A new store will come out: Tomorrow (2020-11-01)



  • RDeeRDee Posts: 9
    RDee said:
    RDee said:

    My Order is processing since minutes via PayPal...  "Please wait while the order is processing..."

    PayPal has informed me that my order has been debited and completed.
    However, it does not appear under "My Orders". Also the products under "Product Library" of this order do not appear.

    I think there is a huge problem with my order and transaction.
    PayPal has charged everything, but the order itself does not appear under my account. Furthermore, all purchased products are not in my "product library", but they appear in my "wishlist".

    That means i paid something but did not get it. What can i do now?


    paypal transaktion.jpg
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  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401


    @RDee Start by filing a ticket; go to Help at the top of this page, click the Submit a Ticket button.  Choose Sales Support from the drop-down.  There's a spot for the PayPal Transaction Number.  That's what you'll use to look up the item; they'll have a record of that, or be able to look it up if you don't have a DAZ order number.  Put Cart/Checkout Error in the Sales Ticket Tracker drop-down.

    --  Morgan


  • Also Build Your Own Bundle is only reducing the 8 items to $1.99 each

  • RDeeRDee Posts: 9
    CypherFOX said:


    @RDee Start by filing a ticket; go to Help at the top of this page, click the Submit a Ticket button.  Choose Sales Support from the drop-down.  There's a spot for the PayPal Transaction Number.  That's what you'll use to look up the item; they'll have a record of that, or be able to look it up if you don't have a DAZ order number.  Put Cart/Checkout Error in the Sales Ticket Tracker drop-down.

    --  Morgan


    Thank you :)

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    I'm bringing this up a third time because I never saw it being acknowledged by anyone "officially": Clicking the "Only show PC+" checkbox removes all displayed items. Both in the main store and on the wishlist page. It would be especially important for this to work during the PC+ sale itself.

  • Daz Jack TomalinDaz Jack Tomalin Posts: 13,501
    edited November 2020
    Ati said:

    I'm bringing this up a third time because I never saw it being acknowledged by anyone "officially": Clicking the "Only show PC+" checkbox removes all displayed items. Both in the main store and on the wishlist page. It would be especially important for this to work during the PC+ sale itself.

    Please note we're monitoring the forums, even if things aren't acknowleged, we're reporting issues back.. thanks!!

    Post edited by Daz Jack Tomalin on
  • Ghosty12 said:

    If folks are having issues with not seeing the correct prices, such as PC+ for a day and so on.. Clear you browsers cookie and site data and you should be good.. Clearing mine in Firefox all the PC+ items have gone back to how they should be, and PC+ for a day has returned to normal for me..

    Nope. For many of us, that makes absolutely no difference and does nothing to fix the problems we're experiencing.

    I've got a PC+ bundle from Category 9 sitting in my cart that SHOULD only be $12.99 on a normal day. I have a debut new item in my cart, meaning that at this moment it should be $4.55. Instead it is $23.73. It is literally almost twice as expensive as it would be on a regular day and no amount of cache clearing, site data deleting, logging in and out, and restarting my browser is going to fix that. If it were, it would have happened one of the dozen or so times I've done that since this whole mess started.

    It's something Daz needs to fix, and we're going into the third day of them not having done that... and pushing ahead with new sales anyway, sales that the members they're supposedly celebrating cannot participate in. If I'd known renewing my PC+ membership before all this really meant I was paying to be their test subject I wouldn't have bothered.

  • TriCounterTriCounter Posts: 567
    edited November 2020

    Interactive Licenses are not showing in my product library anymore.

    Post edited by TriCounter on
  • Ghosty12 said:

    If folks are having issues with not seeing the correct prices, such as PC+ for a day and so on.. Clear you browsers cookie and site data and you should be good.. Clearing mine in Firefox all the PC+ items have gone back to how they should be, and PC+ for a day has returned to normal for me..

    Forgot to add that I did clear my browsers history as well..

    Dear friend, where have you been before with your clue? I was able to make a purchase for 1.99 from New Browser. I would like to know this November 2nd (about clearing the browser.)

