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which sources? links?
As I understood the Korean doctor, breathing itself involves moist air going out of our nose and mouth. It's not only sneezing or coughing. If you're in a room full of people, you will all breathe and exchange the same air. That's why churchgoers end up sick. I don't think it blows across the country like a windstorm. Consider that a hair on your head is 80 microns wide. That's three times bigger than a virus microbe. FWIW, that is HUGE compared to the traces on a CPU. At one time the traces on an IC were measured in microns. Cartridge sediment filters are classified in microns.
This explains why masks actually are of value, and that the US Surgeon General was mistaken when he said, don't wear a mask. That was about 10 days ago.
Earlier in this thread I gave the YT title of the interview with the Korean doctor. Plug that title into the YT search field.
We don't see many cougars here in Wales, but yes we do have Mountain Goats. The Royal Welsh regiment has one as a mascot. Sometimes when the old mascot needs replacing it can be fun rounding up a new one
Also Goats do sometime see people roofs as replacements for mountains
aaah ok. not as wild as i thought when you said airborne. that's pretty much what i thought too, and i never listened to them saying here too "don't wear masks" (well, i didn't have to since i don't go out, but if i did, i def would wear one. and some plastic sheet too from head to waist. and gloves against smears. and washing my hands after taking off the gloves.and not touching anything like letters, parcels or even shopping/delivery items for days, caarying them inside with gloves.) - ifeveryone had worn masks everywhere from day one, we wouldn't have this hecatomb. neither would we have the economic catastrophe coming from it.
i'll do that, thanks ^^
EDIT: well.. i searched under your posts from your profile, to not avail, and then typed youtube in the search, nutting either. searching for a link in a comment in a thread that's 39 pages long.. yeah.. no. chances to find it are inversely proportional to the frustration levels XDD
Shenkin is adorable <3 <3 - and the tone in the article is funny "were met with a gruff response from the animal." english humor much? i might read bbc more often..
wow this roof is super steep! how comes they don't slip... the tiles shouldn't offer that many asperities. they say they even go on buses, maybe it's why you have double deckers in london XDDD
i bet goats on the house would be more fun than all the successive insects waves i've seen in this house since i moved in 9 months ago (moskitoes, bluebottle flies, fruit flies, house flies, ladybugs, gnats)... excepted for moskitoes they come in by closed windows, and my flat is clean! i've lived in dumps and this never happened.
Can you buy a disinfectant called Zoflora over there. It's not the most environmentally friendly, but it is very effective and smells nice. I have found that keeping a spray bottle of it mixed up stronger and with the spray nozzle on jet I can knock flies down out of the air We can sometimes get midges and fruit flies and compost flies, due to Wales being a rather wet country. Zoflora helps wonderfully. Lots of nice different floral scents.
dunno, have to search online... over there is switzerland, so we can't access many thinks from abroad - not sure what gets caught by customs when you order online. but i'll check. have to be hyper careful tho, with all my cats... that's why i didn't use any insecticide.
EDIT: nope, except from very few dubious online stores. google . ch shows 5 pages if i kick out ebay & pinterest...
and still, now i live insect-free (almost) at the moment tho. window nets against moskitoes, vinegar traps + cold winter with open windows & vacuum cleaner in the room that had all the fruit flies, neem watering in the plants against gnats, and good ol fly swatter against the (meanwhile absent) black flies (now winter is over they stay outside instead of crawling thru the cheap window frames). and a paintbrush+container to collect the stray ladybugs and dump them out... the bluebottle only came in for a week or so, i think something died in the garden or nearby - i immediately put up window nets, which also helped for the moskitoes (i had been lazy as i moved in, and rather complained about the buzzers than moving my butt, but when the bluebottle came it was done in hours!).
He talks talk about it here as well (23:00). He also mentions certain mushrooms which are supposed to be effective agains viruses (33:35).
