How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,565


  • NotAnArtistNotAnArtist Posts: 390

    I tried to go downstairs in my apartment building late last night to check my mail. I wanted to avoid meeting anyone, because frankly, the people here do nothing to protect each other. They're very friendly, with a pat on the back or a heavily-breathed 'Hi' in your face...

    When I opened my door, a neighbor happened to walk by and cough, followed by a 'Hi!', right in my face.
    When I approached a door to the lower floor, a guy came barging through it and ran into me, giving an excited 'hi!' directly in my face.

    Then coming back, I opened the door to my floor, and a women who's apartment is next to that door happened to barge out of her place and run right into me. "Hi" she laughed, right in my face.

    Then I heard that an analysis showed that California could soon have a few million infected if we don't begin safety measures immediately.
    Well, based on my own analysis of these trends, I predict that every one of them will then say 'Hi' right into my face!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    In addition to epic dance battles, I am also watching Carol Burnett sketches, such as the toilet paper sketch.  Click to enjoy.

  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    There's almost no traffic out on the roads...Feels like it did before the city got large in the late 90's with the last boom.. Had to get bloodwork done for my annual. went to the lab, only two people in the waiting room, which is normally packed.
    The city feels like it did during the 2013 flooding. People are being careful about distancing, but I have not seen any fights or altercations in the grocery stores. Even saw one lady who was going to take the last 2 five pound bags of flour offer one to the woman behind her who also wanted some. Same with hand sanitizer and TP - Were chatting to one young man as we wheeled our carts to the parking lot, told him looked like they were out, he said he got some and did we need one badly? Also lots of folks offering to pick up stuff for those self-isolating, we did a grocery run for a neighbour who just returned from Mexico and was locking himself in for two weeks.. Our neighbour next door brought us some stuff after we mentioned we would have to try to make another run (she works in a small town north of us and their stores are not as affected by the run on goods. Yesterday the grocery store had all of what we wanted, cashiers were masked and gloved... Very quiet in the city, but so far, relatively calm. Everyone seems to be taking things well and pulling together.

    Yesterday headed out to the local registry office to get the plate sticker for the car - figured we'd get it a bit ahead of time, as when we called they said they might be closing up shop for some time... No traffic, empty parking lots.. stopped in at the supermarket in the same mall. They had a good bit of stock. but were rationing TP purchase - one per customer.. Picked up the essentials - kitty litter and cat food, then off to the liquor store across the mall - and got a few boxes of JT chardonnay - they were running a little low on stock .

     Today one of our neighbours dropped off some supplies for us. Save for grocery runs we are staying in our apartment. (that and getting out for walks by the river..

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121

    OK, it's not crossed the line yet but please back off the gun discussion - and the rights and wrongs of the delivery driver too.

    Thank you, Richard, as always!

    (Takes deep breath and lets it out slowly)

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2020

    When will these shortages end???

    No photo description available.

    Music sooths humans, accordion to many experts!

    Post edited by Greymom on
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    Greymom said:

    When will these shortages end???

    No photo description available.

    Music sooths humans, accordion to many experts!

    hahaha! nice.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    I went down to the beach today... the ocean is still there... it doesn't seem very concerned over any of our problems...


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited March 2020

    Also... while I was there I ran into an old celebrity... Sponge Bob...


    He is NOT looking good.



    Yes, that is an actual gross and disgusting sea sponge about the size of a watermelon.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121
    McGyver said:

    Also... while I was there I ran into an old celebrity... Sponge Bob...


    He is NOT looking good.



    Yes, that is an actual gross and disgusting sea sponge about the size of a watermelon.

    LOL!  My sons did say that the show went downhill after they outgrew it, some years back!

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    Diomede said:

    In addition to epic dance battles, I am also watching Carol Burnett sketches, such as the toilet paper sketch.  Click to enjoy.

