How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    Galaxy said:

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    Then learn how to make your own (if you really try please use safe methods only and consume limited quantity). I will suggest pause smoking for few days or months to fight with the virus.

    Right as this all started, my dad, who has been a heavy smoker for decades, went to a hypnotherapy session to stop smoking. My sister had given him an ultimatum because his grandkids didn't even want to be near him anymore. Yes, smokers smell like ass. Sorry. He went to the session and hasn't smoked's been about a month now. He says he'll think about smoking and want to smoke, but then a picture pops into his head of him licking an ash tray and then he wants to throw up. Whatever the guy did, it worked. I hope it continues to work. My dad smells better, will be healthier, and will save a lot of money so he can take my mom out to dinner once in a while. 

  • Galaxy said:

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    Then learn how to make your own (if you really try please use safe methods only and consume limited quantity). I will suggest pause smoking for few days or months to fight with the virus.

    Well, luckily I don't drink so that at least is one silver lining but yeah, as far as smoking goes, it's a rather painful experience. People who never smoked do not realize that it is not just the nicotine that hooks you it's the habit of going outside, lighting up and having a smoke itself that becomes part of your existence. Well, if you do it long enough anyway. Unfortunately they kind of screwed everyone over with that one because the lockdown started before payday so nobody was prepared. It's gotten so bad that our health board warned the government that people are going to end up in hospital or worse due to severe withdrawel symptoms. Again, for non smokers this seems far fetched but people have dropped dead just from cold quitting after smoking all their lives. 

    Galaxy said:

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    Then learn how to make your own (if you really try please use safe methods only and consume limited quantity). I will suggest pause smoking for few days or months to fight with the virus.

    Right as this all started, my dad, who has been a heavy smoker for decades, went to a hypnotherapy session to stop smoking. My sister had given him an ultimatum because his grandkids didn't even want to be near him anymore. Yes, smokers smell like ass. Sorry. He went to the session and hasn't smoked's been about a month now. He says he'll think about smoking and want to smoke, but then a picture pops into his head of him licking an ash tray and then he wants to throw up. Whatever the guy did, it worked. I hope it continues to work. My dad smells better, will be healthier, and will save a lot of money so he can take my mom out to dinner once in a while. 

    Well, it's great that it worked for him but people do not understand the health risks involved in actually cold quitting. For many people the strain on their nerves and therefore on their hearts get too much and they literally drop dead due to quitting cold turkey. Of course it all depends on a persons overall health and how long they've been smoking for. For me it's been 30 years and it's really messing me up. I literally sleep 3/4 of the day.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    Galaxy said:

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    Then learn how to make your own (if you really try please use safe methods only and consume limited quantity). I will suggest pause smoking for few days or months to fight with the virus.

    Well, luckily I don't drink so that at least is one silver lining but yeah, as far as smoking goes, it's a rather painful experience. People who never smoked do not realize that it is not just the nicotine that hooks you it's the habit of going outside, lighting up and having a smoke itself that becomes part of your existence. Well, if you do it long enough anyway. Unfortunately they kind of screwed everyone over with that one because the lockdown started before payday so nobody was prepared. It's gotten so bad that our health board warned the government that people are going to end up in hospital or worse due to severe withdrawel symptoms. Again, for non smokers this seems far fetched but people have dropped dead just from cold quitting after smoking all their lives. 

    Galaxy said:

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    Then learn how to make your own (if you really try please use safe methods only and consume limited quantity). I will suggest pause smoking for few days or months to fight with the virus.

    Right as this all started, my dad, who has been a heavy smoker for decades, went to a hypnotherapy session to stop smoking. My sister had given him an ultimatum because his grandkids didn't even want to be near him anymore. Yes, smokers smell like ass. Sorry. He went to the session and hasn't smoked's been about a month now. He says he'll think about smoking and want to smoke, but then a picture pops into his head of him licking an ash tray and then he wants to throw up. Whatever the guy did, it worked. I hope it continues to work. My dad smells better, will be healthier, and will save a lot of money so he can take my mom out to dinner once in a while. 

    Well, it's great that it worked for him but people do not understand the health risks involved in actually cold quitting. For many people the strain on their nerves and therefore on their hearts get too much and they literally drop dead due to quitting cold turkey. Of course it all depends on a persons overall health and how long they've been smoking for. For me it's been 30 years and it's really messing me up. I literally sleep 3/4 of the day.

    My parents started dating in the late 80's (my dad is actually my step-dad) and he's smoked for as long as I've known him. My mom smoked for just as long and up and decided to quit one day a few years back. I asked her how she did it and she was like "I just didn't feel like smoking anymore..." My dad couldn't do it without help and he'd tried all the gums and whatnot. But somehow this hypnotherapy is working, and somehow his body isn't going through crazy withdrawals either. And we'd know if he was lying because we would be able to smell it on him (he's not that inventive). 

