Announcing: Daz Deals Browser Add-on



  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Sorry if this has already been asked somewhere in this thread...

    First, thanks for this amazing extension - it was exactly what I was looking for!  My question has to do with the Hidden items (fantastic feature, by the way).  Is there a way to transfer that list to a different computer?   I have been creating a hidden items list on my laptop but found that those did not automatically populate on my desktop even though I am using Chrome on both and are logged in and supposedly syncing.

    There is currently no way to do this.

    The easiest workaround I can think of now is to go to the "Manage items" tab on the options page to list the items that you have hidden. Save that page as a file on your computer (control + s). Transfer this file to the other computer load it, and go through the items one by one and hide them. I understand that this is not the best solution, but transferring the hidden items to another browser is not so much a technical issue, rather one that poses serious ethical questions. As such, we haven't decided what the best way to handle this should be.

  • Sky77Sky77 Posts: 820
    Ati said:

    Sorry if this has already been asked somewhere in this thread...

    First, thanks for this amazing extension - it was exactly what I was looking for!  My question has to do with the Hidden items (fantastic feature, by the way).  Is there a way to transfer that list to a different computer?   I have been creating a hidden items list on my laptop but found that those did not automatically populate on my desktop even though I am using Chrome on both and are logged in and supposedly syncing.

    There is currently no way to do this.

    The easiest workaround I can think of now is to go to the "Manage items" tab on the options page to list the items that you have hidden. Save that page as a file on your computer (control + s). Transfer this file to the other computer load it, and go through the items one by one and hide them. I understand that this is not the best solution, but transferring the hidden items to another browser is not so much a technical issue, rather one that poses serious ethical questions. As such, we haven't decided what the best way to handle this should be.

    I was afraid that might be the case.  Oh well... time go and play "hide and click"!  wink

    Thanks again for a very useful extension!

  • E.BruE.Bru Posts: 181

    Thank you very much! This is great!

  • jake_fjake_f Posts: 226

    Hi, thanks for this.

    Can anyone provide more detail regarding this.  When you click on "Add To Firefox" a popup says it requires your permission to access your data in various ways.  What's that all about please?  Thanks.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    jake_f said:

    Hi, thanks for this.

    Can anyone provide more detail regarding this.  When you click on "Add To Firefox" a popup says it requires your permission to access your data in various ways.  What's that all about please?  Thanks.

    That lists the sites the addon can interact with. That is the Daz site (to be able to show you extra information on the pages themselves, to have access to your wishlist and owned products list, your PC+ status) and our notification server (to be able to send this data to it, so we can send you the notifications--should you choose to sign up for them, which is totally optional).

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Any ideas why Wishlistify+ no longer works?

    Firefox, latest.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Feature request: When I look at a gallery image, the "Made with" section often includes the products used to make that image. That is great, but to go a step further is it possible for you to mark which items I own? You know you own too many products when you view a product and it says "Purchased" but you don't remember buying it! laugh

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053
    edited March 2019

    I posted this in the Commons but @Ati suggested I post this here too smiley

    "The are many times that I (and I supect many others) load up our carts then realize the price isn't working out as expected and don't want to just empty the whole cart but move it to our wishlist for later. Can a button be added for this instead of having to move all individually? Either Daz or @Ati? Thanks"

    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057

    So, today when I click on the 'view all of these artists together' as part of the catchup sale (there are 239 artists in the tab) NONE of the products will show on the page (0 of 30,690).  When I go to the vendor dropdown, there's only about a dozen vendors showing in the list, which is nowhere near 239.  Clicking the 'show only wishlist' button does change the 30,690 figure to the 'items in wishlist' number, but still no products show on the page.

    If I click on the dozen or so vendors in the dropdown, their products will show up at least, but obviously less than a dozen checkboxes won't cover 239 vendors.  Plus it'd be a pain to click 239 checkboxes...