    I've been watching The Lost Episodes on Amazon Prime. It's kind of fascinating how much some of the parodies depend on knowning what's being parodied, and whether or not it's still around, and how the world has changed. There was a sketch about Germans opening an Argentine restaurant in a US city, which depends vitally on people being around who are old enough to remember WWII and that a bunch of German government people fled to Argentina. Otherwise it just goes THUD. Same with a sketch that depended on people remembering the commercials for Imperial Margarine, which I don't think has had a television ad in maybe 20 years -- certainly not the ones where a crown appeared on someone's head because they ate it. But some of them -- like the parodies of period movies -- still just work. (Though that may be because I'm old enough or have seen enough old movies to know the people and movies being sent up.) The one that was basically designed to be "Man of steel, woman of kleenex" worked in part because Superman and Lois Lane are still around.

  • LucielLuciel Posts: 475

    In my town fatality levels have now massively dropped.

    It's not because the virus isn't doing what it's supposed to do, theres cases and a few fatalities (3 total, all aged 80-93 with preexisting lung conditions and generally bad health (my housemate is a nurse)), it's because people aren't out drinking and stabbing each other (a popular local pastime) or doing silly things like usual. You barely even hear sirens anymore. 


    It is still weird how preventable things like the effects of bad lifestyles kill hundreds of thousands of people globally every single day and most people ignore it. But a virus raises it's head and kills barely anyone and they act as if it's the end of the world. If people lived better then a virus could kill a quarter of a million daily and it would be a reduction. cheeky

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited March 2020

    Michael 8 took a walk tonight  it looks like he had his mask and rubber gloves on. playing it safe. Though it looks pretty barren in his scene

    Stay well everyone

    2300 x 2000 - 614K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Ivy said:

    Michael 8 took a walk tonight  it looks like he had his mask and rubber gloves on. playing it safe. Though it looks pretty barren in his scene

    Stay well everyone nicely done. 

    As I have no streaming service or cable (or a television) been busy with story stuff and character creation. .

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    I've been burning my extensive DVD collection to disk - it seems the streaming unit I picked up will accept a USB drive and play the videos, and this way I don't have to get up and swap disks. And, of course, watching some of them.

    For example, Mythbusters Season 8 Episode 11, "Flu Fiction". How fast does a sneeze propagate? Adam's hit 37 mph, Jamie 33. How far do the droplets travel? From mouth to the strip of paper on the floor, 17 feet for Adam, 13 feet for Jamie. Both sets of numbers may have been negatively influenced by mustache and beard. smiley And the effect of a runny nose just can't be described; look it up on the Science Channel.

    I'm also playing around with recipes for TP; the people who glommed it all must be eating it. Best one so far is curried on the half-roll dressed with a tincture of sanitizer.

    Yes, I'm hunkering down; I'm in Indiana (northern end) and we just got a report of the first case in my county.

  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,388
    edited March 2020
    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    Over here one cannot hoard prescription meds ... some are so tightly regulated that a friend of a friend who told me said, he can't even get his next refill until he has taken his last pill. {which we all think is a bit ridiculous but that's the way it is for some}

    Becareful about trying to store too much for colds and flu -- they do NOT last well through extreme temperature changes {such as summers that go into the high 90s plus}.

    Understandable. I have a bottle of Tylenol for fever, some cough drops, a bottle of cough syrup, and some nasal spray to help congestion. I'm not hoarding anything, because I've seen the damage hoarding does in this crisis. A friend told me they have a police officer in the local Walmart now, because people were getting in fist fights over what food and supplies are left. I won't be getting in any fist fights over anything. There's no point.

    ...I saw a video of one earlier today.

    Yeah. It's about time for me to do a grocery shopping again, and I don't know if I want to brave the huge lines and the possibility of contracting the virus. I think preppers like Ivy have had the right idea for a long time. I'm on a fixed income and have never really been able to stockpile things, but I think if I made a more conscious effort to be prepared for a situation like this, in retrospect there are more things I probably could have done, even to just be prepared for something like the flu or a blizzard much less a pandemic. This will definitely be a learning experience.

    ..I'm there with you, fixed income here (SS) and no vehicle as well as a tiny flat (not much storage), so all my shopping is done on foot. Thankfully there's a supermart only three blocks away.

