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how on earth could i have possibly imagined that an "easter basket" sale here would actually last until easter morning?
that would've made sense!
easter is relative too, apparently.
What do you guys think: The Dasan and Eye of Wyvern should be available tomorrow as well, right?
I have so muich to decide on, sinceI want to combine both offers that I didn't have time to finalize a shopping cart.
Also, it now has over 50 products and I don't know how I can take advantage of the good friday offer without emptying and putting 50+ items back in the cart :(.
Probably, especially the Dasan one since he's a core figure. There's no guarantee though.
Do you have Pinterest, Alex? :) A wee trick I tend to use in these situations: install the Pinterest button to your browser and create a private board called "Daz shopping basket" or something similar. Then open each item you've got in your cart and if the Pinterest app button is switched on in your browser, you should get the option to pin the product page into your Daz Shopping Pinterest board. Once you've pinned all of the items in your basket you can then empty the cart, do your Easter shopping, and then you can use the Pinterest board to quickly reload your cart with your 50+ Dasan deal items (that sounds like a long process but it's not -- very simple) Or if you don't have Pinterest you can always just create a temporary folder in your browser for same purpose but it's not as visual OC. I also use this when I'm trying to choose between items because it pins them all side by side.
I've taken advantage of today's gift card offer and have my store credit bumped up for the Easter weekend, whatever it shall bring... even if it's just a continuation of the current sales, that'll be great tbh! Daz have been amazing with this weeks deals :D :D
Also, am I the only who almost always receives two gift card emails with separate codes whenever I buy a single gift card? I'm not sure why that happens... more so, Im not sure why every single time I'm still compelled to click on both codes when I know the second doesn't do anything! Some sort of primal monkey curiosity
It only happens when you purchase using Paypal. It has something to do with the way the Magento software is coded. Makes no sense to me why the code can't do a single email. At least one of your email codes works. Sometimes people come in here and complain neither code worked!
Yea, I don't expect the Dasan one to dissapear this soon (afraid a little for the banner but I think it will hold as long as the offer).
I think I will take my chances, if the wyvern offer dissapears I will probably get mad and not buy anything anymore but what is life without risk ? :)
Thank for the suggestion. There's still 50+ add to cart buttons to press and wait for that to happen. I've done it yesterday as well to use the 3 items flash sale. I opened up all the items in new tabs and added them back afterwards.
But this takes time... I mean it took me over 30 minutes to do it. That is a long time to spend just putting items in and out of cart without any real gain.
How hard would it be to implement a save cart button so we can load multiple items in the cart? Oh well, Since I don't want to miss out on a free item, possibly 2 others if I decide to buy something from today I will probably do it :(
...I did, but as I page through I still see older and newer products mixed together rather than a straight "newest to oldest sequence" Like I'll be several pages in and suddenly there are Genesis 2 or even Gen 4 era products showing along with G8 and newer ones. how do you fix that? Not very versed in HTML coding.
Oh, those poor people!! I hope theyve managed to have it sorted whenever that has happened. Maybe the whole thing is actually like Willy Wonka -- one day somebody will get the "golden ticket" and both of their email codes will work haha.
Oh that's not fun, Alex! God speed!! Daz are throwing so many lovely deals our way it's hard to keep up! But the save cart suggestion sounds like quite a good idea

You need to remove the "sort" part from the link.
For example with today's selected item link:^1&filtered=1
The part which forces the sort order is the &order=popular^1
Just sorting by new arrivals should help. And I mean sort by it. Not just look at it, and notice it says sort by new arrivals because it's not true. :D Click on it, and sort by it. Only then will it be true. :)
Yay! Thanks for the GOOD-FRIDAY coupon, DAZ!
It may be that my brain is going to mush from being on lockdown for a month, but I laughed at this so hard. lol
it's an odd way of doing it, but i've noticed that when older generations/older products turn up like that, it's usually because daz purchased them from vendors after they'd been in store for ages. For instance, the RDNA stuff - a lot of that was for older generation figures, but because they were new in the store they sort of come up as "newest arrivals"...even tho the product may be years old.
Thank you for the GOOD-SATURDAY coupon, DAZ! You're making this a special Easter for a cooped up DAZaholic!
The 2 offers I thought I wanted held but I thinkg the one from Monday gave some additional discount on Mousso because his girls are more expensive now. Damn :(
Well, ya know...there's always another sale.
I had a few items in my cart from yesterday. Just at rollover, the discounts went down, and the items got more expensive, but they've now reverted to the lower price.
Not sure what discount they had yesterday but Mousso is one if the featured artists for today, so you can get a bigger discount on those items if you purchase one of the "Easter weekend" new releases. If you're interested in one of those it may be worth the try...
While still discounted, not as good as past days for some of mousso's items (and some other PA too). Until yesterday, featured PA discount and DO additional 50% were staking on items that were both featured PA and also DO starting at 82% discount without requiring any additional purchase, it could go beyond that with purchases. As of today, probably because is a catch up including all PA, DO extra 50% and PA 50% do not stack the same way and items are at 69% starting point. Pitty.
I get the old layout on Chrome but the new layout on Edge. Old on Safari as well.
Loving the freebies this weekend...thanks, Daz!
Anyone able to get this to work?
Buy any “Hoppy” New Release to get 80% OFF* Select Easter Items
I'm getting 75% off those items with a Hoppy New Release, not 80%.
I'm having trouble finding where this is. Which page and section, please?
Same. I think that is just the normal .
50% OFF¥ Featured Artist Stores
60% OFF¥* when you buy any New Release.
in the easter weekend storewide sale we get offered a freebie with the code GOOD-SUNDEE from select items but there's nothing showing what choices we have to pick from
It's from the same selection as on Friday and Saturday.
Try here:^1&filtered=1
Oh, I found it. I've verified and am reporting.