Ninive 6

RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,801
edited May 2015 in The Commons

Just a place holder for this month's new Iconic Character... :)

Post edited by RCDeschene on


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Well, nothing new seems to be hinted in any of the clothing fits so far (although everything seems to have been PA releases for the past week or so), and usual scheduling would be either later this week or next.

    Not seen any hints of a new DAZ O animal base either.

    Who knows. Maybe peoples Credit cards can stop cowering under the desk and only start whimpering when som of the antcipated PA releases manage to break out.

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969

    Here's hoping it is 3dWizards new catsuit with a emphasis on super-hero stuff. :)

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited May 2015

    I don't know, <<em>new iconic base name hinted at in PA product> sounds vaguely <<em>random ethnicity>... Didn't they just do that back in <<em>one of the last 10 years>? I swear they were more original back in <<em>posters start year>!


    And seriously, oh my gosh, I can't believe they're releasing another <<em>generic type>, when they haven't yet released <<em>my specific desired character type>! What are they thinking?!?! This is JUST like DAZ, to not care about the TRUE majority of users who want <<em>my specific desired character type>, and just pander to the unthinking market...

    -- Morgan


    Post edited by CypherFOX on
  • AprilYSHAprilYSH Posts: 1,514
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    I don't know, <<em>new iconic base name hinted at in PA product> sounds vaguely <<em>random ethnicity>... Didn't they just do that back in <<em>one of the last 10 years>? I swear they were more original back in <<em>posters start year>!


    And seriously, oh my gosh, I can't believe they're releasing another <<em>generic type>, when they haven't yet released <<em>my specific desired character type>! What are they thinking?!?! This is JUST like DAZ, to not care about the TRUE majority of users who want <<em>my specific desired character type>, and just pander to the unthinking market...

    -- Morgan


    lol!!! :lol:

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    I don't know, <<em>new iconic base name hinted at in PA product> sounds vaguely <<em>random ethnicity>... Didn't they just do that back in <<em>one of the last 10 years>? I swear they were more original back in <<em>posters start year>!


    And seriously, oh my gosh, I can't believe they're releasing another <<em>generic type>, when they haven't yet released <<em>my specific desired character type>! What are they thinking?!?! This is JUST like DAZ, to not care about the TRUE majority of users who want <<em>my specific desired character type>, and just pander to the unthinking market...

    -- Morgan


    Damn my Facebook reflexes and the last 10 seconds I took looking for the "Like" button. :)

  • Digital Lite DesignDigital Lite Design Posts: 728
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    I don't know, <<em>new iconic base name hinted at in PA product> sounds vaguely <<em>random ethnicity>... Didn't they just do that back in <<em>one of the last 10 years>? I swear they were more original back in <<em>posters start year>!


    And seriously, oh my gosh, I can't believe they're releasing another <<em>generic type>, when they haven't yet released <<em>my specific desired character type>! What are they thinking?!?! This is JUST like DAZ, to not care about the TRUE majority of users who want <<em>my specific desired character type>, and just pander to the unthinking market...

    -- Morgan


    This has got to be the greatest post in these forums in forever!! ********** <---------- 10 stars!! :)</p>

  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,801
    edited May 2015

    Cypherfox said:
    I don't know, <<em>new iconic base name hinted at in PA product> sounds vaguely <<em>random ethnicity>... Didn't they just do that back in <<em>one of the last 10 years>? I swear they were more original back in <<em>posters start year>!


    And seriously, oh my gosh, I can't believe they're releasing another <<em>generic type>, when they haven't yet released <<em>my specific desired character type>! What are they thinking?!?! This is JUST like DAZ, to not care about the TRUE majority of users who want <<em>my specific desired character type>, and just pander to the unthinking market...

    -- Morgan


    YES!! AGREED!! :cheese:

    EDIT: Holy crap! 2000 posts! Whoo!

    Post edited by RCDeschene on
  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited May 2015

    Sorry wrong Thread !

    Post edited by Midnight_stories on
  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    edited December 1969

    Not to drag you guys down too much I'm sure it great fun trying to catch DAZ out. But there is a consequences to what you are doing I've had a product put back by nearly 2 months because I put in unreleased shape support, usually we hide them and don't advertise that they are in there, no harm done. But now I will not put those unreleased shape in, so I can get them in the market place earlier. So in the end you guys will get less support. But that life you can't please all the people all the time. Have fun :)

    Sorry. I am not quite sure what you are saying here. Would you care to rephrase that?

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    I think he is telling us that PAs are getting less and less likely to slip that kind of figure support info into their write-ups because if they do DAZ is likely to hold back the product until after the figure is released. So they may just not add that the product actually supports the new figure if they hope to have the product released before that figure is out.

    Ergo; it might be a bad idea to hope for that kind of a hint from PA releases.

    DAZ O releases, on the other hand, are a possibility to include a deliberate tease, but only in the final run-up to the release. And possibly not even then.

