The nominees are in for the Non-Event of the Century complaint thread



  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited February 2015

    Rezca said:
    So just got a this...

    Nice fun-looking snake, was on sale at time and I like snakes, so why not.

    Turns out it's very likely to be almost entirely useless for me. For one, I highly doubt that my InterPoserPro plugin for C4D can read the DSF files that make up the entirety of the product, and is also unlikely it'd even work with the new file structure (All the 'models' being put in the new Data folder) or that the model would work right if I rearranged them. Second, because there's no OBJ file(s) anymore - only these DSF files - it means I can't even import the static, unrigged file to re-rig on my own either. The only file I can make use of at all are the JPEG textures, for what good that does me.

    Too tired to go looking into this right now, bleh. Need sleeps.

    DSF Toolbox will do the convert to an obj

    Awww, you can return it

    & open a support ticket :)

    369 x 119 - 25K
    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ps1borg said:
    Was also wondering where I would look to find reference pics for the livery and ID of a DH3 Otter seaplane working the Indonesian islands in the 1960s ?

    ...Great Aeroplane for fishing trips in Montana and western Canada.

    The Registration for Indonesia is "PK-" followed by three letters (eg. PK-TVY).

    Unable to find any images but seven DHC-3s were in the Indonesian Air Force Inventory (retired no registration numbers listed) and three were in service with the government's Pelita Air Service two of which were written off (most likely scrapped) and one in storage.

    The registrations for those are

    PJ-PHC (this is the one in storage)

    marvellous thanks very much :) Seems to be predominantly white livery, great :)
    ...that livery is post Sukano (1967). I could find no images of Pelita aircraft before 1971.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited February 2015

    ps1borg said:
    tjohn said:
    ps1borg said:
    tjohn said:
    I had some kind of stomach virus last evening and overnight. So sick. :sick:
    I'm feeling a bit better, ate some chicken soup. So far so good.

    commiserates :)

    Hope that is better by now TJ :)

    Better yes, well no. At least I'm able to keep my meds down. :)

    Sounds awful. I get seasick. A lot. So I get travel sick pills called Pramin from the Dr they work pretty much straightaway and don't have any nasties in them :)
    ...I get airsick rather often....not from being in the plane, but having to deal with the airline that is flying it and having to deal with being groped at every airport by some GS-2 flunky.

    My next trip to Europe will involve taking the train across the country (sleeper car), and then boarding the Queen Mary II for the transatlantic crossing from New York to Southampton.

    This would be a round trip excursion (unless I end up staying in Dubrovnik or Krakow).

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    6 bottles o beer on the wall
    6 bottles o beeeer ...

    now theres 3

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Big wind from the storm must have blown all the crud away, big waxing moon and a star or two peeking out from behind clouds tonight

    226 x 184 - 17K
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited March 2015

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ps1borg said:
    tjohn said:
    ps1borg said:
    tjohn said:
    I had some kind of stomach virus last evening and overnight. So sick. :sick:
    I'm feeling a bit better, ate some chicken soup. So far so good.

    commiserates :)

    Hope that is better by now TJ :)

    Better yes, well no. At least I'm able to keep my meds down. :)

    Sounds awful. I get seasick. A lot. So I get travel sick pills called Pramin from the Dr they work pretty much straightaway and don't have any nasties in them :)
    ...I get airsick rather often....not from being in the plane, but having to deal with the airline that is flying it and having to deal with being groped at every airport by some GS-2 flunky.

    My next trip to Europe will involve taking the train across the country (sleeper car), and then boarding the Queen Mary II for the transatlantic crossing from New York to Southampton.

    This would be a round trip excursion (unless I end up staying in Dubrovnik or Krakow).

    QMII was here this time last year, iz huuuge, you would want a cabin on the sunny side cos its bigness casts a real dark shadow :lol: 13 decks, 2500 passengers and crew

    520 x 294 - 29K
    Post edited by ps1borg on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited March 2015

    ...late night Caturday (early morning Sunday) complaint

    Effin' really hate Magento. Was away for a bit came, back and even though I was logged in at the store I was logged out of the forums. Logging out of the store and back in didn't fix it. Had to shut down FF and restart it (of course losing my place in the email bot queue).

