How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    edited March 2020
    Taoz said:


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    We can look forward to be working as slaves on mice farms and tuna boats. 

    yup. besides, i still don't get why there isn't any mice-flavored cat food. i mean, people spend fortunes to get the poor rodents * killed by poison or other horrible things - i mean IF there really is a need to kill mice, why don't use them to feed cats? this would be a good job opportunity, mice trappers.

    (*)  yeah, i had a mice invasion in the kitchen where my many felines weren't allowed, still didn't kill any mouse tho, just did my homework with regularly taping new holes and keeping my food in glass containers... and the trash regularly out, lol

    the tuna boat thing... i saw this japanese movie "Kani Kōsen" - ok it's not tuna but crabs, still i liked it a lot, you learn stuff and the plot is not your daily boring stuff... since many of us are trapped inside...

    Post edited by manekiNeko on
  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414

    Have just seen a report of a cat catching the virus off its infected owner.

    Poor fleabag.

    sensation journalism like this is just responsible for an avalanche of stupid idiotic cruel owners dumping their animal companions in shelters or worse on the street - if not even getting rid of them. meanwhile, humans are way more dangerous to you because many are way too dumb to keep their distance or basic hygienic measures or just stay the f*  at home, and they will always push around to be first and be in your way anywhere you go - if you need to get out for some urgent reason.

    never seen cats party or empty shelves in dense masses or worse, seeking for salvation by forming super dense clusters of a coupla hundreds/thousand...

    again, animals will suffer for the stupidity of the human race. i despise those people from the bottom of my heart, and i hope in their next life they'll come back as cockroaches.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,624

    well that explains a lot about cockroaches devil

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    edited March 2020

    well that explains a lot about cockroaches devil

    excatly. why do you think that cockroaches go for leftover fallen crisps on your carpet or your cornflakes in the cupboard? old habits, old habits... wink

    omg. i wrote exCATly. my subconscious puts cats first.. everywhere. should i be worried? or am i saved? angel

    Post edited by manekiNeko on
  • CATS?!?

    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited March 2020

    @manekiNeko said

    never seen cats party or empty shelves

    Cats sometimes take great pleasure in emptying shelves


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise

    hissssss. well at least your dogs are only virtual. let's hope no cats will have access to your computer (which they 100% would if there were any in your flat, but hacking from outside is less probable. note, i didn't say impossible tho). maybe you should prepare some kind of excuse/explanation, like you wanted to study the enemy or sth, might be helpful in case a cat catches you playing with your daz dogs...

    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil

    a catsuit for a female human? omg. if i were you i'd delete this in your comment, quick! if any cat sees that.. of course it's very demeaning to them. weird effigy doesn't even begin to describe it. that's pure insult. BLASPHEMY. i'm sorry, i started to like you... well, i'll know if there are no more comments... ever seen a squad of cats in full swat gear crashing your windows and ceiling (brazil, anyone? XDD). it's spectacular. except for the targeted human.  laugh

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    edited March 2020
    Chohole said:

    @manekiNeko said

    never seen cats party or empty shelves

    Cats sometimes take great pleasure in emptying shelves



    Chohole said:

    @manekiNeko said

    never seen cats party or empty shelves

    Cats sometimes take great pleasure in emptying shelves


    lmao... ok, agreed. i know THIS type of emptying shelves too. that's why i have no shelves, at least not lower than 150cm up the wall, without access laugh

    but at least i've never seen cats pile up bog rolls in their cellars. why pile up and hide something that you can just de-roll (is that even english?) all over the floor. repeatedly. XD

    EDIT: it's a pity we don't see pictures of people emptying shop shelves as cats do. imagine, them just walking down the aisles, pushing stuff on the floor WITHOUT BUYING IT. ooops, now i've just made enemies among the millions of shop-sellers around the world. sorry.

    Post edited by manekiNeko on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise


    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil


    Hivewire cat is free at the moment 

  • CATS?!?

    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise

    hissssss. well at least your dogs are only virtual. let's hope no cats will have access to your computer (which they 100% would if there were any in your flat, but hacking from outside is less probable. note, i didn't say impossible tho). maybe you should prepare some kind of excuse/explanation, like you wanted to study the enemy or sth, might be helpful in case a cat catches you playing with your daz dogs...

