texting and FB messaging. You'd never know we lived in the same city, sometimes just a few blocks away...

    I have both an old gazelle and a rider workout machine on my balcony so got a little exercise outside in the rain (covered by my upstairs neighbor's balcony so I didn't get wet) and  that was nice, looking out at the trees and greenery and listening to the rain as I worked out. So peaceful in the middle of a crisis. Not one neighbor walked by or came out on their balconies. It kind of felt like the Twilight Zone and I was the only human left on the planet. Apparently if EVERYONE self isolates for 14 days, it could really curb this thing. 

  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990
    The world will weather this. I hope we come out of it as stronger, kinder, better people.

     I've given up hope for that latter part when I was in my twenties.. so about 40 years ago... devil


    For the first time, we have a pandemic, with the tools of internet and social media.

    Tools of false rumors, misinformation, conspiracy theories and outright lies... The REAL information often gets drowned in a mass of uninformed opinions thet get "likes" and suddenly sound like truths... Without social media many governements probably would react a lot more calm to the current situation, leading to better results in the end. But with the social media panic mode activated, they hurry to actions that probably wouldn't be needed if someone first took some time to think.

    Just see the toilet paper shortage to understand what social media hype can do... someone posts "omg we will have no toilet paper because reasons!" and everybody rushes to the stores and makes panic buys, which then really leads to shortages... Add to that the decline of Newspapers, which not only delivered better information, but also could be used as a not-so-bad toilet paper replacement wink


    Be thankful for the ones on the 'front lines' serving in our hospitals, ambulances, health cares, administration for all the things, testing. The other front lines- the stores, the farmers, the delivery folk, distribution, and so on.

    Yep. d'accord on this.

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562

    The first human trial of a vaccine to protect against pandemic coronavirus has started in the US.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053



    Just see the toilet paper shortage to understand what social media hype can do... someone posts "omg we will have no toilet paper because reasons!" and everybody rushes to the stores and makes panic buys, which then really leads to shortages... Add to that the decline of Newspapers, which not only delivered better information, but also could be used as a not-so-bad toilet paper replacement wink


    You don't have to wait for print editions (and kill trees). Most newspapers have digital editions and you can get instant breaking news notifications. Several are doing subscription discounts now. I subscribe to the NY Times, Washington Post & LA Times now and also follow them, multiple other publications and individual journalists and health experts on Twitter. You can even follow Reuter's and AP wire. I'm constantly getting breaking news in real time before it hits TV (I don't actually have broadcast TV but when I can stream cable news they are often getting their news from the same sources I am anyway and it's already old news to me.) My father was a journalist and back in the day, had access to breaking news before the public from Reuters and AP wire, but now anyone can get it on Twitter! 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    mwokee said:
    Ok, enough is enough! Every fricken credit card, bank,hotel, car dealer, airline, whoever has my email, keeps sending me emails feigning empathy during this crisis. How is a bank going to stop a virus? They can't but they can damn well fill up my inbox. Well... back to watching CNN headlines so I can overreact and cause greater panic than necessary because I'm a moron with no common sense......

    LOL, they know a spending bill is being prepped as they demonstrate their heartfelt empathy for you. laugh

  • Calliope23Calliope23 Posts: 536
    edited March 2020

    I'm fortifying my toilet paper fort with boxes of Kleenex! I am sure my walls of plush white toilet paper will keep out the novel coronavirus! It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine! wink

    Since it's sometimes hard to tell in text, just trying to inject some humor. I've actually been up all night worrying about what will happen if there are prescription medicine shortages, and I can't get my medications for a chronic health condition. I am sure I'm not the only one with this fear. :(

    Post edited by Calliope23 on
  • Here in Italy we are in quarantine, and this gives me time to render a lot. To me the problem will be after the virus, because I am sure I will have money problems, not being at work in these days.

    The situation here is quite dramatic, but it seems we finally managed to convince the people to do not move from houses, which is fine to contain the propagation of the virus.

    The healthcare system is still ok but we are on the limit of beds in the intensive therapy in hospitals. Toilet paper is not a problem, as well as having food in supermarkets.

  • Calliope23Calliope23 Posts: 536
    edited March 2020

    Yes, as an American I was quite disappointed by the panic response in the USA. I have no idea how toilet paper would in any way stop a pandemic nor how shopping the stores bare would help anything. The novel coronavirus is scary, yes, but it seems to me the panic buying is making things even worse. I feel for you in Italy, and I hope the pandemic is over quickly for everyone's sakes.

    Post edited by Calliope23 on
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    All this distancing and isolation offers a great opportunity to re-evaluate life choices. It might be an unpaid vacation but its still time off to chill and reflect.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    SixDs said:

    "100 million pounds of syrup"

    Shouldn't that be in litres or kilograms, Sevrin? smiley

    Isn't as easy to write  when it's  forty five million three hundred and fifty nine thousand two hundred and thirtyseven kg

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    Yes, as an American I was quite disappointed by the panic response in the USA. I have no idea how toilet paper would in any way stop a pandemic nor how shopping the stores bare would help anything. The novel coronavirus is scary, yes, but it seems to me the panic buying is making things even worse. I feel for you in Italy, and I hope the pandemic is over quickly for everyone's sakes.

    Yesterday on 'The View' a doctor explained it. It is a psychological response, as humans it is one thing we can control for a bodily function. And reflects a fear that we might lose that ability (ie toilet paper may stop production in supply chains).

    I am concerned for the supply chains overall. As the virus grows in the general population, will the items manufactured/grown, off-loaded at ports, inspected, whatever, have the manpower to perform the jobs. While it is the medical and first responders that are at the leading edge of danger, it is a network of supporting industries that keep our society going. 

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