    This is getting totally ridiculous. almost three years now and this logon rubbish is still occurring! After all this time one would think it would be working smooth by now.

    If after almost three years a site cannot even manage it's login protocols, there is something seriously wrong with the software.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ps1borg said:
    tjohn said:
    ps1borg said:
    tjohn said:
    I had some kind of stomach virus last evening and overnight. So sick. :sick:
    I'm feeling a bit better, ate some chicken soup. So far so good.

    commiserates :)

    Hope that is better by now TJ :)

    Better yes, well no. At least I'm able to keep my meds down. :)

    Sounds awful. I get seasick. A lot. So I get travel sick pills called Pramin from the Dr they work pretty much straightaway and don't have any nasties in them :)
    ...I get airsick rather often....not from being in the plane, but having to deal with the airline that is flying it and having to deal with being groped at every airport by some GS-2 flunky.

    My next trip to Europe will involve taking the train across the country (sleeper car), and then boarding the Queen Mary II for the transatlantic crossing from New York to Southampton.

    This would be a round trip excursion (unless I end up staying in Dubrovnik or Krakow).

    QMII was here this time last year, iz huuuge, you would want a cabin on the sunny side cos its bigness casts a real dark shadow :lol: 13 decks, 2500 passengers and crew
    ...sadly, a single supplement second class cabin costs about 6,000$ (shoulder season).Everything these days is based on two people travelling together, totally discriminatory to single people.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558
    edited December 1969

    Dim is acting up on me. I cannot seem to figure out if it is frozen or just busy.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited March 2015

    ps1borg said:

    DSF Toolbox will do the convert to an obj

    Awww, you can return it

    & open a support ticket :)

    Nice looking tool :)

    Will put on wishlist hehe.
    Though I'll take IPP for a spin first, if it doesn't work - which is likely - I'll just have to re-rig myself then. Not looking forward to that but oh well :lol:

    *edit* Friend also pointed out the DSON Importer, which supposedly could load the figure into Poser complete with morphs and stuff intact, HOWEVER if I don't have Poser (I don't) would it still work? I only have a plugin for another program that can load Poser stuff, but it isn't Poser.

    Post edited by Rezca on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    AtticAnne said:
    ps1borg said:
    finding out i haz no idea what caustics is.

    i should go sleepy at a reasonable hour, and stop pretending i don't need a day job.

    really want to stay up and renderathon all night.

    the love potion outfit comes with a Spirit of Love. cutey critter :lol: bet he makes friends with Squee draggie. but, tomorrow.

    If you are getting into that stuff GC @ 2.2 is prettymuch mandatory cos, like with scatter, the algorithms almost always assume GC will be applied :)

    GC? Gift card? Scatters? No entiendo. It took 2 weeks for me to figure out that algorithms are NOT logarithms. By that time the coding class was so far ahead of me I quit.

    Gamma Correction is a render option which averages out the brightness in an image displayed on televisions and monitors (and printed stuff) to values corresponding to the range of perception of a human eye, a value of 2.2 gives you a good approximation of that range :)

    Not exactly. Gamma correction maps the original values to new values by a power law - white and black remain pinned, with a curve mapping the other values (so generally the darks are stretched out to cover more of the tonal range the lights compressed or vice versa, depending on the sign of the gamma value). You can see the rough effect by using the Curves adjustment in an image editor with the end points left alone and a single control point (or you maya ctually have a gamma setting you can enter and see the effect).

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...FishFryday complaint

    Must be bad timing day today here. Needed to run errands to a couple of the local neighbourhood markets. For the first one after crossing the one busy street I stay on the side streets to avoid dealing with a lot of traffic. Well plan one failed as one I would get up to an intersection naturally a bunch of cars had to show up right then. Finally made it to the first stop, Then the way home from the second market. a total vehicular CF at the parking lot entrance (I usually just stand back rather than deal with these mouth breathers behind the wheel who are only looking for a parking spot and like making you play guessing games as to which way they are going).