    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil

    a catsuit for a female human? omg. if i were you i'd delete this in your comment, quick! if any cat sees that.. of course it's very demeaning to them. weird effigy doesn't even begin to describe it. that's pure insult. BLASPHEMY. i'm sorry, i started to like you... well, i'll know if there are no more comments... ever seen a squad of cats in full swat gear crashing your windows and ceiling (brazil, anyone? XDD). it's spectacular. except for the targeted human.  laugh

    OMG surprise

    Okay okay.

    New plan:

    • Get Daz to delete my to current account so there is no trace of me buying the Daz Dog
    • Open new account and only get Cat stuff
    • Learn how to render stuff that is not NVITWS (which is the only things I have rendered so far)
    • Maybe change name?!?
    • Don't look at cute puppy vidoes on the internet.crying
    • Learn how to knit so cats have yarn to play with in case they invade my apartment. enlightened
    • Find and marry a cat lady frown

    Also: Why is Daz tricking us to buy discounted dog stuff?! angry


  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise

    hissssss. well at least your dogs are only virtual. let's hope no cats will have access to your computer (which they 100% would if there were any in your flat, but hacking from outside is less probable. note, i didn't say impossible tho). maybe you should prepare some kind of excuse/explanation, like you wanted to study the enemy or sth, might be helpful in case a cat catches you playing with your daz dogs...

    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil

    a catsuit for a female human? omg. if i were you i'd delete this in your comment, quick! if any cat sees that.. of course it's very demeaning to them. weird effigy doesn't even begin to describe it. that's pure insult. BLASPHEMY. i'm sorry, i started to like you... well, i'll know if there are no more comments... ever seen a squad of cats in full swat gear crashing your windows and ceiling (brazil, anyone? XDD). it's spectacular. except for the targeted human.  laugh

    OMG surprise

    Okay okay.

    New plan:

    • Get Daz to delete my to current account so there is no trace of me buying the Daz Dog
    • Open new account and only get Cat stuff
    • Learn how to render stuff that is not NVITWS (which is the only things I have rendered so far)
    • Maybe change name?!?
    • Don't look at cute puppy vidoes on the internet.crying
    • Learn how to knit so cats have yarn to play with in case they invade my apartment. enlightened
    • Find and marry a cat lady frown

    Also: Why is Daz tricking us to buy discounted dog stuff?! angry


    HAHAHA. do you think in earnest that the cats won't find out about your old account stuffed with dog items? dream on my friend. you have no idea. tho, if they find you really useful for some reason, they might give you points for trying so hard and swipe it under the carpet for once. unless they really get angry with you for trying to escape the punishment you deserve. suppose it depends which cat deals with your case... crying

    i dunno, NVITWS might not bother them - if vicky is very far in the background, half-hidden behind a rock, and you have some feline(s) taking 99% of the foreground near the cam?

    changing your name won't help, cats have other designations for you - as if they would even CARE learning your name! - and ways to detect you anyways. devil

    yeah. looking at cute puppy videos is something that i wouldn't advise anyone to do, cat rulers aside... *facepalm*... srsly? surprise

    ah no need to knit, just BUY the yarn things. balls. whatever. the cats'll do the handiwork ^^

    HAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHA. good luck finding a cat lady wanting to marry any human, when they have true life companions in their masters the cats. i personally wouldn't. i'd rather go on cleaning a line of poo-ed litter boxes every morning 1st thing before my 1st leak & cuppa than wash a single sock for another human XDDDDD  cheeky

    also: psssst...... they might be working for the other side....

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited March 2020


    scorpio said:


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise


    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil


    Hivewire cat is free at the moment 

    Careful, it's a trojan cat, as part of the cat takeover!  It's full of kittens, and can multiply through instancing!

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    Taoz said:


    scorpio said:


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise


    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil


    Hivewire cat is free at the moment 

    Careful, it's a trojan cat, as part of the cat takeover!  It's full of kittens, and can multiply through instancing!

    Don't know about trojan but it can be egyptian

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566
    Taoz said:


    scorpio said:


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise


    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil


    Hivewire cat is free at the moment 

    Careful, it's a trojan cat, as part of the cat takeover!  It's full of kittens, and can multiply through instancing!

