Celani 8



  • TesseractSpaceTesseractSpace Posts: 1,442

    Well I feel like a broken record but once again I don’t like the Daz core character but I do like some of the PA characters. Actually, looking at her again, I do like her face a lot, it’s just her body I don’t like, and I always drastically change bodies anyway. But the clothes are not sexy enough for me, show very little skin and all the boots are flat. Did the #metoo movement really ruin sex appeal? I filled my cart just to see if anything would be worth it, but only one add on in each category doesn’t make it worthwhile for me. All the “free” Daz Os will be free again hopefully with a bundle I like better and a better deal. If the coupon applied to the addons and choice of freebies too, I’d definitely reconsider. Please bring sexy back! I bet you anything sexier outfits with high heels would sell better!

    I think the clothes in the Pro Bundles have been very full coverage for some time.

    Like, compare and contrast Lilith 6 versus Lilith 7 and there being no place for Lilith 8. QED, I think.

    There have been weird exceptions here and there, like Genus Unknown from Zelara 8. (Want to sell me on dForce? DO MORE OF THAT.) Mostly, it's full coverage outfits of varying types in a way that obliterates the human form under layers and layers and piles of draping dforce sheets, with no decolletage and full bum coverage.

    I mean, just look at Kayo 8's unitards (two or three of them (depends on how you count the Tigress Outfit), covering all the way up), like it would have killed them to show some cleavage aside from the one truly good outfit in the bundle. "Sexy" does not really seem to apply to Kayo even though she's got a good face, she's trim and athletic, and wrestlers wear really form-fitting outfits... it's just a weird bundle, and I like Wrasslin!

    However, I think the store also shifted policies with anatomical coverage. And criticizing store policies isn't going to do anything but get the comment removed, so it is what it is.

    It's just strange you can do a Scar (I mean, haven't we cancelled Conan the Barbarian? and Robert E. Howard?)... but could they do Red Sonja? I'll believe it when I see it. (And if people think Red Sonja is sexist, tell that to the women who write for her today.)

    Anyway, long rant for something that could get deleted anyway. TLDR...

    Given the often voluminous complaints about the store being full of nothing but 'skimpwear' , it possible that Daz is trying to make sure the outfits in the character bundles are more modest. Still looking through the store there seem to be plenty of outfits of all levels of coverage for every generation of figure even if they aren't being sold in bundles.  There seems to be this habit of thinking of the store in terms of the character bundles but there are plenty of products of all types outside the bundles.

  • DripDrip Posts: 1,206

    Well I feel like a broken record but once again I don’t like the Daz core character but I do like some of the PA characters. Actually, looking at her again, I do like her face a lot, it’s just her body I don’t like, and I always drastically change bodies anyway. But the clothes are not sexy enough for me, show very little skin and all the boots are flat. Did the #metoo movement really ruin sex appeal? I filled my cart just to see if anything would be worth it, but only one add on in each category doesn’t make it worthwhile for me. All the “free” Daz Os will be free again hopefully with a bundle I like better and a better deal. If the coupon applied to the addons and choice of freebies too, I’d definitely reconsider. Please bring sexy back! I bet you anything sexier outfits with high heels would sell better!

    It's okay to prefer sexier clothing (which is actually pretty abundant) but there's no need to get political about it by blaming a much needed movement 


    The main reason some people want flats is for "believability" since high heels aren't practical in combat. Suspension of belief has its limits. Not everyone is doing pinup renders or wanting to use these outfits on female characters. (I've had bad luck using heels on G8M and others don't want their guys wearing heels.)

    Well said, but it goes both ways. Not everybody is interested in "believability", and actually do prefer pinup style. I've done an actual count in the store several times for shoe styles on the most recent sci-fi sets, and it turned out it was generally slightly in favour of flats, like, 50-55 percent of the sci-fi outfits had flat shoes or boots, about 35-40 heels had, and then there were a couple that didn't have shoes at all, or actually provided both options (very rare, but there's a couple around).

    I think the biggest problem is that the style regularly mismatches the rest of the outfit: sleek skintight outfits that leave little to the imagination get flats, while outfits with armor pieces and such seem to get heels. Overal, we'll just have to kitbash a bit I think. I know I have bought full outfits purely for nicely designed heeled boots, and skipped outfits because they didn't have any, or waited for them to go into a bigger discount after a few months than the usual 30% release discount. And when I actually start rendering, I regularly borrow the boots from one outfit and redo their materials to match another outfit. But outfits coming with both options is the best of both worlds in my opinion.

  • lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520
    edited July 2020

    To clarify, is this a discussion about sexy/beautiful vs. non-sexy/beautiful or are we talking about video game hyperbeauty vs. real human beauty? Daz has certainly gone down the road of trying to portray 3D models that reflect realistic female beauty, which for my art is GREAT, but that's obviously a divergence from the classic Lara Croft legacy of hyperreal sex appeal in 3D models. There's room for both, for sure, so I get that argument... but I think you're kidding yourself if you're actually saying if Angharad, Celani, Aubrey, Mei Lin or Kayo came to life Weird Science style and told you they wanted you, yeah, you'd be telling her "sorry but you're too plain" wink Me'thinks not...


    And TBH, I don't think Daz have even BEGUN to deliver a wide range of faces or body types... where's (the very pretty) Bethany 8 and male equivalent? The full G8 range is currently either buff or at least slim, except for the over 60s characters.  I'm one of the only people in my friend group who enjoys the gym, lol, so I don't consider the current slim and toned G8 range to exactly be slipping that far into "real life" and away from the old idealised 3D models...

    Mr Bowen said:

    To me, she looks a bit like Eva Pigford and Danai Gurira mixed together. Might she still be on sale over the weekend? Also, lana_lass, your avatar in very nice.

    Thank you smiley My friend made it for me! A little cartoon portrait. 

    Post edited by lana_lass on
  • mcorrmcorr Posts: 1,094

    Well I feel like a broken record but once again I don’t like the Daz core character but I do like some of the PA characters. Actually, looking at her again, I do like her face a lot, it’s just her body I don’t like, and I always drastically change bodies anyway. But the clothes are not sexy enough for me, show very little skin and all the boots are flat. Did the #metoo movement really ruin sex appeal? I filled my cart just to see if anything would be worth it, but only one add on in each category doesn’t make it worthwhile for me. All the “free” Daz Os will be free again hopefully with a bundle I like better and a better deal. If the coupon applied to the addons and choice of freebies too, I’d definitely reconsider. Please bring sexy back! I bet you anything sexier outfits with high heels would sell better!

    It's okay to prefer sexier clothing (which is actually pretty abundant) but there's no need to get political about it by blaming a much needed movement 

    I think we can agree that even good things have a downside sometimes. The question here was if this was such a case. Don’t see the problem with that. Btw, everything is politics these days. Everything.

  • lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520
    edited July 2020

    The MeToo movement is about very real women speaking up about very real and terrible abuse that they have endured... perhaps it's not very sensitive to link that with an argument about 3D women not being overtly sexy enough and the sex appeal/footwear of 3D women...


    Not trying to censor or be thought police or suggest anyone has had unkind intentions here, but just courteous to the MANY for whom MeToo has been incredibly meaningful... the movement is about standing up to ABUSE... it has nothing to do with clothes or being sexy...



    Post edited by lana_lass on
  • doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,189

    Bethany 8

    lana_lass said:

    Bethany 8

    Re: Bethany 7 - with the right bundle (preferably modern everyday clothing, and a German beer maid outfit for the fun of it), I'd be more interested in a G8 version of her than most of the recent female Pro bundles. :)
  • gsil247gsil247 Posts: 224

    I guess it didn't sell to well since the very next day it was released, we are having 25% off coupons on the main shop page.

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,212

    Bethany 8

    lana_lass said:

    Bethany 8

    Re: Bethany 7 - with the right bundle (preferably modern everyday clothing, and a German beer maid outfit for the fun of it), I'd be more interested in a G8 version of her than most of the recent female Pro bundles. :)

    I thought Latoya 8 was the Bethany replacement.

  • Yeah, Bethany 7 is one of the body shapes I moved into Genesis 8 with the morph transfer utility and have saved as a separate pre-set template.
    (Latonya 8 also has a good shape, but IMO, she is no Bethany 7.)

    As for requriing more full coverage clothing through Pro Bundles? Meh. That's a boatload of meh for me.

    People ought to buy it in the store and make the case for vendors to make more of it. (And I DO buy plenty of full coverage bodysuits and body armor, like Midnight_stories' sci-fi suits, so it ain't me who's ignoring the store.) Having this full-coverage stuff as required in a Pro Bundle? AND requiring dForce? How many capes and cloaks and ankle-length dresses and high-waisted pants does one need?
    The value is not there for me, but others might want more dForce full coverage outfits, I guess. I don't think they actually are responding to criticism. It just seems like a trick to force us to buy more of what we want since we don''t get as much of that through the Pro Bundles anymore.

    The outfits just seem predictable more than anything else, like there's been stricter/harder requirements for these Pro Bundles lately. I can't really blame the artists when you look at what is in the store versus what we actually get in the Pro Bundles these days.

