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"Now", not "not". Now fixed.
How does one safely use a public build without affecting the real, production instance install? Yes, there's probably a thread/forum for that, so redirection is welcome.
I wouldn't normally even consider it, but I am looking forward to trying that out.
The two are separate, installing the Public build (through DIM, there is no stand-alone installer for these) will not affect the General release, nor vice versa. If this is your first Public Build on this system you may well need to reinstall plug-ins and some older shaders/scripts which place files in the application folder - a few plug-ins do not support the Public Build channel.
I don't think it is that easy. Because if it was, then a software dedicated to creating people this way would be out by now. This is something that everybody would want, from large companies to single users like us. It would speed up production in all areas.
Facegen was at one time the solution for that. The original goes back a long time, and you could even find game modders making use of it. There are mods for Skyrim and other Bethesda games that can swap Facegen heads onto characters in the games. But as technology has moved forward, the detail from Facegen is not enough to keep up with the visual fidelity of modern games. However, while Facegen has improved, it honestly has not progressed that much in a decade. Even back in 2012 people thought Facegen was pretty weak.
I had hoped that Face Transfer would do things better. But the original was frankly terrible. You could argue it was broken, after all, you need a 3rd party morph pack to make any use of it. Why was such a basic fault NEVER FIXED? I find it amusing that Daz is now using the terrible Face Transfer 1 outputs to show how much better Face Transfer 2 is. They are throwing Face Transfer 1 under the bus here, LOL. Even they seem to be admitting how awful it is.
Yet Face Transfer 2 does not get my hopes up. It is NOT an update for the original. No, it is a whole new one. But this new one will not work on any past Genesis at all. That is a huge negative. Face Transfer 2 might be better than 1, but I have no interest in downgrading my workflow from Genesis 8 to the inferior Genesis 9 platform just to use it. If worked for the superior product, the product I actually use, Genesis 8, I might be more interested.
Another serious issue is the history of Face Transfer. Since FT1 never got any real updates, why should we the customer have faith in FT2? I rather doubt that FT2 is going to launch in a perfect state. There will be some problem, likely something really dumb, that FT2 does to irritate users like FT1 did. Will they ever fix it? Going by the history, the answer looks bleak.
Frankly, I found that the weakness in FT1+FTS was not the shape but the lackings in my Photoshop skills. Almost all original image source files have to be doctored to prevent or lessen the texture problems caused by the shadows and highlighting found in pretty much any real photo or photorealistic image of a face - it looks weird if they're not there, in fact. That's where the stains and the whitewashing that are typical of FT1-generated textures come from. (They're in FG generated textures also but are less pronounced.) That I need to nudge the FT1 shape a little with FTS doesn't bother me one whit; if I was dead-set on using one product from start to finish, I wouldn't have spent the last six months tinkering with a workflow that includes FG textures. I adopt whatever tool works best, so I will test FT2 to see what it brings to the party.
Speaking of testing FT2, "about" how long does it take between a public build and an official release? Not looking for a guarantee, just an expectation...
The time to release will depend on how good a going over it gets - more, useful, feedback will enable them to get it ready to release.
I recently installed version of DAZ Studio, which includes the Face Transfer 2 feature. After installation, I successfully entered the serial number and restarted DAZ Studio as instructed. However, I'm encountering an issue where the "Face Transfer 2" panel is not appearing in the program. I have verified that all other panels, including Face Transfer 1, are visible and accessible.
I am wondering if a complete system reboot is required for the changes to take effect, or if this issue might be related to the update process itself. Specifically, I'm considering the possibility that the latest update's purpose was solely for serial number entry and that the actual utility of Face Transfer 2 might be included in a subsequent update.
Can anyone provide guidance or steps to resolve this issue? I'm keen to use the Face Transfer 2 feature that I have paid for.
Thanks in advance.
I have to say I really love Face Transfer 2 , it is better than it's predecessor and is a great tool for making characters that look different than the usual " Hey that's Genesis 9 " . I did a super cute couple of portraits with it.
