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I figured I'd pass this on for anyone sewing their own masks similar to the ones illustrated on the CDC's website...
I read an article in the New York Times today and apparently some people who wear glasses are having problems with these mask's fogging up the lenses... they gave a bunch of tips, but I added my own tip there which I was using for a different style mask. Judging from the comments a lot of people have this problem.
It didn't occur to me before since I don't sew, but the commercial versions of surgical masks have a flexible strip built in to allow the user to conform it to the bridge of the nose and facial contours... as far as I can see few people incorporate anything similar in their own masks.
If your mask is fogging your glasses, it's not working properly and you risk infecting someone or they you (yeah, I know everyone keeps saying it's to prevent you from passing it to others, but it does work both ways)...
You can take aluminum floral wire and cheap thin duct tape and attach it to the top of the mask so your mask conforms to your face better.
These are the materials I've used... I get them from Dollar Tree... Mainly because they are cheap, it's a nationwide chain, in most states their most stores are considered essential businesses and are still open and lastly because their duct tape is really flimsy, which makes it perfect for this, and the floral wire is very soft and flexible.
Cut the wire about 4 3/4" long and bend the ends over so the ends won't poke through the tape... whole thing should now be about 4 1/2" long...
Lay the wire on a 1 inch strip of cut tape about a 1/2" longer than the wire on each end...
Attach it to the top of the mask... depending on the design or construction of your mask you may need to position it differently, or make the strip of tape wider... sorta like this...
This is just to illustrate what you are shooting for, the "mask" here is not a mask, just a mock-up I glued together to illustrate where the wire goes and how it conforms...
...yep that about sums it up.
...yeah, being left in the dark is the unnerving and annoying part.
..."interesting" day today. had another fire alarm go off in the building. Usually its either a false alarm or someone burnt something on the stove and it's taken care of quickly (being on the top floor, sometimes I barely get out the street level door, down five floors of stairs, when the alarms are turned off).
Well, this time it was serious as apparently a storage room on my floor caught fire and damaged another unit There was smoke coming from the upper corner of the building by the main entrance and five fire trucks arrived (fortunately very close to two stations). First became a bit worried when a number of firemen enter the building with axes and other tools which is a sign it may have spread in between the walls. Became even more concerned when they hooked up hoses to the standpipes as sometimes that is done to feed the sprinkler systems and I had visions of finding of both computers and the backup system ruined as well as other items like books, records, and furnishings when I finally got back up to my flat. Don't have renter's insurance as I barely make it month to month and no telling how much I'd even receive in compensation for the damages.
After they got things under control and the fire was out, I saw a couple firefighters bring a hose down the steps and out of the building, so a big sigh of relief there (didn't see them take it in earlier). A lot of fire and water damaged items were also hauled down that likely were in the storage room and flat next to it. Still not clear as to how it happened.
All in all, took about three an a half hours before those of us who live on the top floor were allowed back in.
More than enough enough "excitement" for the rest of the week, maybe month.
WOW KK that is a lot of excitement to close to home. , I am glad your safe thought . I hope there was not to much smoke damage to your place i know how that smoke can permanent into everything.
...thank you. Fortunately it was contained on the opposite corner of the building from where I am so no serious smoke and thankfully no water damage save for the lingering smell. Firefighters took several of those large vent fans up to the area to blow the smoke out
As it's dry and mild I can at least have the windows open to air the place out..
Don't know what I would have done had the sprinklers gone off. Even the stimulus payment wouldn't be enough to replace the computers let alone the bed and other furnishings (and do nothing for the loss of files as well as backups, crikey, still recovering from the drive failure of over a year ago).
...our individual heat/smoke detectors are hardwired into the entire building's system so if someone burns dinner, the entire building's alarms go off and everyone has to evacuate, all five floors worth of tenants. If it is serious enough to set off the sprinkler system, much everything in the flat would be ruined.
