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All children are born and are smart and deep from early on. Some of us are not. Some of us remain real and some of us don't, and when you have nothing to prove (confidence), or nothing to lose (recklessness), the talk does become real. But some people try to walk the walk and talk the talk before they arrive or are there. Being 'there' really means all the fluff all the glamour and all the glitz put on "to belong or fit in" is irrelevant because there is nothing needed to prove to anyone. Either you have nothing to lose and it's do or die, or you've earned the right to say it as you see it. People who have arrived, don't care to dress up to go get a necessity, or say things just to be politically correct. They are real already. They paid their dues and can walk the walk and talk the real talk because they have nothing they need to prove to themselves or anyone else. True appreciation comes from the heart and fluff never ever changes into anything other than fluff.
I have always tried to own. My wife & I own a large proportion of our current house, with the mortgage lender owning an increasingly small part, around 10% and dropping.
My first house was a 3 bed end of terrace Victorian house, like a down market version of one of these: without a bay window at the front and a pedestrian footpath half that width between the house and road. The whole road frontage of the house was 11ft 6in. with a 10ft 6in internal house width, dropping to a 7ft 6" wide rear extension (6ft internal) in the back yard. The back of the house was similar to, except that the pedestrian access along the terrace was not behind the gardens, but between the end of the house & the garden, so my EOT house had 3 other families tramp through to get to the back of their houses.
We sold that house in 2002, having moved into our previous house in 1992, and rented it out in the mean time. We also bought the house next door to it in 2000 hoping to have one each for our daughters. Things didn't work out as well as they could, so we sold that one too and we became mortgage free for 2 years before moving into our current relatively big house with a huge (by UK standards) garden of an acre.15 years into the mortgage, the payments are now two thirds the amount the poor so & so renting our first house is paying (it's 3 miles away so we do keep track out of nosiness). You can see why I'm not interested in renting. Having taken risks to build up capital, we'd be foolish to allow it to fritter away in rent. OK, it's not cash in hand or ever likely to be usable, but we have a fair size house in a lovely garden and it's costing us less than renting our first house with its 29ft x 10ft6 garden would.
I recognize and agree with all the arguments for owning vs renting. As said, I have owned, and when the time came that I needed the equity to get me though a tough spot in my later years I appreciated having it. But now in my '70s, retired, all original savings & investments depleted, living on Social Security only, renting is the only option for me. I really don't expect to live another 20 years to pay off any sort of mortgage. Heck, I'll be happy if I make it to 80. I don't have the energy, tools, health or ambition anymore to attempt to own. Living alone here in my tiny, old, hometown, knowing the surviving children of people that I grew up with, in a small rural town in an old but fully functional, well, built, early 20th century, two story house on a good sized plot of land, that has been kept up with repairs and improvements over the century, sharing the rent with only one neighbor in the house, and a landlord that cares about his property is for me the best solution to my situation. Which is why I said I'll never rent again. Your mileage may vary. Can everybody find situations like this? Nope, but I knew this little piece of paradise still existed and I came crawling back here from the stress of the collapse of success and city living when things got tough for me, and I'll die here. Which I believe, was my plan all along. Yeah, I bitch about the politics and lack of sophistication of the locals and the remoteness of this area, but it's better than so many many other situations.
Public transportation and other almost all facilities barbershop, restaurant etc. are started though with restriction like only allow limited people for a car 3 or 4 etc. However this virus strike me hard, I become lazy, also looks like within few weeks my lifestyle will change again and I am preparing for this change (reducing laziness).
Well said, very true. So many have lost so much for their hard labors in life.
