How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    Even a single

    If you want to help fight the coronavirus, please, spread awareness about the effectiveness of everyone wearing a face mask. I am not talking about the respirators needed by medical workers, rather about simple homemade masks. Even they stop most of the droplets carrying the virus. It worked for our country, the Czech Republic, and it will work for yours too.

    Your masks protects me, and my mask protects you. That is the whole trick.

    Please, watch the introductory video and read the information here:

    These masks are harmful for wearers but effective to keep the virus within/inside the carrier. Thus these muzzles further reduce human to human
  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    edited April 2020
    McGyver said:

    I modified a knockoff Nerf face mask into a HEPA filter mask... with eyeball protection.

    Thats one of my daughters wearing it... it has a light on it too... for when you are looting at night... "theoretically" looting of course.


    The HEPA filter material is sandwiched between an inner and outer layer of fine dust shop vac prefilter material... 

    The material, both the HEPA filter and blue fine dust filter are cut from shop vac fitler bags... available at most big DYI sores like Home Depot and Lowes.

    The mask has been modified with a gasket inside to seal off the nose/mouth area... the gasket was made from thin craft EVA foam and self-adhesive insulating weatherstripping foam... I used 3/4" thick weatherstripping, but I think 1" to 1 1/4" would work better for most people. I also added a lower neck strap for better fit...

    The advantage here over other improvised masks is the mask has an inner and out section which screws together, allowing the filter material to be trapped between them easily, thus the mask as made can be disassembled and the filter replaced and the rest disinfected... also it affords eye protection too... and it's $5 for the each nerf mask and probably less than $30 for the assorted materials which will make multiple masks and filters... but that varies with the size of the filter bags.

    Paintball face masks would probably work equally well... but are far more expensive... $30 - $150 in most cases... versus $5 like the one I used here...


    I made this about two weeks back, but there are already so many "make your own mask" instructions out there I didn't think anyone would care.


    Not just a comedian but cleverly inventive as well.

    Post edited by FirstBastion on
  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990
    Chohole said:

    Actually in the UK we are being told that home made face masks can be worse than not wearing one, particularly if they are made out of fabric,  which will soak up any water droplets in the atmospere rather than repel them.

    That's what was said by the RKI here in Germany a while ago, too, but it seems they changed their point of view about it to...

    They've already said those masks aren't meant to protect the wearer...they're meant to protect everybody else -from- the if everybody does what they should and wears masks...that's the protection. Plus it stops the wearer from touching their nose/mouth...

    ...which makes sense, as even most of the simple masks one can buy now - those not specifically made for medical services - aren't much more than a bit of cloth with strings to fix it on the ears.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...used to have one of these years ago:

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622
    kyoto kid said:

    ...used to have one of these years ago:

    what went in the can?

    could explain your synthesia cheeky

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,622

    I found a couple of very dusty dust masks in my shed


    674 x 823 - 166K
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited April 2020
    kyoto kid said:

    ...used to have one of these years ago:

    what went in the can?

    could explain your synthesia cheeky

    ...,that originally was what housed interchangeable filters.  When I lived in New Orleans  another one of my mates also had one and we'd go cruising around in the old Dodge Polara wearing them.

    Eventually re-purposed it to make it into...well...a "recreational smoking device".

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Ah, that lovely rubber smell, not soon to be forgotten. laugh

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681

    This thread has turned kinky.  Cool! devil

    I found about half a dozen dust masks that I use when I blow dust kitties out of customer's computers (outside of course).  That stuff makes me sick so fast...sad

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    only in Wales cheeky

    loll  least the well mannered wild goats, sisnt eat the pretty flowers



  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373
    Ivy said:

    still rolling my eyes a bit at the logic of what is allowed and forbidden 

    cannot sit in a park or on a beach by yourself 

    can send spit in the mail for DNA tests

    what is really crazy to me is when our state gave a stay at home enforcement orders starting 4/1 to 5/31. for people not to go out.  . But then when watching the traffic traveling on the highway from the top our mountain it appears there more traffic now than there was before the lock down orders were made.  I guess that shows how some humans can be defiant creatures. I read in the paper that in 32 states in the USA the police were going to give 1 warning and then start enforcing the orders with tickets or fines & or in some cases arrested which would put you in quarantined with other people not complying with stay at home orders wheather you had covid-19 or not. In our state of Tennessee you have to call the police and tell them why  you have to leave your home and give them your car ID tags and your name and they would issue you a travel pass.  Some companies are giving travel passes to their employee's as well .. its scary & confusing times

    Oh.... that is severe.

    One thing that worries me is that the enforcement agencies and government, once they gain new "powers", are often very slow to give them up again.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i went for a walk in the park today.

    pollen ready to explode, 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited April 2020
    Mystiarra said:

    only in Wales cheeky

    loll  least the well mannered wild goats, sisnt eat the pretty flowers




    I dunno... that video just looks like the beginning of 90% of the scary apocalypse movies... Just look at them... They seem too well coordinated...  I wouldn't trust them at all... while everyone was worrying about apes and dinosaurs, nobody expected a Planet of the Goats...