    Finally after that subsided was time to cross that busy street again. Now earlier it wasn't too bad, only a couple minutes wait, but heading back home it took nearly ten minutes before I could safely cross. Part of this is the city';s fault as they took out one westbound lane to make it a left turn lane. What this does is back up westbound traffic in a long seemingly never ending when there finally is a break, the light way down by the intersection has turned green and cars are speeding up the hill in the eastbound lanes. .By the time that lets up, the westbound lane again is full of speeding cars again.

    Crossing to the middle and waiting for the other lane to clear is extremely dangerous as there are no safety islands and traffic usually is speeding along 5 - 10 mph above the posted limit of 35 mph.

    Eventually that rare gap appeared and I was able to make it across, barely, as a car turned from a side street and came speeding at me while I was still in the lane.

    For years the neighbourhood association has been trying to get a marked, lit and signalled crosswalk in this area but the city seems fit to wait until somone gets killed.before they'll act.

    So Finally turned the corner a block from home relieved I had no more cars to deal with. Guess again, as halfway up the block to home some idiot decided to park a big club cab 4WD pickup in front of an apartment house so as to block the entire sidewalk The only way to get around was to walk out into the street, where another car was double parked almost right opposite the "offender" waiting to pick someone up (I think). Meanwhile vehicles were coming up and down the narrow street having to squeeze between the back of the pickup and the waiting car (one being a huge 30' motorhome).

    Fed up with the entire pedestrian nightmare I had just gone through, I gave up and crossed to the other side of the street to pass this particular one ring vehicular circus and then back over again to get home. Only after I closed and latched the door did I finally feel safe.

    Days like this make me wish I could carry a bazooka.and a bandolier of rockets. >:(

    I've always wanted a tank. A straight line is the shortest distanced between two points. I could go cross-country; go through or over traffic; and get those idiotic drivers.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    AtticAnne said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...FishFryday complaint

    Must be bad timing day today here. Needed to run errands to a couple of the local neighbourhood markets. For the first one after crossing the one busy street I stay on the side streets to avoid dealing with a lot of traffic. Well plan one failed as one I would get up to an intersection naturally a bunch of cars had to show up right then. Finally made it to the first stop, Then the way home from the second market. a total vehicular CF at the parking lot entrance (I usually just stand back rather than deal with these mouth breathers behind the wheel who are only looking for a parking spot and like making you play guessing games as to which way they are going).

    Finally after that subsided was time to cross that busy street again. Now earlier it wasn't too bad, only a couple minutes wait, but heading back home it took nearly ten minutes before I could safely cross. Part of this is the city';s fault as they took out one westbound lane to make it a left turn lane. What this does is back up westbound traffic in a long seemingly never ending when there finally is a break, the light way down by the intersection has turned green and cars are speeding up the hill in the eastbound lanes. .By the time that lets up, the westbound lane again is full of speeding cars again.

    Crossing to the middle and waiting for the other lane to clear is extremely dangerous as there are no safety islands and traffic usually is speeding along 5 - 10 mph above the posted limit of 35 mph.

    Eventually that rare gap appeared and I was able to make it across, barely, as a car turned from a side street and came speeding at me while I was still in the lane.

    For years the neighbourhood association has been trying to get a marked, lit and signalled crosswalk in this area but the city seems fit to wait until somone gets killed.before they'll act.

    So Finally turned the corner a block from home relieved I had no more cars to deal with. Guess again, as halfway up the block to home some idiot decided to park a big club cab 4WD pickup in front of an apartment house so as to block the entire sidewalk The only way to get around was to walk out into the street, where another car was double parked almost right opposite the "offender" waiting to pick someone up (I think). Meanwhile vehicles were coming up and down the narrow street having to squeeze between the back of the pickup and the waiting car (one being a huge 30' motorhome).

