Star Trek Builders Unite 6: The Undiscovered Thread



  • rschulterschulte Posts: 489
    edited December 1969

    Thank You

    You're welcomed.

  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    For my next trick...
    A Next Gen Turbo Lift. Still have several details to add...

    1400 x 868 - 413K
  • rschulterschulte Posts: 489
    edited December 1969

    STO23a "Ares" bodysuit.......Tactical uniform, coming soon.

    870 x 898 - 963K
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Seems like Generation 4 is getting all the love....

    Well, it's not spectacular by any stretch of the imagination.... but I am making up TOS uniforms for the Supersuit Basic Suit.

    What I would love to know is this:

    What Path would you guys recommend for it? I'd like to make the Materials Presets easy to find, so can anyone recommend how I should organize it? Is there some category or whatever you guys use? I'll take any advice on that.

    610 x 578 - 43K
  • PDSmithPDSmith Posts: 712
    edited December 1969

    Material Presets is probably easiest to find.
    But on the same note, the Poser side of the house, they may have issue with the setting levels unless there is something I don't know. but I like what you've shown. I think the cuffs could be a bit more golden but I like what I see.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    Seems like Generation 4 is getting all the love....

    Well, it's not spectacular by any stretch of the imagination.... but I am making up TOS uniforms for the Supersuit Basic Suit.

    Very nice, that really pops. If there's pants there that aren't showing, you might want to either change the background colour or save as a .png?

    -- Walt Sterdan

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Yah, the gold thing, I'm using inkscape (nice freeware, by the way) and I'm iffy on how to make the gold stripes contrast with the gold shirt...

    Almost done...

    610 x 578 - 34K
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    And here be the Blue uniform... I'll try and get these posted on ShareCG tonight...

    610 x 578 - 28K
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited April 2015

    wsterdan said:
    wancow said:
    Seems like Generation 4 is getting all the love....

    Well, it's not spectacular by any stretch of the imagination.... but I am making up TOS uniforms for the Supersuit Basic Suit.

    Very nice, that really pops. If there's pants there that aren't showing, you might want to either change the background colour or save as a .png?

    -- Walt Sterdan

    Okay... you're right...

    Just uploaded the file!

    Yippy, the Basic Suit finally has some love :)

    610 x 578 - 80K
    Post edited by wancow on
  • rschulterschulte Posts: 489
    edited April 2015

    wancow said:
    Seems like Generation 4 is getting all the love....

    Well, it's not spectacular by any stretch of the imagination.... but I am making up TOS uniforms for the Supersuit Basic Suit.

    What I would love to know is this:

    What Path would you guys recommend for it? I'd like to make the Materials Presets easy to find, so can anyone recommend how I should organize it? Is there some category or whatever you guys use? I'll take any advice on that.

    Looking good! Sorry really can't answer your path question as I'm not familiar with DAZ Studio. The only thing I learned about making textures maps is to use png files, way much easier to change the divisional colors to them.

    The specular look is really more about the attempt to make the uniforms more of the "advanced nano-battlesuit style uniforms" which were introduced by the original Elite Force hazard suits. I also find that the specular really help letting my bump maps stand out. My interests with Star Trek is more as a wargamer so I'm not a "purest" with regards to using the canon looks that some here are.

    Also thanks for the link to inkscape, certainly will take a look at it.


    Post edited by rschulte on
  • rschulterschulte Posts: 489
    edited December 1969

    One good link deserves another.... Here's what I use for texture maps, it is also how I create my bump maps, supports layers, and is free.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Thank you wancow and rschulte, links added.

  • scathascatha Posts: 756
    edited April 2015

    Tnx wancow, just what we needed. :)

    Madison, good start on that TNG turbolift.

    Post edited by scatha on
  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    scatha said:
    Tnx wancow, just what we needed. :)

    Madison, good start on that TNG turbolift.

    Thank you. A second WIP. I'm working on the doors now.

    1400 x 868 - 334K
  • scathascatha Posts: 756
    edited December 1969

    Cool, love the progress.

  • mdbruffymdbruffy Posts: 2,345
    edited December 1969

    scatha said:
    Cool, love the progress.

    Thank you. I'm just building the Turbo lift itself this time- with the doors. There are corridor models out there. This just has to be sized and positioned at the end of a corridor.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    rschulte said:
    [The specular look is really more about the attempt to make the uniforms more of the "advanced nano-battlesuit style uniforms" which were introduced by the original Elite Force hazard suits. I also find that the specular really help letting my bump maps stand out. My interests with Star Trek is more as a wargamer so I'm not a "purest" with regards to using the canon looks that some here are.

