How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • duckbombduckbomb Posts: 585

    I live out in the Bay Area in Cali, and Santa Clara County has been locked down since last Monday.  In my opinion, it's a positive thing, though it just may not seem like it at first.

    The mass hysteria has lessened, stores have been given a chance to replenish, and people can now just focus on doing the next RIGHT thing, not just acting out of emotion.  I feel safer, as well.

    A lot of people criticized our Governor for acting so early, and I'm no fan of his by and large, but to me this feels like the right call.  I heard somebody say "We'll look back in this in 6 months and never know if we overreacted, but we'll know immediately if we underreacted.".  Seems about right to me.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:

    I played a few rounds of cribbage last night with hubby it was a nice distraction for a change to play some cards together without the TV blasting out all the bad news like it has been. it gave us a chance to quietly talk and remissness about better days and talk about what we should expect for the future. we seem to have taught our daughter well she holding out in the high desert of California and told us she ina good place .  We know what we are up against with this virus. we know what we need to do to stay safe. so there no sense listening to the media keep drumming the same beat. 


    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:

    vinegar should work too

    Vinegar (which is acetic acid), lemon juice or citric acid.  Vinegar is slightly more effective but doesn't smell so nice.   Strangely enough they keep stressing that good old fashioned soap and water is actually the best thing to get rid of the viruses from your hands, so presumably would be the same for surface, like the good old days,  wash the house down with carbolic soap.

    And leave things to air dry, as anything, even bleach, need leaving in situ long enough to work.  Wiping on and wiping off does no good at all. That's why the length of time to wash your hands,  It's not magic or instantaneous.

    BTW don't make the mistake of mixing bleach with acid.  either bleach  or the acdic stuff like vinegar.  Chlorine bleach is alkaline and will just react with the acid with sometimes fairly spectacular results  but less actual sterilising effect.

    Be careful that you don;t mix bleach and Ammonia together either that makes chorine gas  which is deadly and much worst than the virus

    I will correct you there    Chlorine Bleach and Hydochloric acid mixed make chlorine gas   mixing bleach and ammonia makes chloramine vapor, which is still toxic  but not as deadly as chlorine gas.

    Sounds like they pretty much cause the same thing though.  information from

    The last 15 years I worked I was working in UK Contract services, for probably the largest Contract cleaning Company in the UK.  I was a contract manager, running a contract worth 1mill UK£ per year. I had passed a Health and safety Exam (written paper, not a tick box thing) set by the IEHO (Institute of Environemental Health Officers)  and actually got the highest marks anyone in the Company had got (95%). I also did a Company Management set of exams,  5 stages.  They were set by the The British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc)

    Impressive credentials smiley

    Thanks.   Modern day cleaning is a far cry from the Mrs Mop image

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited March 2020

    honestly it's an easy mistake to make using premade cleaning products 

    I accidentally did it myself cleaning the toilet but immediately realised what I had done, held my breath, flushed and got the hell out of there, I had poured my ammonia based floor cleaner bucket in the loo which had White King in the bowl I had left there overnight and forgotten 

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • My colleague's brother was, until last weekend, a delivery driver for ASDA (UK Walmart). On Sunday he delivered £230 of cleaning products to a customer. When he asked how long the lot would last them, they said ,'Not long, we're just going to sell it all on for a big profit'. My colleague's brother returned the delivery to the van and drove off. He was sacked on his return to the shop, but he still feels he was right. So do I.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    My colleague's brother was, until last weekend, a delivery driver for ASDA (UK Walmart). On Sunday he delivered £230 of cleaning products to a customer. When he asked how long the lot would last them, they said ,'Not long, we're just going to sell it all on for a big profit'. My colleague's brother returned the delivery to the van and drove off. He was sacked on his return to the shop, but he still feels he was right. So do I.

    Good for him for standing up for for what he thought was right. At the end of the day you have to live with yourself .. glad to see some people still have some ethics

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited March 2020

    RE price gouging douchecanoes...if you happen to see any on Amazon, you should be able to report it. To my knowledge, Amazon is putting a stop to it as soon as it's noticed. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    RE price gouging douchecanoes...if you happen to see any on Amazon, you should be able to report it. To my knowledge, Amazon is putting a stop to it as soon as it's noticed. 

    There was an article about some of these characters... they don't think of themselves as bad guys... they see their price gouging merely as "redistributing the flow of goods to those who can't easily get them"... 

    Uh huh... sure.

    $70 for a $1 bottle of hand sanitizer is a noble cause... you tell that to the guy in the red pajamas with the big fork when you get down there... see what he says... I hear he has a great sense of humor.


