How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620

    they do get less lethal though as ther purpose is not actually to kill the receipiant but to replicate

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited April 2020

    I can't quite bring myself to believe that they have a "purpose".  That somewhere in the collective thoughts of the virus ubermind they realize their mistake and slack off on the slaying bit.indecision  If so, our lady Ebola isn't party to this civilized idea and is still a bitch.devil  Some viruses mutate in and out of lethality because they are easily mutatable.  Additionally, the hosts, develop resistance to that particular strain further decimating the spread and limiting its opportunities.

    Although, if one ponders deeply the difference between a crystal and a virus and a bacteria and a cell, I admit that there is some grey area and opportunity to question the definition of life and   A cell and some bacteria at least are aware enough that they can "decide" to move in or out of the sunlight as best befits its "needs".  A crystal or virus has no means of locomotion.  So, are we to think that they would do the same if they could?  At what point does even a glimmer of consciousness become embued to an organization of molecules?  smiley

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373
    Galaxy said:

    In my country the lockdown is not the worst thing to happen to us. Oh no, not by a mile. The worst thing is that they have also banned the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, yes, both are terrible habits but you don't just cut a man off dry after he's been doing it for 30 years. I'm gonna die I tell you. :(

    Then learn how to make your own (if you really try please use safe methods only and consume limited quantity). I will suggest pause smoking for few days or months to fight with the virus.

    Right as this all started, my dad, who has been a heavy smoker for decades, went to a hypnotherapy session to stop smoking. My sister had given him an ultimatum because his grandkids didn't even want to be near him anymore. Yes, smokers smell like ass. Sorry. He went to the session and hasn't smoked's been about a month now. He says he'll think about smoking and want to smoke, but then a picture pops into his head of him licking an ash tray and then he wants to throw up. Whatever the guy did, it worked. I hope it continues to work. My dad smells better, will be healthier, and will save a lot of money so he can take my mom out to dinner once in a while. 

    My Mom fell and broke her right hip in December; she was operated on that night and a metal hip replacement was done. She had to stop smoking in the hospital for a month, so when she got home she ignored the cigaretts, thank heavens. So at the tender age of 91 she gave up smoking. And thank God, and Tommy Douglas, the only expense here in Canada was the ambulance to the hospital. 

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373
    Ivy said:
    Gordig said:

    yea afraid they will panic buy my vitamin D next

    I actually need it as blood tests have been around 8 sometimes and doctor very concerned 

    I don't take it as much as I should

    isolation will see a surge in issues too hope no post boom babies born with rickets

    It wouldn't surprise me in the least if after this is over, they start making us use our driver's license or some kind of ID card when we shop to prevent the hoarding of certain things. They've already done this with certain over-the-counter medications, so it would just be a matter of expanding it to other products...

    Like seriously, is crystal meth even still a thing? 

    Do people still want to get high?

    is its good weed ?

    And not real weeds? (Not cannabis but the any weeds around the yard?)

    most other weeds also run the risk of poisoning and painful death

    Morning Glory, those certain mushrooms, golden trumpet etc

    mouldy wheat already been discussed cheeky

    Saint John's wort is a powerful herb, used to brew a tea from the flowers, used as an antidepressant..... can be very blissful too..... don't ask me how I know. 

    It grows everywhere here.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Be careful with St. John's Wort though, there are contraindications for taking it with certain medications.  I'm an HIV POZ person and it's on the list to avoid at all costs as it slows down or stops the abosorbtion of certain HIV meds.  Kola Nut is also on that list!  Both are supposed to help with depression and poor sleep but both are not recommended for many on "white man's" medicines! 

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited April 2020

    Need a good natural pain reliever .. Try peeling the bark of a common white willow tree and use to make tea's or grind to make a power that can be made into ointment or suave or sprinkle of food as a supplement  Willow trees produces salicylic acid a natural asprin .

