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Considering the plight of every person who has smoked weed getting The Cannabis legaized across the board in the US, I'd say yes, lol. But that has nothing to do with crystal meth.
I tried CBD lotion and thought it was overpriced, underwhelming, and stupid with an odd smell to it.
is its good weed ?
And not real weeds? (Not cannabis but the any weeds around the yard?)
most other weeds also run the risk of poisoning and painful death
Morning Glory, those certain mushrooms, golden trumpet etc
mouldy wheat already been discussed
There's no doubt CBD and cannabis in general smells like rotten skunk pattoo. Which is why I've never tried it and likely never will...though my husband loves it and I don't begrudge him that...provided he does it where I can't smell it, lol. fine for my painful arthritic joints (particularity my nearly crippled right hand). Much better and lasts longer than popping Advil every 4 hours or so.
Ah a good cannabis or psilocybin mushrooms you never can go wrong. once ina while we go to the cherokee reservation and pick up a sack of peyote that's a relaxing trip . It all depend on who do you trust? god grown grass, or man made chemicals either way choose your poison
A old hippy saying . "Give us coffee to change the things we can, & give us weed to accept those that we cannot "
Can we drop the drug dscussion please.
I thought Ergot came from mouldy rye.
Okay sounds good! Can we instead of a dscussion about Richard who is the great guy who lives in a mill. Wait? Does Richard live in a mill? I do not know where he lives but I think he can be a great guy, I guess.
a flour mill or a gunpowder mill
maybe a sawmill
Probably a flour mill as Richard might like the mice.
edit Richard is probably against violence so not the gunpowder mill, I think.
Yes! D3! Already done! Plus all this and waiting for echinacea reiki mix from Amazon! I have asthma so have to be careful.
You really shouldn't be around ANYBODY! Especially with a compromised immune system. There are people who have it who are asymptomatic.
I still have my tonsils and never had tonsillitis but had strep throat in college a LOT! Almost every time midterms came up, I had suddenly had strep throat and got a note from the campus doctor and got an extension lol.
PSA for people who still smoke during this pandemic: If you get sick and end up in the hospital, they sure as H*ll aren't going to let you smoke (or even vape) in the hospital. That means you'll have the stress of smokers' withdrawl to deal with on top of whatever put you in the hospital, coronavirus or not. Bottom line? Now might be a really good time to quit. Do it while you're still (somewhat) healthy. Now back to our regularly scheduled drivel...
On the original topic - for starters, I play the percentages; the local infection count is below .001 and I'm not leaving the local area. In addition, I only make one trip out per week - not that I've wanted to, but the last three involved medical and dental excursions, with side trips to a local chain grocery on the way home. I'm prepared to go up to five weeks without leaving the house with the exception of TP (around 3 weeks, then I gotta get creative; current thought is strip before/shower after
And I've a fatalistic attitude toward the whole end-of-life thing ever since one of my father's friends died as a result of a lightning strike on a golf course back when I was twelve. The foursome he was in sheltered under some trees at first, but made a run for the club house when the first flash of lightning appeared. Louie was the last to get there, and just as he reached the door lightning hit the clubhouse chimney - and he was killed by falling bricks. So - you play by the rules, you do what you can - but when your number is up, it's up.
There are no such thing as weeds. Only misplaced plants!
Correction; two words; poison ivy!
Why does Richard live in a flour mill when he is not a miller?
Richard does not work for the mill right? He just lives there?
back on topic, I saw there was a YouTube video that asked what if this thing lasts 18 months. 0.o I did not watch it though.
"A weed is just a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Okay, the mystery of the disappearing toilet paper is solved.
MSNBC just had this story. Reporter called manufacturers. Apparently there are two supply chains for toilet paper, with totally different manufacturers and customer bases.
One for stores, schools, institutions, businesses, airports, so commercial use. it is made of recycled paper, 1-ply.
The other is for home use. It is fluffy, stamped with pretty logos, and sold in small packages. (Relatively)
We just had a shift of population from using said schools, institutions, businesses, airports, stores, to homes. Some for work at home, online schooling, and others to binge watch TV or 3D render to death and put on the Covid-15 pounds of weight. So your home toilets are getting 40 more hours of use a week than they were getting before.
Case Solved.
I've been self isolating for the last 11 years. My pantry is full. I don't have a car. Nobody ever visits me. I haven't had a guest in this house in a couple years. I've cancelled or postponed all my recent medical appointments. I get essential deliveries via postal mail from Amazon or the pharmacy. The local grocery provides consumables like milk, bread, fruit & vegetables weekly. I wash my hands properly and often. People I do run into stay a healthy distance away. There's only so much paranoia I can muster in my situation.
Virusses don't just "go away" - they keep lurking in the background for their next chance. Or they mutate a bit and start again...
It will take a while to get proper medication. It will take a while longer to get a vaccine - if it's possible, what I expect it to be - but like measles, the flu or The Plague it will not really go away ever.