  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121
    edited March 2020

    Wandering through the local big-chain grocery store in search of flour and yeast to do some baking (the local grocer was plumb out), I managed to find what I needed.  Many of the shelves were stripped clean.  But I noticed a shelf on one isle that was completely stocked.  Duck fat.  Three different brands and several sizes of duck fat.  Now I know where to go for all my duck fat needs during this crisis.

    (To be fair, some local folks like to cook fish and shrimp in duck fat, and it is very good.  It is also traditional for some Asian dishes.)

    Post edited by Greymom on
  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    We've been noticing that the healthier products, such as wheat and whole grains, brown rice, etc are the things that are being left behind here. Not sure what that says, lol. More for me. 

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    Fishtales said:

    There is a local distillary in my town (Manteo, NC) that is doing just that and giving it away free. They ran out within an hour or two but are getting more supplies and will have it available again in a few days.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited March 2020

    It's awesome that the distilleries and breweries are doing that but I don't get the obsession with hand sanitizer. I believe even the CDC has said that for the average person, good 'ol soap and water should be the #1 defense and hand sanitizer only used as a secondary option. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    flippin the bird at things telling me to stay home. i'm going outside to cherish my freedom.

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    It's awesome that the distilleries and breweries are doing that but I don't get the obsession with hand sanitizer. I believe even the CDC has said that for the average person, good 'ol soap and water should be the #1 defense and hand sanitizer only used as a secondary option. 

    Unfortunately it is difficult to carry hot water and soap around when out and about smiley

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited March 2020
    Fishtales said:

    It's awesome that the distilleries and breweries are doing that but I don't get the obsession with hand sanitizer. I believe even the CDC has said that for the average person, good 'ol soap and water should be the #1 defense and hand sanitizer only used as a secondary option. 

    Unfortunately it is difficult to carry hot water and soap around when out and about smiley

    In this situation, people really shouldn't be "out and about". If going to the store, wash hands prior to leaving. Wash hands upon return. That's my thoughts. I can't get hand sanitizer at all and we have no breweries handing it out, so good 'ol soap and water it is. Would I like to have it as a backup? Sure, but because people bought all of it along with all the tp, there isn't enough to go around. Gotta love all the baseline human selfishness that this whole thing has brought out to the surface in force. I could never bring myself to clean off a shelf and leave nothing for the guy behind me. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • Chohole said:
    Ivy said:

    I played a few rounds of cribbage last night with hubby it was a nice distraction for a change to play some cards together without the TV blasting out all the bad news like it has been. it gave us a chance to quietly talk and remissness about better days and talk about what we should expect for the future. we seem to have taught our daughter well she holding out in the high desert of California and told us she ina good place .  We know what we are up against with this virus. we know what we need to do to stay safe. so there no sense listening to the media keep drumming the same beat. 


    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:

    vinegar should work too

    Vinegar (which is acetic acid), lemon juice or citric acid.  Vinegar is slightly more effective but doesn't smell so nice.   Strangely enough they keep stressing that good old fashioned soap and water is actually the best thing to get rid of the viruses from your hands, so presumably would be the same for surface, like the good old days,  wash the house down with carbolic soap.

    And leave things to air dry, as anything, even bleach, need leaving in situ long enough to work.  Wiping on and wiping off does no good at all. That's why the length of time to wash your hands,  It's not magic or instantaneous.

    BTW don't make the mistake of mixing bleach with acid.  either bleach  or the acdic stuff like vinegar.  Chlorine bleach is alkaline and will just react with the acid with sometimes fairly spectacular results  but less actual sterilising effect.

    Be careful that you don;t mix bleach and Ammonia together either that makes chorine gas  which is deadly and much worst than the virus

    I will correct you there    Chlorine Bleach and Hydochloric acid mixed make chlorine gas   mixing bleach and ammonia makes chloramine vapor, which is still toxic  but not as deadly as chlorine gas.

    Sounds like they pretty much cause the same thing though.  information from

    The last 15 years I worked I was working in UK Contract services, for probably the largest Contract cleaning Company in the UK.  I was a contract manager, running a contract worth 1mill UK£ per year. I had passed a Health and safety Exam (written paper, not a tick box thing) set by the IEHO (Institute of Environemental Health Officers)  and actually got the highest marks anyone in the Company had got (95%). I also did a Company Management set of exams,  5 stages.  They were set by the The British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc)

    Our Operations Director would not let any manager order or use bleach on their contracts unless the  Operational manager could prove that 
    A}  The site really needed larger quantiteies of sterilisation Chemicals than could be found in small body fluid spill kits   and
    B}   Bleach would only be issued to operatives who had been trained in the proper usage of it.

    His point was that Bleach was not a cleaning chemical,  and toilet acid is.   One manager argued with him and said "I always clean my toilet at home with bleac"  so he said well you probably have a lot of very white dirt and limescale built up in it.

