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The real questions are, Is the virus go away within few months? Is everyone financially capable to afford unpaid long vacation? Is every country can afford longer period of shutdown almost everything? There is possibility people will act differently when they no longer afford any kind of lockdown without monetary/other help from govt./nongovt. etc.? What is the future plan?
Ancient Scottish dictum - never play the pipes in a small closed environment.
My father played the pipes in a local band and would practice while walking back and forth in front of the house; a family friend who lived a block and a half away would call in requests . . .
Not exactly the same as an "all-in-one, living off the grid" catalog, but...
At the place where I used to work in the late 90s - early 00s, we had a set of bookshelves about twenty feet long filled with every imaginable catalog we could obtain... tools, adhesives, raw materials, medical grade suppliers, military grade suppliers, electronics, toy parts manufacturers, aviation repair materials, glass manufacturing, injection molding, fasteners... literally anything you could imagine... since we designed and made stuff, we needed to be able to source parts, materials and supplies, especially exotic stuff when we brainstormed a project.
You would come up with an idea and be like "hmmm... let's see if they make a material like this..." you'd go to the catalogs, pull a few out, look through them, make a few calls and within a half hour you'd know if the material you thought about using was a viable choice...
We could make anything, medical, military, aerospace, toys... you name it, using cutting edge, if not bleeding edge materials...
But little by little physical paper catalogs went away...
Now you have zillions of garbage websites with lame thumbnails, useless descriptions, bad design and nobody to ask questions... in some cases you can't even order from the company and they don't even tell you where to contact a reseller or sales agent... (what's the point of a website like that?)
It's so frustrating having to sift through so much garbage or make lame substitutions for things you can no longer find.
We just got grocery delivery yesterday and there were quite a few substitutes made...some stuff ended up swapped out for more expensive organic items, and some was swapped out for less expensive items. At this point, we're just happy to have grocieries and we were pleasantly surprised to have gotten versions of everything on our list. From checkout to front door it was about an hour and 15min.
Ordinarily I would agree....but just not in the mood for "The End of All Hope" or "Seven Days to the Wolves" right now.
Tha's great! I have always said that bagpipes should be considered a ranged weapon.
Going to retexture G8F. Loaded developer version of her. Go to surface settings and they were labeled by template number instead and I forgot which number were the legs.
Now it is dinner time so after dinner time to research it.
Quarentine time for me is now going to be DS time. Was not early but trying to change that.
Too funny!
Once on a motorcycle run into the woods we reserved 5 nights in a kids summercamp that had shutdown for the autumn, everybody was assigned to a cot in one of the several 10-person cabins. Picture it, morning in the woods, of the northeast US, after a night of biker comraderie and drinking, 150 overweight, middle-aged bikers snoring peacefully away as the fog rolls in just before dawn and the cool air through the open screened windows and cracks between the boards of the flimsy rustic cabin makes everybody snuggle deeper into their sleeping bags, suddenly a malicious bagpiper starts a 20 minute wail as he walks up and down the lanes between the cabins. You hear this sound in the distance and realize it's coming closer and closer. And in your addled half-sleep can't quite figure out if it is a moose being raped or a Disneyesque devil monster rising up from the mountains unleashing hoards of demons. Much grumbling and explicatives were heard by all.
Great fun! Great memory.
True, topical humor does not age well. Just thought the toilet paper sketch would be more appreciated.
Here is another classic.
I feel like I cannot finish my dinner so I will finish it later.
I shatred it on Facebook and people are sharing it to others,
Every time I've left the house in the last few days, I've seen at least one accident, and they all looked fairly serious. I guess it's mostly just the idiots that are still out on the roads. it's not been all that good at the market. For one, the usual empty shelves are still prevalent for the most part (paper goods pasta, soups, etc). Second both markets near me have for some inexplicable reason removed many of the pricing tags from the shelves, coolers, and freezers so you have no idea what something is going to cost until you get to the checkout. Not very ,helpful particularly for those on a slim budget.
Ah, have a large bulb of fresh garlic which is going into my batch of pasta sauce tonight along with diced tomatoes, onion (yellow and green) and an Anaheim pepper (better than the sweet green ones). That should last me 4 or 5 days. Did manage to score some shell pasta and elbow macaroni before that shelf was picked clean.
Open roads equals higher speed and less attention... yeah, I've noticed a lot DWS (Driving While Stupid) lately... I've noticed two extremes actually, people who think it's the zombie apocalypse, so the laws are suspended and people who are driving dangerously cautious... I got stuck in back of a guy on a narrow road who was going 20 mph or less (40 mph zone) and stopping for yellow lights... not slowing down, stopping... and right after him, some idiot who kept making turns from the extreme opposite lane, like a right from the left and so on... and on top of that zigzagging all over... Then after him I ended up in back of another dope who was trying to strike a balance by driving exactly at the speed limit, but not stopping for any stop signs (8) ... Maybe he was thinking that if he drove exactly the speed limit, stop signs didn't count...?
Thats not unusual around here though... after blizzards, hurricanes and bad storms you tend to see that.
Seems to be more than usual out lately. On my way to work this morning I was on the tollway doing a little over 70 with a few other cars and 2 high performance cars nearly hit me zipping in and out of traffic at well over a 100 mph, freakin idiots!
...but do you have a unicycle and hazmat clothing?
I am trying to do some art on my computer but no I have to keep everything perfectly neat or clean. Apparently I cannot rest when others can.
