Show Us Your Iray Renders. Part III



  • JimbowJimbow Posts: 557
    edited December 1969

    tomtom.w said:
    Jimbow said:
    Finally finished a character scene with a full background. A lot was learned transferring morphs to custom and off-the-shelf facial hair, etc. Edit Mode and Favourites are your friend. Base Colour Scatter & Transmit mode for the skin.

    Very nice.

    Cheers TomTom :)

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Nice one M-S , in Iray one correct material can provide light into another as that what Iray do .. you need to think the way it is in real world
    research some internet put some right values for metal add some Fresnel and let Iray do the light magic , if you render inside room use the Architectural Sampler ..
    and if you use rooms textured like that use Specular/Glossiness base shader mixer as for the other the diffuses are too dark to be usable correctly .

    Well have been working at it. I see most people are only working at skin and shiny cars. It took me some time figure out what what going to work with sci_fi sets I tried a lot of different material types but in the end car paint is the work horse I will use, it's got moreoptions than the rest, works both indoors and out door. Vince gave me some good points to, but I was shatted to find displacement map were no good to use, Iray doesn't do them per pixel but by geometry sub divisions which kills the render time, so for now we have to stick with bump and normal maps, and I have to rethink how I model geometry now. It's a big learning curve to start with, Also people will have to use HD morph to get the detail into their character. But better to know now so we can get into to that way of thinking. I will say lighting is so much easier don't have to think any more. Here some of my latest test.
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Robert and everyone that like my grapes , it was without a base color just diffuse translucency and Fresnel still playing with MDL blocks under shader mixer tab

    MEC4D said:
    Fruit anybody ? fresh washed lol


    Most of my renders I get this way just messing with the camera to find interesting angle

    8eos8 said:
    MEC4D said:
    nice one !
    8eos8 said:
    Trying different camera angles from a previous scene...

    Thanks! I was just tooling around with the camera when I was like, waitaminute, that looks good I oughta render that :)

    Fantastic looking grapes

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Nice one Jim, well done !

    Jimbow said:
    Finally finished a character scene with a full background. A lot was learned transferring morphs to custom and off-the-shelf facial hair, etc. Edit Mode and Favourites are your friend. Base Colour Scatter & Transmit mode for the skin.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    If I drink anything and I don't do it very often , I do only Jack Daniels .. anything else, big headache after lol

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Blantyr said:
    MEC4D said:
    Everybody invited for a drink .... Congrats Alex..

    I spend 8 hours composing and making the scene , need to render more samples over night
    here raw draw .. check the label lol


    I don't know about the splash. Should one waste the good stuff? ;) if it were Talisker, Laphroaig or Ardbeg I would definitely agree.
  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:

    Nice one M-S , in Iray one correct material can provide light into another as that what Iray do .. you need to think the way it is in real world
    research some internet put some right values for metal add some Fresnel and let Iray do the light magic , if you render inside room use the Architectural Sampler ..
    and if you use rooms textured like that use Specular/Glossiness base shader mixer as for the other the diffuses are too dark to be usable correctly .

    Well have been working at it. I see most people are only working at skin and shiny cars. It took me some time figure out what what going to work with sci_fi sets I tried a lot of different material types but in the end car paint is the work horse I will use, it's got moreoptions than the rest, works both indoors and out door. Vince gave me some good points to, but I was shatted to find displacement map were no good to use, Iray doesn't do them per pixel but by geometry sub divisions which kills the render time, so for now we have to stick with bump and normal maps, and I have to rethink how I model geometry now. It's a big learning curve to start with, Also people will have to use HD morph to get the detail into their character. But better to know now so we can get into to that way of thinking. I will say lighting is so much easier don't have to think any more. Here some of my latest test.

    Vince said to stick withMetal/Roughness but yes they were originally Specular/Glossiness I'll have a play see what it does, it's more paint metal with worn metal on the edges so it's combining to types of materials, I tried to use the a Top coat layer to shine up the damaged bits. So it's too many choices is the problem. Thanks for the tips !!! Time for bed 2.00 in the morning here zzzzzz
  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    Gedd said:
    ...I was shatted to find displacement map were no good to use, Iray doesn't do them per pixel but by geometry sub divisions which kills the render time, so for now we have to stick with bump and normal maps, and I have to rethink how I model geometry now....