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2020
    Ivy said:

    Need a good natural pain reliever .. Try peeling the bark of a common white willow tree and use to make tea's or grind to make a power that can be made into ointment or suave or sprinkle of food as a supplement  Willow trees produces salicylic acid a natural asprin .

    And again that is a natural remedy that can react badly with certain prescribed medicines.   Nobody who is taking prescribed medicines on a long term basis should start using natural medicine or usiing homeopathice remedies without consulting their GP.   Willow bark would have had a disastrous effect on some of my late other half's medications. 

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    back on topic, I saw there was a YouTube video that asked what if this thing lasts 18 months.  0.o I did not watch it though.

    Virusses don't just "go away" - they keep lurking in the background for their next chance. Or they mutate a bit and start again...

    It will take a while to get proper medication. It will take a while longer to get a vaccine - if it's possible, what I expect it to be - but like measles, the flu or The Plague it will not really go away ever.

    This particular virus does not seem to have mutated much so far. There are 2 basic strains, last I heard, but very little genetic diversity. Supposedly, that means once a vaccine is developed, it should be effective. This is why the real experts are talking about antibody tests. If you do extensive antibody testing to distinguish people who had it and didn't know it or recovered, who likely don't need the vaccine, vs. people who never had it, and do need the vaccine. People who never had it will be the most at risk going forward.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:

    Need a good natural pain reliever .. Try peeling the bark of a common white willow tree and use to make tea's or grind to make a power that can be made into ointment or suave or sprinkle of food as a supplement  Willow trees produces salicylic acid a natural asprin .

    And again that is a natural remedy that can react badly with certain prescribed medicines.   Nobody who is taking prescribed medicines on a long term basis should start using natural medicine or usiing homeopathice remedies without consulting their GP.   Willow bark would have had a disastrous effect on some of my late other half's medications. 

    Its pretty well tolerated its the same as asprin.  Its use used widely as mild pain reliving medicine even prescribe by doctors you can buy it in the health food stores.. Its not as bad as you think , But you are right you should consult your doctor before taking any herb if you don't know what it will do to you. That should be common sense.  In the Appalachians its a way of life to use herbals and know what they do. Sometime I forget how some folks don't have that kind of experience. 

    we grow some of the best ginseng you ever could use.  This is a picture I took when I pulled this black cohosh & wild ginseng root up this morning when i was walking around the woods.. its suppose to rain today so I'll leave it out a day or 2 to let the rain clean and wet cure it them before bring them into to dry it . I been planting stuff everywhere this week  that small raise bed garden has a100 onion sets and 24 cabage plants. after the threat of frost clears ina another week or two we'll plant the big garden

    Anyway white willow is no more harmful than asprin. even the same side effect


    White Willow BarGeneral Interaction

    White willow bark should not be taken with aspirin or NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen; in combination, the herb and these drugs increase the chance of side effects such as stomach bleeding.

    Possible Side Effects

    White willow bark can safely be taken long-term at recommended doses.

    Higher than commonly recommended doses of this herb can cause stomach upset, nausea, or tinnitus (ringing in the ears). If any of these reactions develop, stop taking the herb.


    Avoid white willow bark, which can irritate the stomach, if you are sensitive to aspirin, or if you have an ulcer or other gastrointestinal disorder.

    Don’t take white willow bark (or aspirin) if you have tinnitus.

    Consult your doctor before taking this herb if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

    As with aspirin products, never give white willow bark to children or teenagers under age 16 with symptoms of the cold, the flu, or chicken pox. Although white willow bark is unlikely to cause the rare but potentially fatal condition called Reye’s syndrome in such cases–it is metabolized differently than aspirin–the similarity to aspirin is close enough to warrant caution.

    Note: For information on interactions with specific generic drugs, see our WholeHealth Chicago Drug/Nutrient Interactions Chart.