    I had adopted two kittens once.  One of them ended up to be full of kittens.  Melody had 4 kittens in her. I never asked Micah (the other cat) what his involvement of this situation because I doubt he would have told the truth,

  • sapatsapat Posts: 1,735
    his x said:
    sapat said:

    I pet my neighbor's cat all the time. I'd heard about the dog last week, but now the cat??.  They have 2 cats who nap in our yard, lurk in our bushes, and climb our tree. I freaked out and ran back inside to scrub my hands. 

    When you buy a potato in the supermarket, who touched it before you got there? The virus can survive 24 hours on a potato, according to the Korean professor I watched. The mailman touched the mail. Paper is 24 hours too. It can survive 4 days on a hard surface.

    A couple of days ago I saw a cougar walking through my front yard. He could eat a dog like a hamburger. The next day I read that this was happening in Europe too. When the people shut down and stay in, the critters come out of the woodwork. Conceivably, this could go on until Labor Day.

    There is much to be afraid of. It crossed my mind to buy a bottle of Scotch and a pack or two of Camels, and put them on the shelf. Then if I got sick I would consume them, and at least go out with a smile. In the meanwhile I keep an eye out for cougars.

    I put a plastic bag over my hand and forearm and pick up the item with the bag then close the bag up over it so don't have to touch directly. I know I'm using the bags off the roller in the store, but it makes me feel better psychologically not to directly touch them. I'm one of the ppl who normally rifles thru 100 tomatoes, potatoes and whatever else looking the best one with my bagged hand.  I do the same procedure with meat.  Put on my plastic bag sleeve, rifle thru the meat I want then slip my bag back over it so I don't have to touch it.  I've never seen anyone in the history of my grocery shopping do it, but I always have.  I worked in a sterile environment for 22 yrs, and that's how we touched icky things so we didn't get contaminated.  It's different now obvi.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited March 2020

    Today I'm greeting the current situation by finding music to DAZ by.  Yeah, it's me.  I escaped from the traditional complaint thread for more fertile grounds.  Today while DAZzing I tuned my web browser to the local Buffalo classical radio station and was plopped into the middle of something that I'd totally forgotten about.  It's just 6 minutes, but it's the third movement of Tchaikovsky's 3rd symphony.  Kind of unusual.  

    Tchaikovsky:  3rd Symphony; 3rd movement;  Nice light little piece that sort of reminds you of bees flitting around the garden.  Not unlike "The Flight of the Bumblebee" by Rimsky-Korsakov.

    If you're up for it, you can continue on to the 4th movement of Tchaikovsky's 3rd symphony here  But be warned, as much as I like a big bold Tchaikovsky finale, this one eventually satisfies but it seems that he takes a loooong time to finally get there.  It's only 9 minutes but I'm exhausted when it finally comes.


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • scorpio said:


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise


    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil


    Hivewire cat is free at the moment 

    Hmm wierd that in my time of need a "free" cat should show up. That doesn't make me paranoid at all laugh

    Also: Do I really want to submit to cats?!? Even a digital one?

    Also olsA: Didn't know about that site yes


  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    Taoz said:


    scorpio said:


    Okay so the majority of you people seems to think that cats are the coming rulers.

    I'm doing my part and in the last three weeks I have only left my apparment to take out the thrash. Will that anger the cats, and if so what can I do??? indecision

    I don't have a cat, and are not allowed to own one. Will I be doomed?? sad

    (I might be going slighty crazy atm)

    ACTUAL rulers, plz. they've been among us for millenia. think Bubastis, t​here it was still in the open...wink

    leaving the appartment would only anger the cats if you lived with one/some. as their slave, obviously, like any cat's flatmate. i don't think any cat living outside would even notice you while you dump your trash - as long as you don't sully their territory with anything not edible -  why should they. i mean you are human. we humans are to many cats even less worthy of interest than a cockroach. unless we feed the cats, then we might have their attention for a while... cheeky

    let me correct you: nobody "has" a cat, let alone "own" one, roflmao... if anything, the cat(s) owns YOU. laugh
    but back to your question, not offering any feline your protective four walls as well as a good part of your salary in food, litter if they live indoor (not sure if they give you points or not about the indoor thing...) and your unlimited loyalty is NOT good, they might consider you part of the enemy camp indeed, i mean, what use is a human if they don't serve felines? so yeah, i dunno if you're doomed yet or just on a very very dark black list. like, driving at 300mph on the highway to hell.