    Yes this is one area that 3Dlight kicks over other render engines. I don't know of any other that does micro displacement like it does. That really confused me for a while going back and forth between different engines before I realized what was going on. I really hope that whatever magic they do to get that gets imported into other engines.

    I don't think that it will as it is something that comes from the Reyes Algorithm. That is one of the big strength of Renderman Compliant renderers

  • jag11jag11 Posts: 885
    edited December 1969

    Playing with plasma. Stopped it at 40% 'cause I'm not in my muscled computer.

    640 x 640 - 87K
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    edited December 1969

    Experimenting with Bot Genesis (one of my favorite items, cornerstone to my web comic .;)

    I was curious to see what it might look like with a translucent skin over it. It's a little clumsy -- the hands and feet could use better finesse, but for an idle experiment, I'm good.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    you can't create the type you tried with Metal/Roughness , as the textures was not made for it since we did not had this type of shader base before , no matter what all old products from the library are not made for use with Metal/Roughness and it can get really confused here .
    Metal/Roughness uses different values than Specular/Glossiness , for example chrome diffuse color is black , under Metal/Roughness it will be kind of light gray so if you want make alive old sets easy and quick use Specular/Glossiness , both mixers are PBR and if you want to stick with Metal/Roughness then much success learning new values and they are not easy to find on internet as mostly all values are for Specular/Glossiness around and they will never works correct under Metal/Roughness.

    For example my set converted with Uber Iray base will not works since it is automatic set to Metal/Roughness and the values will create total different effect as expected, so totally useless especially if the maps control the layers like paint with metal scratches , if you know what you doing you can redone it to work, edit the 56 textures in photoshop ...well much fun with that
    the same with skin Metal/Roughness don't give me enough options to make it right especially when controlled by maps as complex human skin with just values is a rubber doll and complex layered wall will be scratched shiny plastic ..

    If you work with painting programs that offer you export for Metal/Roughness values then it is all fine

    MEC4D said:

    Nice one M-S , in Iray one correct material can provide light into another as that what Iray do .. you need to think the way it is in real world
    research some internet put some right values for metal add some Fresnel and let Iray do the light magic , if you render inside room use the Architectural Sampler ..
    and if you use rooms textured like that use Specular/Glossiness base shader mixer as for the other the diffuses are too dark to be usable correctly .

    Well have been working at it. I see most people are only working at skin and shiny cars. It took me some time figure out what what going to work with sci_fi sets I tried a lot of different material types but in the end car paint is the work horse I will use, it's got moreoptions than the rest, works both indoors and out door. Vince gave me some good points to, but I was shatted to find displacement map were no good to use, Iray doesn't do them per pixel but by geometry sub divisions which kills the render time, so for now we have to stick with bump and normal maps, and I have to rethink how I model geometry now. It's a big learning curve to start with, Also people will have to use HD morph to get the detail into their character. But better to know now so we can get into to that way of thinking. I will say lighting is so much easier don't have to think any more. Here some of my latest test.

    Vince said to stick withMetal/Roughness but yes they were originally Specular/Glossiness I'll have a play see what it does, it's more paint metal with worn metal on the edges so it's combining to types of materials, I tried to use the a Top coat layer to shine up the damaged bits. So it's too many choices is the problem. Thanks for the tips !!! Time for bed 2.00 in the morning here zzzzzz
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    edited December 1969

    Someone commented about disliking Iray for it's more photorealism vs. 'artistic' look, so I played around a bit.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    If I used HD or displacement it was all the same rendering time so not much differences here unless you getting crazy sub-d level, actually I love how displacement works in Iray it does not work as good before for me especially if you getting crazy with it
    Now I know that what I model in Zbrush is exactly rendered in Iray .. who need HD morphs if displacement do exactly the same in Iray and not blowing off my models surface plus other applications like 3dmax or whatever users can use my product without to worry about HD morphs or pixel by pixel displacement .. now we can share stuff across Maya, 3Dmax etc.. and that is cooool ! including custom shaders .. the world doors just opened for DS

    just my opinion on that and I am not going to stick with bump and normal maps only , why should I ... just because someone render with Pentium 2 PC ? lol

    bellow is just displacement , model was modeled on level 7 what is DS 6 I think .. sub-d iray displacement was just 2 and the result was exactly the same what mean HD morph would never give me this details unless I set it to 6