    (cut scene to  Charlton Heston on his knees on a beach screaming "Damn dirty Goats! You blew it up!..." at the half submerged giant statue of a Muffler Man holding a Hot Dog from Bunyon's in Cicero, Illinois...)

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Mystiarra said:

    i went for a walk in the park today.

    pollen ready to explode, 

    ...tell be about it.  been like that here since February because of the very mild winter we had.  

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    McGyver said:
    Mystiarra said:

    only in Wales cheeky

    loll  least the well mannered wild goats, sisnt eat the pretty flowers




    I dunno... that video just looks like the beginning of 90% of the scary apocalypse movies... Just look at them... They seem too well coordinated...  I wouldn't trust them at all... while everyone was worrying about apes and dinosaurs, nobody expected a Planet of the Goats...

    (cut scene to  Charlton Heston on his knees on a beach screaming "Damn dirty Goats! You blew it up!..." at the half submerged giant statue of a Muffler Man holding a Hot Dog from Bunyon's in Cicero, Illinois...)

    teee heee heeeee  Billy

    well, they could headbutt any daleks around, knock em over like tin cans

    this is how i imagine roos and koalas roaming town.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited April 2020

    only in Wales cheeky


    ...When you're a Goat,
    You're a Goat all the way
    From your first bunch of oats
    To your last dyin' day.

    Here come the Goats!
    Little world, step aside,
    Better go underground,
    Better run, better hide!

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565
    kyoto kid said:



    ...When you're a Goat,
    You're a Goat all the way
    From your first bunch of oats
    To your last dyin' day.

    Here come the Goats!
    Little world, step aside,
    Better go underground,
    Better run, better hide!

    Just saw a movie where the real bad gal was turned into a goat.  Wait!  What is the feminine form of a bad guy?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2020
    McGyver said:
    Mystiarra said:

    only in Wales cheeky

    loll  least the well mannered wild goats, sisnt eat the pretty flowers




    I dunno... that video just looks like the beginning of 90% of the scary apocalypse movies... Just look at them... They seem too well coordinated...  I wouldn't trust them at all... while everyone was worrying about apes and dinosaurs, nobody expected a Planet of the Goats...

    (cut scene to  Charlton Heston on his knees on a beach screaming "Damn dirty Goats! You blew it up!..." at the half submerged giant statue of a Muffler Man holding a Hot Dog from Bunyon's in Cicero, Illinois...)

    The goats are really starting to settle in it seems,   even reserving their own favourite spots. Seems some may be holy ghoats

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • backgroundbackground Posts: 430
    edited April 2020

    If this goes on as long as seems likely, the goats might adopt Llandudno as their new home. and might be difficult to dislodge when things get back to normal. They can be really stubborn goats can.


    On a separate but related note, it's interesting how some places in Wales kept their Welsh names, but others were more or less 'anglisised' for example Caernarfon has been known as Canarvon and Caernarvon until recent times.

    A Scot I used to work with would have described this as 'The perfidious Albion'.


    Post edited by background on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    If this goes on as long as seems likely, the goats might adopt Llandudno as their new home. and might be difficult to dislodge when things get back to normal. They can be really stubborn goats can.


    On a separate but related note, it's interesting how some places in Wales kept their Welsh names, but others were more or less 'anglisised' for example Caernarfon has been known as Canarvon and Caernarvon until recent times.

    A Scot I used to work with would have described this as 'The perfidious Albion'.


    The English had a very determined effort to eradicate the use of Welsh.  Children were punished at school for using their own native language during the late 15th, the 19th and in some areas even into the 20th century.  Y Ddraig Goch Ddyry Cychwyn!

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    Chohole said:
    McGyver said:
    Mystiarra said:

    only in Wales cheeky

    loll  least the well mannered wild goats, sisnt eat the pretty flowers




    I dunno... that video just looks like the beginning of 90% of the scary apocalypse movies... Just look at them... They seem too well coordinated...  I wouldn't trust them at all... while everyone was worrying about apes and dinosaurs, nobody expected a Planet of the Goats...

    (cut scene to  Charlton Heston on his knees on a beach screaming "Damn dirty Goats! You blew it up!..." at the half submerged giant statue of a Muffler Man holding a Hot Dog from Bunyon's in Cicero, Illinois...)

    The goats are really starting to settle in it seems,   even reserving their own favourite spots. Seems some may be holy ghoats

    Geez... their development is accelerating... they've found religion and they can write... 

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    You know it's the end of the world when posts by McGyver make more sense than anything else! cheeky Note that the whole point of a homemade mask is not to protect you from incoming droplets that may carry the virus, it's to contain droplets from you that might get on others, with or without virus payloads. A cloth mask is like coughing into your sleeve without moving your arm. Clever, eh? I made one from a table napkin and two rubber bands. The seamstress is closed...

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...being in the more vulnerable segment of the population I would also prefer one that protects from incoming threats as well considering that younger people are also being seriously affected. 