    Due to some of the sites I had in my area I was the only Contract Manager in London who was allowed to order bleach. 

    There's really nothing wrong with using Bleach to "sanitize" a toilet bowl in one's own home. When I say "sanitize", I mean pouring a small amount(maybe a cap-full) and letting it sit in the bowl for about an hour or so. The problem is that a lot of knuckleheads either use way too much, try to use it as a scrub cleanser at too high of a concentration(there are way better/safer alternatives for scrub cleansers), don't bother to flush the toilet before adding the Bleach, or flush the toilet soon after adding it. Concentration & reactant amounts make all the difference. I remember hearing a story about an idiot that tried to "clean" the toilet of an old camping vehicle by dumping a whole bottle of Bleach down it... without even cleaning out the storage tank beforehand. He had a very bad day, and it was his last one, too. All of that urea built up into the storage tank over the years, among other things, I can only imagine the products being formed in the resulting reactions. 

    For commercial cleaning, I wouldn't even use it unless a customer specifically requests it. Its a lot of hassle to use that stuff in a commercial setting where others can potentially be exposed to it.

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,647

    Most of the stay home orders allow you to walk around outside.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited March 2020
    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:

    I played a few rounds of cribbage last night with hubby it was a nice distraction for a change to play some cards together without the TV blasting out all the bad news like it has been. it gave us a chance to quietly talk and remissness about better days and talk about what we should expect for the future. we seem to have taught our daughter well she holding out in the high desert of California and told us she ina good place .  We know what we are up against with this virus. we know what we need to do to stay safe. so there no sense listening to the media keep drumming the same beat. 


    Chohole said:
    Ivy said:
    Chohole said:

    vinegar should work too

    Vinegar (which is acetic acid), lemon juice or citric acid.  Vinegar is slightly more effective but doesn't smell so nice.   Strangely enough they keep stressing that good old fashioned soap and water is actually the best thing to get rid of the viruses from your hands, so presumably would be the same for surface, like the good old days,  wash the house down with carbolic soap.

    And leave things to air dry, as anything, even bleach, need leaving in situ long enough to work.  Wiping on and wiping off does no good at all. That's why the length of time to wash your hands,  It's not magic or instantaneous.

    BTW don't make the mistake of mixing bleach with acid.  either bleach  or the acdic stuff like vinegar.  Chlorine bleach is alkaline and will just react with the acid with sometimes fairly spectacular results  but less actual sterilising effect.

    Be careful that you don;t mix bleach and Ammonia together either that makes chorine gas  which is deadly and much worst than the virus

    I will correct you there    Chlorine Bleach and Hydochloric acid mixed make chlorine gas   mixing bleach and ammonia makes chloramine vapor, which is still toxic  but not as deadly as chlorine gas.

    Sounds like they pretty much cause the same thing though.  information from

    The last 15 years I worked I was working in UK Contract services, for probably the largest Contract cleaning Company in the UK.  I was a contract manager, running a contract worth 1mill UK£ per year. I had passed a Health and safety Exam (written paper, not a tick box thing) set by the IEHO (Institute of Environemental Health Officers)  and actually got the highest marks anyone in the Company had got (95%). I also did a Company Management set of exams,  5 stages.  They were set by the The British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc)

    Our Operations Director would not let any manager order or use bleach on their contracts unless the  Operational manager could prove that 
    A}  The site really needed larger quantiteies of sterilisation Chemicals than could be found in small body fluid spill kits   and
    B}   Bleach would only be issued to operatives who had been trained in the proper usage of it.

    His point was that Bleach was not a cleaning chemical,  and toilet acid is.   One manager argued with him and said "I always clean my toilet at home with bleac"  so he said well you probably have a lot of very white dirt and limescale built up in it.

    Due to some of the sites I had in my area I was the only Contract Manager in London who was allowed to order bleach. 

    You realize that if you read that post in an entirely different context, with different implications, it just makes you sound like you worked as a Wet Works operative for some spy agency... I'm surmising something between Emma Peel and Black Widow in your younger days, but still able to kill someone with playing card from across the room.

    "... "Bleach" would only be issued to "operatives" who had been trained in the proper usage of it."... Yes... "Bleach"... "Operatives"... Wink-wink... 

    I'm also thinking you left the biz when a "toilet sterilization" went bad and there was collateral damage... I can't say for sure, there are moments when you seem haunted by a dark past and that's why you decided to moderate and help change the 3D world for the better.

    I'm also sure there is a bigger story behind that club your avatar wields... I'll figure that out one day.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Greymom said:

    Around here (Baton Rouge) some stores are reserving the first hour they are open (after restocking what they could overnight) for seniour citizens and the handicapped.  The idea seems to be catching on, and I heard even some of the Wal-Marts will be setting this up.  This is an enlightened idea that I hope spreads everywhere.  I have been too proud to take advantage of this so far, but if I run out of TP....