    Fortunately people at the market tend to be a little less prone to fighting over things.  Don't ever want to go to a Walmart from what I've seen.

    All it takes is one YouTube video, and people think all Walmarts everywhere are at the battlefront.  Not true.  Walmart is safe.  But no matter where you go, it is always best to have your wits about you and keep your situational awareness sharp.

    Galaxy said:

    Mine preppers is for 90 days only. One week already gone. 83 days remaining. Though there is no report of infection within 450 km or 279 miles inside my country. Now I am thinking I preppered too early. Our psychology is based on cleaning with water from ancient times instead of wiping therefore toilet paper is not an issue. Only food and some daily requirement items toothpaste, soap etc. Though I will probably miss potato chips etc.

    There is no such thing as prepping too early.

    I ordered two bidets.  I've always wanted to do this, but I procrastinated.  Will be several weeks before they arrive.  So again, there is no such thing as prepping too early.  wink  I have enough TP to get me through almost 6 weeks.

    Chohole said:
    maclean said:

    Sainsburys supermarkets in the UK are now restricting customers to 3 of any food item, and 2 of any toiletries item. Evidently, if people won't behave reasonably, they have to be forced into it.

    And my cats are volubly telling me that they need more than 3 boxes of food as there are 2 of them  and their human only shops once a fortnight online  

    Cats always want more than you give them.  Unless they're mousers.  If I had a farm, I'd have a bunch of mousers.

    To lighten the mood up a bit, I watched a compilation of Facebook Q&A of the Police of the Slovak Republic (our neighbours). They have the patience of a saint and a good sense of humour.

    This one is really hillarious:

    Q: My boyfriend returned from the Netherlands and must go to 14 days quarantine. If he does not want to stay with his parents, can he stay with me?

    A: Yes. You will spend 14 days together and then you will either split up, or we will provide an escort for you to the maternity hospital in December.



    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:

    " I a little spell that came my way , to help bring good thing your way.

    May your troubles be less and your blessing be more

    Our family send your love and blessing


    Lessons from Gone with the Wind ... if one has LOTS of stuff during times of 'and nobody else does' ... the army marching through will help themselves to your goods for redistribution.

    Unlike the gone with the wind, some of us are ready for them. wink

    Reminds me of what I woud tell people when they asked what preperations I was making for Y2K ( anyone rermember that?)  When they were telling me what they were doing and asked what I was doing, I would tell them "I am collecting ammunition and addresses".  That seemed to hush them up wink

    Ya Y2K luckily turned out to be unfounded scare.


    Y2K was NOT unfounded.  It was a real problem and it could have been very bad.  At my work, we tooled up and swarmed all of the known dodgy code, including needed updates to operating systems and add-on products.  And there was a LOT.

    But we got it all done, and only two applications didn't work right come the week after NYD. 

    I just hope the economy picks up and people can keep their jobs heart

    Me too, but I'm ready if the worst should happen.  It's never too early to prepare.

    McGyver said:
    Galaxy said:
    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:

    " I a little spell that came my way , to help bring good thing your way.

    May your troubles be less and your blessing be more

    Our family send your love and blessing


    Lessons from Gone with the Wind ... if one has LOTS of stuff during times of 'and nobody else does' ... the army marching through will help themselves to your goods for redistribution.

    Unlike the gone with the wind, some of us are ready for them. wink

    Reminds me of what I woud tell people when they asked what preperations I was making for Y2K ( anyone rermember that?)  When they were telling me what they were doing and asked what I was doing, I would tell them "I am collecting ammunition and addresses".  That seemed to hush them up wink

    Ya Y2K luckily turned out to be unfounded scare. But this pandemic has real potential to be come something this world has not experienced since the black plague.

    What concerns us more is not people that are hungry & looking for help, our group prepared  to take is some of those people willing to work with us.   But if thing were to  go on  & last longer than they expect say a year.  and the nations around the world start to go into to collapse . then our HUGE concern is the roving gangs preying on the weak &  un-expecting people , stealing and looting  resources.  Think Mad Max.  