    I was shatted to find displacement map were no good to use, Iray doesn't do them per pixel but by geometry sub divisions which kills the render time, so for now we have to stick with bump and normal maps, and I have to rethink how I model geometry now.
    1920 x 1080 - 3M
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    photorealism vs. crappy light
    you should do both versions Willi

    people often dislike things they can't do or don't have
    you can set a pretty cartoon style or any style in iray .. and it is so easy to get the so called 'artistic' look by screwing some light the wrong way or use head lamp , not to mention distance light and 'artistic' look is done

    Someone commented about disliking Iray for it's more photorealism vs. 'artistic' look, so I played around a bit.

  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    If I used HD or displacement it was all the same rendering time so not much differences here unless you getting crazy sub-d level, actually I love how displacement works in Iray it does not work as good before for me especially if you getting crazy with it
    Now I know that what I model in Zbrush is exactly rendered in Iray .. who need HD morphs if displacement do exactly the same in Iray and not blowing off my models surface plus other applications like 3dmax or whatever users can use my product without to worry about HD morphs or pixel by pixel displacement .. now we can share stuff across Maya, 3Dmax etc.. and that is cooool ! including custom shaders .. the world doors just opened for DS

    just my opinion on that and I am not going to stick with bump and normal maps only , why should I ... just because someone render with Pentium 2 PC ? lol

    bellow is just displacement , model was modeled on level 7 what is DS 6 I think .. sub-d iray displacement was just 2 and the result was exactly the same what mean HD morph would never give me this details unless I set it to 6

    I was shatted to find displacement map were no good to use, Iray doesn't do them per pixel but by geometry sub divisions which kills the render time, so for now we have to stick with bump and normal maps, and I have to rethink how I model geometry now.

    I have an issue with Iray where it hangs and doesn't render if I set displacement sub-d level to higher than 2. Have you been able to render with displacement sub-d higher than sub-d 2? My computer shouldn't have a problem with it, it's pretty powerful with a Titan card, and I regularly used to render characters at sub-d 3 or 4 in Octane. I've been thinking about filing a bug report, but since you mention working in displacement I wanted to see if anyone else has been having the same issue as me before sending it in.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited May 2015

    I don't used higher than 3 but the displacement extracted from modeling was 14 million poly , let me check what will happen .. pay attention that level 3 may be actual level 4

    pearbear said:
    MEC4D said:
    If I used HD or displacement it was all the same rendering time so not much differences here unless you getting crazy sub-d level, actually I love how displacement works in Iray it does not work as good before for me especially if you getting crazy with it
    Now I know that what I model in Zbrush is exactly rendered in Iray .. who need HD morphs if displacement do exactly the same in Iray and not blowing off my models surface plus other applications like 3dmax or whatever users can use my product without to worry about HD morphs or pixel by pixel displacement .. now we can share stuff across Maya, 3Dmax etc.. and that is cooool ! including custom shaders .. the world doors just opened for DS

    just my opinion on that and I am not going to stick with bump and normal maps only , why should I ... just because someone render with Pentium 2 PC ? lol

    bellow is just displacement , model was modeled on level 7 what is DS 6 I think .. sub-d iray displacement was just 2 and the result was exactly the same what mean HD morph would never give me this details unless I set it to 6

    I was shatted to find displacement map were no good to use, Iray doesn't do them per pixel but by geometry sub divisions which kills the render time, so for now we have to stick with bump and normal maps, and I have to rethink how I model geometry now.

