"There's Always Another Sale™" (Report sales issue here.)



  • Or better yet, rotate them. Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, etc. So that whenever you notice what's happening, you can wait for whatever you missed to come around again. Not rocket science.
  • Mark_e593e0a5Mark_e593e0a5 Posts: 1,599
    edited September 2020
    Or better yet, rotate them. Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, etc. So that whenever you notice what's happening, you can wait for whatever you missed to come around again. Not rocket science.

    Agreed. I thing the sales guys got a bit over-enthusiastic lately. Discounts are getting more complicated every day. next time it could be a "70% off if it snows in Florida and tjer is a rain of fish in England."

    I think that could be one of the issues they have with everydays promotion. The shop system has given up.

    Post edited by Mark_e593e0a5 on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856
    Or better yet, rotate them. Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, etc. So that whenever you notice what's happening, you can wait for whatever you missed to come around again. Not rocket science.

    Agreed. I thing the sales guys got a bit over-enthusiastic lately. Discounts are getting more complicated every day. next time it could be a "70% off if it snows in Florida and tjer is a rain of fish in England."

    I think that could be one of the issues they have with everydays promotion. The shop system has given up.

    This is 2020. It could happen...

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited September 2020
    Or better yet, rotate them. Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, etc. So that whenever you notice what's happening, you can wait for whatever you missed to come around again. Not rocket science.

    That makes sense, though, so clearly we can't have that!

    I'm still salty about missing the tutorial sale. I arrived at the last minute and got what I wanted out of shaders, and not everything I wanted out of lights because it would have been the entire category, but they lost quite a bit of money from me by not running tutorials again and a lot in general by only running each category once.

    I was really hoping for another round of $5 flash sales today on other categories (ENVIRONMENTS!! that my system absolutely cannot cope with), or even a repeat of the same ones for those who missed out the first time.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • Or better yet, rotate them. Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, etc. So that whenever you notice what's happening, you can wait for whatever you missed to come around again. Not rocket science.

    That makes sense, though, so clearly we can't have that!

    I'm still salty about missing the tutorial sale. I arrived at the last minute and got what I wanted out of shaders, and not everything I wanted out of lights because it would have been the entire category, but they lost quite a bit of money from me by not running tutorials again and a lot in general by only running each category once.

    I was really hoping for another round of $5 flash sales today on other categories (ENVIRONMENTS!! that my system absolutely cannot cope with), or even a repeat of the same ones for those who missed out the first time.

    A flash sale on environments will ruin me, even for $5 per item laugh

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484

    I spent a fortune on lights and skydomes. Even sitting on my hands part of the time.

  • (tongue in cheek) I'm wondering if those "5 for $50" sales was some sort of "experiment" for someone at Daz's thesis concerning Dazaholic buying psychology.  I for one have seen a MARKED decline in my productivity today as I've been conditioned to check on a (more than sane) frequency to see if those sales are returning.  I was fortunate to get some nice lights, but would love to see those tutorials again.  Lab rat or not, I'm game - please bring them back, Daz....   #LabRatRay


  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484

    I missed the tutorial sale altogether, and caught only the last few minutes of the shader sale. The lights flash sale sure was awesome, tho!

  • Or better yet, rotate them. Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, Tutorials, Shaders, Lights, etc. So that whenever you notice what's happening, you can wait for whatever you missed to come around again. Not rocket science.

    That makes sense, though, so clearly we can't have that!

    I'm still salty about missing the tutorial sale. I arrived at the last minute and got what I wanted out of shaders, and not everything I wanted out of lights because it would have been the entire category, but they lost quite a bit of money from me by not running tutorials again and a lot in general by only running each category once.

    I was really hoping for another round of $5 flash sales today on other categories (ENVIRONMENTS!! that my system absolutely cannot cope with), or even a repeat of the same ones for those who missed out the first time.

    A flash sale on environments will ruin me, even for $5 per item laugh

    Between mostly 2014 hardware, now horribly underpowered, and a sad little 1070 Ti that I thought would be enough and isn't even with Scene Optimizer (one set of OOT hair can fill almost the whole 8GB), my rig can handle NONE of them... and I still want them all anyway!

    I would also be ruined.


    I spent a fortune on lights and skydomes. Even sitting on my hands part of the time.

    I could easily have bought five times as much as I did or more. There was at least five times more than I bought on my wishlist! I'm trying to save a little for the PC+ sale, though, especially if some of the deals that happened last year happen this year as well (lots of stuff that was $5 yesterday was $2-3 last year during PC+).

    Others have never been so cheap recently if at all. Only running the sales once and for nebulous lengths of time that was only accurate once (50 minutes, two hours, 8+ hours) was such a marketing blunder.

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904
    Sevrin said:

    Hmm.  There's 40% off "Featured Special Items"  I own all but 2 of those and one of them is the Raiding Cloak folks are having trouble simulating.  For someone who doesn't have those items, it's a pretty good deal, as they're good quality, except, for, perhaps, the cloaks.