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143
    Ati said:

    I'm bringing this up a third time because I never saw it being acknowledged by anyone "officially": Clicking the "Only show PC+" checkbox removes all displayed items. Both in the main store and on the wishlist page. It would be especially important for this to work during the PC+ sale itself.

    Please note we're monitoring the forums, even if things aren't acknowleged, we're reporting issues back.. thanks!!

    Thank you, Jack! :)

  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,068
    Ghosty12 said:

    If folks are having issues with not seeing the correct prices, such as PC+ for a day and so on.. Clear you browsers cookie and site data and you should be good.. Clearing mine in Firefox all the PC+ items have gone back to how they should be, and PC+ for a day has returned to normal for me..

    Forgot to add that I did clear my browsers history as well..

    Dear friend, where have you been before with your clue? I was able to make a purchase for 1.99 from New Browser. I would like to know this November 2nd (about clearing the browser.)

    Got my info from Taoz over in the https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/447221/pc-for-a-day-not-working thread.. Seems to also be what browser you use might make a difference.. Did get a reply from Taoz in another thread that Firefox, Chrome and Edge seem to be fine, while IE11 does not seem to work properly at the moment.. smiley

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    I made my first order in the new store, using store credit. The store credit page has the issue with the numbers in the balance column, that's been reported a few times. What I noticed now is that the "Balance change" column shows a positive amount for my purchase, like I redeemed a gift card, not a negative amount, like for all past purchases.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Ah, also: order purchase email says I ordered zero of all the items, while in fact I ordered one of each. :)

  • It's something Daz needs to fix, and we're going into the third day of them not having done that... and pushing ahead with new sales anyway, sales that the members they're supposedly celebrating cannot participate in.

    Well said. It wouldn't have bothered me to wait a few days for things to be fixed if Daz had paused the sale. But plowing ahead while PC+ members aren't getting their benefits? That's what grinds me.
  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,896

    Prices are starting to wobble again, PFAD item just shot up to full price in cart.

  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867
    edited November 2020

    I am also on the Platinum-Club-yet-no-club-benefits club. The free item isn't free, most PC+ items for a day I've tried don't properly discount, I don't get Daz Original or PC item discounts, etc. Moreover, it seems like product pages no longer link to their add-on items, even if they get suggested when you add the product to your cart.

    Post edited by Uthgard on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited November 2020
    Ati said:

    I'm bringing this up a third time because I never saw it being acknowledged by anyone "officially": Clicking the "Only show PC+" checkbox removes all displayed items. Both in the main store and on the wishlist page. It would be especially important for this to work during the PC+ sale itself.

    Just tried that, how it acts seems to depend on how far the page is scrolled down, which is odd.  Took a screen video capture in Chrome, it does the same in Firefox but here the page jumps back every time you click so you can't click repeatedly.


    Post edited by Taoz on
  • Freebie pricing isn't working at the moment, so file that as a known issue.. and we're working on it.

  • Try the Opera browser. I was able to buy it correctly today. Maybe the store DAZ  will return in the Deals next time the PC promotion (FOR 1-2 NOVEMBER?). I like and many other PC members were unable to buy selected items these days.(1-2 NOVEMBER?)

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,896

    Something new (I think), store credit balance is only partially updating. I just made a purchase and while the store credit total is correct, the purchase itself doesn't show up in 'balance history'. Just so you guys know right. Hope you have lots of coffee and donuts ... wink

  • jjmainorjjmainor Posts: 490

    Another issue on the store credit page, I've made three orders tonight, and the balance does not get adjusted after each order.  Nor are the adjustments noted in the list of transactions beneath it.  It also shows the original balance I had when the store was changed over this weekend when I check out.  The orders do show up on the orders page, and the items have been showing up in DIM, but I have to keep manually calculate my balance right now since the store is not showing it.  Not yet at the point where I'm wondering if it will let me spend more credit than I initially had because it's not calculating, but, who knows...

  • Hi,I am unable to open Daz central....so I used the install manager and installed my order. But the items were not in the right files...I cant find them in Daz.