    Windows 8.1.  Firefox 65.02 btw.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    So, today when I click on the 'view all of these artists together' as part of the catchup sale (there are 239 artists in the tab) NONE of the products will show on the page (0 of 30,690).  When I go to the vendor dropdown, there's only about a dozen vendors showing in the list, which is nowhere near 239.  Clicking the 'show only wishlist' button does change the 30,690 figure to the 'items in wishlist' number, but still no products show on the page.

    If I click on the dozen or so vendors in the dropdown, their products will show up at least, but obviously less than a dozen checkboxes won't cover 239 vendors.  Plus it'd be a pain to click 239 checkboxes...

    Windows 8.1.  Firefox 65.02 btw.

    I don't even see the view these artists together show up on the catchup sale. It's not meant for catchup sales when only a list of artists is provided, not how they are normally displayed. That link works with the data on the sales page, if the format of that changes, it won't work anymore--such as during catchup sales, when the artists are displayed in a different format.

  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379
    edited March 2019

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but this is a very long thread!

    This add-on is amazing and essential. Thank you so much for it! However, it doesn't seem like it's syncing with my wishlist? The emails which display my wishlist items on sale always have items I've already purchased. 

    Post edited by Leonides02 on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but this is a very long thread!

    This add-on is amazing an essential. Thank you so much for it! However, it doesn't seem like it's syncing with my wishlist? The emails which display my wishlist items on sale always have items I've already purchased. 

    You can do one of two things to sync your items:

    1. You can let the addon do it automatically for you. If you want this, then on the addon's options page, click the "Allow automatic update" checkbox (make sure it's checked), and click the green "Save" button. From now on, the addon will automatically sync your data whenever you wishlist something, remove something from your wishlist, or purchase something.
    2. You can sync your wishlist manually from your Daz wishlist page. Go to your Daz wishlist page, and click the blue "Sync wishlist" button in the top right area. If you choose to do this, then be sure to sync your data each time you make changes to your wishlist or purchase something.
  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379
    Ati said:

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but this is a very long thread!

    This add-on is amazing an essential. Thank you so much for it! However, it doesn't seem like it's syncing with my wishlist? The emails which display my wishlist items on sale always have items I've already purchased. 

    You can do one of two things to sync your items:

    1. You can let the addon do it automatically for you. If you want this, then on the addon's options page, click the "Allow automatic update" checkbox (make sure it's checked), and click the green "Save" button. From now on, the addon will automatically sync your data whenever you wishlist something, remove something from your wishlist, or purchase something.
    2. You can sync your wishlist manually from your Daz wishlist page. Go to your Daz wishlist page, and click the blue "Sync wishlist" button in the top right area. If you choose to do this, then be sure to sync your data each time you make changes to your wishlist or purchase something.

    Thank you! Much appreciated. laugh

  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2019
    barbult said:

