A new store will come out: Tomorrow (2020-11-01)



  • Dropping in after a few hours break:

    Spotlight item is not landing in the cart with the proper discount price.

    PC coupons still AWOL.

    Reading through some posts gather CC has another day of rest ;-)

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    That's a lot of code to fix. LOL, maybe fixed by Friday. I will have to wait to extend my quarterly PC+ membership. I ain't upset though it will be fixed eventually.

  • jbowler said:

    Also (and this I will raise a tech support ticket for, if I can) items I purchased yesterday prior to the SM have just disappeared from the DIM download page.  The sequence I went through was:

    1) Purchase $1.99 (for PC+) items in the "catch-up" sale but do not immediately DL them.
    2) The SM happens...  Wait for it to end.
    3) After the end resync DIM and I can see all the orders from (1)
    4) Start a DL of everything (including some updates, which have also disappeared).
    5) Sometime in the night I get multiple DL failures; this is routine with my slow ISP connection.
    6) In the morning try to DL the "Download failed" entries.
    7) One of the updates (the first one I tried) did DL, but the remainder did an "instant" "Download failed" and repeated attempts made no difference.
    8) Install all successful DLs and restart DIM.
    9) Now I see *no* pending downloads and the corresponding products are not installed or available to install.
    10) The products still appear in my "Product Library" list and a manual download still, apparently, works.
    11) The store pages for these products show some of them as owned, others as not.  A manual download works regardless.

    Several people have reported issues like this, it's on the list I think.

  • Mark_e593e0a5Mark_e593e0a5 Posts: 1,599
    edited November 2020
    Byrdie said:

    Not sure if it was supposed to or the Glitch took it, but my purple banner for the Stache Picks Bundle has also disappeared. It was still there before the switch, also in my Messages. And yes, I checked there but apparently I have no messages/exclusive offers either. 

    I suppose that this is intended. I checked my messages about two hours ago, and the message for the bundle discount was sitting there. Now it is gone.

    Post edited by Mark_e593e0a5 on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    MoreTN said:

    As an ex-IT guy, I can honestly say I never saw a project go live without some teething troubles however much we tested. Good luck to the techies sorting out this one, it's a thankless task - they'll work their butts off to get everything fixed and some peeps will respond with a 'hmmf, at last, shouldn't have gone live until it was 100% correct'. Those of us who've been there will just say 'Thanks, good job, now have a rest'.

    Yea, I think that most of those who complain are people with no experience with software development and how much work it may take to get things right. 

  • BYOB isn't looking to be correct yet either. If the website takes 'til Friday to get fixed, hope the sale is extended that long as well ... or that we can put in CS tickets to get the desired products at the sale prices.

  • Dropping in after a few hours break:

    Spotlight item is not landing in the cart with the proper discount price.

    PC coupons still AWOL.

    Reading through some posts gather CC has another day of rest ;-)

    Glad it wasn't just me then, I thought my pc membership lasted till December, phew thank goodness someone else had the glitch xxx



  • TBorNotTBorNot Posts: 370
    Taoz said:

     people with no experience with software development and how much work it may take to get things right. 

    Qualcomm CAD Systems engineer, software develpment and Systems Administrator IT.  If you use a cell phone, you're welcome.



  • I can't dowload my assests. Not through Daz Central or the my manually on my account Product Library.

  • plopsplops Posts: 85
    Sempie said:

    I want a DAZ Soon for Christmas.

    Well if you get one, it'll probably still be valied this time next year.

  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 798
    jbowler said:

    Also (and this I will raise a tech support ticket for, if I can) items I purchased yesterday prior to the SM have just disappeared from the DIM download page.  The sequence I went through was:

    Several people have reported issues like this, it's on the list I think.

    It just got fixed; at least the entries are there now (I haven't tried downloading them).  Immediately after they re-appeared there was an update to DIM.

  • I know there are some in here with industry background etc.. but without knowing all the details, it's a bit speculative to say how/why things are done the way they are.. can we just sit tight while we get these issues sorted please.

  • DAZ_Jon said:
    CypherFOX said:


    Taoz said:
    Kerya said:

    I don't think that's a new one.

    Even before the store change it sometimes took a day to get the GC ... it depended on the moon phase and the weather on Venus. I think

    Never happened to me - they always show up immediately or within a few minutes, and always one code, never two where one doesn't work, like some people experience. 

