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I also live in Portland and when I've been in WinCo recently, a lot of people were wearng masks. Only a few, including a couple of employees, weren't wearing one. I've also noticed that people are skirting around each other with at least six feet distance. It surprised me.
is it 2 weeks yet? when do the restaurants open?
hungry for pepperoni pizza, does pepperoni have nitrates in it like a hot dog?
probably sooner in NYC, they are all very keen to get sick and die there by the protests we are hearing about in the Pearl it's a different story with.people jogging/running, riding bikes, walking their dogs, etc not wearing one. This morning at the Safeway (during the early AM hours for seniors) one dishevelled looking person who wasn't wearing one almost walked right up to my face. and I had to back away as makeshift masks don't offer any protections.
...there's a really good pizzeria near where I live that has waived delivery charges. Thinking about it once my stimulus payment arrives.
Most are not in NY...
But yeah, lots of folks not wearing masks or gloves... shouting... no safe distance between them... one of the crowds was a big crush up against the doors of some government office, a big clump of people with no PPE, all inches apart, all screaming all breathing in the spitty fumes of the person next to them...
I guess this is all one big science experiment now.
On the bright side when the rats and cockroaches inherit the ruins, they'll have the benefit of learning from humans, what not to do.
I am so envious of this guy. Manager of a store in Australia tells a scumbag that purchased 150 packs of 32 count toilet paper and 150 liter bottles of sanitizer with the intent to sell it on Ebay and the likes, but was shutdown, that he can't get a refund, CLASSIC!!!!
Everyone can thank them for keeping things closed down even longer when there is another spike in cases in 5-15 days
'm starting to be spoild by the work from home gig, it will be a shock to go back to office.
I can retire in 3 years but medicare doesnt kick in, they call that the medicare gap?
You're a bit more of an optimist than I am. I'd use the word "if" instead of "once". When I think of the goings on in the halls of the Treasury department, the images of paniced chickens and keystone cops keeps coming to my mind.
I keep reading that SS recipients will get stimulus payment but I question why? Since SS is my entire income, and SS payments are not stopping, then why are they sending me extra money? Not that I would refuse it, but why? I can understand for a household that has lost income, but my budget is working out just fine. Better actually! For me it would be a windfall. Cool! Not a complaint! But again "if" I get it. I thought that it might arrive with my scheduled SS deposit that I got as normal yesterday, but it was just the regular amount. (*sigh*)
Although, if I get sick, I would certainly appreciate any extra money.
Hmm... who the bigger scumbag was: the guy who purchased all of that stuff, or the store for allowing him to purchase it. The store still wins one way or the other since its a guaranteed sale. Sure, the guy who bought all of that stuff gets screwed out of the money if he's unable to resell it, but individuals that don't have any and are unable to find any are the ones that get the shaft in the end. Bigger scumbag: The store.
We should actually all be wearing the full-face respirator masks with P95+ filters. It's the way to be sure! I have one, actually, with p99 filters. I have it for gluing PVC pipe and other similarly toxic operations, but I expect it would prevail vs C19 droplets. It also prevents touching your face. But you do look like an extra from a plague movie. Maybe that's the point? The P designation is paint and organic vapor protection (chemical solvents, oils, etc).
...they want us to buy things to supposedly keep the economy afloat, That was the reasoning behind the "stimulus cheques" they gave out back in 2008. The sad part is with so much shut down in order to comply with social distancing and shelter at home orders, most brick & mortar stores (except food markets and pharmacies) are closed as they are considered "non essential". That pretty much leaves us with online shopping where you can't "kick the tyres" so to say (physically inspect the actual item) and which usually involves the addition of shipping charges as well.
Would love to get a nice heavy duty electric can opener (the kind that cuts the seam from the side instead of the top) to replace the one that died so I can save my hands and wrists from anymore torture and don't have worry about sharp jagged edges.
Did someone mention pizza?
Totally disagree. Chances are the guy purchased it before everyone started freaking out and the shelves went bare and the store imposed limits like most did, There is also a good chance he did a special order for it as I doubt most stores have that much on hamd at one time which would be a legit sale and not impacting the stock for regular customers at the time. All signs point to him plannng on taking avtatage of others suffering which earns him a special place in youknowwhere IMO
...the same occurred here on the "Left Coast" between California, Oregon, and Washington State.
Och, after bills are paid off, if I decide to buy something for myself, it's going to be a nice bottle of peaty single malt Scots whisky.
Another animals taking over the farm . one guy was lurking all around my house tonight
Take from my home secuirty camera's
Ivy - I think your animals might be tempted by mine.
Shot from my mudroom the other day.
Re cloth masks: CDC or WHO
TL/DR: they can help, but make sure to sanitize them after use and don't touch the front when removing them.
The chap who was wanting the refund had a "crew" of about 20 people buying the items for him, to get around the limits and he was going to sell them on ebay. So, no, the store owner's not the scumbag.
very cool
we had a hungry brood of wild turkeys this morning
Don't they have delivery? I live for delivery for right now. GrubHub, Uber Eats and others. Just go to their website, sign up, install the app on your smart phone, sign in, go to the menu, usually there is a slider up top with for various categories including Pizza, click that, and browse to see which are operating right now. You might be surprised.
Mmmm, good eating. Doesn't turkey season start tomorrow? I prefer a bow for turkey hunting because a shotgun can tear up the meat. Better tasting and healthier for you than a Butterball from Walmart.
Humans are like virus
Today the 17th is the last day for spring turkey hunting in Tennesseee. it started on Apirl 1st for us. These ones all looked to be hens , which this time of year we don't hunt them because they are properly ready to lay eggs. The 7 day fall season is a better time for bagging a couple of these gobblers. & they will be much fatter as well
That bear is casing the joint... look how he's looking down, won't face the camera... he's gonna jack yer pickup... trust me, give it a few days and some state troopers are gonna be knocking on your door because you truck was used in a bank robbery...
Oh No!!!
you mean like those raccoons did stealing that city trash truck that Geico had to cover all the damages for?.