Face Transfer 2



  • SilentLadyGTASilentLadyGTA Posts: 38
    edited December 2023

    Gendragon3D said:

    That's right! The lips are not designed naturally and the ears resemble 3DScan!
    I had to rework in ZBrush in both cases.
    As it is, we will always be forced to make adjustments. I would definitely need to add a D-Form separator for the lips and ears to isolate these deformities.
    Forgive me if I'm wrong.

    After retouching picture I get a good texture for lips.

    Here is a final render (with bad left ear)

    Still problem with left ear. This is really a bug.

    Capture d’écran 2023-12-22 172917.jpg
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    Post edited by SilentLadyGTA on
  • ktrsktktrskt Posts: 12

    Hi. How to activate it? 
    I'm using Daz version 4.21 (don't want to ugprade it to 4.22 as I don't want to deal with any thing breaking due to the upgrade)
    If I go to help> about Installed plugins, then I only see the entry for 'FaceTransfer' (I had already purchased the license for FaceTransfer 1 and that's active) but nothing for Face transfer 2
    Any suggestions? Thanks. 

  • ktrskt said:

    Hi. How to activate it? 
    I'm using Daz version 4.21 (don't want to ugprade it to 4.22 as I don't want to deal with any thing breaking due to the upgrade)
    If I go to help> about Installed plugins, then I only see the entry for 'FaceTransfer' (I had already purchased the license for FaceTransfer 1 and that's active) but nothing for Face transfer 2
    Any suggestions? Thanks. 

    You have to upgrade it to use it. It's only available in 4.22. 

  • ktrsktktrskt Posts: 12
    edited December 2023


    butterflyfish said:

    ktrskt said:

    Hi. How to activate it? 
    I'm using Daz version 4.21 (don't want to ugprade it to 4.22 as I don't want to deal with any thing breaking due to the upgrade)
    If I go to help> about Installed plugins, then I only see the entry for 'FaceTransfer' (I had already purchased the license for FaceTransfer 1 and that's active) but nothing for Face transfer 2
    Any suggestions? Thanks. 

    You have to upgrade it to use it. It's only available in 4.22. 

    Thanks for letting me know. Will probably do it in a month or so in that case. 

    (Edited by mod to fix quote)

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    I got another version of Daz Studio beta in DIM -

    and can confirm, that it works on my computer with Face Transfer 2.

    I have created another toon character with it.

    Below are the renders of the untouched, as is, character.

    Happy Holidays.


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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    Just wonder about how to fix areas around the eyes to look his eyes like a toon ones.
    My reference image was with smile and I need to figure out how to fix it, as well.



    Post edited by Artini on
  • AmaranthAmaranth Posts: 436
    edited December 2023

    My go at Face Transfer 2, I like the improvement.

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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    Wow, looks great, Amaranth.


  • SilentLadyGTASilentLadyGTA Posts: 38
    edited December 2023


    Face Transfert 2 bug:

    Before saving I changed the eye texture created by Face Transfert (located in temp directory and used by the surface) by editing it in Photoshop to get blue eyes. I saved it in same place and same name and same format (PNG). I checked in render. Color was ok.

    I save using Face Transfert 2 "save face".... it change the texture of eyes in the scene and it does transfert only some texture not all !!!!!

    The strangest thing is nails textures are saved...but not the face component textures sad

    Bellow is textures saved by face transfert:

    Capture d’écran 2023-12-23 172611.jpg
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    Post edited by SilentLadyGTA on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    The previous Genesis 9 character after further refinement:

    and after changing materials to 3D Universe Toon Male

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    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    Example scene rendered with the previous toon character.

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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    Somehow I like this FT2 character...

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  • paulawp (marahzen)paulawp (marahzen) Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2023

    Pretty much everything I've done to this point has been random testing but this is actually a somewhat faithful attempt at a major character from my story series.

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  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    My latest creation done with Face Transfer 2 and Genesis 9.

    1200 x 1200 - 474K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,260

    What a wonderful face in your latest offering Artini!  WOW!  

  • paulawp (marahzen)paulawp (marahzen) Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2023

    I figured that it was worth sharing this experiment. This is a comparison of the shape created by original Face Transfer to that created by Face Transfer 2, on G9s with the texture created by FT2. The shape created by FT1 was created on a G8.1 Female, to which I applied Face Transfer Shapes at about 70%, and also fixed the head and neck to more closely approximate a stock G8.1 figure. (FT1 makes heads that are too small - I would create the FT shape, then load a second stock G8.1 figure and twiddle neck length and head propagation scale until the FT figure was approximately correct compared to the stock figure.) I then used ManFriday's converter to convert that shape to G9 and create a dial for it. The FT2 shape is just FT2 + Base Feminine as you get when doing a FT2 with "Feminine" selected. The one with blue eyes is the one that came from G8.

    Seeing them side by side makes me suspect that while I am still testing all options - which include more than just Face Transfer - FT2 may end up being my choice. It gets rid of that oval android head shape that I have never liked in G8. However, it would be nice to have a bit better lip and chin definition and as others have noted on this thread, there is a problem with FT2 ears. Some are better than others, but the best are not great and sometimes they are downright deformed and unusable.

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    Post edited by paulawp (marahzen) on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    RAMWolff said:

    What a wonderful face in your latest offering Artini!  WOW!  

    Thanks for the comments.

    I also like this creation.

    I think the latest version of Daz Studio beta creates better characters with Face Transfer 2.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    Thanks for the tips, Paulawp.


