My Book is Finally Out - Used DS to Make the Cover



  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited August 2014

    I don't like elf fiction and I'm particularly sensitive to fiction that paints the whole 'black skinned elves are evil' angle - the usual Drow angle.

    So I was a bit... cautious... on the story expecting a Drizzt-rehash. But at least in the sample on Amazon its pretty good writing, a compelling story, and doesn't paint anyone as evil-based-on-skin-tone like the D&D origin of Drow does.

    Might just have to buy the novel.

    And I seriously hope this launches a writing career for you - because you're better than a lot of people who are 'signed' by publishers.

    Post edited by arcady on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    hmm... how to say without spoilers..

    There aren't really any distinctly good or evil characters or races, there are different personalities. Some subsets are more power hungry than others, or at least it displays itself in a more overt manner. The one you'll hate the most if you read it is pale and blond, and even that character I wouldn't call evil, at least as far as I know them from just the first book. More like power hungry mostly lawful neutral.

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    arcady said:
    I don't like elf fiction and I'm particularly sensitive to fiction that paints the whole 'black skinned elves are evil' angle - the usual Drow angle.

    So I was a bit... cautious... on the story expecting a Drizzt-rehash. But at least in the sample on Amazon its pretty good writing, a compelling story, and doesn't paint anyone as evil-based-on-skin-tone like the D&D origin of Drow does.

    Might just have to buy the novel.

    And I seriously hope this launches a writing career for you - because you're better than a lot of people who are 'signed' by publishers.

    I completely understand where you're coming from, and that's always been a pet peeve of mine as well. I've tried to avoid labeling an entire race as good or evil. In my story it's more about how things fell out after a nasty conflict. Prejudices exist, but that's exactly what they are: prejudices.

    Thank you so much for your thoughts on the subject, and for giving my story a chance.

  • arcadyarcady Posts: 340
    edited August 2014

    I, and I think a lot of modern readers - are fine with villains and with people / characters having prejudices. Even with communities that fit some stereotypes.

    What I think people are not fine with is when those prejudices are 'inborn / inbred / genetic' and when whole masses of a sentient people are nothing but 'monster #376' on the killsheet. You know the sort of '1970s table top RPG' moral system, that is sadly where 'drow' made its popular debut.

    I know there was then Drizzt as the 'redeemed crow' but he was the 'redeemed because all his people were evil but him'. He didn't add to the complexity, he actually narrowed it: redemption only through betrayal.

    Your female protagonist starts by fleeing her people, but the subtle difference in how/why made a world of difference.

    It looked, from what I read - like you're an author of a new generation that explores moral complexity and complex characters. And from what I read so far you do it amazingly well. As in: I want to see your name on a bestseller list at some point, with a couple more books of the caliber you showed in those initial pages.

    Hopefully the rest of your book will also live up, and I can get over my 'elf bias' through it. :)

    ps: your handle looks familiar and as you noted on the first page you've been rendering these characters for years - have I seen your renders on places like renderosity as far back as around 2000 or so, give or take a few years?

    Post edited by arcady on
  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, again, for your kind words. You've really hit the nail on the head in terms of what I was trying to accomplish. Should you choose to read further, I hope I meet your expectations.

    And yep, I've been posting images at Rendo for years (under the same handle). I just looked and it appears I've posted pictures of Raven, W'rath, and the twins since around 2008. They've changed since that time, along with my ideas of what story I would tell using them. Here is an image I did back in 2009 depicting the first part of the story. If I did a new version of it now I'd change quite a few things, including Raven's ridiculous footwear, but I'm still pretty happy with how Linden turned out.

    1006 x 1342 - 400K
  • kurisu2112kurisu2112 Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    My copy arrived on Sunday.
    Do you have a larger version of the map which you could post as with my eyesight I am having difficulty reading the place names.
    Aside from that I am looking forward to reading the book.

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    Let's see what I can do here...

    1250 x 2000 - 550K
  • kurisu2112kurisu2112 Posts: 198
    edited December 1969

    Thank you
    I can now actually read it all.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    I ordered a 2nd copy today. LOL

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    Thank you
    I can now actually read it all.

