How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited April 2020

    This story made me smile.  I love lobster & sea food. The state of Maine is where my youngest daughter lives,  So when she sent this to me i thought it was a apirl fools joke at first. ha ha

    Lobster blood could help treat coronavirus, Maine scientist says

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,566

    I got a text saying I am getting unlimited minutes until June something.  At least I can make unlimited phone calls, but not really as I have to sleep and such.  Also others gotta sleep and such.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited April 2020

    That's one thing I don't understand about these stay at home orders...the rules are to stay at home except for emergency medical issues and procuring food. So how do you get to the grocery store if you're going to be pulled over? I certainly don't have a pass to go out my front door. I believe in Connecticut, the governor has only issued an "urge" order, and that's the best he can to. I've been told that the government in the US cannot actually make people stay at home unless martial law is declared. Not that I don't agree with staying at home...I just don't get how people are supposed to go to the grocery store if they're going to get arrested for doing so. I haven't left my house in three and a half weeks...we've been doing grocery delivery. But now the delivery services are full up and it might come down to having no choice but to actually go to the store. We can survive on ramen and spaghetti-o's and other non-perishables ordered from Amazon...but my iguana needs fresh greens and other fruits and vegetables. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    I really don't know how they can really enforce these rules.  But my understand that its goes by state by state how the enforcement is handles  some states its just a suggestion to stay home. others are just giving warning first then they will give out fines. and then others such as Florida & parts of New York are giving out $1000 fines for repeat offenders. and or putting you into detection centers.  In my state they are issuing warning tickets if you have not called the police in your area and tell them why your traveling and where to they won't issue you a permit . But if you get stopped in your travel your names with be registered with excused travel.. for employees who are working for essential jobs, which is the only thing opens   their company is issuing work permits with the employees with their hours of work and required travel routes. but like i said for now my state are just issuing warnings.  I think it goes state by state how its handled

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    people can get arrested in Australia, usually warned and told to move on in practice

    just sunbathing in a park by yourself forbidden

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited April 2020

    Yeah, but when you live in a city of 80,000 people, how can you be expected to call your local police just to say "hey, I'm going to a the grocery store."? That's just not even a remote possiblity for the police and/or dispatch service to handle. The biggest problem I'm seeing is that there's no actual clear direction being given in what people need to do if/when they need to leave their house. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    kyoto kid said:

    Time to get this survival thread back on track, getting too gloomy with all the talk of cats taking over the world.


    For those of you that are out of hand sanatizer, I had a suggestion from Kent Rollins (do a youtube search if you don't know whon he is)  Mix 70% rubbing alcohol and olive or canola oil in a 50/50 ratio to make a moisturing hand sanatizer.  Since I am down to 8 oz of Isopropyl alcohol and can't find a bottle of rubing alcohol anywhere, time to up the virus killing power so the new experiment will be...


    If you make a public service anouncement please make it a correct one, the needed ratio of alcohol for a working hand sanitizer is 60%-70%!

    Agreed, my experimnet failed.  Next experiment is 75% Everclear & 25% Aloevera jell.  You're right, I didn't have enough alcohol in it (have to send Kent an email to up his ratio of alcohol).

    ...but wouldn't Isopropyl alcohol be less expensive by volume? Even cheap Bourbon or Vodka is something like 12 -14$ for a fifth.

    Normal drinking alcogol, and vodka is weaker than many spirites, actually has way to little alcohol to be effective.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Chohole said:

    Time to get this survival thread back on track, getting too gloomy with all the talk of cats taking over the world.


    For those of you that are out of hand sanatizer, I had a suggestion from Kent Rollins (do a youtube search if you don't know whon he is)  Mix 70% rubbing alcohol and olive or canola oil in a 50/50 ratio to make a moisturing hand sanatizer.  Since I am down to 8 oz of Isopropyl alcohol and can't find a bottle of rubing alcohol anywhere, time to up the virus killing power so the new experiment will be...


    If you make a public service anouncement please make it a correct one, the needed ratio of alcohol for a working hand sanitizer is 60%-70%!

    Agreed, my experimnet failed.  Next experiment is 75% Everclear & 25% Aloevera jell.  You're right, I didn't have enough alcohol in it (have to send Kent an email to up his ratio of alcohol).

