How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • I mentioned to someone today that our local bar/restaurant had a big sign out front declaring "Take Outs", so I said that the bar part was probably closed, but they replied, no you can get the drinks "to go" too, and that the law against taking an open container of alcohol outside from a bar has been waived.surprise  What a stupid idea!  Clear roads, unclear heads.  Perfect combination.frown  I hope they're wrong about that.  Perhaps they are only selling still sealed bottles of beer and liquor.  I hope, I hope.   Here in NY State we can buy beer in the grocery store, but bottles of wine and hard liquor have to be purchased at a licensed liquor store, not bars.

    Governor Abbot waived some TABC rules so beer, wine and mixed drinks could be delivered with a food purchase from a restaurant that has the mixed beverage permit.  Note the operative word is "delivered" so take out is probably not allowed but the beverages can be delivered to your home with your food.  There's one Tex-Mex place somewhere in Houston Texas area selling Margaritas by the gallon delivered with food according to a reply to the Channel 2 News story..  Yippie ki yay.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020
    Galaxy said:

    I am sure hundreds of lives are saved (road accidents etc.) worldwide than this virus is claiming.

    Somehow on an almost empty street there was a major car accident with injuries just a few blocks from me. There are almost no cars out, yet people manage to get into accidents. Crazy!

    License and skills testing maybe too easy to pass?

    Taoz said:


    McGyver said:

    I went down to the beach today... the ocean is still there... it doesn't seem very concerned over any of our problems...

    The sun doesn't seem worried either, despite it's got corona for billions of years...

    That's a beautiful pic.

    Mum told me the freeway behind her home is still busy.  Who are still going around driving when we are supposed to stay home?

    I've taken a few rides in the last few days.  Once for an errand to fix a yard machine, other times to just get gas or just get out of the house.  It's nice to clear my head once in awhile.

    Taoz said:

    How do you keep your bread from getting moldy?  Every time I bake bread, it barely lasts 3 or 4 days before it's got green spots all over it.  I would consider it a huge win if I could get my baked bread to last 7 days outside of the fridge.

    A low pH (e.g. using sourdough instead of yeast) will make bread more resistant to mold and rope .   Dense bread tend to be more resistant to mold than fluffy bread.

    Keep in a cool, dry and dark place.  Humidity, heat and light facilitates growth of mold.

    Let it cool completely after baking before putting it in a bag, and keep tightly sealed (as little air as possible in the bag).

    You could also just use preservatives of course, but I guess that's obvious.

    Thank you!

    Mum told me the freeway behind her home is still busy.  Who are still going around driving when we are supposed to stay home?

    People still ahve to shop for food and other supplies. 

    Yep!  I lucked on some paper towels the other day.  For those of us who cook, paper towels are critical.  I could use cloth towels and wash them, but that would make it easier for bacteria to spread to all of my clothing.

    Ivy said:

    Mum told me the freeway behind her home is still busy.  Who are still going around driving when we are supposed to stay home?

    I would think going out for a drive would be a good way to combat cabin fever from being isolated. I see no issues as long as you stay in your car it be a great time to take a drive around sight seeing with less traffic on the roads.

     we for a ride on the ATV up in the mountains yesterday afternoon it was fun distractions

    That's what I do too, though I don't have an ATV.  Or mountains to drive one on.  wink

    just glad they are not stockpiling chocolates yet

    Too late.  It seems that I am a bit of a "subconscious prepper" in these things:

    • Mushrooms
    • Onions (okay, I already knew about this one, because the big Sam's Club onion bags are kind of up front about it)
    • Pickles
    • Weed killer
    • Chocolate

    So it's the weed killer that's got me concerned here.  What do I need with 8 bottles of that stuff?  cheeky


    Anybody still got a copy of "The Last Whole Earth Catalog"?

    No as I do not know what it is.

    A big paperback catalog, about an inch thick and dimensions about the same as a typical coffeetable book.  As it says on the cover, "Access to Tools"  It's a catalog for living off the grid, or at least having the tools for self survival.  Very popular for some of the commune style hippies of the '60s and '70s.  Much of its information can now be found on the Internet, but there was no Internet in the '60s.  And when the information is really needed, there won't be any Internet again.  Better to have the book, which was also full of useful information about growing, cooking, hunting, building, surviving with your wits.  Authentic copies of the original "Whole Earth Catalog" and the "Last Whole Earth Catalog" can be found on the Internet for $$$, but there are a few such types of publication now, but the originals are classic.