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited May 2015

    I heard a rumor that it's Mooleena, the long awaited Millennium Cow and companion to the Minotaur! That may be udder nonsense, but given how closely they're catering to every other fan base, are aficionados of Bovine Beauties going to be denied forever?

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited December 1969

    Ninive 6....
    ... I'll reserve comment for now.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Well. A nymph/fairy type. Lovely hair on the figure base promo. Will look forward to getting a chance to investigate further once all the components are actually up.

  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited December 1969

    Well time to change the title of the thread !!!

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    RKane_1 said:
    Cypherfox said:
    I don't know, <<em>new iconic base name hinted at in PA product> sounds vaguely <<em>random ethnicity>... Didn't they just do that back in <<em>one of the last 10 years>? I swear they were more original back in <<em>posters start year>!


    And seriously, oh my gosh, I can't believe they're releasing another <<em>generic type>, when they haven't yet released <<em>my specific desired character type>! What are they thinking?!?! This is JUST like DAZ, to not care about the TRUE majority of users who want <<em>my specific desired character type>, and just pander to the unthinking market...

    -- Morgan


    Damn my Facebook reflexes and the last 10 seconds I took looking for the "Like" button. :)

    Ditto!! I actually really WAS looking for a "like" button LOL

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited December 1969

    Like the base. Really like the hairs. Rather like the characters. Nice poses as well.

    Can't get enthusiastic about the outfits. Some rather nice add-ons though.

    Don't know. May pass on the bundles and just get the base and the hair. Although with the discount and the PC coupon it may be cheaper to just get the bundle and end up with some stuff I'll never use.

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited December 1969

    some pronouncing help here

  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 830
    edited December 1969

    Not sure about this one. A couple of the hairs looks little interesting though.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited May 2015

    She's got a fairly strong look of one of Raiya's characters to me. Hers or maybe Fred Winkler's. It's a little odd to see a fairyish type that doesn't resemble one of Thornes, but she definitely hits in the fairy/nymph/spirit end of the scale.

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,801
    edited December 1969

    Oh look! A Giselle branch-off! :)

    But yeah, apparently she's supposed to be the Arthurian Lady of the Lake, or something...

  • NadinoNadino Posts: 258
    edited December 1969

    Oh look! A Giselle branch-off! :)

    But yeah, apparently she's supposed to be the Arthurian Lady of the Lake, or something...

    Yup, Giselle Part 2 (new head)

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,068
    edited December 1969

    Yeah think will skip this one too like I did with Lilith 6, Giselle 6 and Keiko 6.. Need more male counterparts for those three as well as Steph 6.. Even skipped on Callie 6 as just another version of The Girl 6 and waiting for a male counterpart for her.. Heck Teen Josie 6 and Belle 6 got male counterparts yet none for Steph 6, The Girl 6 though I suppose you could use Cory 6.. But yeah getting flooded with female base models more than male..

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612
    edited December 1969

    ruphuss said:
    some pronouncing help here

    thats the City Jonah tried to avoid preaching to which lead to him becoming upchucked whale food.
  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    I got the Beach Wave hair and the new bodysuit by midnight_stories! I really like that kind of hair... :)

    -- Morgan

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited December 1969

    Well, to be honest, I can't stand the oversized head on the scrawny neck. I know this will appeal to some people though. The characters are much better than the base IMO.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,514
    edited December 1969

    Novica said:
    Well, to be honest, I can't stand the oversized head on the scrawny neck. I know this will appeal to some people though. The characters are much better than the base IMO.
    Concerning the really far too big head, which looks as if DAZ couldn't dither between a toon or a realistic figure, I am getting used to disproportion in the newer DAZ characters. Most of the heads are too small, while the legs are too long. I would expect a 'flawless' product for my money, but fortunately it's a matter of seconds to correct this.

    Ninive 6 (why did they give her a city's name? And what has ancient Ninive got to do with the Arthurian legends?) is looking really distinct; I like her and will probably buy the base. Most of the dresses in the bundles are too skimpy for my taste, but Nimue Hair is gorgeous.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842
    edited December 1969

    polka dot said:
    why did they give her a city's name? And what has ancient Ninive got to do with the Arthurian legends?
    My guess would be that they thought of Nyneve (or Ninieve), since it's one of the many names of the Lady of the Lake...
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    Leana said:
    polka dot said:
    why did they give her a city's name? And what has ancient Ninive got to do with the Arthurian legends?
    My guess would be that they thought of Nyneve (or Ninieve), since it's one of the many names of the Lady of the Lake...

    That's what I was thinking -

    Different writers and copyists give the Arthurian character the name Nimueh, Viviane, Vivien, Elaine, Ninianne, Nivian, Nyneve, or Evienne, among other variations.[1]

    Nimue was the one I thought of when i first saw her name....

  • Cayman StudiosCayman Studios Posts: 1,136
    edited December 1969

    To my mind she has the look of Melisandre, the priestess from Game of Thrones.

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    A unique face that grabbed me. Like I found with Giselle but a bit older. Lovely. Winsome.

    Good on ya, DAZ.

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