    That being said, here in the US, at least in Connecticut, liquor stores and smoke shops are still open and hopping. They tried to close the liquor stores but changed their minds due to protest. 

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,257

    the statistics on Covid19 deaths compared to domestic violence, self harm from isolation related depression etc would be interesting 

    I've read one report on Facebook.  A buddy I barely know but posts on my wall sometimes so I see his feed pretty regularly, reported a friend of his took his life. Just so sad to me.  I think those of us that are naturally introverted and don't mind being alone are handling this isoltion order better than extroverts that NEED, are wired, to be more social. 

    I've been fine.  I'm into my 3rd week and only meet up with one friend to hang here and there, mostly to shop and try to find coffee open but we always leave the neighboorhood too late for coffee. 

    Starbucks is like the only one in operation and they close at 4 PM and of course only take out.  Peete's is open too but had a table set up just inside the door and serves only black coffee and I think closes around 3 or 4 as well.  I'm happy with my instant coffee I use, Mount Hagen Organic.  Even my friend Jeff, who is a coffee snob, think's it tastes really good.  So when we hang I always invite him up for a cup!  LOL 

  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Posts: 376
    edited April 2020
    That being said, here in the US, at least in Connecticut, liquor stores and smoke shops are still open and hopping. They tried to close the liquor stores but changed their minds due to protest. 

    Hah, South African cops are literally keeping people in line with whips and rubber bullets. I kid you not.

    Post edited by Harry Dresden on
  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    RAMWolff said:

    My arsenal...

    Honey, you need to add in 5,000 IU's of D3 to that.  While D3 hasn't been proven to help against the Corona the science behind it states that it does help boost the immune system.  D3 in a liquid gel cap is VERY small so should go down easily.  I take allot of NAC every day.  Astragulus is wonderful and powerful.  Licorice just makes me jumpy but I do take a small amount a day.  Being an HIV POZ person I have to really be careful in general so now I've somehow learned to be even MORE careful.  

    One silver lining is that my rent this month has been forgiven.  Clients have been reaching out to offer money to me.  Luckily the Safeway near me is fairly well stocked on most things I eat.  Most of the services I use (Wave Broadband, PG&E and others) have been very good about delaying payment in case it gets really tight but then all that will come back to bite all of us when this clears and we  can return to work.  I'm a hairdresser by trade so my business is considered "Non Essential".  I do have my kitchen set up as a temporary work station in case some clients can not wait but the rule is bring a mask and gloves (non latex as I'm allergic).  I have a set up for the sink to wash hair and replaced my kitchen table, very small table, that I never eat at, with a Sauder cabinet that looks like a station and made use of the drawer and the double cabinet tot store my beauty tools.  Looks like a replication of my station at Opus Salon, which we in the middle of closing after 30 years in business, so now I'm sort of "homeless" as the new salon I was going to go to, the owner lives down in San Jose and the business is in Menlo Park so he's not coming up to have us sign contracts or exchange keys until this blows over, so at least both rents are nonexistent this month, next month I'll have to pay home rent again. 

    Hope everyone is staying safe and adhering to the rules and regulaions.  Keep in mind if your naturally immune to the virus or it's effects you may be a carrier if you get it and then can spread it to others like the elderly or immune compromised.  So please keep that in mind and be careful out there



    I learned the hard way how important D3 is. During a regular checkup, my dr was like "I have literally never seen anybody with D levels so low". If I remember right, it was a 3. Ever since, I've been on heavy D3 supplements and it made such a difference. I have IBD and my body doesn't absorb enough nutrients from my food naturally, so I have to supplement. I have a box of bottles on my desk that I have to go through every day - 

    D3 5000IU
    Iron 325mg ferrous sulfate
    Biotin 10,000mcg (or my hair starts falling out)
    Omega 3 1200mg EPA/900mg DHA
    Zinc Picolinate 50mg
    Lysine 1500mg (also has other stuff such as echinacea, propolis, etc)
    Elderberry (extract) 200mg (also has other stuff)
    Standard Women's Multi

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,257

    Good list.  If I listed everything I take daily you would choke! LOL  So I won't.  My fingers would tire typing it all out anyways! LOL 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    this is heinous and inhumane.  whiskey the only thing bearable during all this.  prohibition!

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    RAMWolff said:

    Good list.  If I listed everything I take daily you would choke! LOL  So I won't.  My fingers would tire typing it all out anyways! LOL 

    I can't even imagine...but if it helps you stay healthy, it's worth it! I have a hard enough time taking the pills I have...I have to take them two at a time and go slow, or I can make myself throw up. :/

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,257

    LOL.  Not me.  Still have my tonsils but can take a whole handful at at time with a big gulp of water!  