    But then, that's was the old store, hard to tell how things are working now.

    I did have the 'double code' sent problem, once or twice in a short period of time (maybe inside a week), but it never happened again.  Generally when I buy a GC, the entire purchase process pauses while it probably posts the GC to my email, and I get it _immediately_.  Now I imagine that's one thing they'd want to change, putting the 'GC Send' on a queue, and processing it out of band, but it's been a bit now and no GC...

    It might have something to do with a very discounted GC, but I'm worried.

    --  Morgan


    Just did some test checkouts for a gift card through the various payment methods, and emails got delivered fairly quickly for all of them. One thing to note, delivery of them has changed to go through the same email provider that sends out our normal marketing email instead of just generating and sent through the servers' local sendmail. Because of the different routing, or potentially other rules people may have put around getting Daz's marketing email, it might have gone to a sorted folder or spam folder unnoticed. 

    If you still haven't gotten your giftcard after checking those spots, let us know.

    " One thing to note, delivery of them has changed to go through the same email provider that sends out our normal marketing email instead of just generating and sent through the servers' local sendmail."

    That might be my problem then, some time (years) ago I stopped getting the dayly sales emails (didn't request a stop - they just stopped), so I'm now waiting for two gift cards (and their orders) to show up. In between them (as a test) I did order something using my store credit. It took a while to show up to DL, but the store credit showed the proper amount for the purchace. And I checked the junk folder (and all the others), the only email I've gotten from DAZ is from the Help Center saying they got my "What's the buzz - tell me what's ah happenin'?"devildevildevil


  • Would help to get some info on what we should be doing while fixes are being made :

    1) Do you still need folks to report errors or is everything a known issue at this point?

    2) Is our data safe from the 'before-times' cheeky regardless of what we see on the screen?

    3) Should anyone attempt purchases at this time or should we wait for the all-clear?

  • Taoz said:
    MoreTN said:

    As an ex-IT guy, I can honestly say I never saw a project go live without some teething troubles however much we tested. Good luck to the techies sorting out this one, it's a thankless task - they'll work their butts off to get everything fixed and some peeps will respond with a 'hmmf, at last, shouldn't have gone live until it was 100% correct'. Those of us who've been there will just say 'Thanks, good job, now have a rest'.

    Yea, I think that most of those who complain are people with no experience with software development and how much work it may take to get things right. 

    Funny, I work in software development and I wonder how they could have something go so wrong in production and have (apparently) no plan for a rollback if it happened.

    If I deployed something as broken in production, I could only apologize to a client being angry at me*, I wouldn't try and make excuses (not that the Daz team does, but yours is not the first message I read saying how hard it is and stuff).

    Right now we have every right to be at least very disappointed, considering the timing (big sale), circumstances (no warning on the store) and magnitude of the issues.

    My 2 cents.

    *In software dev I feel the only reason to dismiss an angry client is if they don't like a feature they specifically asked for or complain about not having one I suggested. That's it.

  • Ive got to say it would help if they at least made a locked pinned post acknowledging all of the known issues and whether or not they will extend the sale due to members like me not being able to access their discounts. Is communication too much to ask?

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,316

    Okay, my favorite method of sorting Smart Content is by Order Date: Recent First, but I just tried to locate something I purchased on 16 Oct 2020 and could not find it, and things I bought years ago were at the top of the heap. I just found West Park Nursery Clinical, which I bought on 15 Oct 2020, but the date shown in DS is 15 Oct 2013. I didn't start in DS until April 2016, so that purchase date is invalid. Cold Fusion, which I bought on 22 Oct 2020, shows a purchase date of 22 Mar 2019 and a release date of 31 Dec 1969, yet its SKU is 59805. So the sort order by purchase date is messed up, as our purchase dates are bad. 

    Another example is 'Grand Staircase 2020' SKU 71843 showing the same date of release and purchase of 31 Dec 1969, yet I bought it on 27 Oct 2020. 

    I realize there is a lot of work to do, but I just want to document these issues so they can be worked on after or in conjunction with the store issues. 

    (Just as a side note, as a volunteer site administrator, I have been involved in three site upgrade/transfers/mergers and understand some of the problems and issues that have to be handled. And before that I had to make sure that databases for FDA regulated monitored data was upgraded and transferred without loss of data or corruption. It is not easy or fun.)


