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Fixed in my cart now
Thank you
Pro bundle pricing is correct now, but note that add-ons may not yet reflect correct pricing/additional discounts. Probably will be fixed soon, but would hold on pressing the buy button!
After 2 reload the price is correct for the Ashan 8 add-on.
Astan is fixed, but the other free generations all show up as $74.21 (instead of free) ... in other words, not fixed yet.
I'm reloading multiple times and it looks like the prices for the DO add-ons are still fluctuating for me. Sometimes right, sometimes not.
Having 1 G8 pro bundle + 2 G3 pro bundles + 3 G2 pro bundles free was a glitch. The intended offer is that you have to choose between the three options. It works for me with 3 G2 pro bundles, but I haven't tested the other options, since I own all the G8/G3 pro bundles.
Originally, I had a certain price for all my items in the cart. Then next, all the individual prices remained hwere they were, but all the free bundles were no longer free ($74.22). Then next, nothing was right anymore on any of the bundles (including Astan). Now we are back to Astan and everything being correct, except for all the free bundles once again not being free ($74.22). Two steps back, one step forward .... let's repeat : B. O. R . K . E . D...... hahahah
well, well .... I can now add one out of six free bundles without getting zapped, but if I add a second one to that, I get zapped for thousands of dollars .... another step back.
For me, the Ashran offer is fine until I put in Gen 2 bundles, then everything reverts to max pricing, not even my PC discount is applied.
Do you have only one of the offers - one Genesis 8, two Genesis 3, or three Geensis 2 - not a mix?
Anybody out there getting free bundles, only one free bundle (when only one is added to the cart), or no free bundles (when 2 or more are in the cart)?
Depends on the bundles you're putting in.
Also, isn't Wednesday the weekday when new base characters usually come out?
I had to remove the addons and re-add to my cart before the prices on those looked normal. Purchased as soon as everything looked right before it could go south again! I was able to use Stockin-up
The last six pro bundles came out on a Wednesday. But before that, it was six Tuesdays, and before that, a general mix of different days of the week, but never Saturday or Sunday, and not really Mondays unless you count Dog 8.
bummer, I put cash in my card for the deal with 6 free pro bundles and now _____x( guess I shoulda known) **cry**
I realize they're pretty new, but some other offer would be nice for those of us who own all the available (or all) of the Genesis 8 packages. I'd settle for some morphs or HD add-ons. I really don't want Gen 2 at all, and frankly don't want the dregs of Gen 3 either. There are two Gen 3 Pro Bundles I don't own, and it's obvious with this many offers and years passed, that I really don't want those two.
Maybe there's a caching issue on my side but none of the Plat for a Day 1.99 items are showing any discounts and the 50% off specials are also showing no discount.
@mcorr, the offer is not borked. It's just different from past offers in that you can choose one generation for your free bundle(s) and the number of bundles you'll get for free is dependent on the generation you choose. The offer does not include all three of the generations for six free bundles, (even if it was working that way earlier, which was the glitch.)
If you meet the criteria, you can get one Genesis 8 pro bundle for free; OR you can get two Genesis 3 pro bundles for free; OR you can get three Genesis 2 pro bundles for free.
The "…choose 1 of the following for FREE" wording was there when the page loaded for me shortly after Daz Midnight.
Considering past offers, it's really easy to see why anyone would think the offer was for all three instead of just one. I nearly missed that myself, and I scrutinize the offers each day so I can report errors, (even though it's not required of CVs.)
And for anyone who needs it, here is a working link to View These Artists Together. (Opens in a new window/tab.)
Bless you for that link! I had replaced with "shop" but it still only brought up a small subset of all the offerings. Wonder what I did wrong but much appreciated! <3
Still the same problem with STOCKIN-UP after several restarts and using another browser... 6 items by CDI which are qualified for the coupon, and nothing happen.
You're welcome.
The link from Daz Deals is created by grabbing the artists' names from the several links Daz posts on the page. Daz's links use the PAs name all lowercase, and it works. But when using the filter with multiple PAs, the website expects the names to be mixed case, matching the names exactly as they show up in the drop-down list. I just changed the names in the filter list to match, and as they say, "Bob's your uncle." (I have no idea where that saying came from. In fact, the first time I ever heard it was in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie…)
That explains it ... that said, I had 6 bundles in my cart for free, with everything in the cart for a certain price that suddenly changed, so irregardless, the sale got borked. To now have to settle for only one of those bundles (a G8) for the same price (after me previously having agreed to 5 more for that low price) means there’s a double bork. The sticker shock is so significant (which could have benn avoided by DAZ getting the sale check out programming right), that I am spending no money on any of this today. That’s the result of switching prices on me during check out at the cash register: i have the discipline to just put the toys back on the counter and walk away. I’d do the same if this switcheroo happened in a physical store while trying to pay at the check-out. Done playing for today. Good bye =)
I get that. In a similar position, but trying to decide if I'll still get him, as I like him so much. I have screenshots of the Bundles at $0, as I discovered it when I opened my shopping cart in another tab, forgetting that I already had it open. While I realize that I misread the advert (unless they changed the wording after), it was the usual format and the bundles were in the cart for free. I didn't check out, as I had online doc appointment, came back and oooof... The cart went up about $400. Then the coupon prices were off. One still is wrong and I may still just dump the whole cart.
You are putting products from the bundles in the cart. To use STOCKIN-UP, you have to select 3 from the Add-ons. Currently, the cart you are showing in the image, has only 2 add-ons. The beard and the insidious monk outfit are not add-ons.
Besides what gitika says. You may benefit investing a little more and just grab the pro bundle. The base and 2 other items from it is already too close to its price even if you don't have a the purple banner. And buying the pro bundle will allow you to grab one the other Pro bundles freebies.
the free genesis 3 and genesis 2 pro bundles in the POWER OF ASHAN 10 pro bundle offer just jumped back up to 74 bucks apiece.
this is not exactly encouraging me to check out, lol.
They corrected the sale to match the text, you get to choose either 1 g8 bundle or 2 g3 bundles or 3 g2 bundles, so not picking bundles from all 3 generations.
Thanks a lot gitika1 & Wolfwood!!! Now I understand and realize where my mistake was... so I made indeed a much better deal now then before. Thanks again!
oh, thanks for the explanation. working your way down the banner still shows the various pro bundle offers without any such qualifier, though. that was my downfall.
it's a nice sale, even adjusted, but i'm not sure how wasting an hour of my time and then 'fixing' my cart so it jumps three hundred dollars as i'm about to check out qualifies as effective sale management.
i have to admit i did get a sweet little pang of nostalgia, though. this's a real dazzer! i smiled to myself.
Everything seems in place for the new day, except Plat Cub for a Day. That category is currently empty.