    well, at least, you don't seem to own a dog (noticed i used "own"? well in this case it's accurate) - THIS would be certain, immediate doom. in this and all your future lives and for 100 generations.  surprise

    agree about the going crazy thing, welcome into the club

    I do have the Daz Dog and the Three Amigos for Daz Dog 8crying

    Would it help if bought the Daz Cat or maybe just a catsuit for Victoria? wink

    Or would that actually anger the cats since it might be seen as an wierd effigy? surprise


    of course buying any virtual cat might be very helpful - tho be careful to only render cat scenes which are advantageous to them and present them under the best conditions. i think that penetrating the subconscious of your viewers with a flood of flattering cat themed images might be appreciated. propaganda is always good. devil


    Hivewire cat is free at the moment 

    Careful, it's a trojan cat, as part of the cat takeover!  It's full of kittens, and can multiply through instancing!

    I had adopted two kittens once.  One of them ended up to be full of kittens.  Melody had 4 kittens in her. I never asked Micah (the other cat) what his involvement of this situation because I doubt he would have told the truth,

    that's what happens when you adopt matrioshka kitten XD

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    sapat said:
    his x said:
    sapat said:

    I pet my neighbor's cat all the time. I'd heard about the dog last week, but now the cat??.  They have 2 cats who nap in our yard, lurk in our bushes, and climb our tree. I freaked out and ran back inside to scrub my hands. 

    When you buy a potato in the supermarket, who touched it before you got there? The virus can survive 24 hours on a potato, according to the Korean professor I watched. The mailman touched the mail. Paper is 24 hours too. It can survive 4 days on a hard surface.

    A couple of days ago I saw a cougar walking through my front yard. He could eat a dog like a hamburger. The next day I read that this was happening in Europe too. When the people shut down and stay in, the critters come out of the woodwork. Conceivably, this could go on until Labor Day.

    There is much to be afraid of. It crossed my mind to buy a bottle of Scotch and a pack or two of Camels, and put them on the shelf. Then if I got sick I would consume them, and at least go out with a smile. In the meanwhile I keep an eye out for cougars.

    I put a plastic bag over my hand and forearm and pick up the item with the bag then close the bag up over it so don't have to touch directly. I know I'm using the bags off the roller in the store, but it makes me feel better psychologically not to directly touch them. I'm one of the ppl who normally rifles thru 100 tomatoes, potatoes and whatever else looking the best one with my bagged hand.  I do the same procedure with meat.  Put on my plastic bag sleeve, rifle thru the meat I want then slip my bag back over it so I don't have to touch it.  I've never seen anyone in the history of my grocery shopping do it, but I always have.  I worked in a sterile environment for 22 yrs, and that's how we touched icky things so we didn't get contaminated.  It's different now obvi.

    aren^t you also worried about protecting your head?

    having a few health issues i don't go out since march 1st... like, at all. only garbage disposal 200m down an empty village street.
    BUT it has been a b*tch to find people get the shopping for me, since our main online supermarkets have a 2-3 weeks delivery wait atm. and my cupboards were empty, only the cats has enough food reserve. luckily yesterday i finally found a volunteer who got me a lot of the stuff from my list - but if i hadn't found anyone, i would have had to go out 2 villages further to the next supermarket, by train... have no car.

    so i remembered my vietnamian friend brought me one of those pointy straw hats back a few years ago, it's a deco item now, and i pondered about if it was a good idea to put a transparent plastic bag over it, so it would hang down to my chest - beekeepers style! but still wear a mask, possibly work goggles like i wear to use a saw (they fog easily tho), and of course gloves.. the el cheapo hazmat of the poor...

    people would have looked very very weird at me tho. don't care much.