  • I know there are some in here with industry background etc.. but without knowing all the details, it's a bit speculative to say how/why things are done the way they are.. can we just sit tight while we get these issues sorted please.

    Thank you, Jack!  To you and the IT and Support for the hard work that you do!  My only wish is that people would read the preceding posts before typing the same thing over and over.  As MoreTN said, "...it's a thankless job."  Stay sane, man.  Just stay sane.  I trust you folks.  It'll get done with time.  Patience is a virtue, after all.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,177

    call me in the morning

  • I have to say, having worked ecomm previously and IT currently, pushing a major update to your ecomm platform during a major promotion, even at the end of it, is a rather short-sighted move.  Should have been done during normal sales operations, as we all in IT know, these things never go extremely smoothly.

  • plopsplops Posts: 85
    Necrofim said:

    I have to say, having worked ecomm previously and IT currently, pushing a major update to your ecomm platform during a major promotion, even at the end of it, is a rather short-sighted move.  Should have been done during normal sales operations, as we all in IT know, these things never go extremely smoothly.

    Salesmen, not programmers!

  • Necrofim said:

    I have to say, having worked ecomm previously and IT currently, pushing a major update to your ecomm platform during a major promotion, even at the end of it, is a rather short-sighted move.  Should have been done during normal sales operations, as we all in IT know, these things never go extremely smoothly.

    When is there a normal sale here? :)

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856
    Necrofim said:

    I have to say, having worked ecomm previously and IT currently, pushing a major update to your ecomm platform during a major promotion, even at the end of it, is a rather short-sighted move.  Should have been done during normal sales operations, as we all in IT know, these things never go extremely smoothly.

    When is there a normal sale here? :)

    About a week sometime in February?

  • hjakehjake Posts: 988

    I know there are some in here with industry background etc.. but without knowing all the details, it's a bit speculative to say how/why things are done the way they are.. can we just sit tight while we get these issues sorted please.

    Without knowing all the details I do not believe the following suggestions are unreasonable or untenable.

    For future website change over planning a commitment not to make the switch during a time sensitive promotion. This would be migrate a great amount of the anxiety and frustration customers might be feeling and pressure the programmers are facing.

    It would also be helpful to have banner acknowledging that there is a problem and DAZ 3D is working on it. That statement coupled with a statement that all current time sensitive promotions will be extended by 24 hours from the time the current situation is resolved. Please check back every 12 hours for more details.

    Since this is not the first time I have seen this problem at DAZ 3D, I knew to search the forums for this thread about the website/store status. A new customer may not do the samething. 

    May I suggest that a permanent website/store current status thread be created in the General DAZ 3D forum. It would provide timely updates by DAZ staff and moderators (no customer comments). In addition, staff and moderators could add links to threads like this where customers can express their views without cluttering up the main thread.


  • Necrofim said:

    I have to say, having worked ecomm previously and IT currently, pushing a major update to your ecomm platform during a major promotion, even at the end of it, is a rather short-sighted move.  Should have been done during normal sales operations, as we all in IT know, these things never go extremely smoothly.

    When is there a normal sale here? :)

    Never devil

  • This post is meant as a user feedback to contribute to help weeding out possible errors in the ongoing update. If this isn't useful, please disregard.

    I have read the comments in this thread, and many of the current "problems" users are currently experiencing are also affecting my account, if it's of any solace to the other daz studio users.
    I assume this is only natural as changes are being made on the fly, by daz tech-staff personnel and others. It must be a daunting task to upgrade from an older 1980's system.

    I have yet to see anyone mention anything about the major meta-data update, which i had, when i logged in (connect to your Daz 3D account) instead of working offline, after the update was underway.
    When i logged in, after downloading some missing assets, through DIM, which had failed to download earlier, most likely because of too many users trying to download the same digital assets, at the same time, 
    and therefore overloading the servers capabilities (This was before the update was underway).

    I had a big metadata update of 1380, which is over half of my currently installed library. I only have DS assets installed, since i don't own the poser program, and can't use those files until i get that program.
    I hide the ps (poser) files in DIM so they wont overflow and make installing my newly purchased DS assets confusing, harder to find.

    As someone noted in this thread, i also noticed fewer of those ps files after the update was underway.