    It's too bad that for so many, "surviving with your wits" is something they only think about for people off the grid.  Shouldn't we all be surviving with our wits on a day-to-day basis?

    The reduction in air traffic will be reducing the output of greenhouse gases. However, the reduction in con-trails will be considerably increasing the amount of sunlight reaching the ground and increasing the temperature.

    During the 9/11 airspace closure scientists discovered it was worth up to 2C temp reduction in some places. The more prolonged period this time may enable a better range to be put on those numbers. And the results may be pretty uncomfortable if the last set of results are confirmed. We may find we need aircraft to keep the temp down while still getting to zero net carbon. Don't know how it could be done without needed food being used to create fuel for needed aircraft. It would have been better not to start from here.

    I doubt planes, even in busy cities, would significantly raise or lower the ambient temperatures.

    Ivy said:

    How do you keep your bread from getting moldy?  Every time I bake bread, it barely lasts 3 or 4 days before it's got green spots all over it.  I would consider it a huge win if I could get my baked bread to last 7 days outside of the fridge.

    My guess is your not eating iyour bread fast enough. So if you make more than you can eat you should wrap it good with plastic wrap and freeze it. or refrigerate it .  But its also pretty well know that you add 2 table spoons of Honey to your bread recipes to extend homemade bread freshness and keep it from molding ..... But don't take my word for it .Look it up, you seem to not believe anything else i wrote wink

    Wait, what?

    That's not true and I don't know how you come to that conclusion.  I have tons of respect for you!  Now, one thing I am guilty of is SKIMMING what other people write, especially if they wrote a wall of text and didn't separate it into actual paragraphs.  I simply can't process words very well in that way, and so maybe it's possible that I may not have received all of the packets being sent.  Now I don't recall specifically if this was what happened, but it shouldn't be mistaken as "not believing" or anything like that. 

    And thank you for the advice; much appreciated.

    Gordig said:
    Galaxy said:

    I am sure hundreds of lives are saved (road accidents etc.) worldwide than this virus is claiming.

    Somehow on an almost empty street there was a major car accident with injuries just a few blocks from me. There are almost no cars out, yet people manage to get into accidents. Crazy!

    Every time I've left the house in the last few days, I've seen at least one accident, and they all looked fairly serious. I guess it's mostly just the idiots that are still out on the roads.

    I'm serious, it should be harder to pass a driving test.  Everywhere!  wink  I remember one time, a little old lady was arguing with the examiner at my local DMV.  She was at the window next to mine, and as I waited, I heard her say she only failed the vision test because she grabbed the wrong glasses that morning.  When the examiner offered to let her go get her glasses, she changed her story to say that she hadn't been to the eye doctor in years and she needs her driver's license to get there.  She was very oviously trying every put-on in the book.  Persistence is a virtue, I guess.  cheeky

    A couple of your back comments you made to me a few pages back in reference to a reply I made to someone else comment, just struck me as criticism or doubt, maybe i just miistakely took it that way. & I'm just being grouchy all heck today so I apologize for my bad  behavior.

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2020
    kyoto kid said:
    Greymom said:

    Social distancing is not a problem for me.  I have bagpipes and an inflatable T-Rex costume, and I am not afraid to use them! sons request that I NOT test-fire the appreciation for classical music.


    ...but do you have a unicycle and hazmat clothing? 


    For me:  Unicycle = instant death (I have no balance anymore).   I have a cheap disposable hazard suit.

    The Unipiper is a unique character! laugh


    Post edited by Greymom on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    weedkiller WTF

    they do know about Roundup and cancer llinks surely

    that and the bad food choices will kill these people more slowly and painfully than Covid19

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Greymom said:
    kyoto kid said:
    Greymom said:

    Social distancing is not a problem for me.  I have bagpipes and an inflatable T-Rex costume, and I am not afraid to use them! sons request that I NOT test-fire the appreciation for classical music.


    ...but do you have a unicycle and hazmat clothing? 


    For me:  Unicycle = instant death (I have no balance anymore).   I have a cheap disposable hazard suit.

    The Unipiper is a unique character! laugh


    ...he's a Portland icon and living testament to this city's weirdness. .  