    Our group  remembered what happen during hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.   That's not going to happen in our area I guarantee it . we may been called crazy hill billy rednecks cling to our guns and bibles. . But we will definitely will show  exactly how tactical we can be protecting the community.  our group is a community is family ,  there will be no Katrina in this area or in our holler

    My guess is it will not last long. Possibility is vaccin or something will be available within one year. Or if almost all people infected within one year no one will care it anymore. I am (we are) ready for it too. I am mostly worried for law and order situation at peak time of the virus. Also worried for health personnels, people may attack them too.

    Some tests are shoing that the failed Ebola vacine was able to help some victims, sounds like they are doing further tests to see if they can repeat it.

    So you are saying "science" over the National Enquirer's "Miracle Pill" and "Kitchen Remedies"... I guess... seems science is still good for something. 

    Hey, my kitchen remedy is to cook GREAT food and enjoy it, because a good meal can go a long way to making one feel truly wealthy; even if one might not have a lot of cash.

    Funny day today. at work we ordered an extra shipment of toilet paper and bottled water for employees to purchase if needed along with our normal shipment. When I got off I picked some up (2 24 packs) along with a few other things before heading home. Needless to say, the shipment we got for the shelves was selling fast and by the time I got off it was empty, So as I cruised around the store with it in my buggy EVERYONE was asking where I got it. As I was waiting in line to check out, the girl in front of me asked if there was anymore, I replied I didn't think so and she looked really sad as did her 2 young daughters (around 5 yrs old). I felt kinda bad so I gave them one of my 24 packs, amazing how toilet paper seemed to make their day. Then as I am going to my car a guy pulls up beside me in a high end BMW and asked if they had more toilet paper inside in which I replied again I don't think so. Then he offers me $100 for the 24 pack I had. I was like "seriously?".

    Needless to say I didn't come home with any toliet paper today, LOL

    You left out the most important fact:  What model BMW was the fella driving?  indecision

    And everyone thought us survivalist were wingnuts! Thank goodness for long shelf food stuffs (MREs included), batteries, personal hygine items, camp stoves, lights, heaters, paper products and equipment. Experience with orientation and map reading skills a plus and knowing how to cook from scratch. Weapons? Got it covered (you know weapons was going to be in there some place you  know us wingnut survivalists got to fit the stereotypes).

    I am taking notes so that when this is all over, I can do a self-analysis and figure out if there is/was anything I should have done differently, or anything I can improve on for next time.  There will be a next time, and it's never too early to start planning.

    Ivy said:
    ArtAngel said:
    Ivy said:

    For st patty's day i decided to make some egg bread and risen nut bread. I love my bread machine only take a couple of hours to make about any type of fresh bread even pizza dough. much easier than having to hand need the bread dough for sure.

    My Mom taught me to cook when I was in my teens, almost 50 years ago, and I loved cooking. She tried to teach me to make bread but I never got the hang of it, though I can make great tea buns and cakes.... I make a great carrot cake. Mom made fantastic bread, white and whole bread, and I still love the crunchy crust from toast. My brother is fantastic at making bread, and often treats me to a loaf.

    Here a lot of food is imported, though like most places we were completely self-sufficent in food in the before time.  I strongly suspect that this will awaken many people to again start growing their own food.

    I learned to bake bread when I was sixteen. We (ex) and I moved to from St. John's to St. Lawrence for a year and my landlord taught me how to cook. We'd make toutons served with molasses while we waited for the bread to bake.

    I also self taught making french stick bread and other breads depending on avaialble ingredients. Always good to be prepared.

    spent a day or 2 made up some bread in my bread machine. much easier than needing it by hand. made egg bread, oat meal raisen nut ,  and some whole wheat just finshed this morning  got to bag those 2 loafs up :)

    love homemade bread with honey butter on it

    How do you keep your bread from getting moldy?  Every time I bake bread, it barely lasts 3 or 4 days before it's got green spots all over it.  I would consider it a huge win if I could get my baked bread to last 7 days outside of the fridge.

