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Are there any guidelines on how much computer power you need for UltraScenery 2? I've got a fairly old computer, 6 core i7 with 12GB and a GTX 1050 Ti with 4GB Vram. It does Iray as long as I don't try anything too complex and it runs UtraScenery and UltraScenery XT but this version sounds like it might need a lot more computer power. Is anyone running UltraScenery 2 on a system anything like mine?
That information picture posted by DoctorJellybean is accessed by clicking the ? symbol top right of the Studio window. (who would have thought that would have information) and there is the manuel, inside Daz Studio.
One Issue I have with it is, it keeps resetting the translation/rotation of the UltraScenery2 object.
I make scenes and rotate/shift things to get the preview camera and ground at origin into a useful location for later use.
If there is a UltraScenery2 object in the scene auto select it when in the plugin tab. That way its filled in and ready to use.
Allow piece meal selection of Ecology items from classic ecologies to be added singly.
Awesome thank you for your help, had to wonder what I was doing wrong. The one thing though that I have found is that USC1 ecologies such as trees and the like do not show up when used in USC2. They do show up when rendering but you can't see where the trees and what not will be.
The stone bridges are from a USC1 product.
My first USC2 render. I think the overall quality of the objects has improved. The overall end result, not sure there is much difference as far as how the path flows , etc. It would be great if it were possible to change the curves, split it off into the woods, forks, bank it a bit, washed out areas, whatever.
I foresee a ton of new products for this as the terrains and ecologies are limited right now. Atmospheres would really be a great addition. As you can see from this render, there is a huge blank spot from ground to sky, which can be covered by XT or draw back camra, etc ... but built in would be really great. Or even an ocean terrain.
I believe there are add-ons in the pipeline
Hi, so can US 2 use the products for us 1? I have read through the pages but I am very unclear what the difference really is at this point. Any clarifications appreciated. Oh and can it work with XT like the original can?
I should have asked this question BEFORE I bought the new US2... I'm curious to know the answer too. :)
As stated on the product page:
Yeah.. I saw that Zicon... I'm still trying to get it open.. I guess I need to figure that out first :) I'm so confused... Sorry.
US2 will work with all the landscape features and ecologies from US1. And US2 scenes can be combined with USXT scenes, just like the originals. The US1 toolboxes will not work with it, however.
Thank you... I understand all that... but for now I can't even figure out HOW to open the program!!! Someone tell me where it is please??? I must be blind..
ok.. never mind... DIM never INSTALLED it.. ughh... I found it now... sheesh.. i'm such a noob sometimes.. sorry
Rightclick Left or Right tab panel, add Panel (UltraScenery)
as Totte said. It works just like XT pretty much
In Windows: Window - Panes - UltraScenery2
Right click on the tab where you want to put it, select add pane and a list should appear with US2 near the bottom. Click on this and it should appear on the tab.
i forgot to add, on my post/render above, it only took around 3 minutes to render. RTX 4080
@Ghosty12 You just need to cick the little eye icon in the preveiw column of the layer you want to preview in the viewport. The two columns are R for render and V or viewport. Click the eye in the V column.
@Ghosty12 Stone Bridges worked OK for me. I used Stone Bridge 4 and Britain 4. Which feature and ecology are you using?
ok.. Thanks everyone.. DIM never installed it... I'm glad I checked or I'd still be scratching my head. It downloaded it... but didn't install... All fixed now.. Found it...
Tried my first SIMPLE out of the box without reading the instructions scene with Classic stuff and it works great! I suppose my scene will look even better once I watch the videos that I bought with it :) I have almost all of US add ons... I'm hoping I can figure out HOW this is different than what I already bought. I still don't understand it all much... I just love the scenes it makes. I'm HOPING to add to the guys wish list ... a BEACH scene.. I really could use BEACH right now :)
Here's my first go... it rendered pretty fast at 512x512. Less than 2 minutes... But like I said.. it's SIMPLE! ENJOY.
True you cant do that, but you can make sure there is an exclusion zone around your camera to stop big plants getting in the way. Its at the top of the plane. You can also then set the individual biome layers to react to culling ( ie the camera exclusion zones and camera view only culling or not) That works like a mask around the camera.
My first try - I like it very much.
Need to figure out these exclusion zones and culling.
Hello together,
well i got a little problem with the new UltraScenery 2 Product !
I bought it this morning and first installed in manually at the same Harddrive i have all Ultra Scenery Products installed. After this i could use the Trees, stone, gras, etc. in the Smart Content, but the Plugin in the pane section is missing. So i can´t start the Landscape generator. Well i thought, i made a mistake by installing it manually and so uninstalled everything manual again. After this i used the Daz Install Manager to install the product on the same harddrive as all Ultra Scenery Products, but had the same error again !
The Plugin to start the Landscape Generator for Ultrascenery is missing, but in the Smart Content i can use the trees, stone, gras, etc.
Well i uninstalled the product again and installed it new, but the same error again ! I tried this some time again and even unistalled Daz Studio 4.22 and installed und updated every new. But always i have the same error ! Well it seems that the "Ultrascenery 2 - Realistic Landscape System Win 64" is broken or was released with a major error.
So i got this, when i install the file (please see Attachment)
Well i tired to download the file manually from my Daz Account and via Daz Install Manager, but always there is this strange error ! Well i never had problems with the Ultra Scenery Products, i really love. So it´s a pitty that this time it won´t work. Has somebody a solving or a good advice for me ?!?
Thanks in Advance !
Have you:
(a) - Checked under installed plugins if it's there?
(b) - Have you checked under Windows->Panel (Tabs) it it's there?
In the video that's on the sales page, when the camera is moving, it appears as if the water is moving. I could be very wrong and it's just the camera movement, so I'm just wondering if it's just me or if it really has that capability now.
What version of Daz Studio do you have? For General Release in Windows the actual plugin should be in C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\UltraScenery\UltraScenery.dll
Even more fun with the custom height maps.
Dear Doctor Jellybean,
well i have the last Daz 4.22 Studio Pro Version, which i updated today even twice.
The Plugins for the Ultra Scenery i have on a other drive than C:, because i have meanwhile a very big 3D Collection of Daz3D, Renderosity, Renderhub, etc. material.
Anyway i never hade problems with the Ultra Scenery Products and the UltraSceneryXT Plugin is on the same harddrive and works without problem.
It seems that Win 64 file is broke or has some kind of error (Please see my first attachment) !
So when i install it the Daz Install manager even say it has a Size of - 1 bytes !
Dear Totte,
thanks for the advice. But it´s strangly not shown, even that i can use the Props in the Smart Content !
In Contrast UltraSceneryXT is shown and works perfectly !
Well i really don´t understand it ! So i use the original files from my Daz3D Account !
Looks like the Plugin zip is corrupted. Uninstall it, select and right click and select delete selected zip. Re-download.