  • RAMWolff said:

    LOL.  Not me.  Still have my tonsils but can take a whole handful at at time with a big gulp of water!  

    Oh dear, let's not even go there. I still have my tonsels too and I'm not getting younger so yeah, kind of stuck with them now. Nothing makes you feel worse than having tonselitus as a grown ass man.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited April 2020
    RAMWolff said:

    LOL.  Not me.  Still have my tonsils but can take a whole handful at at time with a big gulp of water!  

    Oh dear, let's not even go there. I still have my tonsels too and I'm not getting younger so yeah, kind of stuck with them now. Nothing makes you feel worse than having tonselitus as a grown ass man.


    RAMWolff said:

    LOL.  Not me.  Still have my tonsils but can take a whole handful at at time with a big gulp of water!  

    Haha, I still have mine too but luckily I don't think I've ever had a problem with them. From what I've been told, it's an oddity being a 30-something in the US with tonsils. I guess it was kind of standard practice to just go in and take them even before they caused issue, figuring that they would and apparently we don't need them so why not. I don't know if that's still the case. Either way, they've never bothered me. 

    Based on google, maybe it's a good thing I still have them.

    733 x 367 - 47K
    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,257

    Oh, I had tonsilitis all the time when I was a boy but as a 59 year old man, knock on wood, never have that problem any more!  

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited April 2020

    I've still got my tonsils too.  It's a badge of honor, like still having a foreskin.  The '50s in the US were a horrific period in time, where doctors just loved to cut things out, like tonsils, foreskins and frontal brain lobes.frown

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,872

    I've still got my tonsils too.  It's a badge of honor, like still having a foreskin.  The '50s in the US were a horrific period in time, where doctors just loved to cut things out, like tonsils, foreskins and frontal brain lobes.frown

    I notice you claim to have retained only two of the three.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    RAMWolff said:

    Oh, I had tonsilitis all the time when I was a boy but as a 59 year old man, knock on wood, never have that problem any more!  

    I still have mine... and a couple of other peoples' too... I probably should have labeled them in case they want them back... I also probably should have stored them in formaldehyde or something and not an old cigar box... ah, well... you live, you learn... sometimes you don't learn... 

  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990

    I've still got my tonsils too.  It's a badge of honor, like still having a foreskin.  The '50s in the US were a horrific period in time, where doctors just loved to cut things out, like tonsils, foreskins and frontal brain lobes.frown

    Born 1960 in Germany, and for me it's three out of three still there.

    When I grew up, I had a tonsilitis about twice a year, but never really severe, so the Doc that my mum consulted said "Nature put them tonsils in for a reason, so until it doesn't get worse they should stay in."
    When I was 14 or so the tonsilitises stopped. Never had one since and don't expect to have one in the future.

    And considering foreskins, it seems that removing them never really managed to become a habit here in Germany, except for the followers of some religions. Instead we learn about personal hygiene, which seems to does the trick, too.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited April 2020

    ...still have mine as well. 

    Mystiarra said:

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    this is heinous and inhumane.  whiskey the only thing bearable during all this.  prohibition!


    ...which reminds need to replenish the supply soon.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    I've still got my tonsils too.  It's a badge of honor, like still having a foreskin.  The '50s in the US were a horrific period in time, where doctors just loved to cut things out, like tonsils, foreskins and frontal brain lobes.frown

    Born 1960 in Germany, and for me it's three out of three still there.

    When I grew up, I had a tonsilitis about twice a year, but never really severe, so the Doc that my mum consulted said "Nature put them tonsils in for a reason, so until it doesn't get worse they should stay in."
    When I was 14 or so the tonsilitises stopped. Never had one since and don't expect to have one in the future.

    And considering foreskins, it seems that removing them never really managed to become a habit here in Germany, except for the followers of some religions. Instead we learn about personal hygiene, which seems to does the trick, too.

    I have 2 out of 3 I have my tonsils and my brain is in tact as much as it ever has been anyway & girls don't have a tally-wacker so no foreskin to remove..laugh

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622

    in spite of tonsillitis every year growing up and utterly no days off sick because I was not allowed to get sick I also have mine yes

    eventually stopped getting tonsillitis and don't think I have had it for 30 years

  • I just don't get necking down all of these vitamins/supplements. I can see if someone has been diagnosed with a deficiency or recommended to take x-amount of this or that supplement by a doctor. However, with the way some of this stuff is flying off the shelf, you would think it was a vaccine or cure. Must be more peckerheads out there trying to cash in on the pandemic by hoarding & reselling or a lot of silly people.

