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I never saw this 30% offer. Was it offered just during a small period of time?
Holy cats
These renders have definitely convinced me to pick up Celani. It's actually not so bad that I can't afford the pro bundle right now because I've run out of Pro Bundles I don't own but want, so this gives me something to nab next time they do a discount sale on them
Question: How are her proportions out of the box? I ask because her closest counterpart Darcy 8 has a massive head LOL. I always thought it was irresponsible Darcy comes with a roller skating outfit... that seems an unwise sport for the bobble headed
Wow! You guys are blowing me away with these renders! Beautiful work!
I'm not sure if it's the proper way to do it, but I just lower the head propagating scale and that seems to fix the large head issue on Darcy.
I didn't feel like the head was too big. I think the thing to watch out for with this character is the color is very, very dark. So it may be difficult to properly expose the character, especially if you have other characters in the scene and you're trying to light them all with the same light source. I went through my fruity drama queen backgrounds and found one with really bright sunlight. But if you're combining this character with other characters in a scene, I think those texture adjustments @Divamakeup mentioned earlier might help a lot. I'm getting the impression that person knows everything about DAZ Studio.
HAHAH! I WISH! I'm finding out new stuff about Daz Studio all the time. I'm very newbie in a lot of ways. Thank you for the compliment though! :D That put a big smile on my face. I'm still learning every day about Daz Studio though and sometimes have "noob" questions. lol
Funny enough though, Daz Studio is so complex that I'm not even sure there is really anyone who knows everything about it - though I think Richard Haseltine probably comes the closest of anyone other than maybe the devs (and I'm not entirely convinced that he doesn't know more about it than some of them even lol). It's an extremely complex program and it's constantly being updated - evolving and changing. Things like dForce being added, Strand-Based Hair, etc. I don't know if there'll ever be a time when I'll feel like I know even half of the ins and outs of Daz Studio. lol Even still, I think it's a lot of fun learning what can be done with it and creating art with it! :)
@cherpenbeck It was offered for most of the day (in the U.S.) on the 30th, appearing on the scrolling banner/main store page.
I like this character. Any fans of Survivor? Looks very much like Cirie Fields to me.
@mmkdaz - add another Wow! I don't watch Survivor so I don't get the reference, but the render is spectacular.
Wow! Thank you everyone for all for the support.
@ALLIEKATBLUE I can tell you with certainty the lighting is from the ClickNRender IBL set, but after loading the scene I cant tell which one of the set settings I used. Also, my skin settings are tweaked.
Well.. love her and your renders also, so i would like to submit one of mine: "Celani - not so secret agent anymore" [Link to image gallery]
I know I said I couldn't afford the Pro Bundle, but I somehow managed to find the will to get the base and HD addon + one hair. It was worth it though because I love the detail in both Celami and the new hair. Not a glorious picture, but it was more for testing details than anything else.
This IS a glorious picture!!!

Very pretty skin
Thank you! I think most of the credit goes to the artists who gave Celami such great detail, AprilYSH for making one of the most detailed hairs I've ever used and bluejaunte for making expressions so wonderful on any character. But I will take the compliment, after riding out that tropical storm yesterday and being without power for most of yesterday and today, reading that really made my day. :D
Well here is Calamari explaining to Jambalaya that you have to make sure the car fits through the door before you put it back together.
I applied a film grain removal filter to this image.
From the product description page:
Am I reading that right? Is Celani a character for both G8F and G3F?!!!! That would mean that G3 afficianados who still haven't migrated over to G8 would be able to use Celani, no character converter required.
Yeah, she comes with both a G8F and G3F version. :) It's the first time, as far as I know, that they've done that for an "Official 8 Daz Original" figure.
I haven't tried the G3F version yet, but I'm sure she probably looks the same as the G8F version.
I took the Celani 8 vs Orc scene and made it into a comic book type scene.
She's a great character! :)
This is the part where he finds out calamari is what the blade tastes like.
ROFL! Or Salami. :P Didn't someone earlier in the thread say they had read "Celani" as "Salami"? haha
Can anyone post the Xolile character just on Genesis 8? I don't really like Celani but I LOVE Xolile and her makeup options
Yes, and here are Salami and Pepperoni trying to figure out how Kalamari got that car out of there.