    Galaxy said:
    Ivy said:

    I just hope the economy picks up and people can keep their jobs heart



    Chinese Automaker Is Now The Largest Producer Of Face Masks. It is time to produce different types of products.

    Um, wait a minute.  Who is making face masks? 

    Pass.  surprise

    Chohole said:

    vinegar should work too

    Vinegar (which is acetic acid), lemon juice or citric acid.  Vinegar is slightly more effective but doesn't smell so nice.   Strangely enough they keep stressing that good old fashioned soap and water is actually the best thing to get rid of the viruses from your hands, so presumably would be the same for surface, like the good old days,  wash the house down with carbolic soap.

    And leave things to air dry, as anything, even bleach, need leaving in situ long enough to work.  Wiping on and wiping off does no good at all. That's why the length of time to wash your hands,  It's not magic or instantaneous.

    BTW don't make the mistake of mixing bleach with acid.  either bleach  or the acdic stuff like vinegar.  Chlorine bleach is alkaline and will just react with the acid with sometimes fairly spectacular results  but less actual sterilising effect.

    Mixing Chlorine with acid is very bad.  Well, except when it kills rats.  I once treated my pool with Muriatic acid and must have put the chlorine shock into the pool too soon.  The next day, there was a little floater; a small mole.  AKA, "Florida rat".

    And everyone thought us survivalist were wingnuts! Thank goodness for long shelf food stuffs (MREs included), batteries, personal hygine items, camp stoves, lights, heaters, paper products and equipment. Experience with orientation and map reading skills a plus and knowing how to cook from scratch. Weapons? Got it covered (you know weapons was going to be in there some place you  know us wingnut survivalists got to fit the stereotypes). 


    Some of them do tend to go overboard or become obsessed with it, but the actual wingnuts are people that have the attitude of "If I get corona, then I get corona" and carry on as they normally would without exercising any kind of precautions. I was reading this in an article from the website entitled "'If I get corona, I get corona': Coronavirus pandemic doesn't slow spring breakers' party". I'm guessing they drink too much "I Don't Givadamn" and won't be sobered up unless the consequences hit them specifically or the others around them because of their arrogant attitude.

    Spring Break has been canceled pretty much everywhere.

    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:

    vinegar should work too

    Vinegar (which is acetic acid), lemon juice or citric acid.  Vinegar is slightly more effective but doesn't smell so nice.   Strangely enough they keep stressing that good old fashioned soap and water is actually the best thing to get rid of the viruses from your hands, so presumably would be the same for surface, like the good old days,  wash the house down with carbolic soap.

    And leave things to air dry, as anything, even bleach, need leaving in situ long enough to work.  Wiping on and wiping off does no good at all. That's why the length of time to wash your hands,  It's not magic or instantaneous.

    BTW don't make the mistake of mixing bleach with acid.  either bleach  or the acdic stuff like vinegar.  Chlorine bleach is alkaline and will just react with the acid with sometimes fairly spectacular results  but less actual sterilising effect.

    Be careful that you don;t mix bleach and Ammonia together either that makes chorine gas  which is deadly and much worst than the virus

    I will correct you there    Chlorine Bleach and Hydochloric acid mixed make chlorine gas   mixing bleach and ammonia makes chloramine vapor, which is still toxic  but not as deadly as chlorine gas.

    Chlorine and Acid = Bad News!

    Ivy said:

    I played a few rounds of cribbage last night with hubby it was a nice distraction for a change to play some cards together without the TV blasting out all the bad news like it has been. it gave us a chance to quietly talk and remissness about better days and talk about what we should expect for the future. we seem to have taught our daughter well she holding out in the high desert of California and told us she ina good place .  We know what we are up against with this virus. we know what we need to do to stay safe. so there no sense listening to the media keep drumming the same beat. 