    Fed up with the entire pedestrian nightmare I had just gone through, I gave up and crossed to the other side of the street to pass this particular one ring vehicular circus and then back over again to get home. Only after I closed and latched the door did I finally feel safe.

    Days like this make me wish I could carry a bazooka.and a bandolier of rockets. >:(

    I've always wanted a tank. A straight line is the shortest distanced between two points. I could go cross-country; go through or over traffic; and get those idiotic drivers.

    OooooooooK. I guess I'll stay out of Austin! :ahhh: :lol:


  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    6 bottles o beer on the wall
    6 bottles o beeeer ...

    now theres 3

    I bet they'd stay cooler in the fridge! ;-P

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558
    edited December 1969

    Where do I get Daz Studio Advance?

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    Where do I get Daz Studio Advance?

    It would be Advanced. And I don't think they make it anymore. Since 4.7 Pro is free anyway, why would anyone want a lesser version?


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    Where do I get Daz Studio Advance?

    It would be Advanced. And I don't think they make it anymore. Since 4.7 Pro is free anyway, why would anyone want a lesser version?


    Thank you for the clarification.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558
    edited December 1969

    I left my coffee in the fridge and now it is frozen. I did not put it in the freezer.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    I left my coffee in the fridge and now it is frozen. I did not put it in the freezer.

    Something is wrong with the refrigerator, then. It might be on the way out.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,558
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    I left my coffee in the fridge and now it is frozen. I did not put it in the freezer.

    Something is wrong with the refrigerator, then. It might be on the way out.



    I thought I was charging my tablet but found out I was not because the charger was not plugged into the wall.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited March 2015

    been snowing steady last couple hours

    not to worry, beer and pizza leftovers :cheese:

    snow is coming down so thick i can see it from here without my glasses on.

    640 x 480 - 19K
    936 x 478 - 123K
    Post edited by Mistara on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited March 2015

    TroutFace said:
    6 bottles o beer on the wall
    6 bottles o beeeer ...

    now theres 3

    I bet they'd stay cooler in the fridge! ;-P

    or on the window sill :lol:

    zoinks, 2 left

    h cker pschorr weisse most beer deelish evah

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited December 1969

    Freezing rain is falling. Ugg.

    I got a job, kinda. It is a volunteer job programming some small database related programs for a security company. I feel like I'm an intern but I am not going to college. lol At least I can put the volunteer job on my resume.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    I left my coffee in the fridge and now it is frozen. I did not put it in the freezer.

    Something is wrong with the refrigerator, then. It might be on the way out.



    I thought I was charging my tablet but found out I was not because the charger was not plugged into the wall.

    I hate when stuff like that happens! :shut:


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited March 2015

    few new inches on the ground. sky still dumping.

    the new rope toy n squeeky burger toy i gave the buppies this morning lost under snow. :shut:
    buppies hugs, a good day :)


    Drachenskulptur - guessing means dragon sculpture :lol:

    806 x 472 - 79K
    Post edited by Mistara on
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    Morning. Sunny and warm so far today under an endless bright blue cloudless sky seeming to dwarf even the biggest city tower :)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    bright blue sky! so thats where it is :lol:

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,227
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Morning. Sunny and warm so far today under an endless bright blue cloudless sky seeming to dwarf even the biggest city tower :)

    You're having a lovely time. Wish we were there. :)
  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    ps1borg said:
    Morning. Sunny and warm so far today under an endless bright blue cloudless sky seeming to dwarf even the biggest city tower :)

    You're having a lovely time. Wish we were there. :)

    Plenty of shady spots left, all welcome :)

  • ps1borgps1borg Posts: 12,776
    edited December 1969

    bright blue sky! so thats where it is :lol:

    Big storm came out of the southern ocean and blew all the crud from the air, sky wuz starting to look a bot browny yellow for a while there :lol:

This discussion has been closed.