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That worked! :-)
Oh how so? Is it how the shader is constructed? I have not used Diffeo before. I thought the Eevee or Cycles mat option was quite good.
Judge for yourself. DTB messed up the UV scaling and diffuse color on the Elven Chainmail, and seems to have missed either the roughness or the normals on everyting.
Oh right. One thing I did notice, but have not had more time to check again is that the textures took a little bit to appear in the Material Preview. I will have another play after work today. I actually have a small client animation that this is going to help a lot with!
That's normal behavior. Good luck with your project.
It sure would be nice if DAZ or a PA very familiar with Blender could provide a detailed base texure node setup for Genesis 3/8 figures so we can get decent results by just applying texture maps to the appropriate nodes. Anyone going from Studio to Blender is in for a giant and confusing surprise when it comes to setting up materials well.
Would be nice for all of the supported software too, but this would certainly make it easier for those wanting to get good results without having to learn how a hundred node types connect to each other first.
In messing around with all these files, I did discover where DIM had planted the download folder for the Blender Bridge and there are indeed a few more files both for D/S and also Blender. As noted above, apparently Blender doesn't read from the AppData so installing it via a copy to the Desktop worked.
Then it was time to get rid of that annoying 'cannot establish a connection' error message in D/S. I gather in selecting various folders for the DIM, a valuable connect was misdirected in D/S. It has been fixed now and is working fine. But as I know I'm not the only one discovering these things, here is the solution.
In D/S, Edit > Preferences ... find this tab and make sure that pathway is for the main content folder.
depends on your user administration settings
I had no trouble installing it from application data
but I have full administration privileges on Windows
Yeah that is what I had to do too.
There are only a few types of nodes that you'll need to understand to get basic skin, and you can use all the maps from Daz Studio. It will be different depending on what maps the specific PA used, but something as simple as this will already give you decent results. For more compicated surfaces, like the components of the eyes, I would really just use the Das Importer and harvest its materials.
AFAIK, so do I. W10 has a mind of its own though ;-)
Aren't all these 3D companies supposed to be writing apps that package models and their materials in this new Disney USD format to avoid this 50 different ways to do PBR in all these 3D programs?
I misread... I thought it said feeling the content, eg. haptics!
Just a heads up to anyone who's trying to decide between the official Daz to Blender addon and the Diffeomorphic addon, Mitchy (creator of Daz to Blender) just mentioned on the Blender Artists forum that, when Daz bought the addon from him, they had him remove support for certain,*ahem*, naughty geografts from Meipex. Diffeomorphic supports these geografts perfectly (along with environments, props, etc.).
I suspect this is going to be relevant information to a pretty high percentage of Daz users.
As the bridges are open source, we encourage anyone in the community to identify features they'd like to see and implement them into the bridge - our vision is that these will keep growing, and become an integral part of the Daz offering.
Thank-you for clarifying! It's good to know that the bridges will be allowed to grow without unnecessary rules & limitations. To that end, will Daz eventually be accepting Git pull requests from the community?
Still not clear to me. So did DAZ remove support for those products or not? If so, do they intend to include support in later development or leave it to the community to do so? Or can users request features from DAZ or will "DAZ Rules" apply and certain 3rd. Party products would never be supported by DAZ? In which case, can we expect different branches - DAZ versions and "Open" versions?
I'm thinking that because Daz released it, they didn't want their hands in, uh, that particular part of the anatomy, so to speak and so had it removed ;). Leaving it up to the community to deal with allows them to keep themselves removed from it. But that's just a guess.
can it be forked?
No Poser bridge....?
Be careful with the F-word, @WendyLuvsCatz :) that's the nuclear option in that it's really not good for anyone.
But most Open Source licenses have a "for any lawful purpose" clause, which, at least to me, means that the project's "benevolent dictator" should not refuse a pull request that adds support for something he or his boss objects to. But I'm not at all sure that Daz has any experience with Open Source projects and managing a community.
For example, the first thing people are going to ask for is documentation in order to add the missing functionality that they want: Better materials. Anatomical elements and geografting. dForce. Strand based hair. Now that Daz has explicitly asked the community to maintain this software for them, one can reasonably expect a better answer than we've gotten in the past. My fear is that they will want all the benefits of Open Source with none of the responsibilities.
We shall soon see.
If that were true then the Daz Anatomical Elements would not be supported. I would suspect (personal opinion) that it was a matter of not wanting to commit to supporting a third-party item where they have limited or no contact with the maker if there are issues that need resolving, especially in preparing for the initial release of the code.
I think the problem with Meipex's genitals is they use Geo-Shells, the actual Geo-Graft gets the hip texture while the Geo-Shell gets the genital maps with trans maps to blend the the two together.
In DS that Geo-Shell is instancing so it doesn't have the same overheads as a second mesh would.
Meipe is also a DAZ PA:
So... there's contact... and it's not meipe fault that DAZ don't want to sell Meipe's geocraft in the store.
All the bridges will be like a lot of open sourced projects. Since we took these projects on, there are a number of things we are going to do ourselves, like some re-architecture to make it nicer and code quality updates, and then onto future features. For potential contributors, we will take all Git pull requests and either merge them in or provide feedback on why they might be rejected or need to be improved before bringing into the master branch, as we will not want to take in pull requests that might be a net negative to the project (for instance if it has poor code quality, directly goes against the general architecture of the other parts, or has large negative performance implications or breaks existing features).
Is that true for both the Daz side script, as well as the Blender side script?
Yup, the entire projects for all of the bridges.
Other than bad coding, what would be the criteria for rejection?