    I think I might just get Celani 8, not this bundle.
    The clothing is not a theme I need. I don't really see much Post-Apoc in this, anyway. It really seems like some kind of Fantasy stuffed into Post-Apoc.
    Like, what happened to Sci Fi? We hardly knew ye. That was a really brief diversion into Sci Fi because Celani 8 looks much more Fantasy themed than Sci Fi.

    For instance, if Celani had an Afro-Futurist theme, that would've gone straight to the cart.

    The Kwan/Kayo Alien Bundle was superior compared to the Kayo Bundle (and I like Wrasslin).
    In some ways, I hope there is no repeat of that Kayo/Kwan thing. In other ways, I hope there's another bundle of the quality of the Alien/Kayo/Kwan release. Afro-Futurist Celani 8 versus Mutant bundle? (Like Kwan versus Aliens?) Now that would be something.

  • cherpenbeckcherpenbeck Posts: 1,413

    Celani looks good, I will buy her. As for the rest of the bundle, not so interesting if you own already half the store items. I might have bought the bundle if I would not need 4 add-ons for the Storm Scapes backdrops, but it costs less than 3 add-ons if I buy it directly. As for the free incentives, well, most of the categories don*t contain anything I want. Nor if I could bundle the free bucks to one category ...

  • Mr BowenMr Bowen Posts: 403
    edited July 2020
    lana_lass said:
    Thank you smiley My friend made it for me! A little cartoon portrait.

    I like it. The drawing has a Catwoman/Audey Hepburn vibe. Looks cool. May I ask if your friend generated it on a website or drew it? If they drew it, I would be interested in seeing more of their art. 

    Post edited by Mr Bowen on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited July 2020

    Well, it seems that we've mostly stopped complaining about the deal (which I didn't find impressive either) and are finally discussing the actual bundle. My own position is that of an illustrator. And what I illustrate are usually stories. They're posted online on my own site, so I don't really need to grab attention with a catchy cover (although I'll usually add one, but it probably won't entail 3D). If someone clicks on the link, they are already interested enough to at least check it out.

    None of the stories so far have been SF, or post apcolyptic, and I don't do pinups, so right there a lot of the stuff in the store is basically off target from the get-go. I try to make the image fit the story, and the store here has no idea what the story may be, and I don't expect it to. Besides, there are a lot of stories. Even I can't predict which one I'll be working on next. But it probably still won't be SF or post-apocalyptic.


    The character comes with yet another pack of extreme makeup that I cannot imagine ever needing or using, but that's fairly inevitable these days. I may very well use the morph, because it's a good morph. If we're going for themes, that morph *looks* like a survivor. I probably will use the skin, if I can get it lit decently. I work in 3DL almost exclusively. Trying to get dark skin lit properly in a scene with people who aren't dark skinned, can be problematic.

    Both hairs look excelent. And *Thank you AprilYSH for including 3DL maaterials.* This is one of the dreadlocks styles that actually looks like some of the dreads I've seen. The Prae hair is lovely, but I'm not even going to try to guess how long it will take to render. And this is another one which will be getting smacked with Disparate Dreamer's Hana 3DL hair shaders. I'm still waiting for somebody to grab this ball and run with it, and offer a broader range of 3DL hair shaders than can make all of this frapping Iray hair usable.

    Nothing to say about the pose sets. 

    The clothing? Well, like I say, I haven't got much of a call for post-apocolypse per se. But I do a lot of kitbashing, and most of these come in separate pieces which may well get used for that. I really like the Huntress set. I'd particularly like to see how parts of it work on male figures. I've got the cross-figure converter, so I'll soon find out. The Dystopian Dreams has some interesting possibilities. The open-toed boots look silly as all get out in the desert setting of the promos, but I could see them happily worn by a Boho type in an urban setting. The road warrior and rogue getups both have bits than might be useful, although I would prefer them not to look *quite* so painted on, and I can't help but find them a little repetitive, but, still, possibly useful.

    Not my favorite bundle by any means, but there are things that I can see getting some use out of. 


    Post edited by JOdel on
  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    So far I don't regret getting the pro bundle. And I think the main character is fairly pretty.

    Blackgirl with Red Hair

  • markgoode77markgoode77 Posts: 343

    I think she's lovely. A very classy lady.

    2000 x 1000 - 264K
  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057
    edited July 2020

    Does anyone remember the old days when threads like this one would be full of people sharing renders using characters and such from the bundle?  @NylonGirl 's render is the first one I've noticed in this thread and we are already on page 5... Your pic looks very nice BTW!