    Hey there, I think the cloak might have gotten fixed, at least it's working okay for me (bought on Sept 2). Have posted pic in the thread you linked. Thanks very much for pointing out the potential problems with the item by the way!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited September 2020

    Those 50 minutes flash sales are a bit unfair to those not living inside the DAZ time zone. I only ran into it by coincidence, and could get the "Submerged" https://www.daz3d.com/submerged-inside-hexagon-and-daz-studio--bundle tutorial bundle for $5. Did quite a bit of shopping yesterday, almost halfing my whishlist for less than $200. A $5 flash sale during US east coast time, or GMT would be really nice laugh

    FYI your link goes to an OOPS page. But congrats on the purchases :) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Prices are all ducked up for Debut/Still New... in our favor. 65% off is a lot, and then you also get additional discounts on top.

    I feel kind of bad taking advantage, myself, and I can use the time to actually render the things I've already gotten... otherwise, I would buy a lot of stuff at this discount.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited September 2020

    Don't know what they're supposed to be, they have so many different discounts going. I do know I had 3 or more new debuts in the cart testing things, and didn't get the featured items to act right, the featured are supposed to be 50% if you get two or more and that worked, but with 3 or more new debuts that was supposed to add another discount to the featured,  and it stayed at 50%. (And don't ask which of the featured, none of them got additional discounts. I tested them.)  Didn't check anything else. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Some of the Featured Artist items aren't showing the proper discounts. I was going to pick up SY's Malevolent for Lee 6, which is a Genesis 2 item and should be 58% off, however it won't budge away from 40%. Lots of other items are having similar problems, there are a bunch of Genesis products at 40% or 52% off, for instance.

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    Prices still bouncing: I will have breakfast.

  • some glitches again: the Nebular 360 from today's new release show up with a 65% discount on the promo page, for $7.18. Once I put it in the shopping cart, it ends up as $8.48

    I have put three items from today's new ones in my cart, so the price should go DOWN, not up sad

  • Correct discounts for debut and still new should show in carts now if not on the sale page.

  • Okay, for Debut/Still New items, the prices are back to expected (40% instead of 65% off).
    (Back to working with stuff I bought before & haven't used yet... LOL.)

  • I put some stuff in my cart, watched the prices bounce around for a while, then emptied it again.  I'm sick of this.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    It was definitely weird, the cart prices and the listed prices were changing and not matching up. I really like today's offerings so glad it got settled down. 

  • It's caching issues as we can see the prices match and are as listed on the page.

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611
    edited September 2020

    This is strange - 10 min before and now

    Cart 2020-09-30 110153.jpg
    1312 x 818 - 115K
    Cart 2020-09-30 110212.jpg
    1323 x 825 - 118K
    Post edited by Lothar Weber on
  • The second image looks correct.


    The second image looks correct.

    Would like to have the first again... angel

  • XelloszXellosz Posts: 843
    edited September 2020

    Well I spent about 40$ and got about  $800+ so it was a decent deal. A lots of tutorials from Arki, Esha, Sickleyield, DarkEdgeDesign and tired some other PAs too.

    As it goes we have youtube etc... so heavily priced items go to wishlist and if there is no good deal on them they will stay there, till sale like this don't happen. Moreover some of the tutorials are getting very old... (Poser tools, etc...)


    Post edited by Xellosz on
  • doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,189
    edited September 2020
    "Buy 3 or more Debut New Releases to get an EXTRA 15% OFF them, an EXTRA 40% OFF Today’s Featured Special Items, & get up to 3 Items from Today’s Featured Artist Stores for an EXTRA 60% OFF, PLUS any 1 Select Bonus Item for 70% OFF"

    I put three Debut New releases in the cart and then add Valentino 8 Pro Bundle as my Select Bonus Item. Prices are correct at this point.

    But when I add Featured Special Items to the cart, the Select Bonus Item discount deactivates. Presumably this is caused by overlap in the Featured Special Items and Select Bonus Items lists.

    Here's the thing - it's not advertised as an EITHER/OR offer - you're supposed to get all of the discounts. That's indicated by the word "PLUS" in big ole capital letters.
    Post edited by doubledeviant on
  • The gift card will not add to my cart, anybody have any luck with that?

  • Did the prices of the new releases change over the last 2 hours? I had 2 items at my cart, but they seem to be at higher prices now....

  • In case it wasn't obvious:

    Featured Special Items should be removed from the Select Bonus Items list so that customers buying three or more Debut New items can receive both discounts as advertised.
  • "Buy 3 or more Debut New Releases to get an EXTRA 15% OFF them, an EXTRA 40% OFF Today’s Featured Special Items, & get up to 3 Items from Today’s Featured Artist Stores for an EXTRA 60% OFF, PLUS any 1 Select Bonus Item for 70% OFF"


    I put three Debut New releases in the cart and then add Valentino 8 Pro Bundle as my Select Bonus Item. Prices are correct at this point.


    But when I add Featured Special Items to the cart, the Select Bonus Item discount deactivates. Presumably this is caused by overlap in the Featured Special Items and Select Bonus Items lists.


    Here's the thing - it's not advertised as an EITHER/OR offer - you're supposed to get all of the discounts. That's indicated by the word "PLUS" in big ole capital letters.

    I did a test cart in a second browser where I'm not logged in. I have 3 new debut, 1 featured artist and one select bonus (plus a gift card) and appear to have the correct discounts.


    Capto_Capture 2020-09-30_04-27-37_AM.jpg
    1159 x 902 - 96K
This discussion has been closed.