    Try this:^3d-universe^3d-ghdesign^3dcelebrity^3dtoall^4blueyes^aave-nainen^abalone-llc^addy^adiene^aeon-soul^age-of-armour^aine-s-realm^akasha^alberto-daniel-russo^alessandro_am^alfan^alvin-bemar^amaranth^anain^andrey-pestryakov^anima-gemini^anna-benjamin^ansiko^aprilysh^aquarius^arien^arryn^art-de-croh^art-feld^aurelio^barbara-brundon^belladona^belladzines^billy-t^blondie9999^blue-rabbit^bonetech3d^brahann^cake-one^canary3d^capsces-digital-ink^cayman-studios^cgan^cgi3dm^cj-studio^colm-jackson^crocodile-liu^cynderblue^d-master^daio^danie^dariofish^darkedgedesign^darkmatter^darkseal^darwins-mishap-s^daveyabbo^david-brinnen^debra-ross^dega^demonicaevilius^destinysgarden^devon^dg-vertex^dglidden^didier^digiport^digital-art-live^digitallab3d^dimension3d^dimensiontheory^dimidrol^dirtyfairy^discobob^disordercode^disparatedreamer^divamakeup^djigneo^dobit^don-albert^draagonstorm^dream9studios^dreamlight^dreamscape-creations^dumor3d^dzfire^e-arkham^elele^elianeck^elliandra^eloroncedark^emmaandjordi^emrys^enchanted-pixie^ensary^ericfarris^esha^evilinnocence^eyestorm^fabiana^faintblue^faveral^firstbastion^fisty-darc^flipmode^forbiddenwhispers^frances-coffill^fred-winkler-art^freja^fugazi1968^fuseling^fwdesign^g-dalton^gareee^gendragon3d^giko^gkdantas^godin^gofigure^golam^goldtassel^handspan-studios^hawke^hellboy^herschel-hoffmeyer^heryun^hinkypunk^hm^holbeinc^hongyu^hotlilme74^howiefarkes^hypnagogia^i3d_lotus^idler168^ile-avalon^ilona^imaginex^inaneglory^inception8^indigojanson^ironman13^islandgirl^isourcetextures^jeffersonaf^jepe^jim-burton^joelegecko^joequick^jolab1985^josh-crockett^jschaper^jsgraphics^jwolf^k-h-image-studio^kayleyss^kendall-sears^khory^kibarreto^kindredarts^kool^kraig^kubramatic^lady-littlefox^lantios^larisha^laticis-imagery^lauries^laylo-3d^leviathan^lilflame^linday^liquid-rust^lmx3d^luthbel^luthbellina^lyoness^macelene^maclean^mada^maelwenn^magix-101^mairy^male-m3dia^marcius^marforno^marieah^markcus-dunn^marshian^marshian2^mary-williams^matcreator^mattymanx^mec4d^mechasar^mechaven^mely3d^merlin-studios^midnight_stories^mighty_mestophales^mihrelle^moebius87^moonscape-graphics^mstene^muze^neftis3d^neilv-1^ness-period-reproductions^netherworks^nightshift3d^nikisatez^nikkelah-ghaz^noggin^onnel^orestes-graphicsbrit^oshikai^oso3d^outoftouch^ozichick^pandygirl^peanterra^pixeluna^polish^polygonal-miniatures^porsimo^predatron^pret-a-3d^protozoon^pw-productions^quixotry^raiya^rarestone^ravenhair^rawart^redzstudio^riversoft-art^sabby^sade^sapphire3d^sarah-payne^sedor^serum^sf-design^shadownet^shanassoulmate^shox-design^sickleyield^silvaant3d^silver^simonwm^smay^spiritfoxy^spows^sprite^sshodan^stonemason^studio360^sveva^syyd^tako-yakida^tangoalpha^tempestart^tengu23^tentman^tesla3dcorp^the-antfarm^the-digivault^the-management^the3dwizard^thedarkersideofart^thenathanparable^thephilosopher^toyen^traveler^umblefugly^v3digitimes^val3dart^valandar^valzheimer^vex^virtual_world^vyktohria^xtrart-3d^zeddicuss^zev0&filter_new=0&filtered=1

    I did it in TextPad using a bunch of search, replace, copy, etc.

    Man, I gotta learn Javascript.

    Edit: Nevermind, my link still doesn't show all the items that should be available.angry

    Post edited by Kitsumo on
  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Still loving this add-on, especially the forum and gallery links! When you get a chance, would you please add the commercial thread for Iray Light Probe Kit? I had to search quite a bit to find it. There are 18 forum references already, but none to KindredArts' official support thread, so if you wouldn't mind placing this thread at the top of the list to make it easier to find that would be great. Thanks!


  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    dawnblade said:

    Still loving this add-on, especially the forum and gallery links! When you get a chance, would you please add the commercial thread for Iray Light Probe Kit? I had to search quite a bit to find it. There are 18 forum references already, but none to KindredArts' official support thread, so if you wouldn't mind placing this thread at the top of the list to make it easier to find that would be great. Thanks!

    Thank you, I added that thread. Yeah, the product is not linked to from there.

    Dear PAs, please link to your product in the opening post, so we can more easily list it on the product page. Thanks. :)

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    Ati, I don't know if you're the person to ask, but I would sacrifice a goat for a button I could push that would look at my product list, download all of the thumbnails, convert them to .jpg and save them to a USB drive. Or the products of my choice, or the option to do so when purchased, or something!