    I have an issue with Iray where it hangs and doesn't render if I set displacement sub-d level to higher than 2. Have you been able to render with displacement sub-d higher than sub-d 2? My computer shouldn't have a problem with it, it's pretty powerful with a Titan card, and I regularly used to render characters at sub-d 3 or 4 in Octane. I've been thinking about filing a bug report, but since you mention working in displacement I wanted to see if anyone else has been having the same issue as me before sending it in.

    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    edited December 1969

    Preliminary render of a character for webcomic. I need to get one of the Dystopian Drone expansions to get better hands, but... good enough for now.

    And yay carpaint!

  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    I don't used higher than 3 but the displacement extracted from modeling was 14 million poly , let me check what will happen .. pay attention that level 3 may be actual level 4

    pearbear said:
    MEC4D said:
    If I used HD or displacement it was all the same rendering time so not much differences here unless you getting crazy sub-d level, actually I love how displacement works in Iray it does not work as good before for me especially if you getting crazy with it
    Now I know that what I model in Zbrush is exactly rendered in Iray .. who need HD morphs if displacement do exactly the same in Iray and not blowing off my models surface plus other applications like 3dmax or whatever users can use my product without to worry about HD morphs or pixel by pixel displacement .. now we can share stuff across Maya, 3Dmax etc.. and that is cooool ! including custom shaders .. the world doors just opened for DS

    just my opinion on that and I am not going to stick with bump and normal maps only , why should I ... just because someone render with Pentium 2 PC ? lol

    bellow is just displacement , model was modeled on level 7 what is DS 6 I think .. sub-d iray displacement was just 2 and the result was exactly the same what mean HD morph would never give me this details unless I set it to 6

    I was shatted to find displacement map were no good to use, Iray doesn't do them per pixel but by geometry sub divisions which kills the render time, so for now we have to stick with bump and normal maps, and I have to rethink how I model geometry now.

    I have an issue with Iray where it hangs and doesn't render if I set displacement sub-d level to higher than 2. Have you been able to render with displacement sub-d higher than sub-d 2? My computer shouldn't have a problem with it, it's pretty powerful with a Titan card, and I regularly used to render characters at sub-d 3 or 4 in Octane. I've been thinking about filing a bug report, but since you mention working in displacement I wanted to see if anyone else has been having the same issue as me before sending it in.

    Thanks for checking! It's only when I set the displacement sub-d slider in Iray's Surfaces tab to anything higher than sub-d 2 that I don't get a render. I'm usually using 8000 pixel displacement maps from Z-brush sculpted at Z-brush level five or six.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited May 2015

    On GTX 760 not overclocked .. other way would be so much faster

    9 sec to engage level 1 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    12 sec to engage level 2 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    19 sec to engage level 4 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    3 min 45 sec to engage level 5 displacement rendering start quick after as usual

    level 5 is over 21 million of poly for genesis
    level 4 is over 5 million poly
    level 3 is over 1.3 million poly
    level 2 is over 347 million poly
    this is with added already base subdivision too + displacement

    not going to level 6 as I will never use it anyway
    now u can set genesis on base and displacement sub-d on 3 and having over 347.000 of poly rendered look

    I use 8K too , modeling 5-6 level for full body , partials getting higher
    you need also import back the modeled cage and use the displacement with and not on clean genesis only for max result
    and max level 2 or 3 is what you need .
    I model figures on zero level in Zbrush and use displacement and normal for much finer details only
    extracting the cage after morphing is crucial for correct use of displacement

    pearbear said:
    Thanks for checking! It’s only when I set the displacement sub-d slider in Iray’s Surfaces tab to anything higher than sub-d 2 that I don’t get a render. I’m usually using 8000 pixel displacement maps from Z-brush sculpted at Z-brush level five or six.
    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited December 1969

    trying out the new environment in Iray...


    Your stuff always looks good in Iray. I do hope this light set is included with the scene when it's released.