    It's not just the ratio of alcohol to whatever else you add,  it's also the purity of the alcohol,  Pure alcohol is like 100%  and you need at least 70% pure alcohol.  An average bottle of good whiskey is only 40% pure alcohol to give you some idea.    There are 2 different scales for showing the strength of alcohol  The aforementioned bottle containijng 40% ABV alcohol will be marketed at 80% proof. A bottle of the acohol used in a strong hand sanitizer is 70% ABV. (and incidently at that strength is toxic) so could also be shown as 150% proof. 

    There are two scales because the Proof scale applied to drinks is what is used to cacculate tax levels for the various alcoholic drinks.

    Everclear is 190 proof (95%ABV)..  The reason I bought it is I haven't seen any rubbing or Isopropyl alcohol in 3 weeks at the store.  While you can technically drink Everclear, it is usually used to add to other things to up the proof or make things like "Trashcan Punch".  Think legal version of really strong moonshine.

    Ivy said:

    Has anyone watched the movie "I Am Ledgen" 

    Where a pandemic virus like a some sort of coronaviruses was killing the world populations. much like today.  and after some time they came up with a untested vaccine and immediately start using it on people which being a untested vaccine turned everyone into Vampires Zombies. So I was thinking  Boy I sure hope Real-life-experience won't imitate a fictional story and in all our nation's haste push out some untested vaccine and turn everyone into some kind of monster zombie like that movie. ...YIKES!!!

    I believe in I Am Legend, the movie at least, it was a cure for cancer that caused people to turn into...well, whatever it was they turned into. I haven't read the book, but as I understand it, the movie is pretty much nothing like it. 

    I have read the book and the only movie that comes close to the book is The Last Man On Earth with Vincent Price.  The Omega Man and I am Legend really don't follow the book much.

    kyoto kid said:

    Time to get this survival thread back on track, getting too gloomy with all the talk of cats taking over the world.


    For those of you that are out of hand sanatizer, I had a suggestion from Kent Rollins (do a youtube search if you don't know whon he is)  Mix 70% rubbing alcohol and olive or canola oil in a 50/50 ratio to make a moisturing hand sanatizer.  Since I am down to 8 oz of Isopropyl alcohol and can't find a bottle of rubing alcohol anywhere, time to up the virus killing power so the new experiment will be...


    If you make a public service anouncement please make it a correct one, the needed ratio of alcohol for a working hand sanitizer is 60%-70%!

    Agreed, my experimnet failed.  Next experiment is 75% Everclear & 25% Aloevera jell.  You're right, I didn't have enough alcohol in it (have to send Kent an email to up his ratio of alcohol).

    ...but wouldn't Isopropyl alcohol be less expensive by volume? Even cheap Bourbon or Vodka is something like 12 -14$ for a fifth.

    If I could have found any Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol, I would have bought some.frown

    ...yeah sort of like groceries, By the time you get to the market, the affordable brands are sold out leaving only the more expensive premium and "boutique" ones.  A real bugger when you are on a tight budget.

    Picked up 1# of sirloin that was on sale this morning for making a batch or teriyaki for the next several days but the market was out of plain rice and I'm almost out. Need to take the longer walk to the other market tomorrow to see if they have any, at least it will be dry unlike later today.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Ivy said:

    still rolling my eyes a bit at the logic of what is allowed and forbidden 

    cannot sit in a park or on a beach by yourself 

    can send spit in the mail for DNA tests

    what is really crazy to me is when our state gave a stay at home enforcement orders starting 4/1 to 5/31. for people not to go out.  . But then when watching the traffic traveling on the highway from the top our mountain it appears there more traffic now than there was before the lock down orders were made.  I guess that shows how some humans can be defiant creatures. I read in the paper that in 32 states in the USA the police were going to give 1 warning and then start enforcing the orders with tickets or fines & or in some cases arrested which would put you in quarantined with other people not complying with stay at home orders wheather you had covid-19 or not. In our state of Tennessee you have to call the police and tell them why  you have to leave your home and give them your car ID tags and your name and they would issue you a travel pass.  Some companies are giving travel passes to their employee's as well .. its scary & confusing times in Oregon the order to close services and businesses like pubs, restaurants & such was issued on the 16th of last month.  A week later the state issued a stay at home we jumped on tit fairly quick.  As I have been mentioning people here seem to be heeding it as city centre seems almost like those scenes you see in post apocalyptic films with streets.devoid of the usual traffic and almost nobody on the sidewalks. We can still of course go out for necessities like food doctor and visits, as well as for exercise (though the weather this week hasn't been very conducive for the latter) as long as people observe social distancing (which I am also seeing people doing here for the most part).  So far no strict enforcement measures are being taken, in spite of a somewhat misleading article on the local newspaper site that caused both concern and confusion few days ago.

