Announcing: Daz Deals Browser Add-on



  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    I have skimmed this entire thread before making my feature request, but you have my apologies if I'm being redundant anyway.

    Right now you have checkboxes for desired programs (DS, Poser, Bryce, etc.) for which to include content. I'd like similar checkboxes for desired install types. Essentially I'd like to turn off everything but DIM so I don't accidentally buy another DAZ-Connect-only product.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    edited June 2017
    Inkubo said:

    I have skimmed this entire thread before making my feature request, but you have my apologies if I'm being redundant anyway.

    Right now you have checkboxes for desired programs (DS, Poser, Bryce, etc.) for which to include content. I'd like similar checkboxes for desired install types. Essentially I'd like to turn off everything but DIM so I don't accidentally buy another DAZ-Connect-only product.

    There are very few connect-only items, and such a feature would result in more overhead than what its use would be.

    Because of this, I have a different solution to this issue. If you are okay with userscripts, then I have a userscript that marks encrypted items in the catalog pages, as well as in the cart. This is my DS page: General info on how to install userscripts is in "step 1", and from "step 2" choose the "MARK ENCRYPTED ITEMS" script.

    I hope this helps. (I use it daily and love it. Until very recently I was using DS 4.8, and there was no way to use encrypted products even if I wanted to.)

    Post edited by Ati on
  • duane_moodyduane_moody Posts: 132
    edited June 2017

    I appreciate seeing both the PC and non-PC prices, thank you for adding that.

    As a side note, the "Best DAZ Prices" email is very long and would benefit from using the grid layout seen in "Top21 most discounted DAZ items". With regards to that grid, if you're coding the mail generator's template I'd recommend not using tables and instead wrapping each item in an inline-block styled DIV which will expand to the width of the email window instead of estimating a max of 3 items.

    Add a STYLE block to the top of your template:

    <style>	#catalog>div.item {width:200px; vertical-align:top; display:inline-block; margin-right:20px; margin-bottom:1em;}	#catalog>div.item img {width:200px;}	#catalog>div.item i {font-style:normal; color:red;}</style>


    Then instead of a TABLE element just follow this:

    <div id="catalog">	<!-- loop to generate list of items -->	<div class="item"><a href="PRODUCT_URL"><img alt="PRODUCT_ALT_TEXT" src="PRODUCT_IMAGE_URL"></a><p><b>PRODUCT_TITLE</b><br>Normal price: $RETAILPRICE<br><b><i>PCT% OFF: </i>$SALEPRICE</b></p></div>	<!-- end loop --></div>

    This reproduces the layout faithfully but in a flexible grid, and yields 20% smaller emails as well speeding up your backend's work both generating and sending the mails. JSYK even the crustiest email clients that can render HTML are CSS 2.0 compliant. 

    List views mean scrolling and the less of that I have to do to scan over 50+ items, the better. 

    Post edited by duane_moody on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    I appreciate seeing both the PC and non-PC prices, thank you for adding that.

    As a side note, the "Best DAZ Prices" email is very long and would benefit from using the grid layout seen in "Top21 most discounted DAZ items". With regards to that grid, if you're coding the mail generator's template I'd recommend not using tables and instead wrapping each item in an inline-block styled DIV which will expand to the width of the email window instead of estimating a max of 3 items.

    Add a STYLE block to the top of your template:

    <style>	#catalog>div.item {width:200px; vertical-align:top; display:inline-block; margin-right:20px; margin-bottom:1em;}	#catalog>div.item img {width:200px;}	#catalog>div.item i {font-style:normal; color:red;}</style>


    Then instead of a TABLE element just follow this:

    <div id="catalog">	<!-- loop to generate list of items -->	<div class="item"><a href="PRODUCT_URL"><img alt="PRODUCT_ALT_TEXT" src="PRODUCT_IMAGE_URL"></a><p><b>PRODUCT_TITLE</b><br>Normal price: $RETAILPRICE<br><b><i>PCT% OFF: </i>$SALEPRICE</b></p></div>	<!-- end loop --></div>

    This reproduces the layout faithfully but in a flexible grid, and yields 20% smaller emails as well speeding up your backend's work both generating and sending the mails. JSYK even the crustiest email clients that can render HTML are CSS 2.0 compliant. 