Note that this video is over 10 days old and some statistics may have changed since.
cool, thx for the video!
well.. it's late here and my lids are closing, but i still checkedat least 23:00 leaving the rest for tomorrow. it's not good. i really didn't know that the droplets could not only linger on the floor or any surface, but IN THE AIR too, and not necessarily in a dense crowded room, for hours. it's different from what i thought "airborne" meant, but not any better.
i stay in to 99,9%. my only short moments out amount to about 2x a week to drop garbage (always with gloves), it takes me 5min to + 5min fro, the little village street to the eco point is mostly empty, i cross rarely 1-2 people at good 4m distance (and nobody ever coughed, just breathed, even we know in theory it's enough to generate droplets). the only thing is that once this idiot couldn't wait and came up to the 2m long paper dump platform (i pulled a face and retracted as far as i could), and today this chatty lady needed to talk useless blah near the tin can bin while i dropped mine piece per piece - even she stayed at 3-4m, why couldn't she stfu and go home. i don't need contact, why can't i dump my stuff in peace. i didn't wear a mask since 1) up to now i never crossed anyone at the eco point (they're all outta work or something now...?) - and 2) everyone would think I AM sick and have rumors starting or sth.
so if this guy in the video is right, i can stay 99,9% home and be super careful, wear gloves as soon as i go out of my apartment (yup, post box = gloves too), let letters/delivery objects lie for days without touching them AND STILL be contaminated during those few minutes outside because needy or careless idiots step not too far from me (maybe 2m maybe 4m) and leave their droplets in the air???? that's freaking me out. why don't they have garbage collection in this stupid "progressive" village. eco-point my butt :(
No worries! This flu may be more contageous than most other flus, but the mortality rate, as best I can tell, is no worse than anything we've seen before. The press is having field day with it. The virus is not so unique as our reaction to it is. Remember that if you are the only sane person in the asylum, everyone will say you are a nut. ;-)
yeah.. not so sure that if i get contaminated it would just mean i'd feel nothing at all (asymptomatic) or i'd just get a big flu and be unwell at home for 1-2 weeks or less.
while i might not be in the very high risk group (then again, no guarantees) of elderly people with serious health issues who are really at risk to die after spending days on a respirator, i'd say there are good chances i might at least land in the hospital for a few days, not sure how badly sick.
EDIT: what LeatherGryphon said below - i absolutely agree.
i have allergic asthma, a thyroid immune system condition, i'm intolerant to certain medicines (hence might react wonky to treatments), dunno where obese starts but i'm overweight for sure, i'm not very well fed since i'm broke (even i try for healthy food often i lack produce or supplements), i'm halfways insomniac (sleep is the best medicine for your immune system and your organs), and i have zero physical condition, get easily tired etc. short: not so good.
so, not 85 with a pacemaker, super high blood pressure, diabetes and a few devastating immune sicknesses - but NOT what i'd call healthy.
now, nobody wants to get badly sick and have to go to the hospital, me neither. even less in intensive care of any sort. but besides this, besides the fact that i'm scared for myself and the outcome, i live with a dozen cats, with nobody to look after them. i obviously can't let them by themselves for a fortnight, and asking for help in a village you just spent 9 months into with no big contact with neighbors isn't easy. tho as long as it's for shopping, it's yes (all cool) or no (well, crap). but asking for help for that many animals is different. some people are nosy, or clueless, or opinionated, or they might just get sick too and not be able to organize a good plan B. IF you actually find someone.
IF you're lucky, ideally you find a great capable responsible person who also knows to stfu and keep privacy. you come back home, your companions are well, ev'thing is fine.
otherwise, worst case scenarios are varied - cats no looked after properly, nice helper sick asked a jerk to continue, someone has opinionz and calls officials, some unexpected crap happens somehow... you come home and a nightmare is waiting for you. and lately, lady luck was out for lunch as far as i'm concerned, like a 1-year lunch or more.
see my point? i just can't afford to get this bug. it might change a lot of things in a way i really won't like, more than a simple flu...