    You are quite welcome. I hope my mediocre map making abilities aren't too off putting.

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    Fisty said:
    I ordered a 2nd copy today. LOL

    One for each eye? :lol:

    You certainly do know how to make a person feel special.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    maraich said:
    One for each eye? :lol:

    Nah, a birthday gift for best buddy. Now to see how long it takes to get to England, and hope he doesn't read this thread and ruin the surprise. :lol:

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    I've loved Maraich's art of her characters FOREVER. LOL. There's an image or two of the twins that crack me up, and of course, I've LOVED her depictions of Wr'ath (whose name I can NEVER spell right, much like i can NEVER pronounce Maraich correctly, despite all the years we've been friends... :D )

    One of my faves of her was this one:;&np;
    I made her send me a high res copy back in 2009 of that, printed it out LARGE and my mum took it to be framed in a fantastic gold frame - it now hangs on my wall at home. :D :D

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    jakiblue said:
    much like i can NEVER pronounce Maraich correctly, despite all the years we've been friends... :D )

    I've never figured that out either.. I say Mare-ee-ahk in my head, but I'm sure that's totally wrong.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Fisty said:
    jakiblue said:
    much like i can NEVER pronounce Maraich correctly, despite all the years we've been friends... :D )

    I've never figured that out either.. I say Mare-ee-ahk in my head, but I'm sure that's totally wrong.
    Wow, then I must be totally off base. I think of it as being pronounced Ma-ray-ch.

    Anyway, I have now finished the book, and my only question is . . . how long before the second book is published???????

    This was a great read, but the ending has me hoping we don't have to wait a year before we find out what happens.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    Miss B said:
    Wow, then I must be totally off base. I think of it as being pronounced Ma-ray-ch.

    You're probably a lot closer to right than I am.

    So.. uh.. Lee.. how do you say your handle? =)

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited August 2014

    Fisty said:
    Miss B said:
    Wow, then I must be totally off base. I think of it as being pronounced Ma-ray-ch.

    You're probably a lot closer to right than I am.

    So.. uh.. Lee.. how do you say your handle? =)
    Yes, inquiring minds would like to know. :coolsmile:

    Oh, and I just left my very first review, ever, at Amazon. :coolsmirk:

    Post edited by Miss B on
  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    Oh, my, I somehow got dropped of the thread notification list - sorry, folks, I wasn't ignoring you.

    Okay, first things first, the pronunciation of my handle. Despite its spelling, it is pronounced Muh-rai-hee. Do not ask me why it's spelled the way it is. It's from a very old Japanese cartoon called Patalliro! and Maraich was one of the characters in it - a 14-year-old German assassin with red hair. The red hair and the pale skin are about the only thing the two of us have in common. P

    Miss B - THANK YOU! I very much appreciate the Amazon review. I didn't want to be one of those poor people whose only reviews come from their parents. Thanks to you and Fisty I have avoided that - and in grand style. Your reviews are very nicely written, and different enough that they may be helpful to varying readers.

    Now if I can just get David at work to finish his. He's been working on it for almost a week. I think he's trying to recreate "War & Peace" :P

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    jakiblue said:
    I've loved Maraich's art of her characters FOREVER. LOL. There's an image or two of the twins that crack me up, and of course, I've LOVED her depictions of Wr'ath (whose name I can NEVER spell right, much like i can NEVER pronounce Maraich correctly, despite all the years we've been friends... :D )

    One of my faves of her was this one:;&np;
    I made her send me a high res copy back in 2009 of that, printed it out LARGE and my mum took it to be framed in a fantastic gold frame - it now hangs on my wall at home. :D :D

    I still really like that image too, Jaki. I think its the closest I've ever come to getting Lady Swiftbrook to look like how I imagine her. K'hul is spot on. Poor Raven hadn't been fully developed yet in my mind, so she's about a foot and a half too short in that image. I'm still struggling to get Kela and Foxfire right.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    maraich said:
    The red hair and the pale skin are about the only thing the two of us have in common.
    Ohhhh, another redhead, though I don't have pale skin and the red hair isn't . . . ummmmm . . . naturally red. ~wink~

    maraich said:
    Miss B - THANK YOU! I very much appreciate the Amazon review. I didn't want to be one of those poor people whose only reviews come from their parents. Thanks to you and Fisty I have avoided that - and in grand style. Your reviews are very nicely written, and different enough that they may be helpful to varying readers.