    I'm not entirely sure what was updated, and i came to regret that i hadn't waited logging in after this update was completed.
    This is because the program now seemed to be more sluggish than i have experienced it before. I'm sure there isn't any cause for alarm, but since i wanted to use the program while this upgrade was being made,
    perhaps it would have been best to wait. But i had to update daz studio with the missing assets that i had now managed to download and install.

    I download and install assets right after an purchase. To keep things nice and neat, and to keep a good overview over my assets, and when they were purchased and installed.
    After logging in i also noticed that my smart content, "sort by order date, recent first" was somewhat wrong. The top of the list semed correct,  my latest purchases was in the correct order,
    but when i scrolled down to the bottom of this list, newly purchased assets was nearer to the bottom of this list, which isn't correct. 
    There is probably a perfectly good explaination for this, with this ongoing update.

    I can mention some of the "errors" i have in the web shop right now, like many other daz studio users currently are experiencing.

    * My subscription is listed as cancelled
    * No PC+ discount is applied to my shopping cart items
    * The shopping cart and login to daz shop icons are shown as two squares, but will appear as normal when i click on either one.
    * Assets that i have previously purchased, will not show as purchased, but will be be shown as a new asset that i can buy.
    * In my orders page, all my previously orders show as order status unknown. But as far as i can see, all my orders are still there.
    * In DIM there are missing some assets from my hidden assets( mostly ps files)
    * My Product Library dosn't show my latest purchases, but my order overview shows them.

    What still shows correct info:

    * My store credit shows the correct amount.
    * In DIM all my installed assets are present.
    * My order list in my account shows all orders as far as i can see, but not my product library
    * And more+

    I really gotta get some sleep now, and hope there is still time left to purchase assets from the Platinum Club+ for a Day, when i wake up, i'm still missing some i wanted to buy from the "catch-up sale"
    But i can't afford to buy them at full price as they are priced now. Also the 30% off gift card is a sweet deal, but i have already spent too much money on this sale, and before, so it's still under advisement.
    Never have i purchased so many digital assets as i have done for daz studio, only rivaled by the steam games and apps platform, which i've had for a loong time, I'm sure they are wondering where i got off too :)
    Since i delete everything else on this computer to make room for my growing digital library. I just got a new PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSD 1TB, and already i'm starting to run low on space, but these puppies are highly recommended,
    and ordinary ssd's are slow in comparison. They are however, very expensive.


  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    Taoz said:
    MoreTN said:

    As an ex-IT guy, I can honestly say I never saw a project go live without some teething troubles however much we tested. Good luck to the techies sorting out this one, it's a thankless task - they'll work their butts off to get everything fixed and some peeps will respond with a 'hmmf, at last, shouldn't have gone live until it was 100% correct'. Those of us who've been there will just say 'Thanks, good job, now have a rest'.

    Yea, I think that most of those who complain are people with no experience with software development and how much work it may take to get things right. 

    Funny, I work in software development and I wonder how they could have something go so wrong in production and have (apparently) no plan for a rollback if it happened.

    Probably a matter of resources (small company). 

  • aaron@ajej.netaaron@ajej.net Posts: 2
    edited November 2020

    When is there a normal sale here? :)

    Fair point, but still, better times than a major sale, especially for the group that suports you the most through buying memberships and such.  Also, and this is a serious question as I admit I do not know the technical side to the storefront code used, but how hard would it be to put some notice when you log in, that Daz is aware of issues and please be patient.  I had to search to find this thread to discover why my member ship, which was just renewed relatively recently, was now canceled.  The PR effect would go a long way, IMHO.

    Post edited by aaron@ajej.net on
  • vonHobovonHobo Posts: 1,706

    Wish there was a central page to go to in order to see the current state of the DAZ3D Store and what bugs are still issues.

    Unfortunately I don't have the time to follow these forums all day, so I'm just going to have to forget about DAZ for a few days and check back later. I'm afraid to try any purchases right now.

    I come from an IT background so I know the issue a database upgrade can cause. I'm hopeful the dust will settle soon. Good luck guys!



  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    Sorry for the delay on getting the platinum club thing sorted for real. The initial fix I put in early was just supposed to enable you in to Platinum Club status without changing any billing information about the platinum club subscription, unfortunately the system was too smart for it's own good and "fixed" my updated data on login. 


    It took some time working with the other developers to come up with the real fix for the data. This took some time because we wanted to make sure that it didn't have any adverse side-effects.



This discussion has been closed.