  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    On GTX 760 not overclocked .. other way would be so much faster

    9 sec to engage level 1 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    12 sec to engage level 2 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    19 sec to engage level 4 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    3 min 45 sec to engage level 5 displacement rendering start quick after as usual

    level 5 is over 21 million of poly for genesis
    level 4 is over 5 million poly
    level 3 is over 1.3 million poly
    level 2 is over 347 million poly
    this is with added already base subdivision too + displacement

    not going to level 6 as I will never use it anyway
    now u can set genesis on base and displacement sub-d on 3 and having over 347.000 of poly rendered look

    I use 8K too , modeling 5-6 level for full body , partials getting higher
    you need also import back the modeled cage and use the displacement with and not on clean genesis only for max result
    and max level 2 or 3 is what you need .
    I model figures on zero level in Zbrush and use displacement and normal for much finer details only
    extracting the cage after morphing is crucial for correct use of displacement

    Thank you for sharing your results, and the advice Cath! It's super helpful. I'm going to have to figure out what I've been doing wrong now...

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    I hope something works for you , I saw that iray is sensitive to bad UV's if not done well or anything messed up it will crash especially when you try to apply textures , I had missed one polygon face not mapped some way in my grapes and it crashed 20 times until I checked the model to see what is going on

    also subdivision in Octane is for triangles so the levels are different and much lover

    also when you export the displacements from Zbrush via GOZ make sure you check the values and what Zbrush put it in, since each sub-d level need different values of Maximum and Minimum , once it can be 0.50 other 0.18

    pearbear said:
    MEC4D said:
    On GTX 760 not overclocked .. other way would be so much faster

    9 sec to engage level 1 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    12 sec to engage level 2 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    19 sec to engage level 4 displacement rendering started quick as usual
    3 min 45 sec to engage level 5 displacement rendering start quick after as usual

    level 5 is over 21 million of poly for genesis
    level 4 is over 5 million poly
    level 3 is over 1.3 million poly
    level 2 is over 347 million poly
    this is with added already base subdivision too + displacement

    not going to level 6 as I will never use it anyway
    now u can set genesis on base and displacement sub-d on 3 and having over 347.000 of poly rendered look

    I use 8K too , modeling 5-6 level for full body , partials getting higher
    you need also import back the modeled cage and use the displacement with and not on clean genesis only for max result
    and max level 2 or 3 is what you need .
    I model figures on zero level in Zbrush and use displacement and normal for much finer details only
    extracting the cage after morphing is crucial for correct use of displacement

    Thank you for sharing your results, and the advice Cath! It's super helpful. I'm going to have to figure out what I've been doing wrong now...

  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    The first thing I'm going to do is try using GOZ, because so far I've just been exporting the base mesh as .obj from DAZ and importing into Z-Brush manually. Maybe switching to the GOZ method will fix a lot of problems and be better for me in the long-run. You're definitely showing a lot of success with GOZ. Thanks again!

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited May 2015

    I use GOZ to export to Zbrush.. for work and stuff for JMCs and others , for my clothing exporting and importing manually
    also it is better to export the morph from Zbrush and import manually at Cinema or lightwave profile so you have a copy in case DS crash before you saved it

    the good thing is that after you created for example face displacement , you can import with GOZ back to studio with the values included for displacement maps and that is important so you don't guessing here for best result

    much luck with GOZ

    pearbear said:
    The first thing I'm going to do is try using GOZ, because so far I've just been exporting the base mesh as .obj from DAZ and importing into Z-Brush manually. Maybe switching to the GOZ method will fix a lot of problems and be better for me in the long-run. You're definitely showing a lot of success with GOZ. Thanks again!
    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • sheedee3Dsheedee3D Posts: 214
    edited December 1969

    Where can i get this Ruins HDRI that every body is talking about?...

    Its supposed to be included in Studio 4.8...but i cant find it...

  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited May 2015

    MEC4D said:
    I use GOZ to export to Zbrush.. for work and stuff for JMCs and others , for my clothing exporting and importing manually
    also it is better to export the morph from Zbrush and import manually at Cinema or lightwave profile so you have a copy in case DS crash before you saved it

    the good thing is that after you created for example face displacement , you can import with GOZ back to studio with the values included for displacement maps and that is important so you don't guessing here for best result

    much luck with GOZ

    Yay, it worked! I tried it out with some quick alpha brush mech bolts using GOZ to Z-Brush and back. (sorry G2F, I know it ain't pretty) This is by far the best success I've had with displacement maps. I usually have issues with seams that are especially apparent when the figure is backlit like this. But it worked like a charm! I even put a giant bolt on the middle of the shoulder UV seam, and it matched up great. Figure is at sub-d 2 and displacement sub-d is at 3, working with no problems. This opens up a lot of possibilities for me, thank you for the great help! I owe you a Jack and Coke.