    Well I just checked, and 1 person found my review helpful, so folks are reading the reviews and most likely buying the book. I know I'll be recommending it to friends who like the fantasy genre.

    Now if I can just get David at work to finish his. He's been working on it for almost a week. I think he's trying to recreate "War & Peace" :P
    ~ROFL~ I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait when he's finished. :coolsmirk:

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited August 2014

    ANOTHER REVIEW HAS BEEN ADDED!!! I don't think it's your friend, however, since it's only 1 sentence long and from someone who got the Kindle edition. From what you said, your friend is writing a book for the review. :coolsmirk:

    Post edited by Miss B on
  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    Nope, David did not write it. This one is from an unknown person (which is cool in and of itself) who posted at my web site. He says he's read 34 books in the last 22 days, which is mind boggling to me. I read maybe two a week (depending on length and genre). He's really getting his money's worth out of the Kindle Unlimited program.

    In other news, my friend's wife wants me to give a talk at her daughter's school on writing. Obviously, I won't be telling a bunch of twelve-year-olds to read my book. I can imagine the angry parents now. However, I thought I could do some interactive exercise with them on how to spitball character ideas. We'd build two, a girl and a boy, and people would shout out ideas about when and where they lived, what genre they would be a part of, etc. This is an exercise that I saw Brandon Sanderson do with his class at BYU, and I thought it was brilliant.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited August 2014

    Ohhhh, that sounds perfect. You don't mention how old they are, but I have to assume middle or high school if it's a writing class. You'll have to let us know how it goes.

    I also can't imagine anyone reading 34 books in 22 days. Depending on the length of the book, typeface and leading and especially the publisher, I can usually read 40 to 50 pages an hour. Then you sit me down with the Game of Thrones books, or Outlander, which I just started last night, and I'm lucky if I can read 25 pages an hour. At this rate, and well over 800 pages, I'll be reading this book for, at the very least, the next 10 days. Sheesh. I usually do 2 books a week as well . . . not this time.

    Post edited by Miss B on
  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    The kids are 12-year-olds. I believe it's actually an English class, but according to Dee (friend's wife) the teacher has been looking for an author to come in and talk about the process. Dee is a teacher too, and very active with the school, so she's a pretty reliable contact as far as those things go. I hope it works out, I've wanted to do something like this for a while. My intended audience was my community college, but due to budget cuts they got rid of the program they had where anyone with a passion and a plan could have a class for the general community. It's too bad 'cause a lot of unusual learning opportunities were available via that system.

    I also just got off the phone with the niece of yet another friend (I sound like quite the social butterfly, I know - LoL), and she's a web person and she's going to log in and try to figure out how to get my author site to look better. It's supposed to have an image slider at the top, and I can't get it to work. I also want to add stuff to the side bar, and there doesn't seem to be a way to do that. I know it's a freebie template, but it can't be that lame - I hope. With luck, in a week or so, things will look a bit more spiffy over at

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited December 1969

    It's here!!! It's here!!!

    Book arrived this morning. Lee, it looks fantastic!!!!!

    I'm gonna take a photo of me holding it for you *laughs* And another of me pointing to MY NAME in the credits. *grin*

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    I so want to see that, Jaki. You have to post it on FB too! You could pose like a game show hostess. P

    Your bookplate got sent out last week, so hopefully it will arrive relatively soon also.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    You're going to love the book Jaki. :coolsmile:

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    ANOTHER REVIEW POSTED!!! Out of curiosity, I just checked at Amazon, and a 4th review has been added. :coolsmirk:

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    Yes! It's very exciting. I don't know who that person is, so it gives me some hope that I'm starting to reach a broader audience.

  • maraichmaraich Posts: 494
    edited December 1969

    Woot! David FINALLY got his review posted. He must have sensed me thinking evil thoughts about him. P

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