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New Zealand is into day 3 of Level 4, police are telling us of monumental covidiocy going on...for instance, yesterday a 15 year old learner driver was caught doing 175K/h because 'it might be his last chance', I'm hoping he now has no car. Mostly people are doing the right thing, staying home and sitting tight. NZ Govt has been doing a fantastic job; Jacinda, our PM, a source of strength, calm, and facts in daily video broadcasts. She has also curled up on her couch at home in her comfy clothes and videoed live from her Facebook page, this after a full day in the Beehive and who knows how many meetings. She just wanted to check we were ok, I nearly cried. And as she was inundated with a flood of love and praise, got embarrassed, so very Kiwi. I'm comfort eating, not anxious for myself, as a hermit from way back I spent 99% of my time alone, but anxious for my relatives, my friends, my countrymen, my country. Anxious for those I've met through 3D, scattered all over the world, in places where things are really bad. I hope you are all safe, well, warm, and homed. From New Zealand, kia kaha! And I'm going to share our govt's covid19 website, there may be information on it that will be of assistance. Lorraine
we used to buy it fresh recently caught from the fish processing factory when I lived near Port Adelaide, big gutted carcasses on ice with workers filleting them,
yes we called it flake but that name covers several fish
My mum used to say, fish is fresh when it smells like the ocean. Well the ocean as I know it smells like dead fish and petroleum last time I ever went to the beach. I don't mind smoked fish, smoked until dry as a board, and most of the taste and aroma is burnt wood. I can't cook fish, either. My hubby enjoys seafood, but he can go out for that, he doesn't mind. Last time I cooked fish fillets of haddock, the house reeked and he said to toss it out. Guess that wasn't "fresh" enough. How was I to know?
Ha! I like it. New buzzwords. Covidiot. Covidiocy.
The sound of squishey wet shoes with each step and the last strip of 3 ply toilet paper trailing behind the heel of one shoe. happens to all. regardless of station in life.
If I was one of the religous kind I'd say thank the gods that I live in a small town in germany, where live goes on just as always, only with less people on the street and - for whatever reason - no toilet paper in the small supermarket-ish shop.
My wife and I always go shopping on Fridays and nothing really has changed for us. Yeah, there's a sign making people stay 1.50 m away from each other in the shop and at the cashiers and there's something like a plastic tent around the woman sitting at the cash register, but even in healthier times there's never a big amount of people shopping there at the same time, so it's just a bit weird but not a sign of incoming doom...
Interesting to read here about what others experience though...
Yep, not at all missing living in Washington, DC anymore. Or any big city. "Green acres is the place to be. Farm livin' is the life for me. Land spreadin' out so far and wide. Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside."
The kids were talking about it yesterday, it's like a vacation, without the trip and tourist traps. One day at a time, so far so good. As long as there is some stock int he stores, there's little stress, and even less panic.
Not for those that are unable to work unfortunately. I have friends that are stuck at home and draining their savings keeping up with bills since they can't go to work and a couple have lost their jobs and can't go look for new ones because of the lockdown. My company is considered essential, so I have to go to work still. Lucky or unlucky, depends on how you look at it. Gotta do the best we can and hope this lockdown has an impact on the virus. Stay safe everyone!
What is going on? I mean when will it end?
edit not the end of the world but the end of the current crappy crisis (aka Covid 19)?
It should end but it will probably take a long time. Right now, the idea of social distancing and lockdown is to slow the spread of the virus to prevent overloading of medical facilities. Eventually, enough people will contract the virus to confer "herd immunity." That is, enough people will have it and be immune to it to prevent person-to-person transmission, but there may be sporadic outbreaks. All that falls apart if we don't actually become immune to the virus by contracting it. It may be that infected people can be re-infected. That would be bad! We really need a vaccine, but timeline is longer.
If infected people re-infect then I doubt a vaccine will work. By the way there was a time seasonal flu wracked havoc.
A 14 to 21 day exit plan by me (I am not confident with this plan) if it is possible.
Isolate all vulnerable for 21 days.
Expose healthier people to the virus at once by interecting them with people and daily work.
Human to human transfer by sneezing etc. become minimal.
The risk is: Even some healthier people may become vulnerable and some people will may get it otherwise never contact with the virus.
Got this in the mail.
That's just herbivore propaganda... it's a ploy to lull you into a false sense of security.
I am watching a bitter sweet movie. A girl with incurable illness and ends up dying at the end. So basically girl meets boy, boy meets girl, boy finds out about girl's illness after falling in love with her, girl dies, boy learns to live without the girl.
Now my eyes are malfunctioning. Liquid is coming out of my eyes. Why am I allowing a movie to move me so much?