From what I saw, it just uses the same Face Transfer pane. It's just now it works with Genesis 9 rather than 8, unless you force it to use 8 by loading and selecting a gen 8/8.1 figure, in whicb case it uses FT1 from what I read.
I purchased FT2 the day it came out. Been eagerly awaiting the time I could try it out. I see it's now available in a beta release, but I cannot work out how to download said beta release. Any pointers greatly appreciated.
If you open DIM and type in beta it should be there, but you need to have 'Public build' checked under the 'Release Channels' in the advanced settings tab on DIM, or it will not show up.
As someone who never used FT1, FT2 does seem pretty good at very first glance - although throws a few errors/warnings about not being able to load base material preset, and not working without a figure selected (fails to load 'Genesis 9 female with basic wear' which I don't think is a thing). Couple of random ones using low quality AI face pics as input (just added eyes & hair).
Don't you have to 'purchase' it first? I seem to recall doing that. So first you have to search for 'beta' in the store. But I may be wrong about that.
Thank you, I got it working! I was expecting a new panel, or at least something that read "Face Transfer 2," as everything otherwise suggests it's still the first "Face Transfer" product.
To anyone who can help: As this product is still in beta, I'm seeking assistance with a couple of issues. I can successfully transfer a face from a photo to Genesis 9, but during the process, I'm encountering two errors related to the "Genesis 9 Starter Essentials." One error occurs when using FT2 for a new figure, and the other error occurs when using FT2 on an existing G9 figure.
The first error reports a failure to load a Genesis figure, specifically pointing out the absence of a female Genesis file at a designated path (refer to Error #1 below). The second error indicates a problem with loading the base material preset, which, as it warns, could result in diminished quality of the image transfer (refer to Error #2 below). Notably, I have installed both "Genesis 9 Starter Essentials" and the "Genesis 9 Starter Essentials Expansion" through DIM.
Error #1: The error message states, "Failed to load a Genesis figure. Could not locate a female Genesis file: data/Daz 3D/Genesis 9 Starter Essentials/Utilities/Genesis 9 Female With Basic Wear.duf." Interestingly, my directory lacks a "Utilities" folder under "C:...\My DAZ 3D Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 9 Starter Essentials."
Error #2: This error message reads: "Failed to load the base material preset. The image will still transfer, but with reduced quality."
Yes, you are right. It's been a long time since I did that, and had forgotten.
I trialed it on my face and it definitely is a vast improvement on FT1
I have little need for doing 3D versions of real people though
(used to but tend to avoid it now unless it's my own face)
If you have not previously used the Public Builds (betas) then you need to buy (free).
If you are getting missing files there is a Genesis 9 update with the Face Transfer 2 data here - it is not yet integrated into the main content files since it is still a beta.
Thank you for your help! The attachment containing the missing files on that FT2 thread has resolved the issues.
I find it a bit odd that it has to load Genesis 9 with base wear on. Could we not have the option to just load G9 on its own, or are we all assumed to be prudish?
Most other plugin/scripts that load a Genesis figure by default do not worry about saving our blushes by having clothing loaded on as well.
Thankyou for that link, resolved the issues. Now I need some better quality photos so I can properly play with it.
How have folks dealt with eyelashes in the past - manually edit them out of the saved texture? Curious how well the geometry fits with attaching new ones.
it's a bit weird the 3 trial goes wipe out the temporary watermatked textures each time
I was prepared but still oddly aggressive
I actually expected the generated morph to go from my saved scene yet that stayed when I was forced to restart my PC due to an unrelated program
considering I haven't even used FT1 since I bought it not very invested in this, just surprised as Facegen trial was not that aggressive
Theya re temproary files, that is why they get removed - as they always have.
