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What does this mean, praytell?
Does this mean Daz Studio will become open sourced like Blender?
only the bridge plugins
Aaand theyre in the store!
(or the dS to 3ds Max is and its very easy to figure out the urls of the other ones)
Auto face rig controls and Ik fk looks like it mugh be pretty nice
from preliminary looks (ie not actually using it) it does appear to be mostly one way - a tool for getting daz stuff into other programs not, say an easy way to export your figure morph tweak etc in blender and then send back to daz as a morph, which is definitely a thing I'm still longing for, but tbf I'm probably a slight minority as thats only useful if you're purpose is content creation which isn't only me obv but definitely a subset of users
Just throwing up some placeholder stuff, including which open-source license we are using.
They're up! And they're free? Wow.
The Blender bridge is here! The Blender bridge is here!
what i'd wish is the totally impossible (not bridges, since my system would crash with 2 major 3d apps at the same time, besides i only own hexagon): the dream that will never come true - a 3dmax to daz IMPORTER. there are so many awesome freebie models, and all are made in 3dsmax, and the best are exported in .max format which nobody else can read (except the few older .3ds that are "easily" converted)
Do you have a direct link? I'm not seeing it on the store yet
I've had a look at the 3DS MAX Bridge page, and I can't figure out whether this will let us import actual native-format .MAX files into D|S, or would we still need to already have the 3DS MAX program?
Easier direct importing of .3ds files would be nice as well.
Here's the link:
Will try it tomorrow. Accoring to the video, only Gensis 8 figures, hair and cloth is supportet but no props.
Hopefully in a future version we will get also support for props/environments. Please DAZ ;)
Not that I am likely to want, or need, any of these, but "they're up" .. yes, but where are they up?
They are open source. That seems significant to me.
EDIT: No prop import? Hmmm... That makes the bridge incredibly limited, doesn't it? Like, what's the point?
No. Aside from anything else, there are several things in DS that are licensed from other developers.
Static objects are, however, much easier to transfer. Still, we may hope that the capabilities will grow.
Sorry, these are DS to the other application not vice-versa (and .max import into other - at least non-Autodesk - applications is, as far as I know, inherently impossible)
Ok, they have finally shown up in the shop for me.
Hmm... Looks like this is Mitchy's Blender addon ( I'm assuming he and Daz struck a deal? I just hope that Daz continues to develop it (or maybe they hired Mitchy to continue working on it?), as it currently has a few shortcomings compared to the Diffeomorphic importer.
Objects you can import as an FBX and it works pretty much the same, it's the characters with rigging being brought in with the skin materials looking right that is typically the issue being brought into Blender that is the biggest hurdle.
Anyone else download the Blender one yet and try to open it in Blender? I got it exported in Daz just fine, but it's not showing up in the menu on the right hand side. I followed the video tutorial on the page and it says to look up daztoblender in the preferences menu, and when I do nothing shows up in the search bar. I'm wondering if anyone else has either gotten it to work or found the psy or zip file we normally use to install add-ons in Blender as I don't see one of those either. I'm so stoked to see the rig that's created in the photo and the video, can't wait to play around with it.
It's suspiciously no longer available for sale, and that IK setup looks suspiciously familiar :)
If a prop is not rigged, it is trivial to import.
If it is rigged, even if the rigging does not transfer, you're about to discover how easy it is to rig props in a proper environment.
maybe daz_steve will see this comment.
breath not held.
If you look at the installed files using DIM, you can see where DIM "installed" the zip file. Copy the location, then in Blender, paste the location into the file location for installing addons (the same process for installing other addons in Blender). Then click the check box to activate and you should be good to go.
I am very interested in that blender plugin I downloaded it but not installed it. I think I am gonna wait and see how it works out for other people using it first. if the IK / FK Node switching for blender works good for others I may start using blender more for the IK/FK. Makes me feel like daz is finely moving in the right directions in making there products 3d universal. Is there going to be any Game engine plugins too for like UE or cryengine?
Got it, thank you so much!
I'm amused because when I saw the Freeing the Content post on Facebook, all the comments were prophecies of doom and despair that Studio was going to be 'ruined forever' by whatever Daz was doing. Instead it's something that I'd seen some demand for that doesn't impact those who don't use it.
Holy crap, it "just worked"...
I am 100% sure this is Mitchy's work; the IK setup and his tortured English in the messages gives it away :)
And as I suspected, Diffeo's materials are much better: The mail is supposed to be gold fabric, the UV scaling is wrong, and the roughness is off. Opacity onthe eyelashes, as well. But IK is spot on, if not terribly slow.
Interestingly, Blender reports 15 gigs but yet it rendered on my laptop with a 6 gig 2060... I knew that number was off, but damn.
Other than the automatic IK seup, I don't see any improvement over Diffeo.
Edit: I take that back... the local axis posing a la Daz Studio is nice, and I can confirm that the JCMs work.
If DAZ can do Bridges that tansfer Genesis 8 and Genesis 3 to 3DSmax, C4d, Blender, and Maya can we also get bridges to Carrara and Poser?
There are a lot of relevant tidbits in this short comment, and from a seasoned DAZ customer:
- Opening as a good thing - oddly that's how DS started - JSON, DS-script/QT, Poser compat, text-data-files, etc., then little 'closed things' like HD morphs and the like slowly but steadily crept in as their silo grew and closed up. Is this just another oscillation, oblivious to the last one? (history ryhmes)
- DS falling behind - lots of good work on graphics capabilities that impress but aren't available to any but 40 loyal and active users (dual 2080RTX/Titans/Quad...) and very little work on basic long-time broken 'features' that many of us struggle to workaround each day.
- "I'm learning blender" - hey, me too!!! 2.83.2LTS or 2.90 beta (lol)
- "the interface is so much more resposive" ... the fairly snappy OpenCL interface w animation *slowed down* with the 4.12.x updates. sigh.
DS is no slouch in my mind and has some great 'bones', but ... when the decisions being made in its development path are being driven by the same perspectives, I have solid grounds for my current 'wait and see' perspective. Interesting how many folks I've always peceived as "ra ra DAZ'ers" seem to be in agreement on this in this thread. I had no idea.
Watching from afar,
The C4D bridge doesn't appear to be working yet. In DIM, the install just fails over and over again, and I can't find the package in my downloads folder.