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    weedkiller WTF

    they do know about Roundup and cancer llinks surely

    that and the bad food choices will kill these people more slowly and painfully than Covid19

    WeedKiller?  is that like the fad of people eating those tide's pods laudry soad.  how could anyone think that was a good idea?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...took a walk to one of the local parks today in the neighbourhood to enjoy the last nice mild springlike day before a week and a half of chilly rainy weather sets back in.  the last fove days of nice weather has caused everything to start blooming Trees that were just a bunch of bare branches only lat week now have leaves growing and blossoming trees are in full bloom (heck on the old allergies but still pretty)

    Saw the first bumblebee of the year today as well as a flyutterby (saw the first one of those Friday on my walk home fro,, the market).  I like to take that as a sign that the situation will get better, though it's still going to take time, patience, and vigilance.  

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited March 2020

    This gem has made the rounds, if you haven't seen it.  Your week portrayed by Bette Davis.

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618
    Ivy said:

    weedkiller WTF

    they do know about Roundup and cancer llinks surely

    that and the bad food choices will kill these people more slowly and painfully than Covid19

    WeedKiller?  is that like the fad of people eating those tide's pods laudry soad.  how could anyone think that was a good idea?

    is possibly the most painful way imaginable to end yourself with no cure

    not a good choice

    but no I presume to spray their lawns to plant veggies or something

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Ivy said:

    weedkiller WTF

    they do know about Roundup and cancer llinks surely

    that and the bad food choices will kill these people more slowly and painfully than Covid19

    WeedKiller?  is that like the fad of people eating those tide's pods laudry soad.  how could anyone think that was a good idea?

    is possibly the most painful way imaginable to end yourself with no cure

    not a good choice

    but no I presume to spray their lawns to plant veggies or something

    That would make more sense . But fter reading about how there was facebook or youtube challenge of how many of those laundry pods one could eat became popular.. I will believe anything 

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Diomede said:

    This gem has made the rounds, if you haven't seen it.  Your week portrayed by Bette Davis.

    OH Boy is that me .. GRR .. I wonder why do they call it men-o-pause when its women who get it?. Hubbys been in the garage all day me thinks he is avoiding me. blush

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,618

    just replace Sharona with Corona and sing along

    the rest of the lyrics fit surprisingly well surprise

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556
    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:

    weedkiller WTF

    they do know about Roundup and cancer llinks surely

    that and the bad food choices will kill these people more slowly and painfully than Covid19

    WeedKiller?  is that like the fad of people eating those tide's pods laudry soad.  how could anyone think that was a good idea?

    is possibly the most painful way imaginable to end yourself with no cure

    not a good choice

    but no I presume to spray their lawns to plant veggies or something

    That would make more sense . But fter reading about how there was facebook or youtube challenge of how many of those laundry pods one could eat became popular.. I will believe anything 

    Evolution at work...

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,706

    For years, I been getting mostly small jobs here or there with lots of time off in between jobs. Here I am now, been working for 5 weeks straight with like 3 or 4 weeks more of work, in the middle of the toilettepaper zombie apcolypse. It's like the twilight zone lol.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    Greymom said:
    kyoto kid said:
    Greymom said:


    For me:  Unicycle = instant death (I have no balance anymore).   ...



    What a coincidence... I logged into my credit card's website and they also told me that I have no balance.devil

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited March 2020

    just replace Sharona with Corona and sing along

    the rest of the lyrics fit surprisingly well surprise


    ...but now that song's stuck in my head.  What's worse is it;s the Weird Al version, Ayatollah.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Greymom said:
    kyoto kid said:
    Greymom said:


    For me:  Unicycle = instant death (I have no balance anymore).   ...



    What a coincidence... I logged into my credit card's website and they also told me that I have no balance.devil

    ....but that's a good thing, right?

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121
    Greymom said:
    kyoto kid said:
    Greymom said:


    For me:  Unicycle = instant death (I have no balance anymore).   ...



    What a coincidence... I logged into my credit card's website and they also told me that I have no balance.devil


  • kyoto kid said:

    just replace Sharona with Corona and sing along

    the rest of the lyrics fit surprisingly well surprise


    ...but now that song's stuck in my head.  What's worse is it;s the Weird Al version, Ayatollah.

    wait....I thought the Weird Al one was My Bologna?

  • Galaxy said:

    The reduction in air traffic will be reducing the output of greenhouse gases. However, the reduction in con-trails will be considerably increasing the amount of sunlight reaching the ground and increasing the temperature.