    Here at the nearest Walmart it is for one hour on Tuesdays only, at six in the morning.  Shaking head.  Yeah, herd all the most vulnerable into a single hour each week, that sounds about right.  Not.

  • I just ordered coffee pods on Amazon, so they aren't cutting down in my area.

    We have to go to the store tomorrow and I'm so not looking forward to it. All the articles I've read said that one member from the household only should go but there's no way I'm going without my husband...not with the way people are acting. And there's no way he's going without me...he's liable to end up arrested if someone gets up in his face. 

    *edit* I was somehow able to set up a delivery with my local grocer...not sure how I managed that...hopefully they'll actually come through on most of the stuff. We shall see. 

    I get my groceries delivered from Amazon and got a delivery 2 days ago. Of course they were out of a couple of things like everyone else, but they were on time and i have been seeing amazon trucks often since then. Me and another manager at work were talking about how bad it is in Italy today and wondered if it will get like that here where the ony things open are groceriy stores and we would have to drive thru/past check points just to get to work if there is a strict curfew.

    If people don't start to take this more seriously with the social distancing, then yes...I think the gov't will have no choice but to step in. The whole fiasco in Florida is a prime example. This won't work if we aren't all in it together. 

    I tried doing a Prime Whole Foods delivery and it let me get all the way to checkout and the point of "select a delivery timeframe" to NOPE on me. Wonderful. I spent an hour putting that cart together and it let me get entirely too far before telling me they had no windows open. I had to manually remove everything from my cart. Then I went to my local chain's site who has delievery done by Instacart and they let you know if slots are available BEFORE you put your cart together. So now I apparently have groceries coming on Sunday evening. Amazon needs to really do a learning exchange on that should know if they have windows open beforehand. 

    I just feel bad my iggy needs to make it to Sunday. I have some frozen greens I bought for her in case...I'll try to see if she wants any of those. Honestly, she and my other animals are my only concern food-wise through any of this. I can live on spaghetti-o's for all I care. 

    Ok, so a warning on Instacart, when you use it the first time it will probably charge you automatically for an annual subscription to their service at $149.  It doesn't really warn or ask you.   So, watch your charges.  I refuse to use Instacart.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited March 2020
    McGyver said:

    I'm also thinking you left the biz when a "toilet sterilization" went bad and there was collateral damage... I can't say for sure, there are moments when you seem haunted by a dark past and that's why you decided to moderate and help change the 3D world for the better.

    I laughed at the rest,  as I always do when you make a post,   but that comment I will firmly absolutely and utterly refute. I left because the clients, in their wisdom decide we (the company) were too expensive because we wanted a 10% profit margin and they selected a company who were so desperate to get the contract that they were willing to quote at a 4% profit margin and still sign for up to 1% penalties if they slipped up on anything.  The thing is with the way contract of this nature work is that the Manager is employed by the company, so even if the staff are protected by a TUPE agreement the manager is now redundant as the new company want their own manager in situations like this.  In fact when you get to interview level during the bidding process the 3 people from each company are a director or very senior manager, a sales manager and the potential Contract manager, this is how much the eventual manager is deemed to represent the company.


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    I just ordered coffee pods on Amazon, so they aren't cutting down in my area.

    We have to go to the store tomorrow and I'm so not looking forward to it. All the articles I've read said that one member from the household only should go but there's no way I'm going without my husband...not with the way people are acting. And there's no way he's going without me...he's liable to end up arrested if someone gets up in his face. 

    *edit* I was somehow able to set up a delivery with my local grocer...not sure how I managed that...hopefully they'll actually come through on most of the stuff. We shall see. 

    I get my groceries delivered from Amazon and got a delivery 2 days ago. Of course they were out of a couple of things like everyone else, but they were on time and i have been seeing amazon trucks often since then. Me and another manager at work were talking about how bad it is in Italy today and wondered if it will get like that here where the ony things open are groceriy stores and we would have to drive thru/past check points just to get to work if there is a strict curfew.

    If people don't start to take this more seriously with the social distancing, then yes...I think the gov't will have no choice but to step in. The whole fiasco in Florida is a prime example. This won't work if we aren't all in it together. 

    I tried doing a Prime Whole Foods delivery and it let me get all the way to checkout and the point of "select a delivery timeframe" to NOPE on me. Wonderful. I spent an hour putting that cart together and it let me get entirely too far before telling me they had no windows open. I had to manually remove everything from my cart. Then I went to my local chain's site who has delievery done by Instacart and they let you know if slots are available BEFORE you put your cart together. So now I apparently have groceries coming on Sunday evening. Amazon needs to really do a learning exchange on that should know if they have windows open beforehand. 