    The fact of the matter is, the body can only absorb so much at a given time and throwing a full daily dose at it in a tablet day in & day out isn't necessarily a good thing; especially if you're taking many supplements. Sure, popping pills is more convenient, but its always better to get what you need from eating meals if possible.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622

    yea afraid they will panic buy my vitamin D next

    I actually need it as blood tests have been around 8 sometimes and doctor very concerned 

    I don't take it as much as I should

    isolation will see a surge in issues too hope no post boom babies born with rickets

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681

    I've still got my tonsils too.  It's a badge of honor, like still having a foreskin.  The '50s in the US were a horrific period in time, where doctors just loved to cut things out, like tonsils, foreskins and frontal brain lobes.frown

    I notice you claim to have retained only two of the three.

    Some things aren't absolutely necessary.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited April 2020

    yea afraid they will panic buy my vitamin D next

    I actually need it as blood tests have been around 8 sometimes and doctor very concerned 

    I don't take it as much as I should

    isolation will see a surge in issues too hope no post boom babies born with rickets

    I think I remember reading something like 75% of the population is deficient in Vit D to some extent...because the only way for us to produce it in our bodies naturally is by exposure to full UV sunlight. So even if you go outside, you won't get it if you protect your skin with sunblock. I'm a vampire, so I definitely need to take it in pill form. :D

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565

    I've still got my tonsils too.  It's a badge of honor, like still having a foreskin.  The '50s in the US were a horrific period in time, where doctors just loved to cut things out, like tonsils, foreskins and frontal brain lobes.frown

    I notice you claim to have retained only two of the three.

    Some things aren't absolutely necessary.

     I think I still have my frontal brain lobes and my tonsils, but I doubt I was born with foreskin.  I looked it up and apparently I never was born with that type of thingie.

  • yea afraid they will panic buy my vitamin D next

    I actually need it as blood tests have been around 8 sometimes and doctor very concerned 

    I don't take it as much as I should

    isolation will see a surge in issues too hope no post boom babies born with rickets

    It wouldn't surprise me in the least if after this is over, they start making us use our driver's license or some kind of ID card when we shop to prevent the hoarding of certain things. They've already done this with certain over-the-counter medications, so it would just be a matter of expanding it to other products...

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622

    if swallowing hard raise your left arm when popping the pill, it straightens the oesophagus 

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    yea afraid they will panic buy my vitamin D next

    I actually need it as blood tests have been around 8 sometimes and doctor very concerned 

    I don't take it as much as I should

    isolation will see a surge in issues too hope no post boom babies born with rickets

    It wouldn't surprise me in the least if after this is over, they start making us use our driver's license or some kind of ID card when we shop to prevent the hoarding of certain things. They've already done this with certain over-the-counter medications, so it would just be a matter of expanding it to other products...

    I can't imagine that happening with any sort of implementation that makes sense considering all the various outlets people use along with different payment types. It's one thing to present your ID when buying anything that contains's another thing entirely to have to use it when you're buying raisins on Amazon. The reasoning behind the limitations on pseudoephedrine was to help prevent its use as an ingredient in making crystal meth. Or at least make it harder for people to get to make crystal meth. It all happened during that whole "oooh, people are stealing shelves worth of Sudafed so they can go home and cook" phase about 15 years ago. I remember, as I was working at a CVS back then. Like seriously, is crystal meth even still a thing? It never really was in the northeast. 

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    yea afraid they will panic buy my vitamin D next

    I actually need it as blood tests have been around 8 sometimes and doctor very concerned 

    I don't take it as much as I should

    isolation will see a surge in issues too hope no post boom babies born with rickets

    It wouldn't surprise me in the least if after this is over, they start making us use our driver's license or some kind of ID card when we shop to prevent the hoarding of certain things. They've already done this with certain over-the-counter medications, so it would just be a matter of expanding it to other products...

    Like seriously, is crystal meth even still a thing? 

    Do people still want to get high?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622
    edited April 2020
    Gordig said:

    yea afraid they will panic buy my vitamin D next

    I actually need it as blood tests have been around 8 sometimes and doctor very concerned 

    I don't take it as much as I should

    isolation will see a surge in issues too hope no post boom babies born with rickets

    It wouldn't surprise me in the least if after this is over, they start making us use our driver's license or some kind of ID card when we shop to prevent the hoarding of certain things. They've already done this with certain over-the-counter medications, so it would just be a matter of expanding it to other products...

    Like seriously, is crystal meth even still a thing? 

    Do people still want to get high?

    meth or ice as we refer to it is rife here in South Australia according to sewage testing 

    the users are not the sort portrayed in the media

    are mostly people working multiple jobs trying to stay awake

    certain industries have a bad reputation for amphetamine abuse

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
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