As to renter's insurance, that's pretty much my assessment. Both computers are older Win7 systems (one 7 years) and there is no compensation for lost data or files, Other items like my books (some 1st editions and/or signed) artworks, and records would have no "intrinsic" value to a claims adjuster. So it would still pretty much be a "total loss".
What is ironic is they were scheduled to check the sprinklers in every unit a couple weeks ago but cancelled it because of the outbreak with the rescheduled date TBA.
Wow, that type of excitement is interesting from afar but not so much close up! Hmmm, let's see, you've had fire, smoke, firemen and hoses. I've been evacuated by the SWAT team because of a suspected off-the-rails neighbor. People are getting sick & dying all around. The vacant city streets look like a lead-in to a Sci-Fi movie. Anybody had a Wreck-It-Ralph type of earthquake or a herd of elephants through the lobby yet this year?
I would check around for renters insurance and maybe check with your appartment manager to see if they work with a certain company for renters insurance. You would be surprised how inexpensive it is. My appartment complex requires renters insurance so I have a policy with 100,000 liability coverage and 20K coverage of my property for $25.00 a month. 20K might not replace everything but it is much better than loosing everything and not getting anything for it.
My building is not made of straw but the walls are paper thin and the floor is like cardboard. So the shaking I feel is from my neighbour's "my aren't we special" 17 year old son who is a genius that is off the scale in the negative. He is still practicing for the special olympics in the stomp through the floor as fast as you can for as long as you can like an elephant that is three tons over weight (really just a scrawny barefoot kid) while wearing clown shoes and it just doesn't stop because his mom or sister sleep or on the iMac in the other room with the door closed ignoring how cute he is as he continiues to squawk at the top of his lungs like a parrot with it's beak on the buzzer of a game show (did I mention that the buzzer is attached to a taser?) but always getting the answer wrong. Question number 70, what is the answer to question number 69? And on it goes question 71, what is the correct answer to question 70? Meanwhile the dad is on a peaceful permanent vacation in another country. I can't afford to move. Don't even know where to move. Air B&B made sure all the properties are snatched up. Before that there was the gentrification of the areas that artists' loft and studios were so now WAY too expensive to get into. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. Sure I could keep a stiff upper lip. Take it (up the @$$) like a man. Walk it off. No I'm not angry, what makes you think I am angry. Three neighbours moved out already. Three more moved in. Only the neighbour on the other side of young master bundle of cuteness has called the police. She is not allowed to bang on the wall in protest of him stomping and screaming. Only he is allowed to disturb the peace. Three years of this so far. WOW! (My sincere appologies if I have offended anyone who is or has a special needs child. I know it is not easy) So mod feel free to del my rant for offending.
At our last house we had a difficult family move in nextdoor. It was their house, not renting, but they had been in social housing in London, bought the place under 'Right to buy', kept it for the minimum time & moved out of london and bought a much bigger place next to us.They had 5 kids, broke the furniture every 18 months. Lived at full volume. Our house had been built in 1898 with 9" thick solid brick walls, then in 1912 the developer of our street (who also lived in our house at the time) built their house half an inch away, also with 9" solid brick walls. Our 3ft wide hall was on their side of the house and we had a 4" brick wall between our hall and our living room. So, 22" of brick, 3ft of air and 4" of plaster stood between us & them. We could hear every word of them screaming at each other when the had their daily row, which started at 9am and finished at 2am. The neighbours before them had a piano against the wall, and we could hear a faint tinkle in the hall if we listened hard.
After months & months of this, one evening my wife snapped & grabbed a carving knife to go round and silence them for once and all. I stopped her, but the scars on my forearms took 10 years to fade.
We tried to sell the place. One potential viewer came round looking like thunder, obviously had no intention of bothering. The estate agent reported that the bloke nextdoor said deliberately loud enough for her to hear as she walked past 'What's that f***ing c**n doing round here, don't want any of them here.' At that point I made a note of a date, and if we hadn't sold the place by then, I'd start investigating the possibility of a man with a van having an accident. We sold the place before that date, but not all that long before.
