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Eggs are hit and miss in the Galveston area (League City/Kemah). Went to the Walmart in Kemak and they were full of eggs on the Sunday aftethis mess started. Had to go back to Walmart the next Tuesday and ALL the eggs were gone as in completely empty, no eggs, organis eggs, egg substitutes or containers of egg whites.. Must have been a run on breakfast almost all of the canned biscuits and and about 90% of the butter were also gone (all on the same cold storage isle). Most places have eggs now but Egg Beaters and other egg substitutes are still hit or miss.
My Axios subscription had a link from a restaurant owner on a huge amount of Covid-19 info dealing with food, shopping, take-out, and everything you could think of in relation to food. It is also being kept up to date as new information is found out through research.
There is a printer friendly version you can look at, I scanned down 2/3rd of the page, it is long. But a lot of common sense answers to many questions people have.
All regular people are doing great with stay at home orders in LA but now there is an increase in crime. There is an app called Citizens that warns and informs people of all crime in real time in the immediate neighborhood and those who are nearby film on their phones and post video to the app live. Last night there were tons of sirens and helicopters for hours and it ends up there was a man with a rifle being chased by police and hiding in someone's home just 4 blocks from me in an otherwise safe neighborhood. About 50 police cars showed up based on posted video and 3 helicopters, 2 of which were news copters. Everyone in the neighborhood who has the Citizens app was communicating live and getting to know each other. Some were thrilled to have this group communication and an Instagram account was created for all the neighbors to follow that now already has hundreds of followers! This isolation is actually bringing neighbors together in a city where no one previously knew their neighbors!
the statistics on Covid19 deaths compared to domestic violence, self harm from isolation related depression etc would be interesting
...mine died about 8 months after I got it.and I maybe used it twice a week at most. Turns out the customer service for the company that made it is pretty much "non existent", discovered numerous complaints about when I tired to find where to address my concerns. Unfortunately can't afford another one (from a better company as those are more expensive) so back to doing things the old way. Yikes that one you have are way expensive like almost 1/3 of my monthly income.
At least I've had preparing rice using a saucepan down to a science for years so no need for a rice cooker.
As to a mask, I would need a pre-made one as I no longer can sew by hand due to my arthritis (don't have a machine) The only thing have that would work for now is a scarf I have but it's long and made of wool (not something meant to be washed on a daily basis even by hand).
Here's a link to a video with the surgeon general showing you how to put together a quick mask with stuff you probably have - no sewing required -
These masks aren't so much to protect you, but to protect others from you if you cough/sneeze/etc. It will also help remind you to not touch your face (which I am so bad about).
I haven't been out of the house in a month, but my mom wants me to go to store with her first thing Monday morning so I can see how the process works...six feet apart, one-way aisles, jury rigged masks, gloves, etc. Our stores have been really good here in CT. I got delivery today and we got everything, or variations of everything, on our list...other than ramen noodles (we wanted to keep them in the back of the pantry just in case). But 2 dozen eggs was no issue, along with cartons of liquid egg whites, coffee creamer, bread, chicken...everything. We did end up with some not-so-great steaks that my husband will have to turn into stew rather than eat as steak and our burger was 85/15 rather than 93/7, but we're not complaining at all. We are going to have to start going to the store though because Instacart can't keep up with the demand. You need to check the site several times a day to see if a window pops up, and they do, but I can't rely on it. I'll need groceries again in a week. (We could buy for a longer time frame, but my iguana needs fresh produce and that doesn't last much more than a week at a clip.)
I don't want to greet the end of the world like this guy going to if that gorilla catches up to him
click to play
If you want to help fight the coronavirus, please, spread awareness about the effectiveness of everyone wearing a face mask. I am not talking about the respirators needed by medical workers, rather about simple homemade masks. Even they stop most of the droplets carrying the virus. It worked for our country, the Czech Republic, and it will work for yours too.
Your masks protects me, and my mask protects you. That is the whole trick.
Please, watch the introductory video and read the information here:
I modified a knockoff Nerf face mask into a HEPA filter mask... with eyeball protection.
Thats one of my daughters wearing it... it has a light on it too... for when you are looting at night... "theoretically" looting of course.
The HEPA filter material is sandwiched between an inner and outer layer of fine dust shop vac prefilter material...
The material, both the HEPA filter and blue fine dust filter are cut from shop vac fitler bags... available at most big DYI sores like Home Depot and Lowes.