    I just feel bad my iggy needs to make it to Sunday. I have some frozen greens I bought for her in case...I'll try to see if she wants any of those. Honestly, she and my other animals are my only concern food-wise through any of this. I can live on spaghetti-o's for all I care. 

    Ok, so a warning on Instacart, when you use it the first time it will probably charge you automatically for an annual subscription to their service at $149.  It doesn't really warn or ask you.   So, watch your charges.  I refuse to use Instacart.

    Not sure if it depends on who the contractor is but my account shows nothing under subscription - 


    599 x 322 - 27K
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    I just ordered coffee pods on Amazon, so they aren't cutting down in my area.

    We have to go to the store tomorrow and I'm so not looking forward to it. All the articles I've read said that one member from the household only should go but there's no way I'm going without my husband...not with the way people are acting. And there's no way he's going without me...he's liable to end up arrested if someone gets up in his face. 

    *edit* I was somehow able to set up a delivery with my local grocer...not sure how I managed that...hopefully they'll actually come through on most of the stuff. We shall see. 

    I get my groceries delivered from Amazon and got a delivery 2 days ago. Of course they were out of a couple of things like everyone else, but they were on time and i have been seeing amazon trucks often since then. Me and another manager at work were talking about how bad it is in Italy today and wondered if it will get like that here where the ony things open are groceriy stores and we would have to drive thru/past check points just to get to work if there is a strict curfew.

    If people don't start to take this more seriously with the social distancing, then yes...I think the gov't will have no choice but to step in. The whole fiasco in Florida is a prime example. This won't work if we aren't all in it together. 

    I tried doing a Prime Whole Foods delivery and it let me get all the way to checkout and the point of "select a delivery timeframe" to NOPE on me. Wonderful. I spent an hour putting that cart together and it let me get entirely too far before telling me they had no windows open. I had to manually remove everything from my cart. Then I went to my local chain's site who has delievery done by Instacart and they let you know if slots are available BEFORE you put your cart together. So now I apparently have groceries coming on Sunday evening. Amazon needs to really do a learning exchange on that should know if they have windows open beforehand. 

    I just feel bad my iggy needs to make it to Sunday. I have some frozen greens I bought for her in case...I'll try to see if she wants any of those. Honestly, she and my other animals are my only concern food-wise through any of this. I can live on spaghetti-o's for all I care. 

    Same here. I have a full cart order on Amazon Fresh, then at checkout, no delivery windows open. California is officially on a stay at home basis as of midnight tonight except groceries and pharmacies. There are a million of both nearby and I'm sure they have plenty of food (but not sanitizers) but I have asthma and tend to get bad upper respiratory infections anyway so I'm really paranoid. They say the virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours and spray from just a human talking can extend as far as 20 feet! They are also saying that many people may already have it but are asymptomatic but can still spread it to others. And children seem to be fine, have no symptoms at all but can spread it to adults.

    Have you tried Instacart? They're the ones that do the delivery with my local grocery chain, but I believe it's nationwide. I had a list of groceries I could pick from. This is the first at-home delivery of groceries I've ever done, so I'm hoping it all works out. I haven't left my house since last Wednesday. 

    I wish CT would go into lockdown. My mom works at a VCA and they aren't doing what they should be to protect her. They've blocked people from the office and the doctors will only see the animals, but they're making my mom go outside to each client's car to get info/take payments, etc. So she's touching people's credit cards and whatnot. They should be making each client come to the door to drop off animals and they should be doing over the phone payments only. It's ridiculous. They're putting her at risk, other people at risk, and my family at risk. And they're still taking general wellness appointments and things like nail trims. They should be open for food/medication pickup and emergencies ONLY. I've honestly started to check into the concept of supporting her myself for the foresaable future. I don't want her there if they aren't doing what they should to protect her and everybody else. She just turned 60 and that's the only risk factor she has, but my 66yo dad is/was a heavy smoker (he literally just started his journey to quit this past Saturday via hypno-therapy) so I know he's a major risk. My husband is 40 and I'm 38 and we don't fall into any risk groups other than being overweight. But still. I know if we get exposed, it will likely be through my mom's employer. 

    Instacart also lets you go through filling your cart then tells you to try back later, no delivery times available. I did order green superfood powder on Amazon and already have protein powder that also includes superfoods and anti-oxidants and I have a ton of vitamins. I also found a few masks that the doctor's office supplies when you walk in that I grab any time I go that I've had for a while and forgotten about.