    (edit - I cropped the photo because the bolts at the shoulder were just so ugly looking. A good test of displacement with strangely horrifying results)

    1026 x 1026 - 560K
    Post edited by pearbear on
  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    sheedee3D said:
    Where can i get this Ruins HDRI that every body is talking about?...

    Its supposed to be included in Studio 4.8...but i cant find it...

    Make sure you have the latest version of the Public Build (, the HDRI isn't in the earliest Betas. If you make a new scene (not loading from a saved scene) the Ruins HDRI should automatically be your environment light.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    pearbear said:
    MEC4D said:
    I use GOZ to export to Zbrush.. for work and stuff for JMCs and others , for my clothing exporting and importing manually
    also it is better to export the morph from Zbrush and import manually at Cinema or lightwave profile so you have a copy in case DS crash before you saved it

    the good thing is that after you created for example face displacement , you can import with GOZ back to studio with the values included for displacement maps and that is important so you don't guessing here for best result

    much luck with GOZ

    Yay, it worked! I tried it out with some quick alpha brush mech bolts using GOZ to Z-Brush and back. (sorry G2F, I know it ain't pretty) This is by far the best success I've had with displacement maps. I usually have issues with seams that are especially apparent when the figure is backlit like this. But it worked like a charm! I even put a giant bolt on the middle of the shoulder UV seam, and it matched up great. Figure is at sub-d 2 and displacement sub-d is at 3, working with no problems. This opens up a lot of possibilities for me, thank you for the great help! I owe you a Jack and Coke.

    Oh my goodness, me too. I didn't even know goZ could do that with maps!! I've had to manually touch up seams with every single product.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    I've got to admit, the one thing I've been deeply frustrated with is displacement maps. As far as I can tell displacement maps used to add detail to terrains are giving me serious heartburn. It always looks absolutely flat; I've crashed many a time by trying to up the subdivision on a big 'ground' model to try and gets rocks to look...rocky. It always ends up looking like I photocopied a picture of rocks and laid the images on the ground under my characters. :(

    Someone in another thread suggested that maybe tiling isn't being applied to displacement maps, or is being applied...wrong, somehow? I don't know, I just know that it's giving me trouble with ground textures.

    -- Morgan

  • StonemasonStonemason Posts: 1,197
    edited December 1969

    trying out the new environment in Iray...


    Your stuff always looks good in Iray. I do hope this light set is included with the scene when it's released.



    thanks , the light is just the sun/sky option in render settings so it's already in DS,all I did was dump the included skydome and adjust the hour setting

  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    I've got to admit, the one thing I've been deeply frustrated with is displacement maps. As far as I can tell displacement maps used to add detail to terrains are giving me serious heartburn. It always looks absolutely flat; I've crashed many a time by trying to up the subdivision on a big 'ground' model to try and gets rocks to look...rocky. It always ends up looking like I photocopied a picture of rocks and laid the images on the ground under my characters. :(

    Someone in another thread suggested that maybe tiling isn't being applied to displacement maps, or is being applied...wrong, somehow? I don't know, I just know that it's giving me trouble with ground textures.

    -- Morgan

    Have you tested the rocky displacement maps on a smaller piece of geometry, like maybe a small but high-poly primitive?

    The way Iray uses displacement maps in DAZ, it needs to actually subdivide geometry for the added detail, multiplying the number of polys in the object exponentially with each subdivision. So a guess about what might be part of the trouble you're having is that subdividing a piece of really big geometry like terrain to a small enough level of detail for realistic close ups would create more polygons than the scene can handle. I'm curious to see a render of what you're getting though, to see if I'm understanding the problem.

This discussion has been closed.