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Need to drink more.
Nope. goldfish are beggers, Cats are Masters.
As if doctors didn't have already enough to worry about.
That's why we need more robots. LOL. I'm waiting for one that will clean the reconstruction dust caused by the demo and repairs to three rooms and a garage ceiling. I can write words on any surface in this house, without using a pen, pencil or marker. YES - I have skills and a magic finger!
We get the 'Demand Purr', as we call it, daily. OK, Multiple times a day. And it works. Mostly. Except when it comes 30 seconds after the last issue of food.
Then what do you do with all the people without a job because they have been replaced with robots?
(Yeah, it's dark humor, get over it.
*This is dark sarcastic humor and not based on or implied that it is fact*
So we replace humans with robots in order to prevent the spread of germs, then have a global pandemic in order to control the out of work people so that wo can complain more about replacing more jobs with roblots to have another pandemic and thus leaving the world to the robots. Sounds like Skynet found a way to take care of the humans without resorting to nuclear holocost.
Skynet happens to be a type of communications spacecraft based on the Eurostar 3000 chassis. All Skynet chassis panels in the last 17 years have been transported in a box I designed. Not many people know that. I doubt if many people care, either.
When it will over, you actually might be miss these unpaid (paid for some people) notorious holidays.
am home anyway, am retired but because of this that might have to change
On Monday, a spokesperson for the royal issued an update regarding the 71-year-old’s health, saying: “Clarence House has confirmed today that, having consulted with his doctor, The Prince of Wales is now out of self-isolation”.
So, now we know who to blame.
I'm the same age as Charles (within a couple of days). My mother several times during my life told the story that when she was heavily pregnant with me she heard a radio broadcast (long time ago, radio, not TV) that the Queen took a walk in her garden. "Well, big shit", my mother said, "I was out weeding my garden today." (I paraphrase of course).
Whenever I want to freak myself out over how old I am, I just look at a picture of Charles.
March government year-end hell is still my reality. I just get to do it in my PJ's this year.
I would add, if you're starting a sentence with 'I heard...' Really? It's possible to hear anything and everything if you listen long enough.
Take the couple who took fish tank cleaner; that's what happens when you go off hearsay and advice from those who are not scientists.
I already knew my cat was manipulating me; it's good to have scientific evidence to my belief.
West Hollywood, (California) Sunset/Crescent Heights
NOT in the Terminator Universe T-800 "I'll be back."
OMG! This is brilliant! Thanks for sharing!

1) thanks for this! very useful/informative chart!
2) whaaaaaat??? blade runner was "happening"/set in 2019? like, last year?
un-be-lie-va-ble! well, we're way behind. our androids just came out of the tin can phase XD
must be a cat thing. like, all over the place right now. sensing panic or seeing the future... i was srsly freaking out because we were at high risk to end up empty-handed very soon (yeah, no reserves and weeks of delivery wait) - so i was writing emails and calling around to organize free-ish cat food, and suddenly my cats started claiming more than their usual rations, whining more than usual. either they're spying on me when i do phone calls, or they're reading my emails while i sleep ...
you'd be amazed what can make your day.. these days. this morning i realized that in the online supermarket where i get my things, not only the monthly order i was about to make (1 month food for 11 cats & myself, as usual, since i live in a shopless village with no car AND am now in the risk group to boot so i stay home) would need 3 weeks to be delivered, but probably wouldn't be accepted at all cuz over 2 weeks wait, the bank doesn't keep the reserved amount and cancels the order.. AND i also realized that the order supposed to come tomorrow fill my empty fridge/cupboard had just been canceled, for the same reason. i was like wtf wtf wtf what am i gonna do. luckily someone mailed me a local list of volunteers, and this guy i've never seen in my life basically went to the shop supermarket 2 villages further, bought all he could find from my big list himself and brought it here, i just had to pay him back by iban! wow fantastic! those are heroes!
and then, having only been eating rice+noodles for weeks for other reasons, i FINALLY got to eat a pizza - the cheapest brand possible, but gawd, it was excellent! best pizza evar! this really made my day! (well, the whole shopping stunt too ofc, lol, but hey, pizza)
Not to press a fine point here but anything said by a politician in a press conference is political. Well, at least <someone> will make it political. Even if just to point out that if a politician's mouth is open, it's political.
I found that cat litter works well. I bought enough for a year.
mhhh.. i can see how cat litter can replace a toilet, no big deal. but i can't wrap my mind around how it could replace paper..???