    Now that we're basically on lockdown and if hopefully some more tests become available, I can assess the risk of going food shopping next week. My area is super health conscious (organic food sells out much faster than ordinary food) so I hope the local stores are relatively safe and still have fresh organic food. So far no reports of the virus in my area even though it is HIGHLY populated and gets a lot of tourists, but, of course, very few have been tested. I have asthma and do feel my asthma has gotten worse in the last few days but hopefully just allergies and stress. I keep taking my temperature which is naturally low (97.5) so if it goes up to 98.6, that's actually a fever for me.


  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    I haven't been out of the house since last Tuesday. Most of my friends, like me, are single and live alone. We are all communicating through text or FB messaging because that's what we've gotten used to. Apparently no one remembers that a phone can actually be used for talking with one's voice. I've only used my voice to talk to my cat but he likes the high baby voice I use with him and I think I forgot how to speak in a normal voice...

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I haven't been out of the house since last Tuesday. Most of my friends, like me, are single and live alone. We are all communicating through text or FB messaging because that's what we've gotten used to. Apparently no one remembers that a phone can actually be used for talking with one's voice. I've only used my voice to talk to my cat but he likes the high baby voice I use with him and I think I forgot how to speak in a normal voice...

    That's funny. I call some of my employees from time to time at work and they are like "why don't you just text me" I reply, because it's called a phone for a reason, that and I hate typing on that small screen.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    I just ordered coffee pods on Amazon, so they aren't cutting down in my area.

    We have to go to the store tomorrow and I'm so not looking forward to it. All the articles I've read said that one member from the household only should go but there's no way I'm going without my husband...not with the way people are acting. And there's no way he's going without me...he's liable to end up arrested if someone gets up in his face. 

    *edit* I was somehow able to set up a delivery with my local grocer...not sure how I managed that...hopefully they'll actually come through on most of the stuff. We shall see. 

    I get my groceries delivered from Amazon and got a delivery 2 days ago. Of course they were out of a couple of things like everyone else, but they were on time and i have been seeing amazon trucks often since then. Me and another manager at work were talking about how bad it is in Italy today and wondered if it will get like that here where the ony things open are groceriy stores and we would have to drive thru/past check points just to get to work if there is a strict curfew.

    If people don't start to take this more seriously with the social distancing, then yes...I think the gov't will have no choice but to step in. The whole fiasco in Florida is a prime example. This won't work if we aren't all in it together. 

    I tried doing a Prime Whole Foods delivery and it let me get all the way to checkout and the point of "select a delivery timeframe" to NOPE on me. Wonderful. I spent an hour putting that cart together and it let me get entirely too far before telling me they had no windows open. I had to manually remove everything from my cart. Then I went to my local chain's site who has delievery done by Instacart and they let you know if slots are available BEFORE you put your cart together. So now I apparently have groceries coming on Sunday evening. Amazon needs to really do a learning exchange on that should know if they have windows open beforehand. 

    I just feel bad my iggy needs to make it to Sunday. I have some frozen greens I bought for her in case...I'll try to see if she wants any of those. Honestly, she and my other animals are my only concern food-wise through any of this. I can live on spaghetti-o's for all I care. 

    Same here. I have a full cart order on Amazon Fresh, then at checkout, no delivery windows open. California is officially on a stay at home basis as of midnight tonight except groceries and pharmacies. There are a million of both nearby and I'm sure they have plenty of food (but not sanitizers) but I have asthma and tend to get bad upper respiratory infections anyway so I'm really paranoid. They say the virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours and spray from just a human talking can extend as far as 20 feet! They are also saying that many people may already have it but are asymptomatic but can still spread it to others. And children seem to be fine, have no symptoms at all but can spread it to adults.

    Have you tried Instacart? They're the ones that do the delivery with my local grocery chain, but I believe it's nationwide. I had a list of groceries I could pick from. This is the first at-home delivery of groceries I've ever done, so I'm hoping it all works out. I haven't left my house since last Wednesday. 

    I wish CT would go into lockdown. My mom works at a VCA and they aren't doing what they should be to protect her. They've blocked people from the office and the doctors will only see the animals, but they're making my mom go outside to each client's car to get info/take payments, etc. So she's touching people's credit cards and whatnot. They should be making each client come to the door to drop off animals and they should be doing over the phone payments only. It's ridiculous. They're putting her at risk, other people at risk, and my family at risk. And they're still taking general wellness appointments and things like nail trims. They should be open for food/medication pickup and emergencies ONLY. I've honestly started to check into the concept of supporting her myself for the foresaable future. I don't want her there if they aren't doing what they should to protect her and everybody else. She just turned 60 and that's the only risk factor she has, but my 66yo dad is/was a heavy smoker (he literally just started his journey to quit this past Saturday via hypno-therapy) so I know he's a major risk. My husband is 40 and I'm 38 and we don't fall into any risk groups other than being overweight. But still. I know if we get exposed, it will likely be through my mom's employer. 