    844 x 1500 - 514K
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited April 2020

    This is my natural healing medicine cabinet with the herbs we grow here ..Its just some good old hillbilly granny magic laugh

    844 x 1500 - 149K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979

    I can't quite bring myself to believe that they have a "purpose".  That somewhere in the collective thoughts of the virus ubermind they realize their mistake and slack off on the slaying bit.indecision  If so, our lady Ebola isn't party to this civilized idea and is still a bitch.devil  Some viruses mutate in and out of lethality because they are easily mutatable.  Additionally, the hosts, develop resistance to that particular strain further decimating the spread and limiting its opportunities.

    Although, if one ponders deeply the difference between a crystal and a virus and a bacteria and a cell, I admit that there is some grey area and opportunity to question the definition of life and   A cell and some bacteria at least are aware enough that they can "decide" to move in or out of the sunlight as best befits its "needs".  A crystal or virus has no means of locomotion.  So, are we to think that they would do the same if they could?  At what point does even a glimmer of consciousness become embued to an organization of molecules?  smiley

    "Mind and matter are inseparable, in the sense that everything is permeated with meaning. The whole idea of the somasignificant or signasomatic is that at no stage are mind and matter ever separated. There are differelt levels of mind. Even the electron is informed with a certain level of mind".  - David Bohm, "Quantum Implications" p. 443

    IMO this is the most plausible explanation - that mind is a primary factor just like energy, gravity etc..  Why not?   In the end we don't know why any of them exist, or what they really are. 



  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979


    RAMWolff said:

    Be careful with St. John's Wort though, there are contraindications for taking it with certain medications. 

    It can also make you hypersensitive to sunlight, so you easier get sunburns. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Ivy said:

    This is my natural healing medicine cabinet with the herbs we grow here ..Its just some good old hillbilly granny magic laugh

    ..need some of that Rheumatiz medicine ol' Granny Clampett used to make.

  • Ivy said:

    This is my natural healing medicine cabinet with the herbs we grow here ..Its just some good old hillbilly granny magic laugh

    Did Granny get some white lightning from the local monshiner back in the day to make tinctuires and other "medicine"? 

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:

    Need a good natural pain reliever .. Try peeling the bark of a common white willow tree and use to make tea's or grind to make a power that can be made into ointment or suave or sprinkle of food as a supplement  Willow trees produces salicylic acid a natural asprin .

    And again that is a natural remedy that can react badly with certain prescribed medicines.   Nobody who is taking prescribed medicines on a long term basis should start using natural medicine or usiing homeopathice remedies without consulting their GP.   Willow bark would have had a disastrous effect on some of my late other half's medications. 

    Its pretty well tolerated its the same as asprin.  Its use used widely as mild pain reliving medicine even prescribe by doctors you can buy it in the health food stores.. Its not as bad as you think , But you are right you should consult your doctor before taking any herb if you don't know what it will do to you. That should be common sense.  In the Appalachians its a way of life to use herbals and know what they do. Sometime I forget how some folks don't have that kind of experience. 

    we grow some of the best ginseng you ever could use.  This is a picture I took when I pulled this black cohosh & wild ginseng root up this morning when i was walking around the woods.. its suppose to rain today so I'll leave it out a day or 2 to let the rain clean and wet cure it them before bring them into to dry it . I been planting stuff everywhere this week  that small raise bed garden has a100 onion sets and 24 cabage plants. after the threat of frost clears ina another week or two we'll plant the big garden

    Anyway white willow is no more harmful than asprin. even the same side effect


    The only painkiller Himself was allowed with his prescription medicines was paracetomol.  Aspirin  was a big No No,  He had A Fib and other problems  and was on 7 different medications.  He also had to be careful of some foods.   This is why  it is always best either not to reccomend alternative medications,  or to include a qualifier such as "consult your GP or Family Doctor"

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited April 2020

    Yeah you properly have to watch taking antacids and most over the counter  medicines too They put asprin in a lot of stuff , it's like sodium . But best to ask you doc before you start any of those as well specially if you have a  lot of medical issues. 

    Glad I'm healthy and live in the place i do.