    List views mean scrolling and the less of that I have to do to scan over 50+ items, the better. 

    Style declarations are stripped by most web based email clients, so that is not a possibility, unfortunately.

    The grid layout is a good idea. I'll play around with it.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    I've been seeing a strange issue with the "Only Show Wishlist" checkbox -- from the daily sale page I open each of the Features PAs in a new tab.  When I tick the "Only Show Wishlist" button it sometimes displays the items for the items for the PA in the next tab, although the address bar still shows the PA it's supposed to be.  If I untick the box it shows all the items for the wrong PA.  If I refresh the page it is correct, and from then on everything works correctly.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    I've been seeing a strange issue with the "Only Show Wishlist" checkbox -- from the daily sale page I open each of the Features PAs in a new tab.  When I tick the "Only Show Wishlist" button it sometimes displays the items for the items for the PA in the next tab, although the address bar still shows the PA it's supposed to be.  If I untick the box it shows all the items for the wrong PA.  If I refresh the page it is correct, and from then on everything works correctly.

    Short answer: it shows the wishlisted items from the last loaded page.

    Long, more technical answer: Mozilla requested that we don't inject any variables (which would be the list of wishlisted items from the current category, in this case) into the page, even properly sanitized ones. The workaround was that the items are stored in the localStorage, and the injected script gets its data from the localStorage -- the drawback of this is that it gets overwritten when you load a new page.

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992
    edited June 2017

    I'm not seeing the bundle fade-out on items I own any more and the average price is definitely calculating for all items in the bundle.  Did something change?   I just upgraded to Firefox 54.

    And, yes, I'm logged in.

    I should just give up and go to bed....


    Post edited by sandmanmax on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    Ati said:

    I've been seeing a strange issue with the "Only Show Wishlist" checkbox -- from the daily sale page I open each of the Features PAs in a new tab.  When I tick the "Only Show Wishlist" button it sometimes displays the items for the items for the PA in the next tab, although the address bar still shows the PA it's supposed to be.  If I untick the box it shows all the items for the wrong PA.  If I refresh the page it is correct, and from then on everything works correctly.

    Short answer: it shows the wishlisted items from the last loaded page.

    Long, more technical answer: Mozilla requested that we don't inject any variables (which would be the list of wishlisted items from the current category, in this case) into the page, even properly sanitized ones. The workaround was that the items are stored in the localStorage, and the injected script gets its data from the localStorage -- the drawback of this is that it gets overwritten when you load a new page.

    Makes sense, I figured it was some kind of caching issue.  So I should make sure to refresh the page if it wasn't the most recently loaded one.

  • tkztkz Posts: 149

    I praise and curse you at the same time! Thank you kindly!

  • RenomistaRenomista Posts: 921
    edited June 2017

    Deleted- Bug was allready reported above ---

    Post edited by Renomista on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    Renomista said:

    Deleted- Bug was allready reported above ---

    What was it? Just so I know which area needs more improvement.

  • duane_moodyduane_moody Posts: 132
    Ati said:

    Style declarations are stripped by most web based email clients, so that is not a possibility, unfortunately.

    What I've read from marketers about this matter boils down to:

    1. Webmail clients strip out <STYLE> blocks (regardless of containing element) and all CLASS/ID attributes; only inline CSS is permitted (and absolute positioning will be stripped out)
    2. Favor HTML attribute formatting over equivalent CSS properties
    3. Gmail will disregard inline style properties which do not space after colons/semicolons

    So (linespacing for clarity):

    <div>	<!-- loop to generate list of items -->	<div style="width: 200px; vertical-align: top; display: inline-block; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 1em;">		<a href="PRODUCT_URL"><img alt="PRODUCT_ALT_TEXT" src="PRODUCT_IMAGE_URL" width="200"></a>		<p><b>PRODUCT_TITLE</b><br>Normal price: $RETAILPRICE<br><b><font color="red">PCT% OFF: </font>$SALEPRICE</b></p>	</div>	<!-- end loop --></div>

    It won't conserve filespace or bandwidth but email clients shouldn't balk either.

    display:inline-block gives you the width-agnostic "cells".