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    kyoto kid said:
    Ivy said:

    still rolling my eyes a bit at the logic of what is allowed and forbidden 

    cannot sit in a park or on a beach by yourself 

    can send spit in the mail for DNA tests

    what is really crazy to me is when our state gave a stay at home enforcement orders starting 4/1 to 5/31. for people not to go out.  . But then when watching the traffic traveling on the highway from the top our mountain it appears there more traffic now than there was before the lock down orders were made.  I guess that shows how some humans can be defiant creatures. I read in the paper that in 32 states in the USA the police were going to give 1 warning and then start enforcing the orders with tickets or fines & or in some cases arrested which would put you in quarantined with other people not complying with stay at home orders wheather you had covid-19 or not. In our state of Tennessee you have to call the police and tell them why  you have to leave your home and give them your car ID tags and your name and they would issue you a travel pass.  Some companies are giving travel passes to their employee's as well .. its scary & confusing times in Oregon the order to close services and businesses like pubs, restaurants & such was issued on the 16th of last month.  A week later the state issued a stay at home we jumped on tit fairly quick.  As I have been mentioning people here seem to be heeding it as city centre seems almost like those scenes you see in post apocalyptic films with streets.devoid of the usual traffic and almost nobody on the sidewalks. We can still of course go out for necessities like food doctor and visits, as well as for exercise (though the weather this week hasn't been very conducive for the latter) as long as people observe social distancing (which I am also seeing people doing here for the most part).  So far no strict enforcement measures are being taken, in spite of a somewhat misleading article on the local newspaper site that caused both concern and confusion few days ago.

    I am not supporting strict action because these are actually not cure and I don't think continuing strictly more than six months is either possible even for developed countries. Just need to as much as strictness that health care of that country can handle. Though I am complying all orders. I am not scared for the virus but I care for elders of my family and other people.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    For those who think they are safe a boy of thirteen with no underlying health issues died here in the UK, at the other end of the spectrum a man of 101 in Italy survived. Anyone for Russian Roulette? :)

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    kyoto kid said:
    Ivy said:

    still rolling my eyes a bit at the logic of what is allowed and forbidden 

    cannot sit in a park or on a beach by yourself 

    can send spit in the mail for DNA tests

    what is really crazy to me is when our state gave a stay at home enforcement orders starting 4/1 to 5/31. for people not to go out.  . But then when watching the traffic traveling on the highway from the top our mountain it appears there more traffic now than there was before the lock down orders were made.  I guess that shows how some humans can be defiant creatures. I read in the paper that in 32 states in the USA the police were going to give 1 warning and then start enforcing the orders with tickets or fines & or in some cases arrested which would put you in quarantined with other people not complying with stay at home orders wheather you had covid-19 or not. In our state of Tennessee you have to call the police and tell them why  you have to leave your home and give them your car ID tags and your name and they would issue you a travel pass.  Some companies are giving travel passes to their employee's as well .. its scary & confusing times in Oregon the order to close services and businesses like pubs, restaurants & such was issued on the 16th of last month.  A week later the state issued a stay at home we jumped on tit fairly quick.  As I have been mentioning people here seem to be heeding it as city centre seems almost like those scenes you see in post apocalyptic films with streets.devoid of the usual traffic and almost nobody on the sidewalks. We can still of course go out for necessities like food doctor and visits, as well as for exercise (though the weather this week hasn't been very conducive for the latter) as long as people observe social distancing (which I am also seeing people doing here for the most part).  So far no strict enforcement measures are being taken, in spite of a somewhat misleading article on the local newspaper site that caused both concern and confusion few days ago.

    I think they won't bother you as much if your not loitering around and are moving from one place to another.  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    nicstt said:
    kyoto kid said:

    Time to get this survival thread back on track, getting too gloomy with all the talk of cats taking over the world.