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Ivy said:

    This is my natural healing medicine cabinet with the herbs we grow here ..Its just some good old hillbilly granny magic laugh

    Did Granny get some white lightning from the local monshiner back in the day to make tinctuires and other "medicine"? 

    That is in another cupboard.wink

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited April 2020
    Taoz said:

    I can't quite bring myself to believe that they have a "purpose".  That somewhere in the collective thoughts of the virus ubermind they realize their mistake and slack off on the slaying bit.indecision  If so, our lady Ebola isn't party to this civilized idea and is still a bitch.devil  Some viruses mutate in and out of lethality because they are easily mutatable.  Additionally, the hosts, develop resistance to that particular strain further decimating the spread and limiting its opportunities.

    Although, if one ponders deeply the difference between a crystal and a virus and a bacteria and a cell, I admit that there is some grey area and opportunity to question the definition of life and   A cell and some bacteria at least are aware enough that they can "decide" to move in or out of the sunlight as best befits its "needs".  A crystal or virus has no means of locomotion.  So, are we to think that they would do the same if they could?  At what point does even a glimmer of consciousness become embued to an organization of molecules?  smiley

    "Mind and matter are inseparable, in the sense that everything is permeated with meaning. The whole idea of the somasignificant or signasomatic is that at no stage are mind and matter ever separated. There are differelt levels of mind. Even the electron is informed with a certain level of mind".  - David Bohm, "Quantum Implications" p. 443

    IMO this is the most plausible explanation - that mind is a primary factor just like energy, gravity etc..  Why not?   In the end we don't know why any of them exist, or what they really are. 


     I am a firm believer in the omnipresence of mind supporting and weaving the fabric of space/time/matter/energy.  I see connections now and then but stumble trying to describe them.  But I take heart and believe that I'm in good company in that respect.  It doesn't change my existence in any way except to be more amazed that I exist to appreciate it.

    So much more has been said so elequently by many people, but the more words used, the more they trip on themselves and the less effective they are.  It's like trying to land on a spot on a Mandelbrot Set.  Many ways to aim at a locale and approach it but it all slips away when you look closer.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453

    Speaking of natural products, does anybody have a source for genuine bear grease? At the rate things are going, I'm going to need some for my hair!laugh

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681

    Speaking of natural products, does anybody have a source for genuine bear grease? At the rate things are going, I'm going to need some for my hair!laugh

    The bears around here don't squeek so we've never needed any bear grease.  Now, mouse grease, that's another story.indecision

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited April 2020

    ...well, first 70° day (73° to be exact) here today.  Took a leisurely walk up to the restaurant supply outlet about a mile away to get a few supplies and things for the kitchen (can't use EBT there but their prices are so good compared to the mainstream markets).  Stopped at the park on the way home to sit and rest a bit in the sun and fresh air as well as clear the mind (been a somewhat downer the last two days that I cannot go into detail on here).  Getting out an a beautiful day can do wonders for the pscyhe.  More of the same tomorrow so another walk is in the plans As a matter of fact it will be nice through next Friday with highs in the mid 60s to near 70. Finally can get out and and stretch the legs a bit on a more regular basis (of course observing the proper "separation" from other people). Feel a lot less tired today, exercise is a good thing.

    Also nice to be able to finally open the windows and air the place out a bit.

    Crikey it was 77° in Milwaukee yesterday, however tomorrow back into the 40s with high winds followed by cold rain and more wind.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,620
    edited April 2020

    we are not allowed to sit in the parks

    and the weather has been glorious crying

    would love to on my walks through to the shops but have to keep moving

    I might start shredding my worn out sheets soon for nose blows and bum wipes, to be binned not flushed.

    Fortunately I have plenty of them.

    not seen a single loo roll on the shop shelves all week

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256
    Ivy said:

    This is my natural healing medicine cabinet with the herbs we grow here ..Its just some good old hillbilly granny magic laugh


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Speaking of natural products, does anybody have a source for genuine bear grease? At the rate things are going, I'm going to need some for my hair!laugh

    LIttle dab of coconut oil or olive oil works great!  IF you need a little holding power and have some hair gel around, equal parts and you'll have a nice slick for your hair! 