  • sapat said:

    I put a plastic bag over my hand and forearm and pick up the item with the bag then close the bag up over it so don't have to touch directly. I know I'm using the bags off the roller in the store, but it makes me feel better psychologically not to directly touch them. I'm one of the ppl who normally rifles thru 100 tomatoes, potatoes and whatever else looking the best one with my bagged hand.  I do the same procedure with meat.  Put on my plastic bag sleeve, rifle thru the meat I want then slip my bag back over it so I don't have to touch it.  I've never seen anyone in the history of my grocery shopping do it, but I always have.  I worked in a sterile environment for 22 yrs, and that's how we touched icky things so we didn't get contaminated.  It's different now obvi.

    I too have some experience with sterile procedures. They are now acknowledging this bug is airborne. That means hazmat suits.

    We can take reasonable precautions, but beyond that we have limited control over what happens to us. Fear itself may not be the only thing we have to fear, but it is the primary thing we have control over.

    Laugh now. Cry later. ;-) This crisis has the potential to bring about certain constructive changes in our lives.

    For example, working remotely. Half of us have jobs sitting at a desk staring at a monitor, diddling a keyboard. To do this we spend two hours every day sitting in our cars, wasting gasoline, wasting our lives, all so the boss can watch us. There is no need for this, but somehow, all "Save the Planet" aside, we just can't update our ways. This virus could change that.

    You can go to Lhasa, spend $5 in a coffee shop, and MasterCard knows about it in 5 minutes. They know who you are, where you live, where you are now, how much money you have, and so on. Yet SOMEhow, we just can't apply that process to voting. Changing that behavior could increase voter turnout from 50% to almost everybody. Our opportunity is now.

    There are a few other possibilities as well. I try to focus on these.

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    his x said:
    sapat said:

    I put a plastic bag over my hand and forearm and pick up the item with the bag then close the bag up over it so don't have to touch directly. I know I'm using the bags off the roller in the store, but it makes me feel better psychologically not to directly touch them. I'm one of the ppl who normally rifles thru 100 tomatoes, potatoes and whatever else looking the best one with my bagged hand.  I do the same procedure with meat.  Put on my plastic bag sleeve, rifle thru the meat I want then slip my bag back over it so I don't have to touch it.  I've never seen anyone in the history of my grocery shopping do it, but I always have.  I worked in a sterile environment for 22 yrs, and that's how we touched icky things so we didn't get contaminated.  It's different now obvi.

    I too have some experience with sterile procedures. They are now acknowledging this bug is airborne. That means hazmat suits.

    WHAT? where did you read this virus was airborne? all i've read up to now said the contrary, but on the other hand, my sources might be very flawed - i'm not actively searching for sources, just reading mainstream sites from my country (with national+international live tickers)  to stay up to date with changes and what's generally happening in the world now. which is a huge change for me: i NEVER watch any type of news usually.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,624

    only in Wales cheeky

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    his x said:
    sapat said:

    I put a plastic bag over my hand and forearm and pick up the item with the bag then close the bag up over it so don't have to touch directly. I know I'm using the bags off the roller in the store, but it makes me feel better psychologically not to directly touch them. I'm one of the ppl who normally rifles thru 100 tomatoes, potatoes and whatever else looking the best one with my bagged hand.  I do the same procedure with meat.  Put on my plastic bag sleeve, rifle thru the meat I want then slip my bag back over it so I don't have to touch it.  I've never seen anyone in the history of my grocery shopping do it, but I always have.  I worked in a sterile environment for 22 yrs, and that's how we touched icky things so we didn't get contaminated.  It's different now obvi.

    I too have some experience with sterile procedures. They are now acknowledging this bug is airborne. That means hazmat suits.

    WHAT? where did you read this virus was airborne? all i've read up to now said the contrary, but on the other hand, my sources might be very flawed - i'm not actively searching for sources, just reading mainstream sites from my country (with national+international live tickers)  to stay up to date with changes and what's generally happening in the world now. which is a huge change for me: i NEVER watch any type of news usually.

    It can swim in the air (floating) for some times when a carrier cough, sneeze etc.

  • WHAT? where did you read this virus was airborne? all i've read up to now said the contrary, but on the other hand, my sources might be very flawed - i'm not actively searching for sources, just reading mainstream sites from my country (with national+international live tickers)  to stay up to date with changes and what's generally happening in the world now. which is a huge change for me: i NEVER watch any type of news usually.