    During the 9/11 airspace closure scientists discovered it was worth up to 2C temp reduction in some places. The more prolonged period this time may enable a better range to be put on those numbers. And the results may be pretty uncomfortable if the last set of results are confirmed. We may find we need aircraft to keep the temp down while still getting to zero net carbon. Don't know how it could be done without needed food being used to create fuel for needed aircraft. It would have been better not to start from here.

    I doubt planes, even in busy cities, would significantly raise or lower the ambient temperatures.

    Ivy said:

    Yep. A lot of people doubt it, which is why it needs to be quantified accurately. If the 9/11 indications are correct, then the con-trails contribute to a surprising degree of global cooling through sunlight reflection and that will have to be taken into account if large scale air travel is reduced significantly. As it is, it may be contibuting to 0.1C knocked off the global average temperature rise, and that is important, whether people doubt its existance or not.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    kyoto kid said:

    just replace Sharona with Corona and sing along

    the rest of the lyrics fit surprisingly well surprise


    ...but now that song's stuck in my head.  What's worse is it;s the Weird Al version, Ayatollah.

    wait....I thought the Weird Al one was My Bologna?

    ...ah you're right,  the Ayatollah version was by Steve Dahl and Teenage Radiation.  

  • AZDigitalArtistAZDigitalArtist Posts: 792
    edited March 2020
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    just replace Sharona with Corona and sing along

    the rest of the lyrics fit surprisingly well surprise


    ...but now that song's stuck in my head.  What's worse is it;s the Weird Al version, Ayatollah.

    wait....I thought the Weird Al one was My Bologna?

    ...ah you're right,  the Ayatollah version was by Steve Dahl and Teenage Radiation. 

      Weird Al "My Bologna"

    Post edited by AZDigitalArtist on
  • Ivy said:
    Ivy said:

    weedkiller WTF

    they do know about Roundup and cancer llinks surely

    that and the bad food choices will kill these people more slowly and painfully than Covid19

    WeedKiller?  is that like the fad of people eating those tide's pods laudry soad.  how could anyone think that was a good idea?

    is possibly the most painful way imaginable to end yourself with no cure

    not a good choice

    but no I presume to spray their lawns to plant veggies or something

    That would make more sense . But fter reading about how there was facebook or youtube challenge of how many of those laundry pods one could eat became popular.. I will believe anything 

    Can you say "Darwin Awards"? Sure you can.

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373
    kyoto kid said:



    Ivy said:

    Something that was relayed to me today . People that still need basic supplies might try looking in places like walgreens and rite aid  other drug stores. I was told by one of our preepper friends this afternoon  that they have bread and milk and other simple food items  they were in a walgreens and they were full stocked with the those basic items tha its why I am writing this to advise people should check those stores as well. in these times try to think outside the box.  you may pay more but chances are those drug stores have not been cleaned out because people are avoiding them for fear of being around sick people getting their prescriptions.. Just some friendly advice that was relayed to me today through the our network.

    Stay safe

    ....sadly everyone else in the city. centre are thinking the same thing.  Shelves everywhere are pretty much empty of paper goods (TP and Towels) . Today I went to the Safeway (new weekly sales begin every Wednesday) to get some super lean ground beef for my past sauce that i saw was on sale for 2.99$/#. When I got there the entire fresh butcher counter was empty and only a few very expensive pre-packed quantities were in the cooler.  Nixed that as not going to pay 8$ - 9$/#.  Also. apparently there as a run on red potatoes for some reason (was looking to get some to have with the fish I prepare every Friday).  Don't really want to get on one of those "rolling Petri dishes" that is a city bus to try and find what I need. 

    Red potatoes.... !?!?!?!?

    please......... white potatoes all the way.......... oh, I'll definitely be growing my own potatoes this summer.

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373

    A friend from Canada just linked this to me:
    and on that other universities are apparently opening up their libraries. Since this is free and may help others pass the time, and learn, and give them ideas... I hope this is okay with the moderators.

    You know, this could lead to a lot of good things, changes, in how we approach sharing the resources of the community, for the common good.

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373
    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:

    vinegar should work too

    Vinegar (which is acetic acid), lemon juice or citric acid.  Vinegar is slightly more effective but doesn't smell so nice.   Strangely enough they keep stressing that good old fashioned soap and water is actually the best thing to get rid of the viruses from your hands, so presumably would be the same for surface, like the good old days,  wash the house down with carbolic soap.

