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Also, just gonna drop this here for my fellow LucasArts nerds...
This is my first quick stab at "Piratino" and only resolved to about 9% before I stopped it. No post work except for signature.

Yarrrrgh, I like 'im!
[EDIT] I had a heck of a time with the Volta hair - it kept coming out grey in renders even after applying its own shaders, then trying Chevybabe's Real Hair Shaders for dForce and Strand-Based Hairs. I finally had to go in to the surfaces tab and manually change the hair root colors to brown or darker gray (NOT white). This render is the result of my efforts, but I wish I hadn't had to do all that. <shrug> I also chose some eyes from an EMRYS character mostly because I just like their chracter's eyes so much.
I really only like Caspian and Kennen, since I have no use for pirate stuff, quality notwithstanding. Can someone tell how much of Valentineo is in each of them please? I'd like to know if I need the base to get their look right. Thanks.
One thing thats a bit weird is the teeth. For a pirate who swills rum and lives on a diet of ship's biscuits he has very white teeth.
Though, they could be some very advanced false teeth, like Antonie's likely are.
In my unretouched render above I feel Valentino's teeth are sorta grungy looking - it just happened, maybe it is the light, but they don't look all that great to me. :)
The bundle looks OK to me, but the associated offer is weak, as others have noted. That $60 just doesn't go very far, particularly when the qualifying stuff is at 'full price'. Plus, what's left in the select DO category for me isn't all tha compelling, and what's left is 'well maybe someday if the offer is really good' stuff for me pretty much.
I barely pulled the trigger on Alawa 8, due to the 50% off DO's offer that showed up later in the week, but as for Valentina, yeah he's off to the wishlist for now.
I have a lot of pirate/age of sail sea stuff already, and am content to just use the older stuff I have. Pirates aren't my thing anyways...
It's more how they look a bit flat/plastic (like here), they're all the same flat color throughout and lack any "wear" detail. So it looks like he got the wrong brightner at the dentist rather than him being a man of the seas.
Natural teeth are not white (or even close to white), more a grey/yellow, so "bad" teeth would be much more yellow/grey.
I'd have thought most of the outfits had considerable potential for use in non-pirate renders, especially with a change of hat. The naval uniform would pair with soem of the empire-line dresses in store for a Regency romance (probably a bit early, but near enough for an impression of the style), and the hair and characters are not really tied to any genre at all.
That actually is where my thoughts were on the clothing. They seem to run from the American Revolution to Napoleon Wars periods, and would give great costumes for background characters in shipyards, military ships, or just colonial towns or London. You have to remember that clothing was hard to come by and was often passed on between family members, or taken from the dead.
I like the bundle a lot. My credit card is going to hate me.
Just an FYI to anyone planning on using one of the three PC+ coupons against the bundle, it will work but NOT if you want to go for the $60 free DO. As I should have anticipated, if you have the coupon applied to your cart and then start adding the free DO items, your cart price goes up as seems to take some discount from the freebies. Well known that the PC coupons do not like freebies being in cart but just flagging in case it helps someone
Might be easy to miss and then wouldn't get full value of the coupon.
I quite like him, and I like most of the things in the bundle too. Even though I can't use strandbased hair (my computer can't handle it at all :/ ) but all in all it seems like a good bundle, I hope the sale is still around when my paycheck arrives :)
Can anyone post a render of how Armand looks without Valentino?
@Gogger fantastic image!
Nice character.
Daz Pro bundles have just grown too expensive though.
Pro + 4 add ons $79.00! ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Take out 1 add-on: minus $4.00 difference. NOPE!
What I was thinking; and the deck hand could easily be used for a dwarf or gnome type, I really like him and his bundle unfortunaetly I'm struggling to find the finance to evne pick up the base.
yeah .. one of the nicer bundles in awhile although I have no need for pirate stuff. The characters are pretty cool looking, especially that Romeo guy. Valentino looks good too, and imo not so much like most of the other dudes that come out as clones of everyone else. I'm not seeing too many likeness in any of the new characters with previous releases.
addons a bit weak overall. not much added to the mix here. Renshaw good.
Pricing .. it comes to $64 for me with 4 addons. not so great, and that's using the 20% off banner discount. $60 off DO stuff. Wow, I've picked that pile over so many times its near impossible to find osmething I want let alone need. $60 FREE though is nothing to sneeze at really. The Horryfying Skins, which I never bought, too gross for me, might work with these pirate guys though ... and Bad Birdy 2.0 would make a good angry parrot. hey, we need some humor now
Or pirate from the 1700s to modern day life, sort of like crocodile Dundee. maybe a play using pirates ... yeah, maybe it would be good to buy some pirate stuff. Where's the gold dubloon treasure chest and all that extra stuff. This is what should be in the addons. The pirate ship, etc etc. I think I saw some products like that somehwere.
