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Governor Abbot waived some TABC rules so beer, wine and mixed drinks could be delivered with a food purchase from a restaurant that has the mixed beverage permit. Note the operative word is "delivered" so take out is probably not allowed but the beverages can be delivered to your home with your food. There's one Tex-Mex place somewhere in Houston Texas area selling Margaritas by the gallon delivered with food according to a reply to the Channel 2 News story.. Yippie ki yay.
A couple of your back comments you made to me a few pages back in reference to a reply I made to someone else comment, just struck me as criticism or doubt, maybe i just miistakely took it that way. & I'm just being grouchy all heck today so I apologize for my bad behavior.
For me: Unicycle = instant death (I have no balance anymore). I have a cheap disposable hazard suit.
The Unipiper is a unique character!
weedkiller WTF
they do know about Roundup and cancer llinks surely
that and the bad food choices will kill these people more slowly and painfully than Covid19
...he's a Portland icon and living testament to this city's weirdness. .
WeedKiller? is that like the fad of people eating those tide's pods laudry soad. how could anyone think that was a good idea?
...took a walk to one of the local parks today in the neighbourhood to enjoy the last nice mild springlike day before a week and a half of chilly rainy weather sets back in. the last fove days of nice weather has caused everything to start blooming Trees that were just a bunch of bare branches only lat week now have leaves growing and blossoming trees are in full bloom (heck on the old allergies but still pretty)
Saw the first bumblebee of the year today as well as a flyutterby (saw the first one of those Friday on my walk home fro,, the market). I like to take that as a sign that the situation will get better, though it's still going to take time, patience, and vigilance.
This gem has made the rounds, if you haven't seen it. Your week portrayed by Bette Davis.
is possibly the most painful way imaginable to end yourself with no cure
not a good choice
but no I presume to spray their lawns to plant veggies or something
That would make more sense . But fter reading about how there was facebook or youtube challenge of how many of those laundry pods one could eat became popular.. I will believe anything
OH Boy is that me .. GRR .. I wonder why do they call it men-o-pause when its women who get it?. Hubbys been in the garage all day me thinks he is avoiding me.
just replace Sharona with Corona and sing along
the rest of the lyrics fit surprisingly well
Evolution at work...
For years, I been getting mostly small jobs here or there with lots of time off in between jobs. Here I am now, been working for 5 weeks straight with like 3 or 4 weeks more of work, in the middle of the toilettepaper zombie apcolypse. It's like the twilight zone lol.
What a coincidence... I logged into my credit card's website and they also told me that I have no balance.
...but now that song's stuck in my head. What's worse is it;s the Weird Al version, Ayatollah.
....but that's a good thing, right?
wait....I thought the Weird Al one was My Bologna?
Yep. A lot of people doubt it, which is why it needs to be quantified accurately. If the 9/11 indications are correct, then the con-trails contribute to a surprising degree of global cooling through sunlight reflection and that will have to be taken into account if large scale air travel is reduced significantly. As it is, it may be contibuting to 0.1C knocked off the global average temperature rise, and that is important, whether people doubt its existance or not.
...ah you're right, the Ayatollah version was by Steve Dahl and Teenage Radiation. Weird Al "My Bologna"
Can you say "Darwin Awards"? Sure you can.
Red potatoes.... !?!?!?!?
please......... white potatoes all the way.......... oh, I'll definitely be growing my own potatoes this summer.
You know, this could lead to a lot of good things, changes, in how we approach sharing the resources of the community, for the common good.
Would mixing chlorine bleach with any acid produce chlorine gas? Just wondering.......
I focus on the basics, the staples, grains, flour, nuts, etc., .... cooking is fine as there is certainly the time for it
Toilet paper I can understand, but paper towels I think can be replaced by cloth and soap, dry cloth, etc., which can be washed and reused.
Ergot is not a bread mold but a fungus that attacks rye grains in the field (the black ones in the picture). They still have to clean the rye from it in periods where it occurs, as it is very poisonous, it can cause gangrene, brain damage and all kinds of creepy stuff. A lot of people died from eating bread made from ergot polluted rye back in those days where they did not know what it was. I found some in some whole rye grains I bought a couple of years ago; though the amount didn't exceed the acceptable limit I hand cleaned it anyway. Can also be found in wheat and other grains they say but I've never seen any despite I've hand sorted probably hundreds of kilos.
Well trumpets seemed to work in Jericho. I don't think it's a myth, sound can indeed cause things to break if you hit the resonance frequency. We used to drill holes in stones in our crystal workshop using an ultrasound device and some grinding powder.