  • Well, the results are much better than FT1 was.  It still has the same caveat of being locked into the base skin/mat as best I can tell.  I replaced all my gen 9 male folders (1-4) and textures inside named accordingly with corroponding textures from a preferred skin ( I really don't think a 12yro should have chest hair nevermind the stragly mustache hair here and there)  I run it, but it still spits out an image using the base gen 9 textures, that don't even exist on the drive any more.  Where is your AI model finding these textures and processing them?  Seems like it's not really doing AI processing as it would be using the existing textures in it's calculations rather than these phantom versions. Any help in pointing your app to a specific skin to be used during it's AI calculations would be much appreciated.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    I do not see this locking to base skin/mat as you described.

    Could you elaborate more about it, please.


  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581

    I think lorddayradon means that you can't use a different texture with the product. Say you have a different merchant resource or you made your own skin that had other details in it; you can't use that skin in FT. I believe Facegen allowed you to change the textures by putting them in a partiuclar directory.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    Ok, thanks for the explanation, Male-M3dia.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    Another creation made with Face Transfer 2.


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    Post edited by Artini on
  • paulawp (marahzen)paulawp (marahzen) Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2023

    I just did some specific tests on these topics:

    1) Chest hair on default male

    This is the untouched output of what is created when I create a male FT2 figure with the source image that created the example of my male character a couple posts back. If you look closely, there are a few hairs. They're there - but considering the magnitude of what I've learned to do with Photoshop in my FaceGen/Face Transfer experimentation over the last two and a half years, this is a trivial fix to me.

    1a) While showing this, it was worth sharing this "Less Ideal Example." I still think you're best off with a better source image, but this shows the immediate output from using FT2 on this source image that has important issues. FT1 faithfully puts that open-mouth smile, the facial hair and most of the glasses onto the texture it creates. You could not use this as a source image for FT1.

    2) As noted, FaceGen allows you to select source skins:

    The "Color -> Custom" tab allows you to select base maps appropriate to the generation in question. The "Color -> Daz" tab - for G9 - would offer the G9 stock skins 1-4. I experimented a lot with this. I found that there is a difference but it's not as huge and dramatic as you might expect. This example shows two stock G9s, to which I applied the ManFriday-created shape* as noted in my previous post above. I then put the stock G9 Feminine 1 skin on both, then replaced the base and translucency with the base created by FaceGen and - in this specific set of examples - translucency files I created with settings I was testing at the time. The one on the left is the stock Daz G9 1 feminine skin and the one of the right is based on a skin from a commercial character. (The Body on both figures is still using the stock Feminine 1 skin.) (* That means that these are FT1-sourced shapes from G8/G8.1.)

    2a) And yeah, sure, you can use FaceGen-sourced textures on a Face Transfer character. I spent all summer and fall experimenting with my FT1-sourced shapes, converted to G9, with G9 FaceGen textures. This is the first time since I started testing FT2 that I put one of those textures on a FT2 shape. This is the FaceGen skin on the figure at right, above, the commercial skin with some freckles on the upper forehead. There might be some weirdness around the lip. This is obviously a different lighting choice than above and  I've also tried to tone down the translucency a tad. I haven't done much experimentation with it yet.

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    Post edited by paulawp (marahzen) on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    Very nice, but FaceGen costs a small fortune, so I stick with Face Transfer 2 for now

    and hope for the improvements in the future.


  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,906

    paulawp (marahzen) said:

    I figured that it was worth sharing this experiment. This is a comparison of the shape created by original Face Transfer to that created by Face Transfer 2, on G9s with the texture created by FT2. The shape created by FT1 was created on a G8.1 Female, to which I applied Face Transfer Shapes at about 70%, and also fixed the head and neck to more closely approximate a stock G8.1 figure. (FT1 makes heads that are too small - I would create the FT shape, then load a second stock G8.1 figure and twiddle neck length and head propagation scale until the FT figure was approximately correct compared to the stock figure.) I then used ManFriday's converter to convert that shape to G9 and create a dial for it. The FT2 shape is just FT2 + Base Feminine as you get when doing a FT2 with "Feminine" selected. The one with blue eyes is the one that came from G8.

    Seeing them side by side makes me suspect that while I am still testing all options - which include more than just Face Transfer - FT2 may end up being my choice. It gets rid of that oval android head shape that I have never liked in G8. However, it would be nice to have a bit better lip and chin definition and as others have noted on this thread, there is a problem with FT2 ears. Some are better than others, but the best are not great and sometimes they are downright deformed and unusable.

    Thank you for sharing your experiments! So the one created by FT1 is the one one the left hand side,  looking straight at the pictures - am I getting this right? Weird, would have thought it the other way round! Also, are you not getting the 'eyeballs wrong size and wrong position'-problem when converting the figure with Manfriday's converter to G9? Or how did you handle that here? 
    Thanks again, I wish you would publish something like a tutorial on FT and also on how you create these amazing source figures in AI.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    I like the character made with Face Transfer 2,

    but do not like dark stains on the face and light border on the upper lip.

    1200 x 1200 - 428K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • Artini said:

    I like the character made with Face Transfer 2,

    but do not like dark stains on the face and light border on the upper lip.

    I haven't seen so much of that in FT2. What was the source image? 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724
    edited December 2023

    Just another AI image.

    The above Genesis 9 character with Charlotte materials


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    Post edited by Artini on
  • paulawp (marahzen)paulawp (marahzen) Posts: 1,473
    edited December 2023

    Artini said:

    Just another AI image.

    The above Genesis 9 character with Charlotte materials


    I had to at least give it a go. laugh

    It is quite different than the source files I typically use, which are from Artbreeder or sites like thispersondoesnotexist.

    1300 x 1300 - 696K
    Post edited by paulawp (marahzen) on
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