    Okay, not a full grown goat. A lamb. In my back yard. With barbeque sauce.

    This new image format is a maddening time sinkhole.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264

    I just download the promos into a folder with the item # and product name as the filename, with a, b, c, etc. appended to the file name.  I have folders arranged so it's easy to see what I have in any category.  Tough to do this if you haven't been on it.  But I've done this for several years, now.  This way, if I'm looking for...a hair, for example, for G3F, I go to my folders, open Genesis 3 Female, drill down to the Hair folder and see what I've got.  I had screen captures to show you, but uploading is not working.  Site has been really slow last two days, too.  And sometimes I get a ClodFlare error page and have to refresh.


  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    edited March 2019
    DanaTA said:

    I just download the promos into a folder with the item # and product name as the filename, with a, b, c, etc. appended to the file name.  I have folders arranged so it's easy to see what I have in any category.  Tough to do this if you haven't been on it.  But I've done this for several years, now.  This way, if I'm looking for...a hair, for example, for G3F, I go to my folders, open Genesis 3 Female, drill down to the Hair folder and see what I've got.  I had screen captures to show you, but uploading is not working.  Site has been really slow last two days, too.  And sometimes I get a ClodFlare error page and have to refresh.


    I've been doing that for years, since I first started buying from DAZ. My problem is the time involved in doing it manually and the fact
    that the images are no longer .jpg, so they all have to be converted before my OS and paint program will display them.
    Like I said, a big time wasting sinkhole, especially at times like this one, where I pretty much cleaned out i3d's store in the 1.99 sale.
    I have three pages of products to download and convert.

    Post edited by Petercat on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    If I go to Valzheimers page, it shows the new product, Fast Production Poses for a moment, but then it disappears after a few seconds.  If I turn off Daz Deals extension, it appears again.  I don't own other checkboxes checked.  Any thoughts, its probably something obvious.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    Petercat said:
    DanaTA said:

    I just download the promos into a folder with the item # and product name as the filename, with a, b, c, etc. appended to the file name.  I have folders arranged so it's easy to see what I have in any category.  Tough to do this if you haven't been on it.  But I've done this for several years, now.  This way, if I'm looking for...a hair, for example, for G3F, I go to my folders, open Genesis 3 Female, drill down to the Hair folder and see what I've got.  I had screen captures to show you, but uploading is not working.  Site has been really slow last two days, too.  And sometimes I get a ClodFlare error page and have to refresh.


    I've been doing that for years, since I first started buying from DAZ. My problem is the time involved in doing it manually and the fact
    that the images are no longer .jpg, so they all have to be converted before my OS and paint program will display them.
    Like I said, a big time wasting sinkhole, especially at times like this one, where I pretty much cleaned out i3d's store in the 1.99 sale.
    I have three pages of products to download and convert.

    Well, I'm on Windows 10 Pro.  I don't download the thumbnails, I download the full sized promos.  Right-click, select save image...they all come down as .jpg files, with rare exceptions.


  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    DanaTA said:
    Petercat said:
    DanaTA said:

    I just download the promos into a folder with the item # and product name as the filename, with a, b, c, etc. appended to the file name.  I have folders arranged so it's easy to see what I have in any category.  Tough to do this if you haven't been on it.  But I've done this for several years, now.  This way, if I'm looking for...a hair, for example, for G3F, I go to my folders, open Genesis 3 Female, drill down to the Hair folder and see what I've got.  I had screen captures to show you, but uploading is not working.  Site has been really slow last two days, too.  And sometimes I get a ClodFlare error page and have to refresh.


    I've been doing that for years, since I first started buying from DAZ. My problem is the time involved in doing it manually and the fact
    that the images are no longer .jpg, so they all have to be converted before my OS and paint program will display them.
    Like I said, a big time wasting sinkhole, especially at times like this one, where I pretty much cleaned out i3d's store in the 1.99 sale.
    I have three pages of products to download and convert.