    Instacart also lets you go through filling your cart then tells you to try back later, no delivery times available. I did order green superfood powder on Amazon and already have protein powder that also includes superfoods and anti-oxidants and I have a ton of vitamins. I also found a few masks that the doctor's office supplies when you walk in that I grab any time I go that I've had for a while and forgotten about.

    Now that we're basically on lockdown and if hopefully some more tests become available, I can assess the risk of going food shopping next week. My area is super health conscious (organic food sells out much faster than ordinary food) so I hope the local stores are relatively safe and still have fresh organic food. So far no reports of the virus in my area even though it is HIGHLY populated and gets a lot of tourists, but, of course, very few have been tested. I have asthma and do feel my asthma has gotten worse in the last few days but hopefully just allergies and stress. I keep taking my temperature which is naturally low (97.5) so if it goes up to 98.6, that's actually a fever for me.


    Oh wow, I wonder if the local contractor has a different setup with them? This is what I see first when I go to the "shop online" page direct from the grocer's website - 

    1064 x 563 - 285K
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    I just ordered coffee pods on Amazon, so they aren't cutting down in my area.

    We have to go to the store tomorrow and I'm so not looking forward to it. All the articles I've read said that one member from the household only should go but there's no way I'm going without my husband...not with the way people are acting. And there's no way he's going without me...he's liable to end up arrested if someone gets up in his face. 

    *edit* I was somehow able to set up a delivery with my local grocer...not sure how I managed that...hopefully they'll actually come through on most of the stuff. We shall see. 

    I get my groceries delivered from Amazon and got a delivery 2 days ago. Of course they were out of a couple of things like everyone else, but they were on time and i have been seeing amazon trucks often since then. Me and another manager at work were talking about how bad it is in Italy today and wondered if it will get like that here where the ony things open are groceriy stores and we would have to drive thru/past check points just to get to work if there is a strict curfew.

    If people don't start to take this more seriously with the social distancing, then yes...I think the gov't will have no choice but to step in. The whole fiasco in Florida is a prime example. This won't work if we aren't all in it together. 

    I tried doing a Prime Whole Foods delivery and it let me get all the way to checkout and the point of "select a delivery timeframe" to NOPE on me. Wonderful. I spent an hour putting that cart together and it let me get entirely too far before telling me they had no windows open. I had to manually remove everything from my cart. Then I went to my local chain's site who has delievery done by Instacart and they let you know if slots are available BEFORE you put your cart together. So now I apparently have groceries coming on Sunday evening. Amazon needs to really do a learning exchange on that should know if they have windows open beforehand. 

    I just feel bad my iggy needs to make it to Sunday. I have some frozen greens I bought for her in case...I'll try to see if she wants any of those. Honestly, she and my other animals are my only concern food-wise through any of this. I can live on spaghetti-o's for all I care. 

    Same here. I have a full cart order on Amazon Fresh, then at checkout, no delivery windows open. California is officially on a stay at home basis as of midnight tonight except groceries and pharmacies. There are a million of both nearby and I'm sure they have plenty of food (but not sanitizers) but I have asthma and tend to get bad upper respiratory infections anyway so I'm really paranoid. They say the virus can remain in the air for up to 3 hours and spray from just a human talking can extend as far as 20 feet! They are also saying that many people may already have it but are asymptomatic but can still spread it to others. And children seem to be fine, have no symptoms at all but can spread it to adults.

    Have you tried Instacart? They're the ones that do the delivery with my local grocery chain, but I believe it's nationwide. I had a list of groceries I could pick from. This is the first at-home delivery of groceries I've ever done, so I'm hoping it all works out. I haven't left my house since last Wednesday. 

    I wish CT would go into lockdown. My mom works at a VCA and they aren't doing what they should be to protect her. They've blocked people from the office and the doctors will only see the animals, but they're making my mom go outside to each client's car to get info/take payments, etc. So she's touching people's credit cards and whatnot. They should be making each client come to the door to drop off animals and they should be doing over the phone payments only. It's ridiculous. They're putting her at risk, other people at risk, and my family at risk. And they're still taking general wellness appointments and things like nail trims. They should be open for food/medication pickup and emergencies ONLY. I've honestly started to check into the concept of supporting her myself for the foresaable future. I don't want her there if they aren't doing what they should to protect her and everybody else. She just turned 60 and that's the only risk factor she has, but my 66yo dad is/was a heavy smoker (he literally just started his journey to quit this past Saturday via hypno-therapy) so I know he's a major risk. My husband is 40 and I'm 38 and we don't fall into any risk groups other than being overweight. But still. I know if we get exposed, it will likely be through my mom's employer. 

