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Stay away from the cornfields!
happens to me all the time but I think a lot of people have me on ignore
And He who Walks Behind the Rows! Always good advice.
Did someone say something? It almost feels like it. Maybe I have them on ignore.

I got your back @Phoenix1966! I saw that YOU posted the answer first. :)
There's also a weird lag that I see happening occasionally where there seem to be multiple servers that aren't in sync, where some posts aren't seen until much later. So, I THINK when that happens, depending on what server you're on you may or may not be seeing some of the posts that have been added to a thread. It doesn't happen very often but I've seen it happen more than a few times. (And no, I don't think it's always a result of merging threads, all though that occasionally happens too).
I've responded to threads where there doesn't look like anyone has answered someone's question - I'll answer it and then check back 20 minutes later and I'm still the only answer to the thread. Then suddenly an hour later the thread has like half a dozen responses to that question and all of them time-stamped BEFORE mine. So I'm thinking it's a server sync issue that happens on occasion.
After much thinking, maybe buying just the base and HD, I've decided to skip the entire new release. That knife dagger was too much to bear, and after seeing over $1000 in my cart for $52, and now way less product for $45+ , it just puts a sour taste in my mouth. Someday this will be free or osmething, as long as DAZ doesn't change everything mid-stride like they tend to do. $45 plus free Pro product not too shabby under normal days, but.
Ashan is a great addition! An issue I have is that the HD addon doesn't seem to match the ads, veins definitely don't stand out that much even dialed up to level 4.
Oh well. That's how a few of us read it, problem with posts not all loading exactly where intended undoubtedly ;-)
His irises are HUGE. o.O His skin is overall a bit flat in that it's too much one color. Other than that, he looks more continental African in features than Middle Eastern to me (not complaining) :). Is he supposed to?
If the fantasy outfits have good material zones, you can easily use sci-fi looking shaders to make them sci-fi! I do it all the time! You can even repurpose a lot of the clothes to be be normal current clothes too with shaders.
Thank you too ! The latest post is always the first read.
For anyone that thinks Ashan and Valentino look at all similar....not even close ;). Valentino got his muscles from his everyday life. Ashan got his at the gym. LOL
Well, I was also screwed by offer glitch. Got stuff in my cart before going to sleep but decided to wait until next day to better choose stuff from the featured artists, now it's a 500+$ cart. Read it's not coming back so nope, I'm not getting anything. I like Ashan 8 but I don't need him nor anything in that bundle or add-ons. I don't know if they changed the wording but I understood it was all that, not pick one. Else I wouldn't have tried getting all that in the cart in the first place. So, on principle alone I'm skipping.
For those having issue with the HD addon, check that the normal maps on Ashan are loaded. I dialed mine up to 1.5 and the veins pop nicely now.
I can't remember the last time I raided some new releases so hard; this one made me think of so many things from just looking at the promo images. Just like with Three Wishes's Imperial Coup, I feel like their is a great story behind all of this that I wish they would have told :) I feel a lot of GRRM's Faith of the Seven in this, a lot of Diablo IV.
Jack said the discounts on the Ashan Pro Bundle, which had gone in fixing the other issue, would be restored (and they were soon after).
Ashan 8 Pro Bundle was a character and a theme I liked. The warrior and cleric outfits can be used assembling a team for fantasy adventures. I also picked up another Genesis 8 bundle with it, but did not realize that I could have also gotten extra G7 and G2 bundles. Several add ons drew my attention so that was easy.
In my case, I was glad that they included the coupon for some PA items. As a longtime Dazaholic, I've picked through most of the Daz Originals that I would want. Had to pay more close attention though. I couldn't figure out the exact deal for an item until the cart was filled and the STOCKIN-UP applied. Some PAs are frequently discounted so I focused on some of the others.
"3 or more Add-Ons: an EXTRA 30% OFF* Ashan 8 or his bundles & the Add-Ons
PLUS an EXTRA 50% OFF* up to 10 Featured Artist Store Items with coupon code: STOCKIN-UP"
THX :)
Shame. Since oars were changed mid-stream I'll just get the base figure instead of the bundle. I don't really need any of that other stuff anyways.
Same here. I haven't been able to use a Free Genesis (Fill in the number) Pro Bundle offer in over a year. It would be nice if we could get them and give them as gifts. On the other hand, they finally dropped that same stagnant pool of free items that they've been recyling and come up with something MUCH better with the 10 Featured Artists at an extra 50% off deal. And onto that that by the time my purple bar discoutn and everything was w\factored in and the Pro Bunde was just a hair above $22 bucks. It's been in the cart since it popped up this morning but I only I just had the time to figure out what items to use the bonus coupon on. Awesome promotion!
Ashan is not bad, He could be many different ethnicities,
It's not too late DAZ, if you want my money
all you have to do is restore the (misinterpreted offer) and my money is yours
you will also gain a lot of good will in the process
and I know I'm not the only one having read the messages in this thread
and don't forget the silent (dissapointed) majority who don't bother saying anything in the forums
This is a very handsome figure I love him.
I, for one, am not complaining about the sales. I got the ASHAN 8 Pro Bundle for 22 bucks. No, I didn't get any free Pro bundles, but I got a purple banner with a nice discount on what I actually wanted. I got a lot of really amazing stuff at really amazing prices today.
Thanks DAZ!
Can't say I've ever seen an incentive that gives away SIX pro bundles for buying when I tried it early this morning after seeing the initial comments in this thread, I knew it had to be a mistake. I'd be bummed if I missed it too...but it was quite clearly a mistake. No reason to get bent out of shape at Daz for fixing their mistake. Now if the ad had actually said "and" instead of "or" and then they didn't honor it, then yeah.
I didn't get a single pro bundle free ('cause I own them all), and I still bought him. He's gorgeous and he's gonna get a lot of screen time in my renders.
Yeah, I'm not complaining. It was a very cheaply priced bundle. I loved just about everything in the bundle and the addons (no use for dForce hair unfortunately). The extra offers mean nothing to me. It was nice picking a free G8 bundle, but I'd still have grabbed Ashan's bundle regardless. It's the quality of the bundle which is the determining factor for me, not the deep discounts and sales. Of course we're all after something different. But I don't understand the confusion of the advertising. I thought the offers were quite clear. Did it not say "Choose One of the Following?"