It may be a requirement of the library used, as the PA name on the product may be, or it may be related to the fact that these are going to be representations of real people. I thought there had been some mention of assigning the basic wear (though not necessarily a reson) in the change log but I am not seeing it now. Edit: as has just been pointed out to me, this plug-in allows photos of people to be used - which includes, potentially, photos of children.
The chnage log does note that the assets can be overridden. The steps have not yet been described, but keep an eye out for new sample scripts (which would be one way to demonstrate the emthods, though not guaranteed to be the one used).
Thanks for that!
Initial impressions ... I created a girl-in-a-dress scene with my first Face Transfer 2 character for the "PAs: Thank you for the Wonderful Christmas Gifts" thread featuring recent freebies. I figured it was a good opportunity to do a couple of extra renders and make a post here about it. ETA: Attached source file for reference.
This character is not exactly as FT2 created it - I did some minor tweaking to make it scene-ready. I set the Base Feminine settings to 100%. That, along with the FT2 shape at 100%, are the only shaping on it. For the skin textures, FT2 creates base and translucencies for arms, legs, body, head and nails, and I am using both here*. I have, however, applied the mat files of a commercial G9 character, then reapplied the FT2-sourced material files afterward. Thus the base and translucencies are what FT2 created but the normals and other skin surface settings are from that commercial character.
Working in two different Daz instances, I'm not prepared right now to directly compare FT1 and FT2. Neither instance sees the shapes saved in the other and I'm not sure what to change to fix that. Subjectively, I much prefer the FT2 version of this character. G8F (and G8.1F, which is what I actually use) has such a long, oval face that the FT1/G8 and FT2/G9 versions are significantly different. As I test more characters, I'll form a more definitive opinion on that.
Here's the side profile, without hair for a better look. You can see that there is still some staining on the side, though it is definitely better than that in FT1. (There's also still some whitewashing on the face.) These come from the shadows and highlights in the source image; I have spent the last two years honing my Photoshop skills trying to fix source images and mat files to deal with these problems.
Some of the flat face remains in the profile, though it seems less severe than with FT1, where it can't be reasonably fixed (hence Face Transfer Shapes). I feel like I could improve this with a few morphs. Of all odd things, the ear gets mangled somewhat.
Overall, I'm pleased so far and am looking forward to trying it out in my normal Daz instance.
*I am running into trouble with "Failed to load the base material preset. The image will still transfer, but with reduced quality." I downloaded the zip mentioned above but I'm not entirely sure where its contents need to go for this beta instance. It doesn't seem to have been a major issue with this first character, but several subsequent ones I initially tried come in very gray and I suspect that this is a factor. ETA: Yes, those base material presets are the issue. It finally occurred to me where they belong. I put them there and that gets rid of the error and the gray texture. Will test further with different characters and source images.
Getting exact same issues
Here's a step-by-step solution that should resolve the issue (it worked for me):
Visit the DAZ3D forum post here:
On the post, you'll find an attachment named "". Download this ZIP file.
Once downloaded, unzip the contents to a temporary folder on your computer.
In the unzipped contents, locate the "data" folder and its subfolders. Copy these.
Paste the copied "data" folder and its subfolders into the "data" folder where your DAZ Studio library is located. This step is crucial for the solution to work.
By following these steps, you will be adding all the necessary files to your DAZ Studio library, eliminating the missing files error.
Richard Haseltine included the following important information:
Although that should be safe there is a small risk that filenames in the official content may not match the beta content, and perhaps a bigger risk that they will chnage during the beta. A safer approach would be to unzip them to a separate folder and select that as a new content directory, then use Content Directory manager to make sure that it came first in the list of Daz Studio content directories. If the content is updated just empty the folder and put the enw files there; once the content is integrated into the release version simply remove the new content directory from DS' list.
Link to message here:
Excellent, thank you! Ironically I did read the Face Transfer 2 update page but somehow the file at the bottom did not register with me. :)
Thanks for the tips on installation.
Below is my first trial of Face Transfer 2 on Genesis 9 male made from the non realistic character portrait.
Need to improve my editing skills of the created materials.