Wacky Modelling ~ In Carrara ~
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Wacky Modelling ~ In Carrara ~
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Adding to my bent pipe...
Don't you just love Carrara's native renderer? I do..!!! In fact, I think I'm in love with it
very cool PNG
for those wondering how I started off my bugle, it wasn't with a cube this time
it started of with a polyline circle duplicated twice and then went from there
soft selection was my friend in doing this one.
Hey Stezza, nice tip for doing spirals. I actually tried something like that when I did my Cello headstock but when I started extruding and connecting stuff I got so lost lol. I ended up just box extruding from the centre and rotating all the way out and around. And the lighting hides the fact that the wood isn't one piece. Modeling can be like figuring out a puzzle sometimes.
Huh, using lighting to cover up problems. Might work in animations?
P.S. Carrara has negative lights ...
How many times I've looked at that 'Negative' checkbox.
Still adding to my bent pipe...
Now with cushion...
comfy horn
I like your cello headstock and am trying to work out the music behind it - looks like one of Handel's flute (recorder) pieces...
We should start a band, the Carrara Duet, maybe we could get other members...
Finished my bent pipe (or I'm bored with it now...)
Shader using the excellent Weave by Shoestring Shaders (miss you) in the bump channel...
Final render...
How Was it done?
Well, like Stezza used the polyline tool to create a skeleton for the horn and chord and swept hexagons to get the overall shape - tweeked with soft select and used native softbody physics for curtain and cushion. One spot with ies for drama and a backdrop to add ceiling reflection (see image below.) Simples !!!
I don't play the horn - HA
keeping up with my ANZAC theme
a wacky rifle ~ 303 Enfield started with a cube and just went from there!
not quite finished but that's all I can do for a while.... it's wacky road tripping time... zoom zoom
wacky yodeling
did a bit more on my 303 and also the periscope which was used at Gallipoli in the trenches
also as a side there was a skunk in the news while I was away.... so.... wacky skunk time!
thought I'd better get wacky goofy a wacky mate today..
so, from the cube came this little fella.... hmmm... boned and all
so, I guess I had to model a wacky you know who today!!
Excellent modeling, Stezza. You have imbued the characters with such life, very impressive,
Looking great !!!
thanks @diomede and @bunyip02
Lighting helps a lot to cover up the wacky oopses
Easter time so why not a wacky hot cross bun to munch on!
how wacky is this!
a frog and a pig
all from two cubes, with morphs and boned
( the hair I didn't model.. it's Radient Jaguar Hair for G1 adjusted to kinda fit )
I may try my hand at some hair tomorrow for her
That is pretty wacky. More great models.
But do you need a content warning? https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-56153016
Gratuitious violence with Miss Piggy Karate chops !!!
Stezza, hope you don't get wet feet again with all of that rain !!!
we've been ok so far.. the rain isn't as heavy here as it is in the Illawarra and Sydney areas..
are you copping it? I don't know where in Oz you are ..
Good to know !!!
I'm in South East Queensland, had about 60mm all up so far, but we could use some heavy rain to fill up the dams !
it's coming your way I think!
I must of had some kind of 3d premonitions last week, modelling a frog and a bucket with a hole in it!
Warragamba Dam ( which services Sydney ) has spilled... not looking good for communities living downstream from it..
a wacky rain gauge with its own wacky rain cloud!
for all those wacky disaster renders
used the polygon tool for the cloud with organic construct and just a simple cylinder for the gauge n post
Nice one, but would need to be larger for Byfield up near Rockhampton, they had 550mm in one 24 hour period.
Flooding at Carrara....