    Admittedly, I've been complicit in this as well, but yeah more pretty pics please!.

    Post edited by tj_1ca9500b on
  • lana_lasslana_lass Posts: 520

    Agreed smileyyes Celani looks amazing in both Mark's and NylonGirls renders. I can definitely see the Eva Pigford similarity someone mentioned earlier! The tone of her skin looks beautiful. 

  • benniewoodellbenniewoodell Posts: 1,986
    edited July 2020

    Does anyone remember the old days when threads like this one would be full of people sharing renders using characters and such from the bundle?  @NylonGirl 's render is the first one I've noticed in this thread and we are already on page 5... Your pic looks very nice BTW!

    Admittedly, I've been complicit in this as well, but yeah more pretty pics please!.

    Yeah, if I didn't get the character right away, I always looked forward to the renders to see what more was possible and decide if the character was for me or not. Plus it's just fun to see what everyone creates in general. 

    And the two renders above look great! 

    Post edited by benniewoodell on
  • ericolsenericolsen Posts: 350

    So, a further 30% off is possible now on this bundle with the current 30% coupon (it can be used for gift cards). I'm reconsidering how many bonus items are of use to me in the 7 categories. Thanks again Daz!

  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Love the styling!

  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057
    edited July 2020
    ericolsen said:

    So, a further 30% off is possible now on this bundle with the current 30% coupon (it can be used for gift cards). I'm reconsidering how many bonus items are of use to me in the 7 categories. Thanks again Daz!

    I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble, but the fine print says 'excludes new releases'.  It might stretch the $10/15 off each category a bit father though.  I already grabbed the bundle so I can't test this, but others might be able to confirm/deny.  However, that will 'coupon block' the other coupon in play (the Celani 8 pro bundle 48 hour discount coupon is for an extra 25% off.).

    Of course, if you are using store credit to buy the bundle that you banked at a discount via a gift card, yeah that's an extra discount, so there's that.  But you'd need to buy the gift card first, bank the store credit, then use said credit on the purchase.  I do all my Daz store purchases (except gift cards of course) via gift card store credit as a matter of course, so for me it's not an 'extra' 30% off of what I would usually pay.  The last time I banked store credit, it was around 30% off or so and the time before that was a bit more...

    And I can confirm the 30% did work with a gift card that I just purchased.  30% off of a gift card is an excellent excuse to bank more store credit.  Discounts higher than that on gift cards are fairly rare, especially when that's without prereq purchases.

    Post edited by tj_1ca9500b on
    edited July 2020
    NylonGirl said:

    So far I don't regret getting the pro bundle. And I think the main character is fairly pretty.

    Blackgirl with Red Hair


    Beautiful.  The closeup of the skin in this render is gorgeous

    Post edited by ALLIEKATBLUE on
  • ericolsenericolsen Posts: 350
    ericolsen said:

    So, a further 30% off is possible now on this bundle with the current 30% coupon (it can be used for gift cards). I'm reconsidering how many bonus items are of use to me in the 7 categories. Thanks again Daz!

    I don't want to be the one to burst your bubble, but the fine print says 'excludes new releases'.  It might stretch the $10/15 off each category a bit father though.  I already grabbed the bundle so I can't test this, but others might be able to confirm/deny.  However, that will 'coupon block' the other coupon in play (the Celani 8 pro bundle 48 hour discount coupon is for an extra 25% off.).

    Of course, if you are using store credit to buy the bundle that you banked at a discount via a gift card, yeah that's an extra discount, so there's that.  But you'd need to buy the gift card first, bank the store credit, then use said credit on the purchase.  I do all my Daz store purchases (except gift cards of course) via gift card store credit as a matter of course, so for me it's not an 'extra' 30% off of what I would usually pay.  The last time I banked store credit, it was around 30% off or so and the time before that was a bit more...

    And I can confirm the 30% did work with a gift card that I just purchased.  30% off of a gift card is an excellent excuse to bank more store credit.  Discounts higher than that on gift cards are fairly rare, especially when that's without prereq purchases.

    That's why I mentioned gift cards. You buy that at 30% off, then use that for the bundle.
  • WolfwoodWolfwood Posts: 787
    ericolsen said:

    So, a further 30% off is possible now on this bundle with the current 30% coupon (it can be used for gift cards). I'm reconsidering how many bonus items are of use to me in the 7 categories. Thanks again Daz!

    And I can confirm the 30% did work with a gift card that I just purchased.  30% off of a gift card is an excellent excuse to bank more store credit.  Discounts higher than that on gift cards are fairly rare, especially when that's without prereq purchases.