    Instacart also lets you go through filling your cart then tells you to try back later, no delivery times available. I did order green superfood powder on Amazon and already have protein powder that also includes superfoods and anti-oxidants and I have a ton of vitamins. I also found a few masks that the doctor's office supplies when you walk in that I grab any time I go that I've had for a while and forgotten about.

    Now that we're basically on lockdown and if hopefully some more tests become available, I can assess the risk of going food shopping next week. My area is super health conscious (organic food sells out much faster than ordinary food) so I hope the local stores are relatively safe and still have fresh organic food. So far no reports of the virus in my area even though it is HIGHLY populated and gets a lot of tourists, but, of course, very few have been tested. I have asthma and do feel my asthma has gotten worse in the last few days but hopefully just allergies and stress. I keep taking my temperature which is naturally low (97.5) so if it goes up to 98.6, that's actually a fever for me.


    Oh wow, I wonder if the local contractor has a different setup with them? This is what I see first when I go to the "shop online" page direct from the grocer's website - 

    Mine has you choose from several different stores FIRST. I started with Ralph's, filled my cart and almost everything asked if a substitution was OK, I said yes, then went to check out but no delivery times available. I had tried Amazon Fresh, Whole Foods and before that and then same thing. I'm sick of filling my cart over and over and not being able to check out. I'm going to wait till Monday to see if it calms down or just venture out. There's an overpriced grocery store right at the corner and a Rite Aid across the street. There are sooo many stores near me that I can't believe they'd all be out of stock if you go in person now that many people already stocked up. The things I want most are organic carrots, spinach and apples and those are the hardest things to find in stock online anyway. There were some higher end grocery stores available on instacart that are probably a lot more expensive to order from and I didn't try those yet but they are also smaller so probably less delivery windows too. I'm most concerned about nutrition so at least I'll have the green superfood powder on Monday and I probably have enough other food for a week. Grocery stores and pharmacies are remaining open and restock as normal. It's just sanitizers that are hard to find because people hoard that. It will be harder for people to hoard fresh fruit and vegetables! If my asthma gets worse or I'm too scared to go out, a friend said he'd pick up stuff for me anyway.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Greymom said:

    Around here (Baton Rouge) some stores are reserving the first hour they are open (after restocking what they could overnight) for seniour citizens and the handicapped.  The idea seems to be catching on, and I heard even some of the Wal-Marts will be setting this up.  This is an enlightened idea that I hope spreads everywhere.  I have been too proud to take advantage of this so far, but if I run out of TP....

    ...the local Safeway has set up such times however, for me too, early as I'm rarely up and mobile before 08:30 and by the time I'd be fully awake and dressed for the outside (particularly if the weather is bad) those reserved shopping hours are over for the day (and it's only two days, Tuesday and Thursday).  I'd rather they would just enforced purchase limits on necessities instead.  I'm good for now but if this gets extended, not sure what will;happen.  People are just being inconsiderate of others.  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    willowfan said:

    I'm just waiting for the apes to take over.

    I sometimes think they have.indecision


    ...or maybe the lemmings.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260


    Ivy said:
    ArtAngel said:
    Ivy said:

    For st patty's day i decided to make some egg bread and risen nut bread. I love my bread machine only take a couple of hours to make about any type of fresh bread even pizza dough. much easier than having to hand need the bread dough for sure.

    My Mom taught me to cook when I was in my teens, almost 50 years ago, and I loved cooking. She tried to teach me to make bread but I never got the hang of it, though I can make great tea buns and cakes.... I make a great carrot cake. Mom made fantastic bread, white and whole bread, and I still love the crunchy crust from toast. My brother is fantastic at making bread, and often treats me to a loaf.

    Here a lot of food is imported, though like most places we were completely self-sufficent in food in the before time.  I strongly suspect that this will awaken many people to again start growing their own food.

    I learned to bake bread when I was sixteen. We (ex) and I moved to from St. John's to St. Lawrence for a year and my landlord taught me how to cook. We'd make toutons served with molasses while we waited for the bread to bake.

    I also self taught making french stick bread and other breads depending on avaialble ingredients. Always good to be prepared.

    spent a day or 2 made up some bread in my bread machine. much easier than needing it by hand. made egg bread, oat meal raisen nut ,  and some whole wheat just finshed this morning  got to bag those 2 loafs up :)

    love homemade bread with honey butter on it

    ...yeah, granddad made most of our baked goods, breads,cakes cookies, the holiday stollen even one of my uncle's wedding cakes. as well as beignets and donuts.  Always smelld so good and I agree, nothing like warm home baked bread. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    Galaxy said:
    Ivy said:

    I just hope the economy picks up and people can keep their jobs heart



    Chinese Automaker Is Now The Largest Producer Of Face Masks. It is time to produce different types of products.

    ...I read the other day that Elon Musk was going to make ventilators.

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