    So I went back to the install manager and it now tells me I need to install a new version of it...so I say ok and it promptly closes on me!

    So its back to manual install again :)

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,896

    Category item sales still not working (see pic) - I don't know, shall we keep posting these issues if they persist? I don't want to add pressure or get on anyone's nerves, I'm just never sure whether the problems I'm having are being worked on or understood to be resolved (while they're not) or whatever else ... Maybe there could be a list somewhere with the issues that the store team is already aware of and working on?


    Screenshot_2020-11-03 Daz 3D 3D Models and 3D Software by Daz 3D(8).png
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  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    Taoz said:
    Ati said:

    I'm bringing this up a third time because I never saw it being acknowledged by anyone "officially": Clicking the "Only show PC+" checkbox removes all displayed items. Both in the main store and on the wishlist page. It would be especially important for this to work during the PC+ sale itself.

    Just tried that, how it acts seems to depend on how far the page is scrolled down, which is odd.  Took a screen video capture in Chrome, it does the same in Firefox but here the page jumps back every time you click so you can't click repeatedly.


    Just discovered that if you scroll the page a bit after the icons have disappeared, they come back again (though not on the Wishlist as you can't scroll it when the icons have disappeared (though probably depends on screen resolution)).

  • cleaned all my cookies, browsing history

    still no longer PC+ 6 days early

    at this point giving up for 2020

    better open Zbrush and stare at a polymesh3D


  • This is a borrowed account. My account: mats76@comhem.se completley crashed today using the store. Now it constantly loggs me out if i try to use the forum or the shop.  

    "Unable to load recent personalized data. Cart contents, product ownership and account information may be incorrect." 

    I tried logging In from several computers with the same issue.

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,896

    Aaaaand SAVE-ON-SEVERAL coupon still not working ...

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,200

    I see it is pretty much the norm for daz with this roll out as well. They claim to have worked everything out and they are ready to go live and then once they do, everything is broke for the next week. 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Well after the PC+ for a DAZ I had in my cart went from $1.99 this morning with at Quarterly PC+ renewal in the cart as well for $24 to $19.95 for the PC+ for a Day item this evening I dropped the PC+ for a Day item from my cart and successfully checked out via PayPal with just the Quarterly PC+ Renewal for $24 in my cart. This morning with both items in my cart I could not check out via PayPal; I believe because most or all PC+ for a Day or PC+ items are getting flagged during the check out process because of prices being incorrect for them. I didn't try to check out via any other method.  

    So that done, I now have my November PC+ coupons as I should and I could change my auto-renew, payment methods, and duration for auto-renewal should I choose too. My expiration date for my PC+ membership is again something reasonable instead of 0000 as well. 

    The PC+ items, filters for sorts, PC+ items all are completely wrongly priced though so I won't actually be buying anything else until those prizes are fixed.

    Also, very concerned is every status for every past order I even made except the Quarterly PC+ Memebership I made today is showning "unknown" so that would imply I haven't paid for those items but I have. The products are actually listed on my Product Library pages but when clicked there and the product description shows a link to the product page is there but not a link to the order number which I was given during the product purchase.


    Order # Date Order Total Order Status  
    DA20-1103-EBBC-E8CC-C033 2020-11-02 $24.00 Complete View Order
    109137303 2020-11-01 $25.32 Unknown View Order
    109134163 2020-10-31 $10.77 Unknown View Order
    109132643 2020-10-31 $15.38 Unknown View Order
    109128559 2020-10-30 $29.72 Unknown View Order
    109114787 2020-10-28 $0.00 Unknown View Order
    109107537 2020-10-27 $8.63 Unknown View Order
    109104131 2020-10-26 $0.00 Unknown View Order
    109101783 2020-10-26 $6.33 Unknown View Order
    109101755 2020-10-26 $3.15 Unknown View Order
  • There are clearly major problems and people are getting frustrated with the user experience. Surely it would be better for everyone for the store to just close for a period of time so that not users are further frustrated and the DAZ techs can work on fixing the issues in peace?

This discussion has been closed.