    I started trimming and weeding in my flower beds today.  Tomorrow, I hope to get the tilling done in my garden.  It's mid-80s weather in Central Florida this week, so it's time to plant!  Gonna have lettuce, onions, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, broccolli, and some herbs.

    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:

    vinegar should work too

    Vinegar (which is acetic acid), lemon juice or citric acid.  Vinegar is slightly more effective but doesn't smell so nice.   Strangely enough they keep stressing that good old fashioned soap and water is actually the best thing to get rid of the viruses from your hands, so presumably would be the same for surface, like the good old days,  wash the house down with carbolic soap.

    And leave things to air dry, as anything, even bleach, need leaving in situ long enough to work.  Wiping on and wiping off does no good at all. That's why the length of time to wash your hands,  It's not magic or instantaneous.

    BTW don't make the mistake of mixing bleach with acid.  either bleach  or the acdic stuff like vinegar.  Chlorine bleach is alkaline and will just react with the acid with sometimes fairly spectacular results  but less actual sterilising effect.

    Be careful that you don;t mix bleach and Ammonia together either that makes chorine gas  which is deadly and much worst than the virus

    I will correct you there    Chlorine Bleach and Hydochloric acid mixed make chlorine gas   mixing bleach and ammonia makes chloramine vapor, which is still toxic  but not as deadly as chlorine gas.

    Sounds like they pretty much cause the same thing though.  information from

    Chlorine and Muriatic acid can do enough lung damage all by themselves.  But when you mix them, look out!

    Greymom said:

    This is really getting extreme.   I was finally able to get some flour and the last jar of yeast at a local store.  The immense aisle where they normally sell paper towel and TP did not even have dust on the shelves.  I went around the corner to my local sports outfitter store to get a box of shotgun shells (the ranges are open, and I thought I could take my sons there and let them do some practice shooting for something to do).  Found what I needed, and noticed a guy at the counter with a 2-level cart stacked with boxes of ammunition.  He had also stacked all of the plastic ammo boxes of the larger size on the counter.  By the time I shuffled my way to the counter, he was gone, out in the parking lot loading the stuff into the van.  I figure he bought upwards of $2,000 worth of ammo. 

    I asked if there were now reports of zombies associated with the Coronavirus.  The store folks chuckled and said "nope, no zombies".  I try to find some humor where I can.

    ...If things get locked down the way they could, I wouldn't be surprised if we start hearing about breakins. We've already gotten local notification of people going door to door claiming they have in-home COVID-19 tests and to NOT fall for it and let them in. We've been hearing way more sirens of late, and there were two police cruisers sitting a few houses down last night at like yeah...things are definitely abnormal. Extra security would be nice. As it stands, I have a husband with a bad back and a 80lb Olde English Bulldogge for security.

    It's never too early to prepare.  You could even be preparing NOW for the next time.  A good way to get started on this is to start by educating yourself on various ways to protect yourself and your husband.  If he has a bad back, it's very possible that your home security may fall to you.

    kyoto kid said:

    Order pizza and notice that pizza delivery guy wears gloves!

    ...several of the pizza places where i live are waiving the delivery fee.

    There's only a delivery fee because people don't tip, or grossly undertip.

    Ivy said:

    Michael 8 took a walk tonight  it looks like he had his mask and rubber gloves on. playing it safe. Though it looks pretty barren in his scene

    Stay well everyone

    Uh oh, it looks like the cop in the background may have caught Michael out after curfew.  Into the hoosegow with him!  cheeky

    Post edited by Subtropic Pixel on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    I always wanted a bidet because I am allergic to TP but now thanks to this they will be even more expensive 

  • I always wanted a bidet because I am allergic to TP but now thanks to this they will be even more expensive 

    Not necessarily!  I was able to order mine at the regular price minus a 10% off code from somebody's YouTube affiliate relationship.  Do try.  I even found a "travel" version that should work in a pinch (pun intended) if my TP stock starts to get scarce.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    I would need both money and a plumber too, my whole loo really needs replacing 

    also this talk of a curfew concerns me, I don't understand the logic, limiting the hours people can go out means more people out at once over the shorter times.