    Well, I'm on Windows 10 Pro.  I don't download the thumbnails, I download the full sized promos.  Right-click, select save image...they all come down as .jpg files, with rare exceptions.


    Okay, I misspoke. I download the full images on a Linux computer. They download as .webp files, which have to be converted to .jpg.

  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580

    Daz-Deals version 2.4.0 has been released! It just hit the Chrome store and the Firefox addons site. Happy March Madness all!

    Lots of the code and user experience for new users has been improved, and we've also added a gem of a feature for you $1.99 shoppers! There are now "Required Items" and "Addons" filters you can turn on in the Options page.

    The new "Required Items" filter will help you find all those products for which you own addons, but don't own the required "base" product--this is a great way to find those Genesis (or earlier) products for which you have "Addon" textures!

    The "Addons" filter essentially does the opposite, and finds any addons for the "base" products you have. This list is usually much larger than the "Required Items" list as it should find anything related to a base product you currently own.

    Hopefully these new features will speed up your shopping in the remaining weeks of March Madness, and beyond!

    Thanks all!
    @Overdrawn & @Ati

  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484

    Or you can sort the website by what you are looking for and say "Show Owned." I keep huge files of pix divided out by gen and product type, and it's easier just to sort the DAZ website itself, imo.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    3dOutlaw said:

    If I go to Valzheimers page, it shows the new product, Fast Production Poses for a moment, but then it disappears after a few seconds.  If I turn off Daz Deals extension, it appears again.  I don't own other checkboxes checked.  Any thoughts, its probably something obvious.

    Nevermind, 2.40 fixed it thanks!  :)


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited March 2019
    Petercat said:
    DanaTA said:
    Petercat said:
    DanaTA said:

    I just download the promos into a folder with the item # and product name as the filename, with a, b, c, etc. appended to the file name.  I have folders arranged so it's easy to see what I have in any category.  Tough to do this if you haven't been on it.  But I've done this for several years, now.  This way, if I'm looking for...a hair, for example, for G3F, I go to my folders, open Genesis 3 Female, drill down to the Hair folder and see what I've got.  I had screen captures to show you, but uploading is not working.  Site has been really slow last two days, too.  And sometimes I get a ClodFlare error page and have to refresh.


    I've been doing that for years, since I first started buying from DAZ. My problem is the time involved in doing it manually and the fact
    that the images are no longer .jpg, so they all have to be converted before my OS and paint program will display them.
    Like I said, a big time wasting sinkhole, especially at times like this one, where I pretty much cleaned out i3d's store in the 1.99 sale.
    I have three pages of products to download and convert.

    Well, I'm on Windows 10 Pro.  I don't download the thumbnails, I download the full sized promos.  Right-click, select save image...they all come down as .jpg files, with rare exceptions.


    Okay, I misspoke. I download the full images on a Linux computer. They download as .webp files, which have to be converted to .jpg.

    That may be due to how your browser treats them.  I don't do any file type manipulation, so they are in .jpg format on the server.  Your browser probably does something.  Does it give you a "save picture as..." option?  That may offer the true file type.  It may even be an option it the browser's configuration to save all images as that type by default.  Just guessing.


    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • ChatjdChatjd Posts: 152

    On the the "Export Cart as CSV button" feature, any chance it can be updated so it also has the product link (URL) in it as well as the product name, base price, and cart price?


  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    3dOutlaw said:
    3dOutlaw said:

    If I go to Valzheimers page, it shows the new product, Fast Production Poses for a moment, but then it disappears after a few seconds.  If I turn off Daz Deals extension, it appears again.  I don't own other checkboxes checked.  Any thoughts, its probably something obvious.

    Nevermind, 2.40 fixed it thanks!  :)


    Be sure to check your "hide products" settings in the extension options. Those can be used to filter out software specific content or to manually hide individual products. Glad it's working there way you wanted now though. :)

  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580
    Chatjd said:

    On the the "Export Cart as CSV button" feature, any chance it can be updated so it also has the product link (URL) in it as well as the product name, base price, and cart price?


    Great suggestion! I'll add it to our list. :)

This discussion has been closed.