The mask has been modified with a gasket inside to seal off the nose/mouth area... the gasket was made from thin craft EVA foam and self-adhesive insulating weatherstripping foam... I used 3/4" thick weatherstripping, but I think 1" to 1 1/4" would work better for most people. I also added a lower neck strap for better fit...
The advantage here over other improvised masks is the mask has an inner and out section which screws together, allowing the filter material to be trapped between them easily, thus the mask as made can be disassembled and the filter replaced and the rest disinfected... also it affords eye protection too... and it's $5 for the each nerf mask and probably less than $30 for the assorted materials which will make multiple masks and filters... but that varies with the size of the filter bags.
Paintball face masks would probably work equally well... but are far more expensive... $30 - $150 in most cases... versus $5 like the one I used here...
I made this about two weeks back, but there are already so many "make your own mask" instructions out there I didn't think anyone would care.
It is always better try to keep away from crowd during coronavirus.
@McGyver living up to the screen name. Excellent!
There is a deluxe model too... but it's entirely scratch built... I'm still making a gasket to comfortably seal the neck area... it was originally part of a mercenary armor costume I made...
Different daughter wearing it...
Looks like she is ready for 'the Purge" LOL
By the way, I posted the images in case people were mulling over making their own masks... now that the government has (sort of) said that masks might not be such a bad idea...(Derrr, really?)...
I made this mask about two weeks ago when the materials were easy to find, but now I suspect there will be a rush on such materials as people start to hoard anything filter related...
The fine particulate and HEPA sandwich should be good to filter out lung funk ejected by someone coughing nearby... of course it won't filter out a virus, but in the case of COVID, when airborne, it mostly travels via moisture droplets ejected in a cough or sneeze, which these sort of filters should be effective with.
So, it's sorta a heads up in case y'all wanna dabble in McGyverism...
That girl is always ready for a purge...
Facial recognition software is going bonkers.
What does this do to burka restrictions?
Most FRS is garbage anyway... so I'd imagine the results are the same or the software is thinking cyborgs have taken over.
..I would need a pre-made mask as I no longer can sew by hand due to my arthritis (don't have a machine either) The only thing have that would work for now is a scarf I have but it's long and made of wool(not something to be washed on a saily basis).
....I actually like this better particularly as it has adjustable straps. Rubber bands with a "biker" beard and glasses seems a bad combination. This looks like it would fit over them as well as protects the wearer too.
...another benefit.
for those not wanting to cough and sneeze on others
probably not much protection for the user but better than nothing
Actually in the UK we are being told that home made face masks can be worse than not wearing one, particularly if they are made out of fabric, which will soak up any water droplets in the atmospere rather than repel them.
Yea but can we in the UK trust what we are being told when those telling us aren't following the rules themselves.
...the ones her company sells looks nice as the straps don't look as stiff and tight as the hairbands. I also like the ability add a filter inside as personally I'd like protection as well.
Just checked their site and 15$ + 10$ for Priority Mail shipping however next ship date won't be until the 20th. 2 weeks away.
I have lots of scarves, some pure silk, I might try this for shopping just to reassure others
....yeah, rummaged around and found a couple bandanas, will just wear them the conventional way. As it's finally turning "spring like" here 60s and even 70s this week, the scarves I have (also found a small one though wool as well) would be too much to wear..
I remember when I first moved to the Northwest in May of 1980 and we used those 3M masks because of Mt. St. Helens (we called them "volcano masks").
I'll be venturing out for the first time in a month to go to the store tomorrow morning...with one of those no-sew bandana masks the surgeon general recommended. They've already said those masks aren't meant to protect the wearer...they're meant to protect everybody else -from- the if everybody does what they should and wears masks...that's the protection. Plus it stops the wearer from touching their nose/mouth (and I'm horrible about that). Pretty much any of those masks you buy on Etsy, et al that you see people making and selling for $15 a pop (and likely making a small fortune doing it) are no more protective than the bandana mask...they're just cut to size and have the ear bands permanently sewn in.
And in terms of who's direction to follow...I'll go with the surgeon general, the CDC/WHO, and Dr. Fauci...not Trump or any politically-aligned news outlet (which is pretty much all of them, sadly).
Our stores are also implementing and enforcing two new rules...only one person per household allowed (thankfully my mom and I have two different addresses and thus two separate households) and no children. That is in addition to limited capacity allowed inside at once, 6' spacing at the checkout, and one-way aisles.
My mom grabbed some brand new pet bandanas from work that say "woof" on them. We'll be using those, haha.
my ears odd shape, it springs off, tied stays better but not as thick
I think I look scary enough though others will keep their distance