Some of his promos give off a pretty strong Jason Momoa vibe, too.
Nice character and I will probably pick him up separately at some point but in terms of the deal others have said...I have no DO left to pick through that I would want. I do like a couple of the outfits (Naval Uniform and Deckhand), but I still don't want to have to drop like $60 on the bundle just to get I'll probably buy them separately as well. I would have been tempted on the bundle for those couple outfits, but this one really wants me to blackball the whole thing...this...this should be inexcusable -
There is no way that outfit is passable for me...even though I do like the overall concept of it. The execution Far too many new outfits coming out with this same sort of issue. Rigid metal pieces should not bend...especially when a character isn't even being put into an extreme pose. And just look at how the round belt holes are all distorted from that little bit of torso movement. NOPENOPENOPE.
Yeah, I don't render pirates, but these outfits are so kitbashable and look great IMO although that belt in Melissa's post above is pretty bad. I don't see pirates when I look at these outfits. I see what all I can and will use out of these sets. I just about gobbled up everything in Valentino's sale and grabbed all the SubDragon stuff for ALMOST free
. Really liking this bundle and the add-ons.
This is my thoughts too. A lot of people are saying that don't do pirate stuff, and I don't do much of that either, but apart from the sterotypically stuff like eye patches, parrots on shoulders, and hooks on severed hands, pirates wore much the same clothing as other people of their era. A lot of the rather limited set of historical clothing that we have is stuff worn by the rich, and I think a fair bit of the outfits in this bundle could be kit bashed into clothing for more common folk.
We have had sci-fi content galore in the last few days, and the last two pro bundles had a lot of stuff of that too, none of which I personally have any interest in whatsoever. Now we get something different so people can ignore it if that is not what they want. Personally I prefer these more closely themed bundles, so if it is an area you enjoy you can pick it up in the knowledge that a lot of it you can use. With a lot of previous bundles, we have often had 1 or 2 contempory outfits, one sci-fi, and one fantasy, which leaves many having no interest in at least some of what is on offer.
Kennen uses 60% Valentino. Here is a side by side i did real fast from one of the promo images. Valentino / No Valentino.
Thank you for the pics and this gorgeous character. I think all of you really did an excellent job with this bundle! Love how there are so many options from skin tones, age range, to facial features. @Jessaii you are quickly becoming one of my fav artists here and this looks like another straight to check out character for me. Today is a good day :D
I’m the opposite: I would much rather that the pro bundles themselves were more generalized, with explicitly themed content being available in a separate bundle if that’s what you’re interested in. Even though I’m way more interested in Valentino’s bundle content than Dasan or Alawa’s, I’d still prefer a more diverse bundle.
He's nice.The promo images are nice. I kind a bit inspired to do some pirate renders.
But there isn't a single DO in the freebie pile that's on my wishlist.There are nice products I could choose, but I don't need or want them. Which equals out to there being no deal.
I like Armand a lot. He's a lot like Asher but a little younger and with a yummy, darker skintone.
I also like Deck Hand hair. And I like that there's a code I could use for just these two items a la carte. But I can't stack it with my monthly codes, which would be more. So I'm back to no deal again. :-(
Man, what a brilliant and hilariously well written game that was. The minute Wally started talking about learning to be a pirate with the Parrot Of The Month club, I was hooked, and how can you go wrong when the villain is a zombie-ghost pirate named LeChuck?
I really like this one for once! I like everything except Caspian, but hey - ya can't have it all ;). I might actually buy the pro bundle this time.
There's nothing stopping DAZ from doing that... except the fact that the licensing costs to use just three or four minor Marvel characters would cause the cost of a Pro Bundle to go up a few hundred bucks or so and come with some pretty draconian terms about what could actually be done with any of the renders you made.
hubba hubba
wish they woulda thrown the hd in the pro bundle. think they did that a few times.
Yes, but they got complaints from people who didn't want the HD in the bundle, so they stopped doing it.
Looking at the second buckle (dude on our right) that buckle looks perhaps beveled with a scalloped edge to me, MAYBE (hopefully) not distorted. Maybe it's the way the lighting is hitting it, like an optical illusion. I'd really like to see someone actually render it to see if it's a distortion. If it is, yeah, that's really pathetic. With the hole being huge and possibly distorted, it does lean toward a distortion.