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797

    Did anyone see this? The 50 yr old bus driver that ranted about the coughing lady on the bus (on March 21st 2020) dies of Corona virus  on April 1st.Hargorve incurred initial symtoms four days after rant and dies 9 dies after the encounter. Warning video is laced with profanity but is a real reality check for those who doubt the seriousness of this pandemic. The goods news is disinfecting gargling and handwashing does work. A worker doing repairs at our house informed me his partner had a terrible flu that made him bedridden for 3 days too weak to get out of bed. He pulled out a coughdrop and sucked on it and said his partner's wife caught it because a couple of nights earlier she rand from the dinner table wife caught it too. Then he said his partner was his brother-in-law and that they lived in his house on the second floor. That was March 25th. We gave him his check for repairs and said we won't bother having you do the painting, as I sit here in my paint covered shirt typing this. He was here for 10 days working. I've been feeling my forehead for the past 12 days, washing my hands, shoving soap up my nose hoping it won't kill brain cells, and gargling like an ODC in hypermode. Everday they were here I sanitized the stair railing and door handles and on March 25th when I realized he had a cough too, I shut the doors to all rooms he worked in and waited four days to enter them. Now I have to hire the Service Master team to move our stuff back and unpack it (a five day job) and I'm freaking out. About to get out the latex halloween mask I bought last year.

    2988 x 5312 - 8M
  • Chohole said:

    If this goes on as long as seems likely, the goats might adopt Llandudno as their new home. and might be difficult to dislodge when things get back to normal. They can be really stubborn goats can.


    On a separate but related note, it's interesting how some places in Wales kept their Welsh names, but others were more or less 'anglisised' for example Caernarfon has been known as Canarvon and Caernarvon until recent times.

    A Scot I used to work with would have described this as 'The perfidious Albion'.


    The English had a very determined effort to eradicate the use of Welsh.  Children were punished at school for using their own native language during the late 15th, the 19th and in some areas even into the 20th century.  Y Ddraig Goch Ddyry Cychwyn!

    My family has deep roots in Cornwall, another related celtic language area, along with Britany. I have to confess that while I am saddened that the language has largely disappeared, I don't think of it as devastating. There are too few people in Cornwall to support a monoglot language area. And in this day and age, I see it as foolish to ghettoize yourself by insisting that you speak a language that only a relatively small number of people speak. In the case of Cornwall there were never any areas outside the county where the language became endemic, unlike Welsh, where I think there is a tiny enclave in Argentina where Welsh is spoken. I have to confess that I think to be monoglot Cornish, even for a majority of people in the county, would be an act of deliberate and ridiculous isolation from the lingua franca of the rest of the world. It'd be detrimental to job prospects and the ability to trade. Not wildly sensible. To be sustainable in the long term, I don't think even the population of England is big enough to sustain English, the fact that others are using it now is what will keep it alive in the face of Spanish, Mandarin and Cantonese. Cornish & other small languages will completely die out in the face of growing global communications, regardless of the hobbyists who want to keep small languages alive for sentimental reasons. 

  • In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562
    edited April 2020

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    Then learn how to make your own (if you really try please use safe methods only and consume limited quantity). I will suggest pause smoking for few days or months to fight with the virus.


    Alcohol non-availability kills more than coronavirus in Kerala; foreign liquor served as 'medicine'


    Kerala Govt To Issue Special Alcohol Passes For Drinkers Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms

    Post edited by Galaxy on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,257
    edited April 2020

    My arsenal...

    Honey, you need to add in 5,000 IU's of D3 to that.  While D3 hasn't been proven to help against the Corona the science behind it states that it does help boost the immune system.  D3 in a liquid gel cap is VERY small so should go down easily.  I take allot of NAC every day.  Astragulus is wonderful and powerful.  Licorice just makes me jumpy but I do take a small amount a day.  Being an HIV POZ person I have to really be careful in general so now I've somehow learned to be even MORE careful.  

    One silver lining is that my rent this month has been forgiven.  Clients have been reaching out to offer money to me.  Luckily the Safeway near me is fairly well stocked on most things I eat.  Most of the services I use (Wave Broadband, PG&E and others) have been very good about delaying payment in case it gets really tight but then all that will come back to bite all of us when this clears and we  can return to work. 

    I'm a hairdresser by trade so my business is considered "Non Essential".  I do have my kitchen set up as a temporary work station in case some clients can not wait but the rule is bring a mask and gloves (non latex as I'm allergic).  I have a set up for the sink to wash hair and replaced my kitchen table (very small table 20"X20", moved to my room mates room for a desk) with a Sauder cabinet that looks like a station and made use of the drawer and the double cabinet tot store my hairdressing tools.  Sort of looks like a replication of my station at Opus Salon, which we were in the middle of closing after 30 years in business, so now I'm sort of "homeless" as the new salon I was going to go to, the owner lives down in San Jose and the business is in Menlo Park so he's not coming up to have us sign contracts or exchange keys until this blows over, so at least both rents are nonexistent this month, next month I'll have to pay home rent again. 

    Hope everyone is staying safe and adhering to the rules and regulaions.  Keep in mind if your naturally immune to the virus or it's effects you may be a carrier if you get it and then can spread it to others like the elderly or immune compromised.  So please keep that in mind and be careful out there



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    Post edited by RAMWolff on
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