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His arms look really long in the promo with him in boxer shorts. Do they look 'normal' size to anyone else and maybe it's just the perspective to me?
Also, a couple of those head shots....the end of his nose reminds me of a Dan Ackroyd movie....
Ah. Something big is missing?
his arms are very ape like. But no gens texture, means a hard pass for me. I'll risk the clothes since I can use my last use of the plat coupon on them.
At least it wasn't Genesis 9 debut.
above avg daz character at least
I like the character, but I'm going to have to think about this one.
...ho-hum, another new character.
I wonder what this week's PC+ freebie will be.
No, he's available separately.
It looks to me like his legs are a bit short for the torso and that's making the arms look a bit long.
Because it's not a "Pro Bundle" and DAZ can't break that stupid policy.
Just be aware: according to the file list in the Readme, there are no real morphs in them. Just an "Adjust fit" morph, whatever that means, along with FBMs for major characters.
Interestingly, Lessons Appear To Have Been Learned ... even if they're not lessons we might like having been learned. All the Underbelly stuff -- the character and clothes -- has data directories that are just "Underbelly". No indication of who made them at all. I would assume the character was made by the person cited in the other thread, given that he looks pretty much identical. Probably the clothes as well, since they look like those clothes.
The thing that threw me, until I looked at the clay render, is that they've got him posed so strangely in his shirtless photos that his nipples look like they're in different time zones.
Um ... the only characters I've been aware of that were Daz-O and lacked anatomical elements were Manu and Daniel from the Dain 8 Pro Bundle. So I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about.
Well, he's just what I wanted! His look is very distinctive and the quality looks amazing. It is a great release.
I had noticed the lack of morphs, but I'm willing to risk $4. At least I don't have to buy three things to get it for that price.
Should I say it?
I told you so.
There, had to say it.
With my purple banner it's a 25$ each grab. So think not so bad..
Another roid head, semi - toon character. No thanks.
Big ol furry Bear.
Could use a leather daddy outfit.
Why, yes, I work in San Francisco :-D
Maybe it's bullet holes?
...I still have just the "Frontline Heroes" banner even after refreshing the store page. Also checked messages and nothing new.
They're for holding daisies.
After that annoucement, it's of course a little bit disappointing to see only such a bundle.
While the figure doesn't look bad, I'm disapointed that the cloth is not dForce and that there only fit morphs.
It's compared to a Pro bunlde also a little bit pricy. After I don't need the ganster bundle it's $35 and includes much less content as a pro bundle.
So, I just whishlist it and waiting for a better deal.
Better than pushing them. :)
I like the Noir Asthetic stuff at least. As for the bundle itself... meh. The Purple Banner isn't wowing me either!
The 70% off Featured Artists stuff with 5 or more items looks a bit more interesting though! I still have a '$6 off of $18 or more' PC+ coupon to burn. Apparently no new item required for those!
Except he's literally not equipped for that kind of thing, poor fellow. As the Italian eunuch in Voltaire's 1759 literary classic Candide declared upon seeing the heroine in a highly immodest state - "Che sciagura d'essere senza coglioni!” (Yeah, that's real classic literature written by one of the greatest philosophers of all time, and that's why everyone used to read French novels.)
well indeed something "big come" but at last for me was something "big and bad", a sort of "small bundle" not even a "pro bundle" with "re-used stuffs, and what anger me more is the fact like in others "re-used" we have stuffs which already are part of "others bundle" into that bundle making things like if you already "bought bundle X you have payed "more for less", you are paying again for something which you already have, ok if you want to make "new bundles from old stuffs" at last don't use thing which already are present in another bundles or packs, using "non bundle related stuffs" to make me feel not paying 2 times for the same thing over and over its a little dirty from my point of view.
He flexed his muscles and all the buttons flew off.
That something big, is Mr Big. Haha! Love it.
The promo idea, not checked out the products yet.
FYI - There are TWO purple banners released today. Check your "Exclusive Offers".
Someone wake me up when they intoduce the "make art" button. Been waiting for that one for a very long time.
Ah. I have a purple banner for the ganster bundle. The character isn't in that one. When I posted before, the shop wasn't showing me anything but the purple banner, so I couldn't see anything else. Sorry.
It isn't that his arms are so long, as that his legs are so short. Almst looks like they're to a different scale altogether. Or someone wanted a semi-dwarf.
Actually, he reminds me a bit of some of Smay's older characters.