    I go on nighttime jaunts to the service station often for necessities as I avoid people, this will force me to interact with more of them.

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    I would guess the logic behind curfews is to reduce night time activities to make it easier to find/identify people out for nefarious reasons (i.e. potential looters). Unfortunately when everyone knows that stores/offices will be vacant for extended periods of time, it makes them targets for those with less than honorable intentions. At least this is the explanation that makes sense to me, though I could be totally wrong.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053
    edited March 2020

    I don't think LA has ever looked like this. Ever. There were probably more people on the streets before they had paved roads! I heard helicopters earlier. Nothing is open past 9pm now so there's no reason for anyone to be on the street and I'm wondering if people can get tickets for just taking a walk now. This is so surreal! 

    This is a freeway that is usually bumper to bumper traffic pretty much any time of day and Hollywood Boulevard where all the tourists go (and close to where I live, but I always try to avoid the area because it's usually so crowded.)

    1080 x 720 - 239K
    1536 x 1246 - 2M
    1536 x 1125 - 2M
    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • RuthvenRuthven Posts: 659

    Really, it fills my heart with sadness, here in Italy, reading how profoundly in the U.S. is radicated the feeling and convinction that when it comes to hard times, the first enemy that you'll have to confront won't be difficulties or sickness, but the people around you. Living with a "everyone around is going to prey on me" mental scheme (I beg you pardon for my poor english, hope I'm being able to communicate well enough what I mean) must be something filling souls with really heavy emotions, can't imagine how energy-draining it must be. 

    Here bidets are the default in every house for daily hygiene, even if we too use TP (but we much more hoard on food, when it comes to panic); we feel at unease, when staying in some place that misses it.

    Hope in these hard times Light will manage to touch the core of our hearts, and help them take out their best part.

    May the Source bless all of you,

  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562

    Approximately 1.33 billion people suddenly disappeared from this country, India.


  • GalaxyGalaxy Posts: 562

    I am sure hundreds of lives are saved (road accidents etc.) worldwide than this virus is claiming.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053
    Galaxy said:

    I am sure hundreds of lives are saved (road accidents etc.) worldwide than this virus is claiming.

    Somehow on an almost empty street there was a major car accident with injuries just a few blocks from me. There are almost no cars out, yet people manage to get into accidents. Crazy!

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979


    McGyver said:

    I went down to the beach today... the ocean is still there... it doesn't seem very concerned over any of our problems...

    The sun doesn't seem worried either, despite it's got corona for billions of years...

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Y2K was NOT unfounded.  It was a real problem and it could have been very bad.  At my work, we tooled up and swarmed all of the known dodgy code, including needed updates to operating systems and add-on products.  And there was a LOT.

    But we got it all done, and only two applications didn't work right come the week after NYD. 

    Agreed. The only reason Y2K ended up as basically nothing for most people was that IT people did what was needed to fix a huge part of the problems ahead of time.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851

    Yah most town are ghost towns. I still need to walk my dogs so I'm out as much as ever,  but Everyone's in hiding.  The surprising thing though,  not seeing many homeless either. Suddenly no pedestrian traffic, there's no one sitting on the side of road asking for change. 

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,851
    Taoz said:


    McGyver said:

    I went down to the beach today... the ocean is still there... it doesn't seem very concerned over any of our problems...

    The sun doesn't seem worried either, despite it's got corona for billions of years...

    The planet will do just fine, whether we're here or not.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,681
    edited March 2020
    Galaxy said:

    I am sure hundreds of lives are saved (road accidents etc.) worldwide than this virus is claiming.

    Implying that the net population of the Earth is increasing! surprise  

    There's a skit in the British "Yes, Minister" (or maybe it was the "Yes, Prime Minister") TV series where Humphrey Applebee is arguing with the Prime Minister against a cigarette smoking ban because too many people would survive to old age, increasing the old age benefts costs.  His classic line was something like "People should continue to die at the current rate".frown  (third speech by Humphrey)  

    YouTube clip:

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
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