Our plan is & why we bought and picked the area we did is when the time come that i reach 65 to retirement age a few more years away yet., my husbands is already there. we will take a reverse mortgage out, its like a annuity payment every month from the bank on the equity of our house that is paid off. . it was estimated we will get an extra $1800 a month tax free income for 20 years, and we still own the home until we die. which would be better than ending up in a nursing home. the remaining $$ value of the house if any left will go to our kids when the last one of us(me or my husband passes on). & even if we out live the reverse mortgage we can stay in the house until we die , it will just go to the bank to do with in the end anyway.
this way there will be no worries about what happens to our house when we die or not having enough spending money in retirements, Specially for the extra things we want to do like taking trips and buying things we will need . we use the investment into what we paid into our home as a extra monthly income in our golden years.. its the best solution for us to add income to our 401k & the hospital retirement pensions we get. its very hard to think about living only on a SS check every month.
We sacrificed things when it was easier when we were younger & working, so in our old years we won't have to worry about anything but living.
We know shit happens so that is our plan, we'll have to see what Murphy's laws has to say about what really takes place in the end.
Face it... you're all bored... I'm bored... I'm also bored and dangerously unstable... so let's play a game...
Help me find Social Distancing Waldo...
Supplies to play:
1- Bottle of rum or whiskey... the cheaper the better.
2- Clean glass.
3- Working eyeballs.
4- Scissors.
5- Bandages.
6- Some sort of computer device to view this on.
8- Several pillows.
How to play:
Put glass back in cabinet and start drinking from bottle... (you may substitute any hard liquor of your choice).
Put scissors back in drawer, you won't need them and they are actually kinda dangerous to have around when you are drunk... I just figured I needed to include them since every time there is a list of supplies it has to include "scissors".
But keep the bandages handy.
Place pillows on floor where you are most likely to fall.
Aim eyeballs at pictures below and try and find Waldo who is trying to be responsible and socially distance himself from the rest of disease ridden humanity.
Keeping score:
Give yourself five points for every three minutes you don't fall out of your chair... two points for every Waldo you find... 1200 points for every Elmo you find... and 100 points for each pillow you land on.
Please try and not cheat... the goal here is to get drunk and pass another boring day unconscious.
No sharing answers... remember, there are no wrong answers... just stupid ones.
Warning... They get progressively harder...
Hint: He is wearing red and white stripes...
Hint: He's not on the left.
Hint: He's not on the left.
Hint: There's something concrete about his location.
Hint: I actually didn't notice that flower pot was in the picture when I took it... he's not in there.

Hint: Waldo is the one wearing glasses.
Hint: He's still waving, but he's in a grave situation...
Well, I hope you have fun and land on the pillows... make sure to not let me know if you can't find him in any of the pictures.
I decided to include answers in case you can't find Waldo.
1- The arrow is pointing at him.
2- The Gettysburg Address.
3- False.
5- Banana.
18- 12,382
Triangle- Colonel Mustard in the Bathroom with a Flamethrower.
It's not that people were putting on airs or anything, but typical conversations were like "Where did you go earlier?" "Know anything going on later?" "What's good coming up?" "Do we need to RSVP?" "Are they having comp drinks? Food?" So much of our life and conversations was about where we were going. Now we are going nowhere. So conversations move on to deeper things...
...I had a similar situation when I was renting the 1 BR converted cellar I was in for 17 years. Yeah there we the few issues I mentioned from time to time but overall was still a nice deal. When rents here started accelerating upwards faster than a Falcon Heavy I still had a fairly affordable situation (only had four rent increases in all the years I was there). The only reason I moved is because the owner (who had another smaller home built on the property she moved into) wanted to consolidate the cellar with the rest of the main house that she was already renting out. There were no hard feelings or anything like that.
It was a lovely neighbourhood, only a block from one of the city's classic old parks, close to several bus routes, a short distance to the "Bohemian" Hawthorne district, there were several nice local pubs as well as two small craft breweries a few blocks away, a nice second run cinema (that I recently learned was converted to first run like many others here have), and lots of nice quiet side streets for cycling on.