    For those of you that are out of hand sanatizer, I had a suggestion from Kent Rollins (do a youtube search if you don't know whon he is)  Mix 70% rubbing alcohol and olive or canola oil in a 50/50 ratio to make a moisturing hand sanatizer.  Since I am down to 8 oz of Isopropyl alcohol and can't find a bottle of rubing alcohol anywhere, time to up the virus killing power so the new experiment will be...


    If you make a public service anouncement please make it a correct one, the needed ratio of alcohol for a working hand sanitizer is 60%-70%!

    Agreed, my experimnet failed.  Next experiment is 75% Everclear & 25% Aloevera jell.  You're right, I didn't have enough alcohol in it (have to send Kent an email to up his ratio of alcohol).

    ...but wouldn't Isopropyl alcohol be less expensive by volume? Even cheap Bourbon or Vodka is something like 12 -14$ for a fifth.

    Normal drinking alcogol, and vodka is weaker than many spirites, actually has way to little alcohol to be effective.

    ...true  those are the low end alcohols, just mentioned them to illustrate that even their price is much higher than an equivalent volume of 70% Isopropyl 

    Here, Everclear 191 is 16$ a fifth and Don Q 151 rum is 21$ a fifth (Bacardi ceased distilling their 151 proof rum in 2016).. 

    There's also a locally distilled vodka here, St., Helens M-91 at 170 proof.

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    Fishtales said:

    For those who think they are safe a boy of thirteen with no underlying health issues died here in the UK, at the other end of the spectrum a man of 101 in Italy survived. Anyone for Russian Roulette? :)

    I am not thinking I am safe but even though I am not scared either because the probability is the virus eventually find me sooner or later.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    yeah I am more likely to catch it than spread it because for all my concerns about curfews and restrictions I actually already led that lifestyle, I have for the past year only left the house to shop, I don't socialise,  just having no car that walk was quite was frequently often daily as carry stuff, now I am just doing so a bit less frequently and loading my cart more. Still needs to be 2-3 times a week.

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    edited April 2020

    However, the Shenzhen government’s potential ban on dog and cat meat is framed not as part of an effort to reduce disease transmission, but as an aspect of the special relationship between people and pets, which it has called the “consensus of all human civilisation”.

    “There is a growing and vocal Chinese opposition to the dog and cat meat trade, and young people in China are far more likely to think of dogs as companions than cuisine,” she said.


    Shenzhen could be first city in China to ban eating of dogs and cats

    Post edited by Galaxy on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    According to the BBC, the hand sanitizer shortage in Europe is primarily due to a shortage of alcohol of the requisite strength. That shouldn't be as much of a problem here in the US as a significant bit of the corn crop goes to ethanol production as a gasoline additive and gasoline sales and, for that matter, prices have dropped significantly in the past two weeks.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    Galaxy said:

    However, the Shenzhen government’s potential ban on dog and cat meat is framed not as part of an effort to reduce disease transmission, but as an aspect of the special relationship between people and pets, which it has called the “consensus of all human civilisation”.

    “There is a growing and vocal Chinese opposition to the dog and cat meat trade, and young people in China are far more likely to think of dogs as companions than cuisine,” she said.


    Shenzhen could be first city in China to ban eating of dogs and cats

    Coming from the U.S. that is hard to even fathom. If it came down to survival, I could eat a dog or cat, but as a choice for dinner, no way!

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979

    The chinese are known for eating almost anything that can be eaten.  How about bird nest soup?

  • kyoto kid said:

    ...yeah sort of like groceries, By the time you get to the market, the affordable brands are sold out leaving only the more expensive premium and "boutique" ones.  A real bugger when you are on a tight budget.

    Picked up 1# of sirloin that was on sale this morning for making a batch or teriyaki for the next several days but the market was out of plain rice and I'm almost out. Need to take the longer walk to the other market tomorrow to see if they have any, at least it will be dry unlike later today.