I suspect they said that so there would not be a mask shortage for the infected (which there is), and if everyone wore masks panic and fear could ensue and cause more damage than the virus. The mask is a must. The virus can stay stagnant airborne for two hours indoors. Not sure where it goes outdoors with winds and gusts, but inside a supermarket, church, medical center,or funeral parlor, if somene sneezed or coughed 1.5 hours earlier, I could inhale the virus. I had a water flood in December with mold and bought some N95 Maskfor hubby (COPD etc). The smartest thing to do is make one from material. Take a T-Shirt and cut multiple layers to serve as a mask. In Iran during the old Sars CoronaVirus the vieled women often avoided the disease while the men fell prey to it. The trick is to cover the face. Wearing gloves does dick all. The point is not to touch your face until you can get home and wash your hands for twenty seconds to a minute, and don't forget the doorknobs, handles etc. The mask is what matters most. A to keep your hands from touching your face and B to keep the virus at bay. The same mask should be garbaged sterilized or put aside for three days before touching it again.
good grief
I have no more optimism to offer. Believe what you will. Attitude is everything. Hasty Lumbego.
Time to get this survival thread back on track, getting too gloomy with all the talk of cats taking over the world.
For those of you that are out of hand sanatizer, I had a suggestion from Kent Rollins (do a youtube search if you don't know whon he is) Mix 70% rubbing alcohol and olive or canola oil in a 50/50 ratio to make a moisturing hand sanatizer. Since I am down to 8 oz of Isopropyl alcohol and can't find a bottle of rubing alcohol anywhere, time to up the virus killing power so the new experiment will be...
Stopped by the Liquor store for a half pint and all I could get was a 5th (all small bottlers sold out). Will try a small batch first (2 oz each). Just have to find a bottle that won't melt
Everclear also makes a good charcoal starter in a pinch too.
I think a positive attitude is crucial for health. The mind is a powerful tool but so is the virus. Being positive and being stupid are not related. And smart positive people will survive this as a memory regardless of age or health. Here are some stats that are 48 hours apart.
Edit a relative in Canada, Newfoundland, said the province was virus free, but a woman from spain flew into the province for a funeral and infected others. Now they have 150 active cases and one death. And that's how the pendulum swings. (Pendulums are often used as tools to enhance healing and spiritual growth).
.....the Egyptians worshipped cats and sometimes had them mummified...
Normally i would have this attitude also since I rarely get the flu and I am pretty healthy, BUT at least with the flu there is treatment to help you get better and even try to prevent it, Not with this though, so we have every reason to worry
Well if the virus really is that powerful wouldn't it affect everyone the same way? But apparently some hardly have any symptoms, while others die of it. So it really has something to do with the individual, and how strong their immune system is. And that certainly has something to do with one's general attitude and beliefs, there's lots of evidence for that, also in the scientific literature.
...maybe not raw ones, but curried goat is actually pretty good.
yup ^^ - Bubastis would be my city of choice if it still existed (as such). this era was magnificient! <(^x^)>
Cougars in Wales. Well, not the cat family ones. However in Kent we have Black Panthers. I have seen one on 4 occasions, once across the valley and within 30ft of a dog walker (who was unaware of it) and his Collie dog (who was fully aware of it). The shoulder height was the same as the collie, and body 50% longer. We saw the same animal (probably.. in S America their range is 100 sq miles, so there is probably only the one covering this area) in our garden a year later, it was hunting our large Maine Coon Tom at the time, then it noticed a human and fled. The other two occasions was when we were walking (family of 4) across the fields behind us and it was skylined for us as we came over the ridge. So, definitely Panthers if not Cougars here.
you're probably totally right about the positive attitude, the mind is powerful (placebo, anyone?). and if it doesn't help, it certainly won't do any damage to be/stay positive, the only side effect is that your daily life will be better.
and i knooooooow that i should exercise being positive, since i'm quite the contrary, i.e. whiny, angry and pessimistic. haven't always been like this, but s** happened etc, i changed... now it poisons my life, and in the context of this pandemia, it does both limit the powers of my mind & body, and contribute to more paranoia/fear.
thanks for reminding me/us about being positive ^^
If you make a public service anouncement please make it a correct one, the needed ratio of alcohol for a working hand sanitizer is 60%-70%!
That is so true. And the people whose job it is to know relevant facts like this also state the good old fashioned soap and water does a better job than anything else someone just happens to mention on youtube, which is why we get the advice "wash your hands" repeated, seemingly ad nauseum. It just can't be said enough.