...they coo when you pick them up too and if there are any Klingons they will warn you.
No but I have the first 3 volumes of the Foxfire books. I also have a bunch of knowledge taught to me by my grand parents and was hunting and fishing for food until my health went south several years ago. Spending every summer and all my school breaks on their 500+ acre farm/ranch, you lean a lot about self reliance (slaughtering cattle, hogs, and chickens for food, hunting and dressing game for food, fishing for food, growing and canning fruit and vegetables form my Granny's 2 acre garden/orchard, and making the things that you need). Of course with my failing health, all I am now a days is Zombie bait
I another note, went on what turned into a quest today for needed groceries and sundries and was actually able to get everything I needed on my list, eggs, egg beaters, Reese's minis, Prices Pimento Cheese spread, bread, salsa, Bugles corn chips, Cheetoes Puffs, Natural peanut butter, Ora-gel Mouth Wash, and a 6 ft. USB A to USB C charge cable for my new phone (old phone died about 2 weeks ago) and various normal weekly canned goods needed. Only had to go to 6 stores to find everything (Wal-mart, Target, Aldi, Randall's, Food Town, and Kroger). They all had something except Randall's which was a bust for items on the list. Most dry goods (beans, pasta, etc) were still completely out at most of the stores and those that had some were very minimal. Stay safe out there. I swear some of the lemmings have no idea what social distancing is. Been pretty lucky so far as Galveston County only has 8 cases and most of those are travel related (knock on wood).
....I see a lot of that in the area of town where I live no matter what the weather. Seems here, people also like to play guessing games with you by not using their turn indicators.
Yes, they need to practice Social Distancing on the freeway.
According to the Tennessee Dept of health there is 505 cases total in my states and the majority of them are in the 21-30 age groups with a 162 cases I guess there goes that theory that young people do not worry about getting it. they may not die from covid-19 but I hope their care givers are not in the risk group.
Young people usually get a milder or even asymptomatic version, but they definitely can and do get it.
Yep, there's some really drain bamaged peoples out there (yes, that's how I meant to spell it). Had one idiot park his white Corvette in the striped access isle between two handicapped parking spaces and ran into the store while I was waiting for the wife in one of them. He came out right after my wife and was rude and opened his door first making my wife wait to get in the car. Then as we were leaving (I had pulled out first while he sitting there was texting someone), he floored it and cut me off in the parking lot then lit his tires up heading north on Hwy 3. The way this idiot is driving, he is a car crash waiting ot happen and I only hope that when he has it, he doesn't hurt or kill anyone else.
Yes your right they may get mild symptoms. But how many of them will give it to grand parents or their parent who may fit the risk group who won't get the mild symptoms.
But hey as long as it does not inconvenience or interrupt their partying and bar/clubbing/spring break etc. who care if they infect a few old folks right?
Heinlein's description of the pipes being played in Starship Troopers is fairly accurate - "looks and sounds like someone with a cat stuffed under one arm, chewing on its tail".
From personal experience, the pipes are an instrument that sounds better in groups than as one instrument.
I mentioned to someone today that our local bar/restaurant had a big sign out front declaring "Take Outs", so I said that the bar part was probably closed, but they replied, no you can get the drinks "to go" too, and that the law against taking an open container of alcohol outside from a bar has been waived.
What a stupid idea! Clear roads, unclear heads. Perfect combination.
I hope they're wrong about that. Perhaps they are only selling still sealed bottles of beer and liquor. I hope, I hope. Here in NY State we can buy beer in the grocery store, but bottles of wine and hard liquor have to be purchased at a licensed liquor store, not bars.
License and skills testing maybe too easy to pass?
That's a beautiful pic.
I've taken a few rides in the last few days. Once for an errand to fix a yard machine, other times to just get gas or just get out of the house. It's nice to clear my head once in awhile.
Thank you!
Yep! I lucked on some paper towels the other day. For those of us who cook, paper towels are critical. I could use cloth towels and wash them, but that would make it easier for bacteria to spread to all of my clothing.
That's what I do too, though I don't have an ATV. Or mountains to drive one on.
Too late. It seems that I am a bit of a "subconscious prepper" in these things:
So it's the weed killer that's got me concerned here. What do I need with 8 bottles of that stuff?
It's too bad that for so many, "surviving with your wits" is something they only think about for people off the grid. Shouldn't we all be surviving with our wits on a day-to-day basis?
I doubt planes, even in busy cities, would significantly raise or lower the ambient temperatures.
Wait, what?
That's not true and I don't know how you come to that conclusion. I have tons of respect for you! Now, one thing I am guilty of is SKIMMING what other people write, especially if they wrote a wall of text and didn't separate it into actual paragraphs. I simply can't process words very well in that way, and so maybe it's possible that I may not have received all of the packets being sent. Now I don't recall specifically if this was what happened, but it shouldn't be mistaken as "not believing" or anything like that.
And thank you for the advice; much appreciated.
I'm serious, it should be harder to pass a driving test. Everywhere!
I remember one time, a little old lady was arguing with the examiner at my local DMV. She was at the window next to mine, and as I waited, I heard her say she only failed the vision test because she grabbed the wrong glasses that morning. When the examiner offered to let her go get her glasses, she changed her story to say that she hadn't been to the eye doctor in years and she needs her driver's license to get there. She was very oviously trying every put-on in the book. Persistence is a virtue, I guess.