    I go to two or three markets every other day just to learn the news that's not in the paper. Yesterday I found yellow tape and cops all over the front of Walmart. There had been no problems in Walmart whatsoever. Inside I found blue tape all over the floor and people telling me where to stand. I also saw shelves becoming more empty every day even though nobody was hoarding. Then, I learned that the trucking industry had been restricted. If they drive "too far" they will be quarantined for two weeks. I feel safe.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited April 2020's not just fewer trucks, I have noticed a drop in freight rail traffic as well.  I live about two blocks from Portland's Union Station and the main BNSF Seattle-California rail line.  Usually there are a several freight trains a day that pass through the station in addition to the Amtrak traffic (which has been reduced by 50% between here and Seattle). .I also hear fewer trains on the UPRR/SP line across the river.  If anything one would think that freight rail operations would at least remained at it's normal level as it is still important to keep goods moving during the crisis so local markets remain stocked.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

    Rome partially fell because of the break down in logistics

  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    "just to learn the news"

    Nobody should be going to a market to socialize. Get in, get what you need and get out. Minimize contact and make room for others.

    And everyone should cease looking for loopholes in the rules. Just follow them. The more people that try to get around them, the more rules will be made and the stricter will be the enforcement. Parks and other areas were not closed to deny anyone fresh air and sunshine who were observing social distancing rules, they were closed because of the scores of people who used them to ignore the rules. The few countries in the world that have succeeded best in containing the virus are not those that implemented measures first, but those whose populations voluntarily obeyed the rules as requested and without complaint, because of a more universal sense of social duty.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited April 2020
    SixDs said:

    "just to learn the news"

    Nobody should be going to a market to socialize. Get in, get what you need and get out. Minimize contact and make room for others.

    And everyone should cease looking for loopholes in the rules. Just follow them. The more people that try to get around them, the more rules will be made and the stricter will be the enforcement. Parks and other areas were not closed to deny anyone fresh air and sunshine who were observing social distancing rules, they were closed because of the scores of people who used them to ignore the rules. The few countries in the world that have succeeded best in containing the virus are not those that implemented measures first, but those whose populations voluntarily obeyed the rules as requested and without complaint, because of a more universal sense of social duty.

    My husband went out for a quick drive around the block yesterday to run his car as it hadn't been started in over a month. He went through our local large park that has a dog park and he said every space was full and there were people with their dogs all over. Idiots. My mom went to the store the other day and there is tape spaced at the register meant to keep people 6' apart while in line. Are people following the guide? No. Idiots. Someone she works with had the same experience at a store and when they asked an offender to step away, they were responded to with a lovely "I don't give a shit..." Social distancing is not an optional thing. We're all in, or we're all out. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • RL_MediaRL_Media Posts: 339

    Still business as usual here lol. Glad to live in a rural town at times like these. Bakery still open, grocery store still open and not looking like it was looted, pharmacy still open, bank still open, post office still open. Only place I noticed that changed much is tim horton. They closed the inside and it's drive through only.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056
    edited April 2020


    That's one thing I don't understand about these stay at home orders...the rules are to stay at home except for emergency medical issues and procuring food. So how do you get to the grocery store if you're going to be pulled over? I certainly don't have a pass to go out my front door. I believe in Connecticut, the governor has only issued an "urge" order, and that's the best he can to. I've been told that the government in the US cannot actually make people stay at home unless martial law is declared. Not that I don't agree with staying at home...I just don't get how people are supposed to go to the grocery store if they're going to get arrested for doing so. I haven't left my house in three and a half weeks...we've been doing grocery delivery. But now the delivery services are full up and it might come down to having no choice but to actually go to the store. We can survive on ramen and spaghetti-o's and other non-perishables ordered from Amazon...but my iguana needs fresh greens and other fruits and vegetables. 

    In Los Angeles we can go out to grocery stores, to pickup food from restaurants or to pharmacies, to doctor's office or to walk your dog. UPS, mail, 99 cent stores and I think banks and even Home Depot is open. I haven't heard of anyone getting arrested. They're rounding up homeless and putting them in empty motels/hotels. I think they do get stricter after everything closes now at 9pm although the Rite Aid across the street is open till 11 pm but used to be 24 hours. I see helicopters every night at about 10 pm. Have not heard of any arrests for simply being outdoors.

    Ramen and spaghetti-os are the last thing you should be eating! This is the time to boost your nutrition and eat lots of organic spinach, broccoli, carrots, fruit, nuts, seeds... I don't think any state has made it illegal to go to the grocery store or pharmacy! Now they are saying DO wear a mask though, even a home made one.

    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056
    edited April 2020

    My arsenal...

    4032 x 3024 - 2M
    Post edited by Wonderland on
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