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I just wanted to pop in and let folks know that over at Kev's Blog an "Author's Interview" just got posted. If you join his blog and post in the comments for my interview, you can be entered into a drawing for a print copy of my book.
HEAR YE! YEAR YE! We've got a ninth review!! :coolsmirk:
I saw Jaki's post about the blog interview over on Anne's forum, so going to check it out. I also posted above that there's now NINE nice reviews of the book. :coolsmile:
And I bought a 3rd copy of it. LOL Sent it to my ex for his birthday =)
~LOL~ Why not!!
Oh and Lee, I just read the interview on Kev's blog, and I have to say that's a great interview. BTW, I'm also a Lee Child fan, and have read all but his most recent Jack Reacher books, and that's only because it's only just out in hardcover. :coolsmirk:
Yeah, we're getting the magic number of twenty, slowly but surely. Not sure why twenty is supposed to be the number to strive for, but I've seen it mentioned more than once, so I too shall consider that a milestone.
Wow, thanks, Fisty! You're a very generous Ex.
I tell ya, there are just too many fun, entertaining, informative and deep books out there. If I could split my brain in half I'd read two books simultaneously. If I had more time I'd study those books more thoroughly just to get a better idea of what the authors do to create such awesome scenes. As it is, I read 2-3 books a week and hope that some of the information filters into my brain subliminally.
I have very eclectic taste in books that span 3 or 4 different genres, so I read a lot of different authors with different styles, but once I find one I like, I read all their books.
I love that interview- the humor really gets the ball rolling. (Hopefully you got back to your cat and her toy...)
Annndd... I bought a 4th copy. LOL For my mother this time.
Finally made time to read the second book.. how long until the third one?
Is it done yet?
How about now?
Nevermind, just found your blog.. gratz on your impending escape from pergatory!
That looks great! It's great compostion and colors and cool looking characters. Awesome work!
Add me to the "is it there yet" crowd ;) But I get that writing takes time so I'll wait (not so) patiently till it's done...
Congratulations! Very happy for you! The cover looks amazing!
Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of the support. I will ask if any of you have read the book(s) and not already left a review, please do so. The second book especially is short on reviews. It doesn't have to be long, just honest.
And a brief update, my father found a house and we are in the midst of working toward a closing on the 1st of August. It sits on a 1/2 acre of land and there are numerous deer in the area that wander about. Lots of squirrels, and I assume bluejays. Natural landscaping, so there are no ugly rocks or annoying lawns to deal with. I may plant seedlings to replace some of the pines they cut down to put in the house. There are real dedicated bike paths all over the place, not just little suicide lanes along the side of busy roads. I can ride over to the Deschutes River and sit and write and watch the frogs watching me. We won't be able to actually move until October, but I feel better already knowing that my goal of escaping Phoenix is coming true.
I don't remember if I left one on book 2, I'll have to check...
Sounds like a great place :) Congrats on the move.
Got it for my Kindle :)
glad to hear you found a house! :D
Shoot me an email when things settle down a bit for you, cos I've got lots to tell. :D
I'll remind hubby that he should do a review for the book - I know he really enjoyd the first one. I'll get my butt into gear and leave one for the second too :D
WOW... what a fabulous spot you found. I hope everyone loves it there. HUGS
A bit of thread necromancy, as I just finished re-reading both books.... So, any news on book 3? :)
Hey, Leana! I cannot say how exciting it is that someone enjoyed my books enough to reread them! Thanks for making my day.
As to your question, things are moving along. I'm on Chapter 17, which puts me over the halfway mark, maybe even more like 2/3 of the way along. One of the things that is slowing me up is that enough of the characters are developed at this point that they are getting their own major branches of storyline, so it's not quite as linear as the previous two. For example, Lord Icewind, his oddball parents, and Lady Winterdawn have much larger parts this time around. Also, Lord K'hul undergoes some significant growth in book III as he deals with a family tragedy. Poor Raven is pulled in a hundred directions due to her loyalty to W'rath, her promise to the gryphons, her responsibility to the young Shadow Elves, and her ongoing training.
Thanks for your continued interest. I will try to post more as things develop.
/bounce bounce bounce
Hey, there.
Someone I know asked me to pop in and ask you how many books you're planing for the series.
The current storyline will conclude with this third book. After that I have a couple ideas for short stories involving the twins. I also have another story in mind that I believe will be novella length. Last, I plan on a full book that takes place about a hundred years in the future from the current series. Thank you for asking.
Many thanks for answering. I'll pass the news on.
Hi, folks! Wow, it's been over a year since I updated this thread. How embarrassing! I wanted to fire it up again to let people know that at long last the third book in my series is out at Amazon. It is entitled "Exile's Legacy". Currently, only the ebook is available. I am expecting my proof copy to arrive from Amazon on Monday, so I should have the print version available around Wednesday. Oh, and since I last posted, things have changed a bit. There will be a fourth book. However, I wanted to let you know that the major storyline concerning who is attacking the elves with demons and why does get resolved by the end of Book III. Book IV will involve breaking the memory curse affecting First Home, finding new allies to help the elves retake Second Home (there's still plenty of nasties lingering there), hunting down the new villain established in Book III, and trying to find and free slaves. Wow, that exhausts me just typing that all out! Thank you all for your patience.
Here is the cover I did for it using DS and many a DAZ product:
...very nice.
Looking to get into doing simlar myself now that I am retired (just for a little "fun money")
Great news, congrats on the new release! :)
I’ll get the “paper version” as soon as it is available.