    And leave things to air dry, as anything, even bleach, need leaving in situ long enough to work.  Wiping on and wiping off does no good at all. That's why the length of time to wash your hands,  It's not magic or instantaneous.

    BTW don't make the mistake of mixing bleach with acid.  either bleach  or the acdic stuff like vinegar.  Chlorine bleach is alkaline and will just react with the acid with sometimes fairly spectacular results  but less actual sterilising effect.

    Be careful that you don;t mix bleach and Ammonia together either that makes chorine gas  which is deadly and much worst than the virus

    I will correct you there    Chlorine Bleach and Hydochloric acid mixed make chlorine gas   mixing bleach and ammonia makes chloramine vapor, which is still toxic  but not as deadly as chlorine gas.

    Would mixing chlorine bleach with any acid produce chlorine gas? Just wondering.......

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373

    We've been noticing that the healthier products, such as wheat and whole grains, brown rice, etc are the things that are being left behind here. Not sure what that says, lol. More for me. 

    I focus on the basics, the staples, grains, flour, nuts, etc., .... cooking is fine as there is certainly the time for it

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373
    Greymom said:

    This is really getting extreme.   I was finally able to get some flour and the last jar of yeast at a local store.  The immense aisle where they normally sell paper towel and TP did not even have dust on the shelves.  I went around the corner to my local sports outfitter store to get a box of shotgun shells (the ranges are open, and I thought I could take my sons there and let them do some practice shooting for something to do).  Found what I needed, and noticed a guy at the counter with a 2-level cart stacked with boxes of ammunition.  He had also stacked all of the plastic ammo boxes of the larger size on the counter.  By the time I shuffled my way to the counter, he was gone, out in the parking lot loading the stuff into the van.  I figure he bought upwards of $2,000 worth of ammo. 

    I asked if there were now reports of zombies associated with the Coronavirus.  The store folks chuckled and said "nope, no zombies".  I try to find some humor where I can.

    Toilet paper I can understand, but paper towels I think can be replaced by cloth and soap, dry cloth, etc., which can be washed and reused.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited March 2020
    Ivy said:

    How do you keep your bread from getting moldy?  Every time I bake bread, it barely lasts 3 or 4 days before it's got green spots all over it.  I would consider it a huge win if I could get my baked bread to last 7 days outside of the fridge.

    My guess is your not eating iyour bread fast enough. So if you make more than you can eat you should wrap it good with plastic wrap and freeze it. or refrigerate it .  But its also pretty well know that you add 2 table spoons of Honey to your bread recipes to extend homemade bread freshness and keep it from molding ..... But don't take my word for it . Look it up, you seem to not believe anything else i wrote wink

    Back in the days of Salem witch trials a mold called Ergot grew on rye bread that caused psychedelic effects for the residents and the cows and is a derivative of LSD. Other mold is a precursor to penicillin. Bread creates interesting molds! 

    Ergot is not a bread mold but a fungus that attacks rye grains in the field (the black ones in the picture).  They still have to clean the rye from it in periods where it occurs, as it is very poisonous, it can cause gangrene, brain damage and all kinds of creepy stuff.  A lot of people died from eating bread made from ergot polluted rye back in those days where they did not know what it was.  I found some in some whole rye grains I bought a couple of years ago; though the amount didn't exceed the acceptable limit I hand cleaned it anyway.  Can also be found in wheat and other grains they say but I've never seen any despite I've hand sorted probably hundreds of kilos.

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    Greymom said:
    namffuak said:
    Greymom said:

    Social distancing is not a problem for me.  I have bagpipes and an inflatable T-Rex costume, and I am not afraid to use them! sons request that I NOT test-fire the appreciation for classical music.


    Ancient Scottish dictum - never play the pipes in a small closed environment.

    My father played the pipes in a local band and would practice while walking back and forth in front of the house; a family friend who lived a block and a half away would call in requests . . .

    Tha's great! I have always said that bagpipes should be considered a ranged weapon.

    Well trumpets seemed to work in Jericho.  I don't think it's a myth, sound can indeed cause things to break if you hit the resonance frequency.  We used to drill holes in stones in our crystal workshop using an ultrasound device and some grinding powder. 

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