  • AtanaciusAtanacius Posts: 333
    edited June 2017

    This is an amazing EXTENSION! Thanks Ati and the left of the team, you do such a REAL good work for us, so kind from you all !

    -- After tryied the "COMMENT" feature on Wishlist items, that's nice! BUT... There is some feedback:
    1) We can't write a carriage return (Jumping a line..) That's sad.
    2) The text is added on ONLY 1 line, but then, if the window of the browser/HTML element is too small against a text too long, it will be "visually" truncated followed by "..".
        Visually, because, when editing again the same text, we can see the full non-truncated text !
    3) And then, it will be preferable to add word-wrapping/carriage return automatically when box border of the HTML element is reached!
        CSS Property recommanded: white-space: normal;  instead of  white-space: nowrap;

    This is a text too long for commenting the Wishlist Item that I want so badly as hell, all my life I wanted it, but now, at DAZ3D I can have it by purchasing it! SOOOO GOOOD!
    - will be truncated like:
    This is a text too long for commenting the Wishlist Item that I want so badly as hell, all my life I wa..
    - will be preferable to have:
    This is a text too long for commenting the Wishlist Item that I want so badly as hell, all my life I
    wanted it, but now, at DAZ3D I can have it by purchasing it! SOOOO GOOOD!

    4) Some color different from black will also be preferable to comment feature:
    Before: black
    After: blue-alike ( #0b97b8)

    And please, can you use margin-top + margin-bottom for HTML container of Comment "placeholder" ?


    5) It's more useful for filtering, but can you add the a notation system like:
    I mean, sometimes in my wishlist I want badly something, but not now, I always wanted to add a note on which items I want first !
    But, DAZ never developped such a feature ! Then, your addon will be amazing even more if you will add a notation system in Wishlist page !!!!

    6) Another idea to the comment feature in Wishlist will be to have a filter that work like:
    - From newly added to oldest -> filtering by listing firstly the new addition to the wishlist.
    - From A to Z -> filtering alphebetical (punctuations and other symbols, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)
    - From Z to A -> filtering alphebetical (reverse order of: punctuations and other symbols, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)
    - From (if notation system is added) NOTES ASC -> from notes ascending
    - From (if notation system is added) NOTES DESC -> from notes descending

    Thanks a lot for reading me ! Good work on that extension!

    Post edited by Atanacius on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    Atanacius said:

    -- After tryied the "COMMENT" feature on Wishlist items, that's nice! BUT... There is some feedback:

    The comment is a standard feature of the Daz site, we have nothing to do with that.

    What I referred to above is that the comment feature (that is already available) will be used for labelling the products (which will be a new, add-on feature).

    In tests, this feature already works pretty well. I need to write a short how-to for the "restore wishlist" feature (which I had the lucky (?) opportunity to try in real-life conditions), and we'll soon be good to go.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    edited June 2017

    A heads-up: Later today I'll be doing security upgrades on the server that delivers the price charts and the notifications. Features that depend on data from that server will not be available for a few minutes.

    Post edited by Ati on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    Ati said:

    A heads-up: Later today I'll be doing security upgrades on the server that delivers the price charts and the notifications. Features that depend on data from that server will not be available for a few minutes.