    Without prereq is also the biggest i got. And it can be stacked with this: https://www.daz3d.com/5-dollar-interactive-licenses-for-your-apps-and-games to get up to 44% discount.

    Sadly, i'm very low on resources for a couple months and 200 (or 112+item) is out of the question for me. I'm even hesitating on a 50 gc for $35.

  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057
    Wolfwood said:
    ericolsen said:

    So, a further 30% off is possible now on this bundle with the current 30% coupon (it can be used for gift cards). I'm reconsidering how many bonus items are of use to me in the 7 categories. Thanks again Daz!

    And I can confirm the 30% did work with a gift card that I just purchased.  30% off of a gift card is an excellent excuse to bank more store credit.  Discounts higher than that on gift cards are fairly rare, especially when that's without prereq purchases.

    Without prereq is also the biggest i got. And it can be stacked with this: https://www.daz3d.com/5-dollar-interactive-licenses-for-your-apps-and-games to get up to 44% discount.

    Sadly, i'm very low on resources for a couple months and 200 (or 112+item) is out of the question for me. I'm even hesitating on a 50 gc for $35.

    That's what I get for not paying attention.  Ahh well.  30% off is better than 0%...

  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,182
    Yep on 30% gc. My bundle is 70. Bought 70 gc at discount. Now pro bundle with 4 adds and forlorn hdri 49
  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    lana_lass said:

    To clarify, is this a discussion about sexy/beautiful vs. non-sexy/beautiful or are we talking about video game hyperbeauty vs. real human beauty? Daz has certainly gone down the road of trying to portray 3D models that reflect realistic female beauty, which for my art is GREAT, but that's obviously a divergence from the classic Lara Croft legacy of hyperreal sex appeal in 3D models. There's room for both, for sure, so I get that argument... but I think you're kidding yourself if you're actually saying if Angharad, Celani, Aubrey, Mei Lin or Kayo came to life Weird Science style and told you they wanted you, yeah, you'd be telling her "sorry but you're too plain" wink Me'thinks not...


    Any of you ever worked on a show before would know all this beauty talk is a nonsense.

    I've seen C-List, B-List and a few A-List women on the way TO the make-up trailer.

    Many of you have only seen them AFTER they've had a team working on them for a few hours. Hairstylist, make-up, wardrobe. There are less people working in the NASCAR pit crews than are in that trailer.

    I'm just saying nobody looks like the finished product that comes out of those trailers.

    I'm not putting those women down. That is a grueling schedule they have to put in. Pretty much whenever they go out in public (some of them).

    Also, they keep the plastic surgeon in business. My ex wife should buy shares in her surgeon.
  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,182
    Ok.. picked the bundle up plus 4 adds @ $50 by using the 30% off coupon for a gift card.
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    edited July 2020

    Here are some "out of the box" renders, except I used her Translucency Low setting and lowered her Duel Lobe Specular Reflectivity to .50:

    I think she's pretty and I really like her. She seems to have "personality" which, to me, can be rare for 3D figures. I think Capsces poses and expressions really bring a lot to the table and highlight a lot of that "personality" - I can't wait to pick up those poses!

    She looks really versatile to me and I think I can use her in a lot of different types of renders. I can see her glammed up but also could see her in the trenches fighting against the toughest monsters. I think she's going to be one of my faves! Her chin and jaw are a bit "strong" for my personal taste, but that should be an easy adjustment to bring their size down a tad.

    G8F - Celani 8 2.png
    1000 x 1300 - 2M
    G8F - Celani 8 4_intel.png
    1000 x 1300 - 2M
    G8F - Celani 8 3.png
    1000 x 1300 - 2M
    Post edited by 3Diva on
  • The Inner CircleThe Inner Circle Posts: 229
    edited August 2020

    And this is one of the PA figures Dezzi in her road warrior outfit with Yara hair.

    Why oh why did I have to post my renders directly under @Divamakeup. It is like posting your 4 year olds crayon drawing under a rembrandt.


    Post edited by The Inner Circle on
  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    edited July 2020

    And is one of the PA figures Dezzi in her road warrior outfit with Yara hair.

    Why oh why did I have to post my renders directly under @Divamakeup. It is like posting your 4 year olds crayon drawing under a rembrandt.


    hahah Don't say that - Your renders are gorgeous, David (and mine are definitely nothing special). I love the over-the-shoulder closeup. She's got "tude" but also looks really cute. Dezzi is adorable, it looks like Adiene and Vex did a great job on her!

    Post edited by 3Diva on
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