For myself "going back home"means having to deal with "real" winter again as wellas humid summers with mosquitoes the size of their WWII de Havilland namesake and a fickle climate along Lake Michigan where one minute it could be in the 70s and five minutes later in the low 50s with fog when the wind swings around to the east (sort of like San Francisco minus the hills, great restaurants, cable cars, and extreme rents. anyone else get their stimulus payment yet?
He's playing the Python game "How Not to be Seen"
..hint: not on the upper left.
I found him in most pictures but I couldn't find him in #7. Must be very grave. But I did find his pants in #5.
Perhaps he's behind the middle bush.
yeah 7 he must be pushing up one if those yellow daisies
He's in the grave marked Unknown next to Arch Stanton...
Yeah, my parents both got theirs and my husband and I got our portion...we all got direct deposits on Friday if I remember right. Not sure if it makes a difference but my husband and I had already filed our income taxes in January so that could increase the speed?
We got our stimulus check the last week for $2400 we filed joint tax return. & we submitted our taxes in with turbo tax at the end of January got our refund direct deposit in February. that is properly why some people got their the stimulus checks so soon, people that used direct deposit for their tax returns got their stimulus checks the same way. . I read this morning in the news that is can take up to 4 -6 weeks to wait for a check to be mailed.
But I am expecting a much bigger one to come soon from the SBA
...haven't filed taxes since I was on UI back in 2013/14.. That was all two moves ago. They say that those on SS who get Direct deposit will see it in their bank accounts but I didn't use DD with the IRS back then instead received receiving paper cheques (including the 2008 stimulus payment). Can't find any info on the mechanism of how this is being handled between the two agencies. The IRS is "closed" (not taking any calls) and the SSA kept telling me to call the IRS. Beginning to feel this could be another one of those circular "right hand left foot" I ran into last year with refunds for educational loan deductions deducted from SSDI benefits.
Top far right corner... lump of dirt...
My father just started SS via direct deposit and yeah, he got his stimulus.
Is he taking a dirt nap, or is he just pinin' for the fjords?
...interesting. Did he also file taxes for last year or 2018 though?
Hmmm, I've been on SS, direct deposit for 8 years and I still haven't received my stimulus deposit. Ooh, ooh, that sounds kinky!
Reportedly, people who haven't filed taxes in the past year or two will need to go to and complete the "Non Filers: Enter payment info here" page. It also tells you what information is needed and if you're eligible to complete that page or if you should wait and see.
Yes, my father is still working 100% at this point. He just started working with SS and getting direct deposit set up (meaning they did the test payment to make sure that went through correctly) as he hopes to retire over the next few months.
I received mine, but the day before I found out, I started a monthly charge to deposit $100.00 to the Food Bank of the Rockies, so I will just tuck the cash aside, and let it pay off the Visa bill monthly. Each $1.00 paid to the food bank, allows them to feed five meals for people up and down the Front Range of Colorado. It does mean I will cut back a bit on my DAZ spending though and some other voluntary donations (that can't be mentioned here).
Yesterday I went out to Buckley AFB to pick-up a prescription and had to wear a face mask and found that I started hyperventilating within a minute. Not good. Almost kicked up a full asthma attack. Totally sick of those, as they have been happening all too often this year.
In everything I've read, it specifically states that people receiving SS payments and already enrolled in direct payment do not need to register. But I have not received my payment yet. I went to the page to register and again, there it said I do not need to register.
Said it before. Behind the walls of the IRS and Treasury Department are paniced chickens and keystone cops
Also, keystone cops:
By taking advice only from doctors, nurses and scientists.
The last thing I saw about those getting SS that haven't filed tax returns for the last two years is that they will get the stimulus check at the end of April if they have direct deposit on file with SSA. What sucks is there is no way to check on its status for those of us in that position. Guess I'll have to put off buying my wife a new computer until next week.
[emphasis is mine] Well, that's the first hopeful news I've heard regarding that situation. Yeah, I've tried using the app to check on the status of one's stimulus check and it comes back, "No Information". Urg!