  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    RAMWolff said:

    Speaking of natural products, does anybody have a source for genuine bear grease? At the rate things are going, I'm going to need some for my hair!laugh

    LIttle dab of coconut oil or olive oil works great!  IF you need a little holding power and have some hair gel around, equal parts and you'll have a nice slick for your hair! 

    Coconut oil might remind me I haven't had a REAL vacay in far too long. Just when we were deciding where to go, Wham! Olive oil? Wasn't she Popeye's girl friend? He might get mad. I know! I can listen to the Frank Zappa album Ruben and the Jets. He described it as being not the kind of music you listen to, but the kind of music you put on your hair. That's the ticket!

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    As a teacher, my school is still open, I'm daily mauled by kids who intrinsically need physical contact, well because they're young kids and that's they're life. After each day a wash kid off my hands and arms and hope the virus they might have doesn't stick. The rule of one point five or 2 metres doesn't actually work with 4 to 5 year old kids. They're going to climb on you anyway and you can't actually teach them away from yourself because they'll natuarlly invade your space.

    Most of the teaching and learning teachers do involves highly personalised one-to-one personal interactions and moving to on-line e-learning won't and can't repalce the physical presence of a teacher in a room with them. No amount of Zoom or Adobe Connect conferencing can replace the close interpersonal relationalships that is the key to what teachers do. I hope this year's kids don't become a lost lost generation by those who think a computer screen can do what we do every day.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:

    Need a good natural pain reliever .. Try peeling the bark of a common white willow tree and use to make tea's or grind to make a power that can be made into ointment or suave or sprinkle of food as a supplement  Willow trees produces salicylic acid a natural asprin .

    And again that is a natural remedy that can react badly with certain prescribed medicines.   Nobody who is taking prescribed medicines on a long term basis should start using natural medicine or usiing homeopathice remedies without consulting their GP.   Willow bark would have had a disastrous effect on some of my late other half's medications. 

    Its pretty well tolerated its the same as asprin.  Its use used widely as mild pain reliving medicine even prescribe by doctors you can buy it in the health food stores.. Its not as bad as you think , But you are right you should consult your doctor before taking any herb if you don't know what it will do to you. That should be common sense.  In the Appalachians its a way of life to use herbals and know what they do. Sometime I forget how some folks don't have that kind of experience. 

    we grow some of the best ginseng you ever could use.  This is a picture I took when I pulled this black cohosh & wild ginseng root up this morning when i was walking around the woods.. its suppose to rain today so I'll leave it out a day or 2 to let the rain clean and wet cure it them before bring them into to dry it . I been planting stuff everywhere this week  that small raise bed garden has a100 onion sets and 24 cabage plants. after the threat of frost clears ina another week or two we'll plant the big garden

    Anyway white willow is no more harmful than asprin. even the same side effect


    ...or to include a qualifier such as "consult your GP or Family Doctor"

    Well, now... that explains a lot... I've always thought it was "insult your doctor"... no wonder they don't like me...

    Well, that and the puddles I leave behind in the corner if they leave me alone too long... (canine rules... if you don't want it marked don't take twenty minutes to come back...)

    Oh well...


  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,201
    McGyver said:
    Torquinox said:

    @McGyver living up to the screen name. Excellent!


    There is a deluxe model too... but it's entirely scratch built... I'm still making a gasket to comfortably seal the neck area... it was originally part of a mercenary armor costume I made...

    Different daughter wearing it...

    I see your mecenary and raise you a TIE pilot. :)

    We have a confirmed case on the base I am stationed at here in Iraq and they have loceked everything down. All food is to go and we can go to work, pick up food and then it is back to our rooms. Pewople violating the physical distancing orders are being romoved from base and sent back to their country of origin.


    My protection.jpg
    600 x 800 - 424K
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2020

    I want to go play with the sheeps on the roundabout

    Post edited by Chohole on
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