Anyway, that family had had their just deserts. The marriage didn't last much after we left. The mother lost her job and hasn't had one since, because she was caught siphoning fuel out of her company car into her son's, and the company paid all her fuel. The father broke a hip & can't work as a decorator any more. The eldest daughter is disabled after her second abortion went wrong, and she can't have kids anymore either - now she can't have them, she wants them. The next eldest daughter has had 3 divorces since we left and is now saddled with 3 children by different fathers, lives in social housing and has the dissatisfied look of someone who knows they deserve better, but 'they' have robbed her of her chances. The middle daughter hates her husband, rows constantly and lives in social housing with 2 kids. The son has been in prison twice for assault. The youngest daughter left as soon as she was old enough, she seems to have little contact with her family and is reasonably happy in London. (we keep track of them on facebook)
My how this thread has grown. Just catching up over a month's worth of posts. What a delightful collection of people you are! Thanks for all the laughs.
awful neighbours are the bane of everyone's existence
thankfully not seen much of mine with social distancing, was afraid of seeing them more
hear ones across the road fight though
yea we have had our share of crazy neighbors as well, its the darn dogs barking and trashing not being tried down that I hate the worst. but those people always a have away of doing themselves in.But in the meantime. life can be pretty miserable living around those folks. Some bad neighbors just live oblivious that other people are living around them or they just don't care. either way its always the innocent that have to suffer those crazies
as long as they stay off my property I can ignore them
the problems arise when they trespass and damage my stuff
"Miserable People" now there's a title for a TV reality show.
Follow ups about the deserved fate of the terrible people in our life.
I lost track of how many weeks work from home.
slowly building my exer bike time. was 20 minutes in the morning. now up to 30 min in morn and 30 in evening.
That's why I like Texas. Deadly force is justified for "mischief in the night time" (tresspassing, egging houses, TPing homes, stealing watermelons from a garden, turing over out houses and tipping cows in the old days, etc). Not saying I would use it, just saying I could use it. On a side note, NEVER steal watermelons from a blindman's watermelon patch. Rocksalt out of a scatter gun HURTS (believe me, I know).
doubt tp house, imagine harvesting tp from trees? lol
This is what I've been doing with my time...
I'm curious to see how long it takes my wife to notice I replaced her bronze statue of Vishnu with this.
Also... if I never post again after this... have the authorities look for my body within twenty feet of my house... I don't see her dragging me much further than that...
The mothership of tp
the Poo Fighters I mentioned much of what I have and is meaningful to me has little or no intrinsic value to an insurance company.
As to the computers, with what they would likely be appraised at given their age, I'd be lucky to get a settlement which would cover a new i5 system with a GTX 1660 16 GB of memory a single 1 TB SSD and a single flat screen display (running W10, ugh). It would also not replace all the work I have done since the drive crash 18 months ago, nor the system backup drive.
When I mention "living month to month" I am not exaggerating. My rent alone takes 53% of my monthly SS benefit, after which there are utilities, food (as my EBT benefits have been slashed by almost 50%), and other necessities..Were it not for being on my state's Medicare Savings Plan (which covers the monthly Medicare premium) I'd be in even worse shape. My content purchases are limited to what sales are happening and the discounts given. I actually passed on yesterday's coupon deal as pretty much everything on my wishlist that applied to the sale was still expensive, even after the discount, same for the Big Cat purple banner deal as I rarely buy new releases, and the list of discounted items has nothing I really need. Deals like the two weekend PC+ 50$ "gift codes", along with Fastgrab and PC+ for a day offers are what I wait for
...avowed enemy of Klingons.
ROFLMAO you nut. You out did yourself. Tears of laughter.
Yes there is that too . But people don't trespass here where we live, there is a break in every once in a while. But everyone one owns lethal force here for the same reasons as Billy Ben Stated. plus we know everyone our county area & they know us as well, that is a good deterrent. like having a mean dog in your yard.
OMG that is hilarious.
OMG ROTFLMAO. Dude, you got to make this a MEME.
tee heee trying to draw lips on my mask