    And it's done. If you notice anything not working, please let me know.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Taking a quick break to say Thank You! for the "Only Show Owned" filter on the Store page. It is pure genius and a great time saver! Can't wait for the latest update to get approved by the folks at Opera. Until then, I'm using Chrome just for this feature and the gallery/forum links on product pages, which are awesome as well!

    smiley yes


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    dawnblade said:

    Taking a quick break to say Thank You! for the "Only Show Owned" filter on the Store page. It is pure genius and a great time saver! Can't wait for the latest update to get approved by the folks at Opera. Until then, I'm using Chrome just for this feature and the gallery/forum links on product pages, which are awesome as well!

    smiley yes

    @Overdrawn is working with the Opera people to get it approved. Basically, Mozilla wanted one thing, which we did, they're happy, hooray; now Opera wants something completely different. It's hard to keep everyone happy, LOL. laugh

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    @Ati ... DAZ should give you comission on sales from clicks from your emails, etc . I swear I wouldn't know about half the stuff I buy if it were not for your service.

    Just an update on that issue I have with the missing check-box to display content that I own - I thought it was only Chrome (becuase I only use Chrome on both my PC and my Macbook - but I downloaded Firefox and it is also missing there. I can't find any option to enable it either. Also, the prices you supply seem to assume I am in the PC+ club so when I click on the icon in the email I find that the prices are often higher on the live site. Is this intentional - I'm guessing you don't have a way to determine non-PC+ members?

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    marble said:

    @Ati ... DAZ should give you comission on sales from clicks from your emails, etc . I swear I wouldn't know about half the stuff I buy if it were not for your service.

    Actually, they do. We use Daz's official affiliate program in the e-mails. No affiliate links are in the addon itself, so it's totally optional to use. You can use everything, including the e-mail notifications without ever clicking on our affiliate links, but we do appreciate it when you do.

    marble said:

    Just an update on that issue I have with the missing check-box to display content that I own - I thought it was only Chrome (becuase I only use Chrome on both my PC and my Macbook - but I downloaded Firefox and it is also missing there. I can't find any option to enable it either.

    The option to enable it is the "Filter for wishlisted and owned items + "% off" sort filter" option. Turn it off and then back on, see if that helps.

    marble said:

    Also, the prices you supply seem to assume I am in the PC+ club so when I click on the icon in the email I find that the prices are often higher on the live site. Is this intentional - I'm guessing you don't have a way to determine non-PC+ members?

    If you use the wishlist notification, then we should know if you are a PC+ member or not. The price history is displayed accordingly, and I believe it is used elsewhere, too. Maybe not everywhere. Non PC+ prices are updated less frequently. Just to put it into perspective, we are talking about more than 3 million (!) lines of raw data, that represent price changes; and of course this keeps growing.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    So if I click on the icons (for products on sale) in your email it counts as an affiliate link? I'll make sure I do that every time then. :)

    The option to enable it is the "Filter for wishlisted and owned items + "% off" sort filter" option. Turn it off and then back on, see if that helps.

    Yeah, you recommended that before but it didn't help. Sorry. I have cleared the cache - even reinstalled Chrome: no joy.

    I don't have anything in my wishlist right now but I have the wishlist notification option checked. 

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    marble said:

    So if I click on the icons (for products on sale) in your email it counts as an affiliate link? I'll make sure I do that every time then. :)

    Yes. Thank you!

    marble said:

    The option to enable it is the "Filter for wishlisted and owned items + "% off" sort filter" option. Turn it off and then back on, see if that helps.

    Yeah, you recommended that before but it didn't help. Sorry. I have cleared the cache - even reinstalled Chrome: no joy.

    I don't have anything in my wishlist right now but I have the wishlist notification option checked. 

    I sent you a private message to try to debug this.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited July 2017

    I'm one of the many who get the email notifications for the Best DAZ Prices and I really appreciate the chance to spot any bargains that might be of interest. However, it is often the case that when I click on the item in the email and am taken to the store page, the price is completely different. As in this example from today:



    I checked on the price for the add-on textures for that outfit and the email has the price at $2.72 while the actual price in store is $7.77. So - no sale, of course.


    Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 19.19.40.png
    688 x 268 - 120K
    Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 19.21.04.png
    855 x 85 - 67K
    Post edited by marble on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500

    Ok - so I get what's happening. It is the PC+ pricing in the email and I'm not in the club. I will have to check on how I can disable these particular notifications.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Let's try to keep everything in the original thread because I can't promise I'll notice issues posted in new threads.

    I will consider this a feature request. In the meantime, to turn it off, go to the Options page -> Email notifications -> Best prices in... and uncheck all values there. (Remember to save the changed options.) This makes sure you don't re-subscribe. When this is done, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Don't leave out unchecking the checkboxes on the Options page because then you'll be re-subscribed.

    If you want to get these particular notifications again, when they also show NON-PC+ prices, then keep your eyes on the original thread of the addon:

    PS: You can get the PC+ sub with a discount now. :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Threads merged.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    Ati said:

    Let's try to keep everything in the original thread because I can't promise I'll notice issues posted in new threads.

    I will consider this a feature request. In the meantime, to turn it off, go to the Options page -> Email notifications -> Best prices in... and uncheck all values there. (Remember to save the changed options.) This makes sure you don't re-subscribe. When this is done, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Don't leave out unchecking the checkboxes on the Options page because then you'll be re-subscribed.

    If you want to get these particular notifications again, when they also show NON-PC+ prices, then keep your eyes on the original thread of the addon:

    PS: You can get the PC+ sub with a discount now. :)

    Sorry - on reflection I should have added the comment to this thread.

    I'm not a great believer in PC+ even though I do take out membership occasionally (usually when there is a decent discount on the 3 Month option). 

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    marble said:
    Ati said:

    Let's try to keep everything in the original thread because I can't promise I'll notice issues posted in new threads.

    I will consider this a feature request. In the meantime, to turn it off, go to the Options page -> Email notifications -> Best prices in... and uncheck all values there. (Remember to save the changed options.) This makes sure you don't re-subscribe. When this is done, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Don't leave out unchecking the checkboxes on the Options page because then you'll be re-subscribed.

    If you want to get these particular notifications again, when they also show NON-PC+ prices, then keep your eyes on the original thread of the addon:

    PS: You can get the PC+ sub with a discount now. :)

    Sorry - on reflection I should have added the comment to this thread.

    I'm not a great believer in PC+ even though I do take out membership occasionally (usually when there is a decent discount on the 3 Month option). 

    I might add the NON-PC+ prices to these particular notifications later today. It's a hectic Sunday, so no promises that it really will be today. :)

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    Ati said:
    marble said:
    Ati said:

    Let's try to keep everything in the original thread because I can't promise I'll notice issues posted in new threads.

    I will consider this a feature request. In the meantime, to turn it off, go to the Options page -> Email notifications -> Best prices in... and uncheck all values there. (Remember to save the changed options.) This makes sure you don't re-subscribe. When this is done, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. Don't leave out unchecking the checkboxes on the Options page because then you'll be re-subscribed.

    If you want to get these particular notifications again, when they also show NON-PC+ prices, then keep your eyes on the original thread of the addon:

    PS: You can get the PC+ sub with a discount now. :)

    Sorry - on reflection I should have added the comment to this thread.

    I'm not a great believer in PC+ even though I do take out membership occasionally (usually when there is a decent discount on the 3 Month option). 

    I might add the NON-PC+ prices to these particular notifications later today. It's a hectic Sunday, so no promises that it really will be today. :)

    I probably added this... ;) I don't have a sure way of testing, so just let me know if it works.

  • I often have the same issue as the person above, there is one price in the email, and a totally different price online. I AM a PC+ member, and have been for a while. I check to see if you must have "X" in the cart for it to apply, and still not. This happens most often when I get a notification that something that I set a limit on has gone below the limit (Love that feature!), I had 10 come up today, as they are in ShoxDesigns's catalog, which is on sale, but my email notice and the online price were basically doubled. Don't know what's causing that?

This discussion has been closed.