That's right! Some herbivores are faking it. One of my sons told me that many are "opportunistic carnivores". He then supplied me with video links (YouTube and others) showing deer, cows, squirrels, etc. eating dead mammals. They are sneaky. They try not to leave witnesses. While you are practicing Social Isolation, don't trust your livestock. Don't fall asleep outside!
Is it this one? ryan o'neal & ali macgraw in Love Story
Doubt it but Netflix DVD sleeve does not mention who is in it. Also that is not the name.
Netflix really needs to step up their game with all the added bandwidth happening. Haven't had a single issue with Hulu as of yet. Prime seems a bit laggy as well.
I'm so happy I work for a company that has transitioned all ~19,000 employees to remote work. It happened over the course of a week and it was done. The IT guys are looked upon like Hercules at this point, lol. We had a huge remote presence to begin with but still, it took a lot of work and coordination to get even a fraction of 19,000 people remote in a week's time all across the US. Now our partner facility in India has shut down and we've had to absorb all the outsourced work back onshore so our reps are getting unlimited overtime. We're hoping they'll jump at the chance, figuring everybody is home and likely knows someone who desperately needs help with money. I love my job and I love my employer. They've altered our company health plan to include all virtual healthcare visits with no deductible, as well as all coronavirus-related testing. The company is also donating over $1,000,000 to various causes, including COVID-19 research, food for kids and familes while schools remain closed, and helping impacted small businesses (also matching employee-made donations up to $10k per person). I've been astounded at all the resources and support they've been putting forth for employees, their families, and our communities.
I can't imagine what it must be like to have a job one day and none the next. And I can't imagine how it must feel to be one of those people out on the front lines, whether a first responder, or someone risking exposure every day to make sure the rest of us have food in our bellies. Delivery drivers, cashiers, stockers, the people who shop for those of us getting home delivery...mailmen (mailpeople?:)...warehouse employees...those who continue to work to care for our fur babies...they are all heros.
I've been chatting with some friends in the same age group as I am (30-something) and parental stress is a giant thing right now. I'm home and my husband is home because we both work for the same company, but both of my parents are still working. We live in a duplex (us downstairs and my parents upstairs) so we're all in this together and whoever my parents interact with at work, by default we're also interacting with. The stress of that is horrible. My dad works for a company that supplies heating and cooling for hospitals, etc so they aren't shutting down any time soon and my mom works for a vet clinic and they're still open. In fact, she said they're busier than ever. She's still going to multiple stores to do her shopping while I'm doing all my shopping by delivery. Trying to get her to stop going to the store is an exercise in futility. They're saying Connectiut is likely to peak in the next couple weeks and I'm like "Mom, you CANNOT be going to the store..." and I've been pleading with her to get delivery. I even offered to buy her groceries for her. But she's picky and needs this specific coffee and that specific bag of chicken tenderloins. Whereas I'm of the mindset that I'll just take anything so I don't have to go to the store. Finally today she said she'd try to do delivery. Good lord I hope she does. I'm going to keep riding her about it because my 67yo dad is a major risk - heart patient and very recent ex-smoker (like seriously his lungs probably look like beef jerky).
Exactly!… They pretend to be herbivores, but they are actually omnivores on the downlow... every now and then people catch these alleged "herbivores" up to their shenanigans... cows stopping by the drive-thru at Burger King, rabbits eating farmers or gazelles devouring a zoo keeper...
Here you even see them caught in the act of advocating for carnivorous behavior...
Never trust an omnivore.
Wasn't that made in 1988 and starred Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin... I don't recall a romance between either of those characters... De Niro was an ex-cop turned bounty hunter who was supposed to be bringing Grodin back to L.A. by a bail bondsman which results in a cross country adventure with lots of plot twists, double crosses and humorous situations galore.
And remember, if you need to get rid of a body, just find a local pig farm, they'll eat anything.
No, I had to do some searching on IMDB. I could not find a Midnight Sun with that description. I decided to look for Robert De Nero, but accidently forgot to tell the search engine what type of search I was wanting. After fixing that error, I found the right Robert De Niro and checked which movie he did in 1988 to find it called Midnight Run, not Midnight Sun.
You need to smack some sense into your Mom. Not only is she risking herself by not taking this seriously, she is risking you and your family as well. Show her videos of what italy has gone thru, what survivers have gone thru, it's scary stuff!
I have told all my employees that if they feel the slightist bit ill to stay home and not risk exposing whatever they have to other employees and even customers. I felt a bit off today with a slight fever so I called in to be on the safe side and I am feeling better after getting some more sleep, so it was probably stress related I hope.
I just ate 3 Cherry Blossom bars......... just delicious for an extended period.
Yes, I am on here way too much, reading a lot.
I've seen some pretty sleezy goats, and a really nasty cow now and then..... strangely, the media will not say a word about it.
cool 3D animated video explaining Coronavirus