    Two sources within the past three days. First, in an interview of a prominent physician in S.Korea. Second, today it appeared in a well-known US news publication, albeit as a maybe.

    These microbes are ~25 microns, so are light enough to defy gravity. They live on mucus membranes, and launch when we breath.

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414

    only in Wales cheeky

    this is hi-la-rious! XDDD. and super cute. didn't know they had wild goats there, been in wales for holidays a few years ago, and what was covering the fields were sheep, not goats... i hope the poster who talked about cougars doesn't also live in wales, poor goats! here the only thing you see on the streets are the same, boring rare villagers as usual. not fun.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Don't forget, Inky the octopus escaped.  Or, was he ever really captured.  Maybe like Steve McQueen in the Great Escape, Inky let himself be captured so he could bring back important spy information.



  • only in Wales cheeky

    Well, at least they won't eat your pets.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,624
    edited March 2020

    only in Wales cheeky

    this is hi-la-rious! XDDD. and super cute. didn't know they had wild goats there, been in wales for holidays a few years ago, and what was covering the fields were sheep, not goats... i hope the poster who talked about cougars doesn't also live in wales, poor goats! here the only thing you see on the streets are the same, boring rare villagers as usual. not fun.

    only the human sort AFAIK 

    the Scottish Wildcats shown on YouTube looked like my tabby but vicious kittehs without a stripe down the tail

    they interbeed with housecats

    so I doubt Wales or anywhere else harbouring bigger ones

    think they killed all the lions and dragons long ago

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    Galaxy said:
    his x said:
    sapat said:

    I put a plastic bag over my hand and forearm and pick up the item with the bag then close the bag up over it so don't have to touch directly. I know I'm using the bags off the roller in the store, but it makes me feel better psychologically not to directly touch them. I'm one of the ppl who normally rifles thru 100 tomatoes, potatoes and whatever else looking the best one with my bagged hand.  I do the same procedure with meat.  Put on my plastic bag sleeve, rifle thru the meat I want then slip my bag back over it so I don't have to touch it.  I've never seen anyone in the history of my grocery shopping do it, but I always have.  I worked in a sterile environment for 22 yrs, and that's how we touched icky things so we didn't get contaminated.  It's different now obvi.

    I too have some experience with sterile procedures. They are now acknowledging this bug is airborne. That means hazmat suits.

    WHAT? where did you read this virus was airborne? all i've read up to now said the contrary, but on the other hand, my sources might be very flawed - i'm not actively searching for sources, just reading mainstream sites from my country (with national+international live tickers)  to stay up to date with changes and what's generally happening in the world now. which is a huge change for me: i NEVER watch any type of news usually.

    It can swim in the air (floating) for some times when a carrier cough, sneeze etc.

    sure, i know that. but i thought airborne was different. like, with cough/sneeze the virus lives in the droplets, and yes they do fly a little but they soon fall on the floor. never read exactly what airborne means but i thought it might be different, i dunno, fly by itself or in dust particles, smaller, and flying for a way longer time not only 2m meters max. in the wind. wasn't there this big panic about anthrax years ago, wasn't it supposed to distribute in the air,?

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    edited March 2020

    only in Wales cheeky

    this is hi-la-rious! XDDD. and super cute. didn't know they had wild goats there, been in wales for holidays a few years ago, and what was covering the fields were sheep, not goats... i hope the poster who talked about cougars doesn't also live in wales, poor goats! here the only thing you see on the streets are the same, boring rare villagers as usual. not fun.

    only the human sort AFAIK 

    the Scottish Wildcats shown on YouTube looked like my tabby but vicious kittehs without a stripe down the tail

    they interbeed with housecats

    so I doubt Wales or anywhere else harbouring bigger ones

    think they killed all the lions and dragons long ago

    yeah i doubt very much the poster who had a cougar cross their lawn WAS indeed living in wales, lol.

    luckily for the goats, the human cougar type isn't too much into eating raw goats. i hope.

    mhh dunno, there are still people killing dragons all over the planet.. but they don't go outdoor much XDD

    Post edited by manekiNeko on
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