    Also thanks for the link to inkscape, certainly will take a look at it.


    I'm with you on the Purist issue. I just wanted to put out something useful that people would love. I mix and match stuff in Trek, like many people do I think who like to "make it their own".

    If you don't mind, what games do you play? I used to be big into Star Fleet Battles from Amarillo Design Bureau.. and they've since put out three or four different war game rules sets, not counting the RPG and Klingons vs Tribbles...

    If you're interested, Russ, I am also working on FASA maps in SVG format... SVG is a Vector exchange format that can be embedded in HTML5. Looking for a map of The Triangle (FASA Star Trek RPG) that I can actually read and replicate is proving difficult, though... Inkscape is not XARA (the most powerful Vector Drawing Program there is) but it's perfect for making graphics like screen displays.

  • rschulterschulte Posts: 489
    edited December 1969

    If you don't mind, what games do you play? I used to be big into Star Fleet Battles from Amarillo Design Bureau.. and they've since put out three or four different war game rules sets, not counting the RPG and Klingons vs Tribbles...

    If you're interested, Russ, I am also working on FASA maps in SVG format... SVG is a Vector exchange format that can be embedded in HTML5. Looking for a map of The Triangle (FASA Star Trek RPG) that I can actually read and replicate is proving difficult, though... Inkscape is not XARA (the most powerful Vector Drawing Program there is) but it's perfect for making graphics like screen displays.

    Played a lot Starfleet Battles and FASA's Star Trek, Computer with Elite Force and Starfleet Command... now Star Trek Online.
    Now running a Star Trek/Superhero campaign using Hero Games RPG. Used a lot of Steve Jackson Games Star Trek supplements for source material.

    Perhaps this will help with the Star Trek maps.

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    I got the best resolution map of the triangle on that site, still can't read the planet names, unfortunately. If it were only a slightly larger scan... if you happen to run across one, please fire a note off to me would you?

    This is the map I'm talking about:

  • scathascatha Posts: 756
    edited April 2015

    For the folks here that have use for it, a simple command chair.

    750 x 703 - 28K
    Post edited by scatha on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    I got the best resolution map of the triangle on that site, still can't read the planet names, unfortunately. If it were only a slightly larger scan... if you happen to run across one, please fire a note off to me would you?

    This is the map I'm talking about:

    There's the .jpg here. You might be able to enhance/enlarge it and save it as a .png file to read the text better.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    scatha said:

    For the folks here that have use for it, a simple command chair.

    Thank you, link posted :-)

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    edited December 1969

    scatha said:

    For the folks here that have use for it, a simple command chair.

    Thank You
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited December 1969

    [quote author="wancow" date="1428538334"If you don't mind, what games do you play? I used to be big into Star Fleet Battles from Amarillo Design Bureau.. and they've since put out three or four different war game rules sets, not counting the RPG and Klingons vs Tribbles...I've still got my original, zip-locked game and three supplements; I've purchased a few updated versions for a few years (and some of the FASA offerings), but the originals are still my faves (I'd love to get or even see a model of the original Federation Police Cruiser). My kids and I fell in love with Star Fleet Battle Force, the card game, and still play regularly.
    -- Walt Sterdan

  • scathascatha Posts: 756
    edited December 1969

    You're all welcome. :)

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    I got the best resolution map of the triangle on that site, still can't read the planet names, unfortunately. If it were only a slightly larger scan... if you happen to run across one, please fire a note off to me would you?

    This is the map I'm talking about:

    There's the .jpg here. You might be able to enhance/enlarge it and save it as a .png file to read the text better.

    I tried enlarging it some of the names are legible but not all

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Thanks all for your help... my maps are coming along nicely.

    As for "Cannon" and "Non-Cannon" here's my take on the ISC Race, Senior Commander GromSturu of ISCSS Shield... I even made my own ISC Logo because those concocted looked too busy...

    Pistol by scatha at sharecg

    528 x 578 - 215K
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    Thanks all for your help... my maps are coming along nicely.

    As for "Cannon" and "Non-Cannon" here's my take on the ISC Race, Senior Commander GromSturu of ISCSS Shield... I even made my own ISC Logo because those concocted looked too busy...

    Pistol by scatha at sharecg

    Love the character and render style, great alien.
    -- Walt Sterdan
  • scathascatha Posts: 756
    edited December 1969

    Nice seeing my freebie being put to good use, Wancow. :)

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    wancow's (rather common) misspelling of "canon" reminds me... has anyone ever modeled the laser cannon from The Cage?

    (somewhat-snarky screenshot attached ... but I'm sure folks can use it in discussions on what is and isn't canon)

    800 x 600 - 68K
This discussion has been closed.